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Users page displays user access privilege to cloud application.

Type of user


Privileged User Any user with specific administrative privileges. For a list of these specific privileges, see Administrative Privileges.
Dormant User Any user that has not accessed the cloud application for at least 30 days.
External User Any user from an external company with access to your cloud application.

If the User page cannot retrieve privileged roles information from your Office 365 account, make sure you have Global Administrator Privileges and Azure Active Directory Premium P2.


Users page displays user access privilege to cloud application.

Type of user


Privileged User Any user with specific administrative privileges. For a list of these specific privileges, see Administrative Privileges.
Dormant User Any user that has not accessed the cloud application for at least 30 days.
External User Any user from an external company with access to your cloud application.

If the User page cannot retrieve privileged roles information from your Office 365 account, make sure you have Global Administrator Privileges and Azure Active Directory Premium P2.