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Administration Guide



This view contains details (such as compliance status, violated resources, reason, recommendation, account info, etc.) about compliance violations identified by Lacework FortiCNAPP cloud assessments that occurred within the last 90 days.

This view reports details about compliance violations identified by cloud assessments for all the supported and configured cloud provider types: AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

EVAL_TYPE specifies the cloud provider type and is equal to the following values:

  • LW_SA - For Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • LW_GCP_SA - For Google Cloud
  • LW_Azure_SA - For Microsoft Azure (Azure)
  • LW_OCI_SA - For Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

Each row contains cloud compliance assessment information as listed in the columns.

Column Name Data Type Description
REPORT_TIME Timestamp The time and date when the compliance assessment was done by Lacework FortiCNAPP.
EVAL_TYPE Text The cloud provider type as described above.
ACCOUNT Variant The account information returned by the cloud provider, for example, account id or account alias is returned for AWS. The fields returned are determined by the cloud provider type and reflect the specific cloud provider functionality. The account fields per cloud provider type are listed below this table.
SECTION Text The cloud section that is being assessed, for example, Networking, Security, Elastic search, etc.
ID Text The compliance recommendation id generated by Lacework FortiCNAPP.
RECOMMENDATION Text The recommendations provided by Lacework FortiCNAPPto resolve the compliance violation.
STATUS Text The status of the assessment. Supported values include NonCompliant, CouldNotAssess, or Suppressed. Lacework FortiCNAPP does not list the resources that are compliant.
SEVERITY Text The severity of the violation identified. Support values include Critical, High, Medium, Low, or Info.
RESOURCE Text The resource name that is causing the compliance violation.
REGION Text The geographical region where the resource is located.
REASON Text The reason for the resource compliance violation.

Account Column Properties per Cloud Provider Type

The fields returned are determined by the cloud provider type and reflect the specific cloud provider functionality.

Cloud Provider Fields Returned
AWS AccountId and Account_Alias
Google Cloud organizationId, organizationName, projectId, and projectName
Azure subscriptionId, subscriptionName, tenantId, and tenantName
OCI compartment_id



This view contains details (such as compliance status, violated resources, reason, recommendation, account info, etc.) about compliance violations identified by Lacework FortiCNAPP cloud assessments that occurred within the last 90 days.

This view reports details about compliance violations identified by cloud assessments for all the supported and configured cloud provider types: AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

EVAL_TYPE specifies the cloud provider type and is equal to the following values:

  • LW_SA - For Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • LW_GCP_SA - For Google Cloud
  • LW_Azure_SA - For Microsoft Azure (Azure)
  • LW_OCI_SA - For Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

Each row contains cloud compliance assessment information as listed in the columns.

Column Name Data Type Description
REPORT_TIME Timestamp The time and date when the compliance assessment was done by Lacework FortiCNAPP.
EVAL_TYPE Text The cloud provider type as described above.
ACCOUNT Variant The account information returned by the cloud provider, for example, account id or account alias is returned for AWS. The fields returned are determined by the cloud provider type and reflect the specific cloud provider functionality. The account fields per cloud provider type are listed below this table.
SECTION Text The cloud section that is being assessed, for example, Networking, Security, Elastic search, etc.
ID Text The compliance recommendation id generated by Lacework FortiCNAPP.
RECOMMENDATION Text The recommendations provided by Lacework FortiCNAPPto resolve the compliance violation.
STATUS Text The status of the assessment. Supported values include NonCompliant, CouldNotAssess, or Suppressed. Lacework FortiCNAPP does not list the resources that are compliant.
SEVERITY Text The severity of the violation identified. Support values include Critical, High, Medium, Low, or Info.
RESOURCE Text The resource name that is causing the compliance violation.
REGION Text The geographical region where the resource is located.
REASON Text The reason for the resource compliance violation.

Account Column Properties per Cloud Provider Type

The fields returned are determined by the cloud provider type and reflect the specific cloud provider functionality.

Cloud Provider Fields Returned
AWS AccountId and Account_Alias
Google Cloud organizationId, organizationName, projectId, and projectName
Azure subscriptionId, subscriptionName, tenantId, and tenantName
OCI compartment_id