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Body Rewrite

Body Rewrite

HTTP:body (offset, size)

Offset and size are optional.

If offset is missing, it will be set as zero.

If size is missing, it will be set as -1 which means the whole HTTP body.

Return string. The HTTP body will be returned.

HTTP:set_body("body_str", offset, size)

Offset and size are optional.

If offset is missing, it will be set as zero.

If size is missing, it will be set as -1 which means the whole http body.

The body_str is the HTTP body. Now only the string type body is supported.

Return boolean: true/false.

Example of HTTP replace body




--This function will change "username:test" to "username:Test"

function username_first_char_uppercase(str)

local str1 = str:sub(1, 9)

local str2 = str:sub(10, 10)

str2 = str2:upper()

local str3 = str:sub(11, -1)

return str1..str2..str3



local body_str = HTTP:body(0, 16)

local body_new = body_str:gsub("username:[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+", username_first_char_uppercase)

debug("body old = %s, body new = %s\n", body_str, body_new)

HTTP:set_body(body_new, 0, 16)


Body Rewrite

HTTP:body (offset, size)

Offset and size are optional.

If offset is missing, it will be set as zero.

If size is missing, it will be set as -1 which means the whole HTTP body.

Return string. The HTTP body will be returned.

HTTP:set_body("body_str", offset, size)

Offset and size are optional.

If offset is missing, it will be set as zero.

If size is missing, it will be set as -1 which means the whole http body.

The body_str is the HTTP body. Now only the string type body is supported.

Return boolean: true/false.

Example of HTTP replace body




--This function will change "username:test" to "username:Test"

function username_first_char_uppercase(str)

local str1 = str:sub(1, 9)

local str2 = str:sub(10, 10)

str2 = str2:upper()

local str3 = str:sub(11, -1)

return str1..str2..str3



local body_str = HTTP:body(0, 16)

local body_new = body_str:gsub("username:[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+", username_first_char_uppercase)

debug("body old = %s, body new = %s\n", body_str, body_new)

HTTP:set_body(body_new, 0, 16)
