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Connecting to the FortiVoice-VM instance

Connecting to the FortiVoice-VM instance

  1. Go to the EC2 Management Console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Instances, click Instances.
  3. Locate your FortiVoice-VM instance in the list and confirm that the instance is provisioned and powered up.
  4. Take note of the public IP address and instance ID of the FortiVoice-VM instance.
  5. Go to https://<public_IP_address>/admin.

    Where <public_IP_address> is the public IP address of the FortiVoice-VM instance that you want to connect to.

  6. When you connect, your web browser might display a security warning related to the certificate not being trusted. This warning is normal and is due to the certificate being self-signed, rather than being signed by a valid certificate authority. Verify and accept the certificate, either permanently or temporarily, and proceed to https://<public_IP_address>/admin.
  7. On the FortiVoice login page, for Name, enter admin. For Password, enter the FortiVoice-VM instance ID.
  8. Click Login.

    The FortiVoice UI window appears.

Connecting to the FortiVoice-VM instance

  1. Go to the EC2 Management Console.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Instances, click Instances.
  3. Locate your FortiVoice-VM instance in the list and confirm that the instance is provisioned and powered up.
  4. Take note of the public IP address and instance ID of the FortiVoice-VM instance.
  5. Go to https://<public_IP_address>/admin.

    Where <public_IP_address> is the public IP address of the FortiVoice-VM instance that you want to connect to.

  6. When you connect, your web browser might display a security warning related to the certificate not being trusted. This warning is normal and is due to the certificate being self-signed, rather than being signed by a valid certificate authority. Verify and accept the certificate, either permanently or temporarily, and proceed to https://<public_IP_address>/admin.
  7. On the FortiVoice login page, for Name, enter admin. For Password, enter the FortiVoice-VM instance ID.
  8. Click Login.

    The FortiVoice UI window appears.