Configuring a speed dial pattern and rule for branch paging
By default, a paging announcement reaches users in a general area such as an airport, office building, school, or store. If you want a paging announcement to reach a specific area only, then use paging zones.
Optionally, use this procedure to configure the required speed dial pattern for zone paging and use this pattern in the speed dial rule.
Complete Configuring an account code and user privilege for branch paging.
Example of paging settings
To illustrate the configuration of a speed dial pattern for branch paging, this procedure uses the following example settings:
- The speed dial pattern is set to *XXX.
- The mapped pattern is set to 0110, XXX.
- The building has three floors and each floor is a paging zone:
- Paging zone 1 is identified with 110.
- Paging zone 2 is identified with 210.
- Paging zone 3 is identified with 310.
Example of a branch paging topology
Using the branch paging topology example, the following table describes the sequence of events to deliver a paging announcement to zone 2:
1 |
2 and 3 |
4 |
Procedure steps
- Connect to the web-based manager of the primary FortiVoice phone system at the main office.
- Set the speed dial pattern:
- Set the speed dial rule:
- Go to Managed System > Survivability.
- On the Survivability Branch tab, double-click the survivability branch to edit.
- Click Survivability.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Speed Dial Rule.
- Click New.
- Configure the following parameters:
GUI field
Enter a name for the speed dial mapping.
Dialed Pattern
Enter a code for the speed dial pattern. This is the code that you added in step 2 b.
Example, *XXX.
Mapped Pattern
The speed dial number is comprised of the following:
- Digits used to engage the paging system. Example, 0110.
Make sure to use the same number as in the Number field (see Configuring branch paging settings of a survivability branch).
- Digits for the speed dial pattern. Example, XXX.
For example, 0110,XXX.
Optionally, add a description for the speed dial rule.
- Click Create.
- To close the Speed Dial Rule dialog box, click Close.
- To close the Survivability Settings dialog box, click OK.
- To close the Survivability Branch dialog box, click OK.
You have completed this procedure.
- Go to Applying the branch paging configuration.