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FortiSwitchOS Administration Guide

Using SSH and the Telnet client

Using SSH and the Telnet client

Starting in FortiSwitchOS 6.2.0, you can use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses with SSH and Telnet. If the IPv6 address is a link-local address, you must specify an output interface using %. For example:

execute ssh admin@fe80::926c:acff:fe7b:e059%vlan20 // vlan20 is the output interface.

execute ssh admin@

execute ssh 1002::21

execute ssh 12.345.6.78

execute telnet fe80::926c:acff:fe7b:e059%vlan20 // vlan20 is the output interface.

execute telnet 1002::21

execute telnet 12.345.6.78

Using SSH and the Telnet client

Starting in FortiSwitchOS 6.2.0, you can use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses with SSH and Telnet. If the IPv6 address is a link-local address, you must specify an output interface using %. For example:

execute ssh admin@fe80::926c:acff:fe7b:e059%vlan20 // vlan20 is the output interface.

execute ssh admin@

execute ssh 1002::21

execute ssh 12.345.6.78

execute telnet fe80::926c:acff:fe7b:e059%vlan20 // vlan20 is the output interface.

execute telnet 1002::21

execute telnet 12.345.6.78