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Known Issues and Workarounds

Known Issues and Workarounds

Issue 0856205: Users cannot login to the FortiSOAR Web UI if the password of the 'cyberpgsql' users of your externalized FortiSOAR PostgreSQL database contains any of the following characters: ' ^$.
Run the following command on the external database to update the password for the "cyberpgsql" user in order to resolve this problem:
psql -c "alter user cyberpgsql with password 'new_password'"
Also, this issue will be fixed in upcoming releases of FortiSOAR.

Known Issues and Workarounds

Issue 0856205: Users cannot login to the FortiSOAR Web UI if the password of the 'cyberpgsql' users of your externalized FortiSOAR PostgreSQL database contains any of the following characters: ' ^$.
Run the following command on the external database to update the password for the "cyberpgsql" user in order to resolve this problem:
psql -c "alter user cyberpgsql with password 'new_password'"
Also, this issue will be fixed in upcoming releases of FortiSOAR.