Censys is a search engine that focuses on providing comprehensive information about devices and systems connected to the Internet. It is specifically designed to help researchers, security professionals, and organizations gain insights into various aspects of the global Internet infrastructure. Censys employs a variety of techniques to continuously scan and analyze the Internet, collecting data on IP addresses, websites, certificates, open ports, and other network-related information. This extensive dataset allows users to search for specific devices, services, or vulnerabilities, helping them understand the security posture of different entities on the Internet.
This document provides information about the Censys Connector, which facilitates automated interactions, with a Censys server using FortiSOAR™ playbooks. Add the Censys Connector as a step in FortiSOAR™ playbooks and perform automated operations with Censys.
Connector Version: 2.0.0
Authored By: Fortinet
Certified: No
Following enhancements have been made to the Censys connector in version 2.0.0:
Use the Content Hub to install the connector. For the detailed procedure to install a connector, click here.
You can also use the yum
command as a root user to install the connector:
yum install cyops-connector-censys
For the procedure to configure a connector, click here
In FortiSOAR™, on the Connectors page, click the Censys connector row (if you are in the Grid view on the Connectors page) and in the Configurations tab enter the required configuration details:
Parameter | Description |
Server URL | The URL of the Censys server to connect and perform the automated operations. |
API ID | The API ID used to access the Censys server to connect and perform the automated operations. |
API Secret | The API Secret used to access the Censys server to connect and perform the automated operations. |
Verify SSL | Specifies whether the SSL certificate for the server is to be verified. By default, this option is set to true . |
The following automated operations can be included in playbooks and you can also use the annotations to access operations from FortiSOAR™ release 4.10.0 and onwards:
Function | Description | Annotation and Category |
Get Host Details Using IP Address | Fetches the entire host entity by IP address and returns the most recent Censys view of the host and its services based on the IP address that you have specified. | get_host_details Investigation |
Search Hosts | Accepts queries for host or service attributes provided in the Censys Search Language and returns a list of matching hosts with some summary fields. | search_hosts Investigation |
Lookup Certificate | Fetches the certificate record for the specified SHA-256 fingerprint, including parsed data, certificate transparency log information, root store trust information, zlint results, and Censys observation metadata. | lookup_certificate Investigation |
Parameter | Description |
IP Address | Specify the IP Address of the requested host |
Since Date | Select the date from which to fetch the Censys view of a host and its services. Uses RFC3339 Timestamp |
The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
{ "code": "", "status": "", "result": { "ip": "", "services": [ { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "", "extended_service_name": "", "dns": { "server_type": "" } }, { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "", "extended_service_name": "", "http": { "request": { "method": "", "uri": "", "headers": { "User_Agent": [], "Accept": [] } }, "response": { "body": "", "protocol": "", "body_size": "", "status_code": "", "status_reason": "", "headers": { "Content_Length": [], "Content_Type": [], "Server": [], "Date": [] }, "html_tags": [] } }, "certificate": "", "tls": {} } ], "location_updated_at": "", "location": { "continent": "", "country": "", "country_code": "", "postal_code": "", "timezone": "", "coordinates": { "latitude": "", "longitude": "" }, "registered_country": "", "registered_country_code": "" }, "autonomous_system_updated_at": "", "autonomous_system": { "asn": "", "description": "", "bgp_prefix": "", "name": "", "country_code": "" }, "operating_system": { "product": "", "vendor": "", "version": "", "edition": "", "uniform_resource_identifier": "", "other": {} }, "last_updated_at": "" } }
Parameter | Description |
Censys Search Query | Specify a query to search for and filter hosts with matching attributes. Uses the Censys Search Language. |
Max Hits | Specify the maximum number of hits to return in each response. You can specify a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 100 . The default value is 50 . |
Virtual Hosts | Select the action to take when querying virtual hosts. You can select from following options:
Cursor | Specify the cursor token from the API response to fetch the next or previous page of hits. The token is added to the endpoint URL to get the pages specified by this token. |
Fields | Specify a comma-separated list of up to 25 fields to be returned for each result. |
The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
{ "code": "", "status": "", "result": { "query": "", "total": "", "hits": [ { "ip": "", "services": [ { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "" }, { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "", "certificate": "" } ], "location": { "continent": "", "country": "", "country_code": "", "postal_code": "", "timezone": "", "coordinates": { "latitude": "", "longitude": "" }, "registered_country": "", "registered_country_code": "" }, "autonomous_system": { "asn": 15169, "description": "", "bgp_prefix": "", "name": "", "country_code": "" } }, { "name": "", "ip": "", "services": [ { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "" }, { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "", "certificate": "" } ], "location": { "continent": "", "country": "", "country_code": "", "postal_code": "", "timezone": "", "coordinates": { "latitude": "", "longitude": "" }, "registered_country": "", "registered_country_code": "" }, "autonomous_system": { "asn": "", "description": "", "bgp_prefix": "", "name": "", "country_code": "" } } ] }, "links": { "prev": "", "next": "" } }
Parameter | Description |
SHA-256 Fingerprint | Specify the SHA256 certificate to search and retrieve information from Censys. |
The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
{ "code": "", "status": "", "result": { "_encoding": { "fingerprint_sha256": "", "fingerprint_sha1": "", "fingerprint_md5": "", "tbs_fingerprint_sha256": "", "tbs_no_ct_fingerprint_sha256": "", "spki_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parent_spki_fingerprint_sha256": "", "raw": "", "spki_subject_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parent_spki_subject_fingerprint_sha256": "" }, "fingerprint_sha256": "", "fingerprint_sha1": "", "fingerprint_md5": "", "tbs_fingerprint_sha256": "", "tbs_no_ct_fingerprint_sha256": "", "spki_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parent_spki_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parsed": { "version": "", "serial_number": "", "issuer_dn": "", "issuer": { "common_name": [], "country": [], "organization": [] }, "subject_dn": "", "subject": { "common_name": [] }, "subject_key_info": { "key_algorithm": { "name": "", "oid": "" }, "rsa": { "exponent": "", "_encoding": { "modulus": "" }, "modulus": "", "length": "" }, "_encoding": { "fingerprint_sha256": "" }, "fingerprint_sha256": "", "_key": "" }, "validity_period": { "not_before": "", "not_after": "", "length_seconds": "" }, "signature": { "signature_algorithm": { "name": "", "oid": "" }, "_encoding": { "value": "" }, "value": "", "valid": "", "self_signed": "" }, "extensions": { "key_usage": { "digital_signature": "", "key_encipherment": "", "value": "", "content_commitment": "", "data_encipherment": "", "key_agreement": "", "certificate_sign": "", "crl_sign": "", "encipher_only": "", "decipher_only": "" }, "basic_constraints": { "is_ca": "" }, "subject_alt_name": { "dns_names": [], "ip_addresses": [] }, "crl_distribution_points": [], "_encoding": { "authority_key_id": "", "subject_key_id": "" }, "authority_key_id": "", "subject_key_id": "", "extended_key_usage": { "server_auth": "", "apple_code_signing": "", "apple_code_signing_development": "", "apple_software_update_signing": "", "apple_code_signing_third_party": "", "apple_resource_signing": "", "apple_ichat_signing": "", "apple_ichat_encryption": "", "apple_system_identity": "", "apple_crypto_env": "", "apple_crypto_production_env": "", "apple_crypto_maintenance_env": "", "apple_crypto_test_env": "", "apple_crypto_development_env": "", "apple_crypto_qos": "", "apple_crypto_tier0_qos": "", "apple_crypto_tier1_qos": "", "apple_crypto_tier2_qos": "", "apple_crypto_tier3_qos": "", "microsoft_cert_trust_list_signing": "", "microsoft_qualified_subordinate": "", "microsoft_key_recovery_3": "", "microsoft_document_signing": "", "microsoft_lifetime_signing": "", "microsoft_mobile_device_software": "", "microsoft_smart_display": "", "microsoft_csp_signature": "", "microsoft_timestamp_signing": "", "microsoft_server_gated_crypto": "", "microsoft_sgc_serialized": "", "microsoft_encrypted_file_system": "", "microsoft_efs_recovery": "", "microsoft_whql_crypto": "", "microsoft_nt5_crypto": "", "microsoft_oem_whql_crypto": "", "microsoft_embedded_nt_crypto": "", "microsoft_root_list_signer": "", "microsoft_drm": "", "microsoft_drm_individualization": "", "microsoft_licenses": "", "microsoft_license_server": "", "microsoft_enrollment_agent": "", "microsoft_smartcard_logon": "", "microsoft_ca_exchange": "", "microsoft_key_recovery_21": "", "microsoft_system_health": "", "microsoft_system_health_loophole": "", "microsoft_kernel_mode_code_signing": "", "dvcs": "", "sbgp_cert_aa_service_auth": "", "eap_over_ppp": "", "eap_over_lan": "", "client_auth": "", "code_signing": "", "email_protection": "", "ipsec_end_system": "", "ipsec_tunnel": "", "ipsec_user": "", "time_stamping": "", "ocsp_signing": "", "ipsec_intermediate_system_usage": "", "netscape_server_gated_crypto": "", "any": "" }, "certificate_policies": [ { "id": "" }, { "id": "" } ], "authority_info_access": { "ocsp_urls": [ "" ], "issuer_urls": [ "" ] }, "signed_certificate_timestamps": [ { "_encoding": { "log_id": "" }, "log_id": "", "timestamp": "", "signature": { "hash_algorithm": "", "signature_algorithm": "", "_encoding": { "signature": "" }, "signature": "" }, "version": "" }, { "_encoding": { "log_id": "" }, "log_id": "", "timestamp": "", "signature": { "hash_algorithm": "", "signature_algorithm": "", "_encoding": { "signature": "" }, "signature": "" }, "version": "" } ], "ct_poison": "" }, "serial_number_hex": "", "redacted": "" }, "names": [], "validation_level": "", "validation": { "nss": { "is_valid": "", "ever_valid": "", "has_trusted_path": "", "had_trusted_path": "", "chains": [ { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] }, { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] } ], "_encoding": { "parents": "" }, "parents": [], "type": "", "in_revocation_set": "" }, "microsoft": { "is_valid": "", "ever_valid": "", "has_trusted_path": "", "had_trusted_path": "", "chains": [ { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] }, { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] } ], "_encoding": { "parents": "" }, "parents": [], "type": "", "in_revocation_set": "" }, "apple": { "is_valid": "", "ever_valid": "", "has_trusted_path": "", "had_trusted_path": "", "chains": [ { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] }, { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] } ], "_encoding": { "parents": "" }, "parents": [ "" ], "type": "", "in_revocation_set": "" }, "chrome": { "is_valid": "", "ever_valid": "", "has_trusted_path": "", "had_trusted_path": "", "chains": [ { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] }, { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] } ], "_encoding": { "parents": "" }, "parents": [], "type": "", "in_revocation_set": "" } }, "revocation": { "ocsp": { "reason": "", "revoked": "" }, "crl": { "reason": "", "revoked": "" } }, "ever_seen_in_scan": "", "raw": "", "added_at": "", "modified_at": "", "validated_at": "", "parse_status": "", "zlint": { "version": "", "timestamp": "", "notices_present": "", "failed_lints": [], "warnings_present": "", "errors_present": "", "fatals_present": "" }, "spki_subject_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parent_spki_subject_fingerprint_sha256": "", "precert": "", "revoked": "", "labels": [] } }
The Sample - Censys - 2.0.0
playbook collection comes bundled with the Censys connector. These playbooks contain steps using which you can perform all supported actions. You can see bundled playbooks in the Automation > Playbooks section in FortiSOARTM after importing the Censys connector.
Note: If you are planning to use any of the sample playbooks in your environment, ensure that you clone those playbooks and move them to a different collection since the sample playbook collection gets deleted during connector upgrade and delete.
Censys is a search engine that focuses on providing comprehensive information about devices and systems connected to the Internet. It is specifically designed to help researchers, security professionals, and organizations gain insights into various aspects of the global Internet infrastructure. Censys employs a variety of techniques to continuously scan and analyze the Internet, collecting data on IP addresses, websites, certificates, open ports, and other network-related information. This extensive dataset allows users to search for specific devices, services, or vulnerabilities, helping them understand the security posture of different entities on the Internet.
This document provides information about the Censys Connector, which facilitates automated interactions, with a Censys server using FortiSOAR™ playbooks. Add the Censys Connector as a step in FortiSOAR™ playbooks and perform automated operations with Censys.
Connector Version: 2.0.0
Authored By: Fortinet
Certified: No
Following enhancements have been made to the Censys connector in version 2.0.0:
Use the Content Hub to install the connector. For the detailed procedure to install a connector, click here.
You can also use the yum
command as a root user to install the connector:
yum install cyops-connector-censys
For the procedure to configure a connector, click here
In FortiSOAR™, on the Connectors page, click the Censys connector row (if you are in the Grid view on the Connectors page) and in the Configurations tab enter the required configuration details:
Parameter | Description |
Server URL | The URL of the Censys server to connect and perform the automated operations. |
API ID | The API ID used to access the Censys server to connect and perform the automated operations. |
API Secret | The API Secret used to access the Censys server to connect and perform the automated operations. |
Verify SSL | Specifies whether the SSL certificate for the server is to be verified. By default, this option is set to true . |
The following automated operations can be included in playbooks and you can also use the annotations to access operations from FortiSOAR™ release 4.10.0 and onwards:
Function | Description | Annotation and Category |
Get Host Details Using IP Address | Fetches the entire host entity by IP address and returns the most recent Censys view of the host and its services based on the IP address that you have specified. | get_host_details Investigation |
Search Hosts | Accepts queries for host or service attributes provided in the Censys Search Language and returns a list of matching hosts with some summary fields. | search_hosts Investigation |
Lookup Certificate | Fetches the certificate record for the specified SHA-256 fingerprint, including parsed data, certificate transparency log information, root store trust information, zlint results, and Censys observation metadata. | lookup_certificate Investigation |
Parameter | Description |
IP Address | Specify the IP Address of the requested host |
Since Date | Select the date from which to fetch the Censys view of a host and its services. Uses RFC3339 Timestamp |
The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
{ "code": "", "status": "", "result": { "ip": "", "services": [ { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "", "extended_service_name": "", "dns": { "server_type": "" } }, { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "", "extended_service_name": "", "http": { "request": { "method": "", "uri": "", "headers": { "User_Agent": [], "Accept": [] } }, "response": { "body": "", "protocol": "", "body_size": "", "status_code": "", "status_reason": "", "headers": { "Content_Length": [], "Content_Type": [], "Server": [], "Date": [] }, "html_tags": [] } }, "certificate": "", "tls": {} } ], "location_updated_at": "", "location": { "continent": "", "country": "", "country_code": "", "postal_code": "", "timezone": "", "coordinates": { "latitude": "", "longitude": "" }, "registered_country": "", "registered_country_code": "" }, "autonomous_system_updated_at": "", "autonomous_system": { "asn": "", "description": "", "bgp_prefix": "", "name": "", "country_code": "" }, "operating_system": { "product": "", "vendor": "", "version": "", "edition": "", "uniform_resource_identifier": "", "other": {} }, "last_updated_at": "" } }
Parameter | Description |
Censys Search Query | Specify a query to search for and filter hosts with matching attributes. Uses the Censys Search Language. |
Max Hits | Specify the maximum number of hits to return in each response. You can specify a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of 100 . The default value is 50 . |
Virtual Hosts | Select the action to take when querying virtual hosts. You can select from following options:
Cursor | Specify the cursor token from the API response to fetch the next or previous page of hits. The token is added to the endpoint URL to get the pages specified by this token. |
Fields | Specify a comma-separated list of up to 25 fields to be returned for each result. |
The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
{ "code": "", "status": "", "result": { "query": "", "total": "", "hits": [ { "ip": "", "services": [ { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "" }, { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "", "certificate": "" } ], "location": { "continent": "", "country": "", "country_code": "", "postal_code": "", "timezone": "", "coordinates": { "latitude": "", "longitude": "" }, "registered_country": "", "registered_country_code": "" }, "autonomous_system": { "asn": 15169, "description": "", "bgp_prefix": "", "name": "", "country_code": "" } }, { "name": "", "ip": "", "services": [ { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "" }, { "port": "", "service_name": "", "transport_protocol": "", "certificate": "" } ], "location": { "continent": "", "country": "", "country_code": "", "postal_code": "", "timezone": "", "coordinates": { "latitude": "", "longitude": "" }, "registered_country": "", "registered_country_code": "" }, "autonomous_system": { "asn": "", "description": "", "bgp_prefix": "", "name": "", "country_code": "" } } ] }, "links": { "prev": "", "next": "" } }
Parameter | Description |
SHA-256 Fingerprint | Specify the SHA256 certificate to search and retrieve information from Censys. |
The output contains the following populated JSON schema:
{ "code": "", "status": "", "result": { "_encoding": { "fingerprint_sha256": "", "fingerprint_sha1": "", "fingerprint_md5": "", "tbs_fingerprint_sha256": "", "tbs_no_ct_fingerprint_sha256": "", "spki_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parent_spki_fingerprint_sha256": "", "raw": "", "spki_subject_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parent_spki_subject_fingerprint_sha256": "" }, "fingerprint_sha256": "", "fingerprint_sha1": "", "fingerprint_md5": "", "tbs_fingerprint_sha256": "", "tbs_no_ct_fingerprint_sha256": "", "spki_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parent_spki_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parsed": { "version": "", "serial_number": "", "issuer_dn": "", "issuer": { "common_name": [], "country": [], "organization": [] }, "subject_dn": "", "subject": { "common_name": [] }, "subject_key_info": { "key_algorithm": { "name": "", "oid": "" }, "rsa": { "exponent": "", "_encoding": { "modulus": "" }, "modulus": "", "length": "" }, "_encoding": { "fingerprint_sha256": "" }, "fingerprint_sha256": "", "_key": "" }, "validity_period": { "not_before": "", "not_after": "", "length_seconds": "" }, "signature": { "signature_algorithm": { "name": "", "oid": "" }, "_encoding": { "value": "" }, "value": "", "valid": "", "self_signed": "" }, "extensions": { "key_usage": { "digital_signature": "", "key_encipherment": "", "value": "", "content_commitment": "", "data_encipherment": "", "key_agreement": "", "certificate_sign": "", "crl_sign": "", "encipher_only": "", "decipher_only": "" }, "basic_constraints": { "is_ca": "" }, "subject_alt_name": { "dns_names": [], "ip_addresses": [] }, "crl_distribution_points": [], "_encoding": { "authority_key_id": "", "subject_key_id": "" }, "authority_key_id": "", "subject_key_id": "", "extended_key_usage": { "server_auth": "", "apple_code_signing": "", "apple_code_signing_development": "", "apple_software_update_signing": "", "apple_code_signing_third_party": "", "apple_resource_signing": "", "apple_ichat_signing": "", "apple_ichat_encryption": "", "apple_system_identity": "", "apple_crypto_env": "", "apple_crypto_production_env": "", "apple_crypto_maintenance_env": "", "apple_crypto_test_env": "", "apple_crypto_development_env": "", "apple_crypto_qos": "", "apple_crypto_tier0_qos": "", "apple_crypto_tier1_qos": "", "apple_crypto_tier2_qos": "", "apple_crypto_tier3_qos": "", "microsoft_cert_trust_list_signing": "", "microsoft_qualified_subordinate": "", "microsoft_key_recovery_3": "", "microsoft_document_signing": "", "microsoft_lifetime_signing": "", "microsoft_mobile_device_software": "", "microsoft_smart_display": "", "microsoft_csp_signature": "", "microsoft_timestamp_signing": "", "microsoft_server_gated_crypto": "", "microsoft_sgc_serialized": "", "microsoft_encrypted_file_system": "", "microsoft_efs_recovery": "", "microsoft_whql_crypto": "", "microsoft_nt5_crypto": "", "microsoft_oem_whql_crypto": "", "microsoft_embedded_nt_crypto": "", "microsoft_root_list_signer": "", "microsoft_drm": "", "microsoft_drm_individualization": "", "microsoft_licenses": "", "microsoft_license_server": "", "microsoft_enrollment_agent": "", "microsoft_smartcard_logon": "", "microsoft_ca_exchange": "", "microsoft_key_recovery_21": "", "microsoft_system_health": "", "microsoft_system_health_loophole": "", "microsoft_kernel_mode_code_signing": "", "dvcs": "", "sbgp_cert_aa_service_auth": "", "eap_over_ppp": "", "eap_over_lan": "", "client_auth": "", "code_signing": "", "email_protection": "", "ipsec_end_system": "", "ipsec_tunnel": "", "ipsec_user": "", "time_stamping": "", "ocsp_signing": "", "ipsec_intermediate_system_usage": "", "netscape_server_gated_crypto": "", "any": "" }, "certificate_policies": [ { "id": "" }, { "id": "" } ], "authority_info_access": { "ocsp_urls": [ "" ], "issuer_urls": [ "" ] }, "signed_certificate_timestamps": [ { "_encoding": { "log_id": "" }, "log_id": "", "timestamp": "", "signature": { "hash_algorithm": "", "signature_algorithm": "", "_encoding": { "signature": "" }, "signature": "" }, "version": "" }, { "_encoding": { "log_id": "" }, "log_id": "", "timestamp": "", "signature": { "hash_algorithm": "", "signature_algorithm": "", "_encoding": { "signature": "" }, "signature": "" }, "version": "" } ], "ct_poison": "" }, "serial_number_hex": "", "redacted": "" }, "names": [], "validation_level": "", "validation": { "nss": { "is_valid": "", "ever_valid": "", "has_trusted_path": "", "had_trusted_path": "", "chains": [ { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] }, { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] } ], "_encoding": { "parents": "" }, "parents": [], "type": "", "in_revocation_set": "" }, "microsoft": { "is_valid": "", "ever_valid": "", "has_trusted_path": "", "had_trusted_path": "", "chains": [ { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] }, { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] } ], "_encoding": { "parents": "" }, "parents": [], "type": "", "in_revocation_set": "" }, "apple": { "is_valid": "", "ever_valid": "", "has_trusted_path": "", "had_trusted_path": "", "chains": [ { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] }, { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] } ], "_encoding": { "parents": "" }, "parents": [ "" ], "type": "", "in_revocation_set": "" }, "chrome": { "is_valid": "", "ever_valid": "", "has_trusted_path": "", "had_trusted_path": "", "chains": [ { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] }, { "_encoding": { "sha256fp": "" }, "sha256fp": [] } ], "_encoding": { "parents": "" }, "parents": [], "type": "", "in_revocation_set": "" } }, "revocation": { "ocsp": { "reason": "", "revoked": "" }, "crl": { "reason": "", "revoked": "" } }, "ever_seen_in_scan": "", "raw": "", "added_at": "", "modified_at": "", "validated_at": "", "parse_status": "", "zlint": { "version": "", "timestamp": "", "notices_present": "", "failed_lints": [], "warnings_present": "", "errors_present": "", "fatals_present": "" }, "spki_subject_fingerprint_sha256": "", "parent_spki_subject_fingerprint_sha256": "", "precert": "", "revoked": "", "labels": [] } }
The Sample - Censys - 2.0.0
playbook collection comes bundled with the Censys connector. These playbooks contain steps using which you can perform all supported actions. You can see bundled playbooks in the Automation > Playbooks section in FortiSOARTM after importing the Censys connector.
Note: If you are planning to use any of the sample playbooks in your environment, ensure that you clone those playbooks and move them to a different collection since the sample playbook collection gets deleted during connector upgrade and delete.