Microsoft Defender for IoT (Was CyberX OT/IoT Security)
Event Types
In ADMIN > Device Support > Event Types, search for "cyberx" to see the event types associated with this device. In FortiSIEM 6.3.0, there are 5 event types defined.
In FortiSIEM 6.3.0, CyberX Security Alerts and CyberX Malware Detected are available.
In 6.3.0, a CyberX Security Alerts report is available.
Syslog Configuration
For the latest Microsoft Defender for IoT (CyberX) documentation, see
For latest forwarding rules information, see
To configure syslog, take the following steps:
Login to the CyberX Platform UI.
In the left menu, go to the Forwarding menu.
Create a new forwarding rule.
In the Name field, enter "FortiSIEM_Notification" or your desired name.
For Protocols, select All.
For Engines, select All.
Select the Informational Severity option for your desired severity level.
Under Actions, click Add.
Select Send to SYSLOG Server (CEF Format).
In the Host field, enter the IP or hostname of your FortiSIEM collector.
In the Port field, enter "514".
In the Timezone field, enter your timezone.
Click Submit when done.