Optional: Using a prebuilt custom VM on Azure
Up to v3.1.2, FortiSandbox only supports Windows7_64 and Windows7 custom VM images.
To create a storage blob for the custom image:
- Create a new Resource group in the Azure portal.
- In the new resource group, create a Storage account.
- Go to Resource group > Storage account > Access keys to find your blob key.
- Create a Blob on the storage account.
- Download the prebuilt custom VM.
- For the WIN7X86 prebuilt custom VM, download from https://fortisandbox.blob.core.windows.net/customvm-v1/WIN7X86VM.vhd?se=2025-01-01&sp=rl&spr=https&sv=2018-03-28&sr=c&sig=f65lCG19rIDjYCkbIlZ8EcUzcMii6WrDPCgxQUOeohQ%3D
- For the WIN7X64 prebuilt custom VM, download from https://fortisandbox.blob.core.windows.net/customvm-v1/WIN7X64VM.vhd?se=2025-01-01&sp=rl&spr=https&sv=2018-03-28&sr=c&sig=f65lCG19rIDjYCkbIlZ8EcUzcMii6WrDPCgxQUOeohQ%3D
- Upload the prebuilt custom VM to your new blob.