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Creating a FortiSandbox VM using the Azure CLI

Creating a FortiSandbox VM using the Azure CLI

To create the VM using the Azure CLI:
  1. Because the Marketplace URN is subject to change without notice, get the latest FortiSandbox image URN using this command.

    az vm image list -p fortinet -f fortinet_fortisandbox_vm --all --query "[].urn"

  2. Create the Azure FortiSandbox using Azure CLI from the Azure Marketplace with the network interfaces you created.
    1. Create the Azure FortiSandbox BYOL.

      az vm create --resource-group [resource group name] --name [ FortiSandbox_BYOL_VM name] --image "fortinet:fortinet_fortisandbox_vm:fortinet_fsa-vm:3.1.2" --size [vm size] --nics [NIC for port1] [NIC for port2] [NIC for port3] --attach-data-disks [attach_data_disks_name] --boot-diagnostics-storage [boot_diagnostics_storage_container_name] --generate-ssh-keys --verbose

    2. Create the Azure FortiSandbox PAYG.

      az vm create --resource-group [resource group name] --name [ FortiSandbox_PAYG_VM name] --image "fortinet:fortinet_fortisandbox_vm:fortinet_fsa-vm_payg:3.1.00" --size [vm size] --nics [NIC for port1] [NIC for port2] [NIC for port3]--attach-data-disks [attach_data_disks_name] --boot-diagnostics-storage [boot_diagnostics_storage_container_name] --generate-ssh-keys --verbose

  3. Get the default admin password for the FSA VM using the Azure CLI.

    The VM-ID UUID is the default password for admin access.

    az vm list --output tsv -g [resource group name]

  4. Log into FortiSandbox using the default username admin and the password you retrieved in the previous step.
  5. Go to the Azure portal and verify that the data disk is attached to FortiSandbox.

  6. In the FortiSandbox Dashboard, upgrade the firmware to the latest GA image.

Creating a FortiSandbox VM using the Azure CLI

To create the VM using the Azure CLI:
  1. Because the Marketplace URN is subject to change without notice, get the latest FortiSandbox image URN using this command.

    az vm image list -p fortinet -f fortinet_fortisandbox_vm --all --query "[].urn"

  2. Create the Azure FortiSandbox using Azure CLI from the Azure Marketplace with the network interfaces you created.
    1. Create the Azure FortiSandbox BYOL.

      az vm create --resource-group [resource group name] --name [ FortiSandbox_BYOL_VM name] --image "fortinet:fortinet_fortisandbox_vm:fortinet_fsa-vm:3.1.2" --size [vm size] --nics [NIC for port1] [NIC for port2] [NIC for port3] --attach-data-disks [attach_data_disks_name] --boot-diagnostics-storage [boot_diagnostics_storage_container_name] --generate-ssh-keys --verbose

    2. Create the Azure FortiSandbox PAYG.

      az vm create --resource-group [resource group name] --name [ FortiSandbox_PAYG_VM name] --image "fortinet:fortinet_fortisandbox_vm:fortinet_fsa-vm_payg:3.1.00" --size [vm size] --nics [NIC for port1] [NIC for port2] [NIC for port3]--attach-data-disks [attach_data_disks_name] --boot-diagnostics-storage [boot_diagnostics_storage_container_name] --generate-ssh-keys --verbose

  3. Get the default admin password for the FSA VM using the Azure CLI.

    The VM-ID UUID is the default password for admin access.

    az vm list --output tsv -g [resource group name]

  4. Log into FortiSandbox using the default username admin and the password you retrieved in the previous step.
  5. Go to the Azure portal and verify that the data disk is attached to FortiSandbox.

  6. In the FortiSandbox Dashboard, upgrade the firmware to the latest GA image.