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Install Windows license key file for newly installed Windows VM

Install Windows license key file for newly installed Windows VM

An unused license key for the Windows OS version is required to activate a newly installed Windows VM. For example, a newly installed Windows 10 VM requires the unit to have one unused Windows 10 license key for activation. If the unit has no available key for the activation, you can purchase and install the license key file from Fortinet.

Windows license keys are stackable, which means new Windows keys are appended to existing ones and the new license file contains all ordered keys.


For a VM unit, the number of simultaneously scanned Microsoft Office files is limited by the number of installed Microsoft Office license keys. You can purchase extra Microsoft Office license keys to improve Office file scan capacity.

For FortiSandbox VM model, you can just purchase Windows license keys for enabled Windows VM only. For example, if you enable a Windows 7 VM which has Microsoft Office software installed, you only need to purchase one Windows 7 license key and one Microsoft Office key to activate them.

To install a Windows license key file on a Windows VM:
  1. Download the license key file from the Fortinet Customer Service & Support portal.
  2. Log into the FortiSandbox VM GUI and go to Status > Licenses widget.
  3. Click the Upload License button beside FortiSandbox-VM.
  4. Select the license file on the management computer and click Submit.

The unit will reboot. On reboot, the Windows VM or Microsoft Office is automatically activated on the Microsoft activation server.


A Microsoft Windows key or Office key can only activate one Windows VM. The key cannot be re-used.

Make sure to activate the correct Windows VM with the license key, as you will not be able to use the key again.

Install Windows license key file for newly installed Windows VM

An unused license key for the Windows OS version is required to activate a newly installed Windows VM. For example, a newly installed Windows 10 VM requires the unit to have one unused Windows 10 license key for activation. If the unit has no available key for the activation, you can purchase and install the license key file from Fortinet.

Windows license keys are stackable, which means new Windows keys are appended to existing ones and the new license file contains all ordered keys.


For a VM unit, the number of simultaneously scanned Microsoft Office files is limited by the number of installed Microsoft Office license keys. You can purchase extra Microsoft Office license keys to improve Office file scan capacity.

For FortiSandbox VM model, you can just purchase Windows license keys for enabled Windows VM only. For example, if you enable a Windows 7 VM which has Microsoft Office software installed, you only need to purchase one Windows 7 license key and one Microsoft Office key to activate them.

To install a Windows license key file on a Windows VM:
  1. Download the license key file from the Fortinet Customer Service & Support portal.
  2. Log into the FortiSandbox VM GUI and go to Status > Licenses widget.
  3. Click the Upload License button beside FortiSandbox-VM.
  4. Select the license file on the management computer and click Submit.

The unit will reboot. On reboot, the Windows VM or Microsoft Office is automatically activated on the Microsoft activation server.


A Microsoft Windows key or Office key can only activate one Windows VM. The key cannot be re-used.

Make sure to activate the correct Windows VM with the license key, as you will not be able to use the key again.