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User Guide



Once the Organization and OUs have been created, you can invite member accounts to join the Organization OUs using invitation tokens.

The process for inviting accounts is as follows:

  1. The root account user generates the invitation token for each OU from the Invitation Token page. See Creating invitation tokens.

  2. The root account user invites accounts to join the Organization OUs by sharing the assigned invitation token and Organization portal link ( with member account users.

  3. Member account users go to

  4. Member account users select Join Organization and use the provided invitation token to request access.

  5. The root account user approves member account requests from the Invitation Token page. See Invitation Approval.

Creating invitation tokens

Create Invitation Tokens to invite Member Accounts via email.

To create an invitation token:

  1. Go to the Invitation Token page and click Generate Token. The Generate Token dialog opens.

  2. Configure the token settings:

    Choose An Organization Select the Organization or OU from the dropdown.
    Token Expiry Date Click the calender icon to select the token expiry date.
    Comment (Optional) Enter a description of the token.
    Generate a separate token for each SubOU Enable this option to create unique token for each OU in the organization.
  3. Click Generate Token.

Invitation Approval

After the invitation token has been sent, the recipient can then use it to join the organization. When they request to join the organization, the request will appear on the Invitation Approval page, which displays the generated tokens and the accounts that received an invitation. Use the Invitation Approval page to approve the invitation response.

The Invitation Approval page displays the following information.

Token The Invitation Token number.
OU ID The Organizational Unit ID.
OU Path The Organizational Unit name and the sub-OU.
Comment Comments entered when the token was created.
# of Accounts Requested Number of accounts submitted a joined orgnization request.
# of Accounts Pending Approval The number of accounts that have not been approved.
Expiration Date The token expiry date.

To approve an invitation:

  1. Go to Invitation Approval and expand a token in the list.

  2. Select an invitation and click Approve.

  3. The Confirm to approve dialog opens.

  4. Select the acknowledgment.

  5. Click Confirm.


Once the Organization and OUs have been created, you can invite member accounts to join the Organization OUs using invitation tokens.

The process for inviting accounts is as follows:

  1. The root account user generates the invitation token for each OU from the Invitation Token page. See Creating invitation tokens.

  2. The root account user invites accounts to join the Organization OUs by sharing the assigned invitation token and Organization portal link ( with member account users.

  3. Member account users go to

  4. Member account users select Join Organization and use the provided invitation token to request access.

  5. The root account user approves member account requests from the Invitation Token page. See Invitation Approval.

Creating invitation tokens

Create Invitation Tokens to invite Member Accounts via email.

To create an invitation token:

  1. Go to the Invitation Token page and click Generate Token. The Generate Token dialog opens.

  2. Configure the token settings:

    Choose An Organization Select the Organization or OU from the dropdown.
    Token Expiry Date Click the calender icon to select the token expiry date.
    Comment (Optional) Enter a description of the token.
    Generate a separate token for each SubOU Enable this option to create unique token for each OU in the organization.
  3. Click Generate Token.

Invitation Approval

After the invitation token has been sent, the recipient can then use it to join the organization. When they request to join the organization, the request will appear on the Invitation Approval page, which displays the generated tokens and the accounts that received an invitation. Use the Invitation Approval page to approve the invitation response.

The Invitation Approval page displays the following information.

Token The Invitation Token number.
OU ID The Organizational Unit ID.
OU Path The Organizational Unit name and the sub-OU.
Comment Comments entered when the token was created.
# of Accounts Requested Number of accounts submitted a joined orgnization request.
# of Accounts Pending Approval The number of accounts that have not been approved.
Expiration Date The token expiry date.

To approve an invitation:

  1. Go to Invitation Approval and expand a token in the list.

  2. Select an invitation and click Approve.

  3. The Confirm to approve dialog opens.

  4. Select the acknowledgment.

  5. Click Confirm.