Creating routing tables and associate subnets
Creating routing tables and associate subnets
To configure the public subnet's routing table:
- Go to Networking & Content Delivery > VPC in the AWS management console.
- In the VPC Dashboard, click Your VPCs, and click the VPC you created.
- In the Summary tab in the lower pane, select the route table ID located in the Route table field. To easily identify the route table, set a name for it in the Name field.
- In the Routes tab, click Edit, then click Add another route.
- In the Destination field, type
- In the Target field, type igw and select the Internet Gateway from the auto-complete suggestions.
- Click Save. The default route on the public interface in this VPC is now the Internet Gateway.
- In the Subnet Associations tab, click Edit, and select the public subnet to associate it with this routing table.
- Click Save.
- Select the network interface in private subnet, click the Actions dropdown list.
- Click Change Source/Dest.
- Click Disabled.
- ClickSave.
Creating routing tables and associate subnets
Creating routing tables and associate subnets
To configure the public subnet's routing table:
- Go to Networking & Content Delivery > VPC in the AWS management console.
- In the VPC Dashboard, click Your VPCs, and click the VPC you created.
- In the Summary tab in the lower pane, select the route table ID located in the Route table field. To easily identify the route table, set a name for it in the Name field.
- In the Routes tab, click Edit, then click Add another route.
- In the Destination field, type
- In the Target field, type igw and select the Internet Gateway from the auto-complete suggestions.
- Click Save. The default route on the public interface in this VPC is now the Internet Gateway.
- In the Subnet Associations tab, click Edit, and select the public subnet to associate it with this routing table.
- Click Save.
- Select the network interface in private subnet, click the Actions dropdown list.
- Click Change Source/Dest.
- Click Disabled.
- ClickSave.