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Fortinet white logo

Return Value

Return Value

The three methods that fetch events from the AWS S3 buckets, return an array of events each call until all events have been returned. Each event will be a JSON object containing the specific event’s information. Below is a sample response.

response = [{
    'timestamp': '2022-10-16T21:59:53.998000Z', 
    'uuid': '24fd131ec-85c9-4af0-b810-c541d2eff5a1', 
    'event_type': 'observation', 
    'customer_id': 'cid', 
    'sensor_id': 'sid', 
    'source': 'Fortinet', 
    'evidence_start_timestamp': '2022-10-16T21:59:53.998000Z', 
    'evidence_end_timestamp': '2022-10-16T22:59:54.814000Z', 
    'observation_uuid': 'bf1e1203-ed35-4f22-865d-89e75a1c174a', 
    'title': 'TCP Device Enumeration', 
    'category': 'relationship', 
    'confidence': 'high', 
    'src_ip': '', 
    'src_ip_enrichments': {
      'internal': True, 
      'geo': {'location': {
        'lat': 37.3541069, 
        'lon': -121.955238
      'country': None, 
      'subdivision': None, 
      'city': None},
      'asn': None, 
      'annotations': None
    'dst_ip': None, 
    'dst_ip_enrichments': None, 
    'geo_distance': None, 
    'sensor_ids': ['chf1'], 
    'evidence_iql': 'flow:ip = AND proto = "tcp" AND customer_id = '
      '"cid" AND timestamp >= t"2022-10-16T21:59:53.998Z" AND '
      'timestamp <= t"2022-10-16T22:59:54.814Z"', 
    'context': '{"Lowest '
      "20","21","23","24","25","27","29","31","33","35","37","38"],"Count '
      'of distinct hosts":16646,"Duration (seconds) of '
      'activity":"3600.816","Average duration (seconds) between '
    'intel': None, 
    'class': 'specific'

The next section provides more details, instructions and recommendations regarding how to build and use the client library to retrieve each event type in order to import them.

Return Value

Return Value

The three methods that fetch events from the AWS S3 buckets, return an array of events each call until all events have been returned. Each event will be a JSON object containing the specific event’s information. Below is a sample response.

response = [{
    'timestamp': '2022-10-16T21:59:53.998000Z', 
    'uuid': '24fd131ec-85c9-4af0-b810-c541d2eff5a1', 
    'event_type': 'observation', 
    'customer_id': 'cid', 
    'sensor_id': 'sid', 
    'source': 'Fortinet', 
    'evidence_start_timestamp': '2022-10-16T21:59:53.998000Z', 
    'evidence_end_timestamp': '2022-10-16T22:59:54.814000Z', 
    'observation_uuid': 'bf1e1203-ed35-4f22-865d-89e75a1c174a', 
    'title': 'TCP Device Enumeration', 
    'category': 'relationship', 
    'confidence': 'high', 
    'src_ip': '', 
    'src_ip_enrichments': {
      'internal': True, 
      'geo': {'location': {
        'lat': 37.3541069, 
        'lon': -121.955238
      'country': None, 
      'subdivision': None, 
      'city': None},
      'asn': None, 
      'annotations': None
    'dst_ip': None, 
    'dst_ip_enrichments': None, 
    'geo_distance': None, 
    'sensor_ids': ['chf1'], 
    'evidence_iql': 'flow:ip = AND proto = "tcp" AND customer_id = '
      '"cid" AND timestamp >= t"2022-10-16T21:59:53.998Z" AND '
      'timestamp <= t"2022-10-16T22:59:54.814Z"', 
    'context': '{"Lowest '
      "20","21","23","24","25","27","29","31","33","35","37","38"],"Count '
      'of distinct hosts":16646,"Duration (seconds) of '
      'activity":"3600.816","Average duration (seconds) between '
    'intel': None, 
    'class': 'specific'

The next section provides more details, instructions and recommendations regarding how to build and use the client library to retrieve each event type in order to import them.