Return Value
The three methods that fetch events from the AWS S3 buckets, return an array of events each call until all events have been returned. Each event will be a JSON object containing the specific event’s information. Below is a sample response.
response = [{ 'timestamp': '2022-10-16T21:59:53.998000Z', 'uuid': '24fd131ec-85c9-4af0-b810-c541d2eff5a1', 'event_type': 'observation', 'customer_id': 'cid', 'sensor_id': 'sid', 'source': 'Fortinet', 'evidence_start_timestamp': '2022-10-16T21:59:53.998000Z', 'evidence_end_timestamp': '2022-10-16T22:59:54.814000Z', 'observation_uuid': 'bf1e1203-ed35-4f22-865d-89e75a1c174a', 'title': 'TCP Device Enumeration', 'category': 'relationship', 'confidence': 'high', 'src_ip': '', 'src_ip_enrichments': { 'internal': True, 'geo': {'location': { 'lat': 37.3541069, 'lon': -121.955238 }, 'country': None, 'subdivision': None, 'city': None}, 'asn': None, 'annotations': None }, 'dst_ip': None, 'dst_ip_enrichments': None, 'geo_distance': None, 'sensor_ids': ['chf1'], 'evidence_iql': 'flow:ip = AND proto = "tcp" AND customer_id = ' '"cid" AND timestamp >= t"2022-10-16T21:59:53.998Z" AND ' 'timestamp <= t"2022-10-16T22:59:54.814Z"', 'context': '{"Lowest ' 'ports":["0","1","2","3","4","5","7","9","11","13","15","17","18","19", "20","21","23","24","25","27","29","31","33","35","37","38"],"Count ' 'of distinct hosts":16646,"Duration (seconds) of ' 'activity":"3600.816","Average duration (seconds) between ' 'connections":"0.005"}', 'intel': None, 'class': 'specific' }]
The next section provides more details, instructions and recommendations regarding how to build and use the client library to retrieve each event type in order to import them.