31 January 2024 Version 2024.1.0
Improved functionality
Account management
You are now able to move, enable, and disable multiple users at once in the Account Management > Users page. Simply select the users (or select all) and choose a bulk action from the menu. When you click Confirm, the bulk action status dialog appears as well as a message with the results. If you attempt to perform a bulk action on your own user account, the action will fail.
You are also able to filter users by account access.
Sensor table
The sensor table has been updated to behave like the other tables in FortiNDR Cloud. The Location column now displays an empty cell when the location is unknown. The 7 Day Average Throughput column as been split into two columns: EPS (7 Day average) and BITS/S (7 Day average). This allows you to sort each column individually.
Password enforcement
The application will notify you when your password is about to expire. You can click the link in the dialog to open the reset password page. After you change a password, it will expire in 180 days. Passwords must be at least eight characters long.
If you attempt to log in after your password has expired, you will be prompted to create a new password.