Aruba Sample Configuration
This section contains a sample running configuration for this wireless device and the attributes you should consider when configuring it to communicate with the FortiNAC appliance. You can configure the device through its UI or the CLI.
Note: This information is provided only for the purposes of illustration. There is no guarantee that this configuration will work in your environment.
This configuration applies to Alcatel Wireless devices as well.
Sample Configuration Using Firewall Rules
version 3.4
enable secret "d85e6b8d016f7aad463fe61d0140b832ee59fed7d1f6dbed18"
prompt ArubaMaster loginsession timeout 60 hostname "ArubaMaster"
clock summer-time EDT recurring 2 sunday march 02:00 first sunday november 02:00 -4
clock timezone EST -5 location "IT Lab"
mms config 0
controller config 1201
crypto-local pki ServerCert arubacontroller2009 arubacontrollerkey2009a.pem
ip access-list eth validuser permit any
netservice svc-snmp-trap udp 162
netservice "Accounting-4610 to 4625" tcp 4610 4625 netservice svc-smb-tcp tcp 445
netservice svc-ike udp 500 netservice svc-l2tp udp 1701 netservice svc-syslog udp 514
netservice svc-dhcp udp 67 68 alg dhcp netservice svc-https tcp 443 netservice svc-pptp tcp 1723
netservice svc-Pharos-LPD tcp 515 netservice svc-telnet tcp 23 netservice svc-sccp tcp 2000 alg sccp
netservice Accounting-Dept-2000 tcp 2000 2001 netservice svc-tftp udp 69 alg tftp netservice svc-sip-tcp tcp 5060
netservice svc-kerberos udp 88 netservice svc-pop3 tcp 110 netservice svc-adp udp 8200 netservice svc-cfgm-tcp tcp 8211 netservice svc-noe udp 32512 alg noe netservice svc-http-proxy3 tcp 8888
netservice Accounting-Dept tcp 1030 1031
netservice "LabAdmin 40000s" tcp 40000 40200
netservice svc-msrpc-tcp tcp 135 139 netservice svc-rtsp tcp 554 alg rtsp netservice svc-dns udp 53 alg dns netservice svc-vocera udp 5002 alg vocera netservice svc-h323-tcp tcp 1720 netservice svc-h323-udp udp 1718 1719 netservice svc-http tcp 80
netservice svc-nterm tcp 1026 1028 netservice svc-sip-udp udp 5060 netservice svc-http-proxy2 tcp 8080
netservice svc-Pharos-Notify tcp 28201 28207 netservice svc-papi udp 8211
netservice svc-noe-oxo udp 5000 alg noe netservice svc-ftp tcp 21 alg ftp netservice svc-natt udp 4500
netservice svc-Pharos-SignUp tcp 2351 2355 netservice svc-svp 119 alg svp
netservice svc-gre 47 netservice svc-smtp tcp 25 netservice LabAdmin tcp 1111
netservice "Dept - 4625" tcp 4625
netservice svc-smb-udp udp 445 netservice svc-sips tcp 5061 alg sips netservice svc-esp 50
netservice svc-bootp udp 67 69 netservice svc-snmp udp 161 netservice svc-v6-dhcp udp 546 547
netservice svc-icmp 1 netservice svc-ntp udp 123
netservice svc-msrpc-udp udp 135 139 netservice svc-ssh tcp 22
netservice Accounting-Dept-4600 tcp 4600 4601 netservice svc-http-proxy1 tcp 3128 netservice svc-v6-icmp 58
netdestination cm-dns host
netdestination PrivateNet network
netdestination ProtectedServers host
ip access-list session control user any udp 68 deny
any any svc-icmp permit any any svc-dns permit any any svc-papi permit
any any svc-cfgm-tcp permit any any svc-adp permit
any any svc-tftp permit
any any svc-dhcp permit any any svc-natt permit
ip access-list session ChemLab any any LabAdmin permit
any any "LabAdmin 40000s" permit any any udp 1111 permit
ip access-list session validuser any any any permit
ip access-list session vocera-acl any any svc-vocera permit queue high
ip access-list session icmp-acl any any svc-icmp permit
ip access-list session Secure
any alias ProtectedServers any deny log any any any permit
ip access-list session captiveportal
user alias mswitch svc-https dst-nat 8081 user any svc-http dst-nat 8080
user any svc-https dst-nat 8081
user any svc-http-proxy1 dst-nat 8088 user any svc-http-proxy2 dst-nat 8088 user any svc-http-proxy3 dst-nat 8088
ip access-list session allowall any any any permit
ip access-list session SecureExecutive any alias ProtectedServers any deny log any any any permit
ip access-list session cm-dns-block any alias cm-dns svc-dns deny
any any svc-dns permit
ip access-list session https-acl any any svc-https permit
ip access-list session sip-acl
any any svc-sip-udp permit queue high any any svc-sip-tcp permit queue high
ip access-list session cm-dns-allow any alias cm-dns svc-dns permit
any any svc-dns deny
ip access-list session dns-acl any any svc-dns permit
ip access-list session tftp-acl any any svc-tftp permit
ip access-list session skinny-acl any any svc-sccp permit queue high
ip access-list session srcnat user any any src-nat
ip access-list session vpnlogon user any svc-ike permit
user any svc-esp permit any any svc-l2tp permit any any svc-pptp permit any any svc-gre permit
ip access-list session logon-control user any udp 68 deny
any any svc-icmp permit any any svc-dns permit any any svc-dhcp permit any any svc-natt permit
ip access-list session cplogout
user alias mswitch svc-https dst-nat 8081
ip access-list session guest
ip access-list session http-acl any any svc-http permit
ip access-list session dhcp-acl any any svc-dhcp permit
ip access-list session BlockRogueDHCP user any udp 68 deny
ip access-list session noe-acl any any svc-noe permit queue high
ip access-list session svp-acl any any svc-svp permit queue high user host any permit
ip access-list session ap-acl any any svc-gre permit
any any svc-syslog permit any user svc-snmp permit
user any svc-snmp-trap permit user any svc-ntp permit
ip access-list session TechAccounting any any svc-telnet permit
any any Lirary-Dept permit
any any Accounting-Dept-2000 permit any any svc-snmp-trap permit
any any "Accounting-4610 to 4625" permit
ip access-list session TechPrint
any host svc-http permit any any svc-Pharos-SignUp permit log any any svc-Pharos-Notify permit log any any svc-Pharos-LPD permit log
ip access-list session BASS
any host svc-http-proxy2 permit
ip access-list session h323-acl
any any svc-h323-tcp permit queue high any any svc-h323-udp permit queue high
ip access-list session TechGuest any any svc-dns permit
any any svc-dhcp permit
any alias PrivateNet any deny log any any any permit
ipv6 access-list session v6-icmp-acl any any svc-v6-icmp permit
ipv6 access-list session v6-https-acl any any svc-https permit
ipv6 access-list session v6-control user any udp 68 deny
any any svc-v6-icmp permit
any any svc-v6-dhcp permit any any svc-dns permit
any any svc-tftp permit
ipv6 access-list session v6-dhcp-acl any any svc-v6-dhcp permit
ipv6 access-list session v6-dns-acl any any svc-dns permit
ipv6 access-list session v6-allowall any any any permit
ipv6 access-list session v6-http-acl any any svc-http permit
ipv6 access-list session v6-tftp-acl any any svc-tftp permit
ipv6 access-list session v6-logon-control user any udp 68 deny
any any svc-v6-icmp permit any any svc-v6-dhcp permit any any svc-dns permit
vpn-dialer default-dialer ike authentication PRE-SHARE
user-role ap-role session-acl control session-acl ap-acl
user-role DeadEnd
session-acl BlockRogueDHCP
user-role Secure
session-acl BlockRogueDHCP session-acl cm-dns-block session-acl Secure
user-role Registration session-acl BlockRogueDHCP session-acl cm-dns-allow session-acl allowall
user-role trusted-ap session-acl allowall
user-role default-vpn-role session-acl allowall
ipv6 session-acl v6-allowall
user-role Quarantine session-acl BlockRogueDHCP session-acl cm-dns-allow session-acl allowall
user-role SecureExecutive session-acl BlockRogueDHCP session-acl cm-dns-block session-acl SecureExecutive
user-role voice session-acl sip-acl session-acl noe-acl session-acl svp-acl session-acl vocera-acl session-acl skinny-acl session-acl h323-acl
session-acl dhcp-acl session-acl tftp-acl session-acl dns-acl session-acl icmp-acl
user-role guest-logon captive-portal "default" session-acl logon-control session-acl captiveportal
user-role guest session-acl http-acl session-acl https-acl session-acl dhcp-acl session-acl icmp-acl session-acl dns-acl
ipv6 session-acl v6-http-acl ipv6 session-acl v6-https-acl ipv6 session-acl v6-dhcp-acl ipv6 session-acl v6-icmp-acl ipv6 session-acl v6-dns-acl
user-role stateful-dot1x
user-role authenticated session-acl allowall
ipv6 session-acl v6-allowall
user-role stateful session-acl control
user-role TechGuest_CM session-acl BlockRogueDHCP session-acl cm-dns-block session-acl TechPrint
session-acl ChemLab session-acl TechGuest
user-role SecureAdmin session-acl BlockRogueDHCP session-acl cm-dns-block session-acl allowall
user-role logon
session-acl logon-control session-acl captiveportal session-acl vpnlogon
ipv6 session-acl v6-logon-control
user-role TechGuest session-acl BlockRogueDHCP session-acl cm-dns-block session-acl TechPrint session-acl ChemLab session-acl TechGuest
ip radius source-interface loopback
aaa timers dead-time 2 no spanning-tree interface mgmt
interface loopback
ip address
dialer group evdo_us init-string ATQ0V1E0 dial-string ATDT#777
dialer group gsm_us
init-string AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","ISP.CINGULAR"
dial-string ATD*99#
dialer group vivo_br
init-string AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","" dial-string ATD*99#
vlan |
192 |
vlan |
221 |
vlan |
222 |
vlan |
223 |
vlan |
224 |
vlan |
225 |
vlan |
226 |
vlan |
227 |
vlan |
228 |
vlan |
231 |
vlan |
232 |
vlan |
233 |
vlan |
234 |
vlan |
235 |
vlan |
236 |
vlan |
237 |
vlan |
238 |
vlan |
333 |
vlan |
444 |
vlan |
911 |
vlan |
999 |
vlan-name anslem pool vlan anslem 221-228
interface gigabitethernet 0/0 description "GE0/0"
trusted vlan 1-4094
switchport mode trunk no spanning-tree
interface gigabitethernet 0/1 description "GE0/1"
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/2 description "GE0/2"
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/3 description "GE0/3"
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/4 description "GE0/4"
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/5 description "GE0/5"
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/6 description "GE0/6"
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/7 description "GE0/7"
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/8 description "GE0/8"
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/9 description "GE0/9"
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/10 trusted
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface gigabitethernet 0/11 trusted
trusted vlan 1-4094
interface vlan 1
interface vlan 192
ip address
interface vlan 221
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 222
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 223
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 224
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 225
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 226
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 227
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 228
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 231
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 232
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 233
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 234
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 235
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 236
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 237
ip address
ip helper-address
interface vlan 238
ip address
ip helper-address
vrrp 165
priority 110 authentication aruba
ip address description "MasterPrimary" vlan 192
no shutdown
vrrp 166 authentication aruba
ip address description "LocalPrimary" vlan 192
ip default-gateway
ap mesh-recovery-profile cluster Recovery-gV-3AZLbc-bbo+5 wpa-hexkey 07b466a81428afd382a1c22dc0fd6fdf8bae046f19f89d7ef511537c4082 0727a12e
042962fcff6a348830b9618171d2ffb2bf5fa7f40813f687876a12ad07d5 a52f83d5
d4bfd8e9c83f0854e00d450d wms
general poll-interval 60000
general poll-retries 3
general ap-ageout-interval 30
general sta-ageout-interval 30 general learn-ap disable
general persistent-known-interfering enable general propagate-wired-macs enable
general stat-update enable general collect-stats disable
crypto isakmp policy 20 encryption aes256
crypto isakmp key "aac98ba6f2bb9a92a0c8b4023e6d23065fcd47a8dc508a54" address netmask
crypto ipsec transform-set default-aes esp-aes256 esp-sha- hmac
crypto dynamic-map default-dynamicmap 10000
set transform-set default-transform default-aes
localip ipsec f595067b48ac1e12ae7840bd5f2ba84c2a497571632b510d
localip ipsec 577e1271980e8a1d0715645a16751fe85026eb0674619a83
ip local pool "RAP-pool" vpdn group l2tp
ip dhcp default-pool private
syslocation "IT Lab"
snmp-server community Fortinet vpdn group pptp
mux-address adp discovery enable adp igmp-join enable adp igmp-vlan 0
voip prioritization disable voip rtcp-inactivity disable
voip sip-midcall-req-timeout disable ssh mgmt-auth username/password
mgmt-user admin root 07ea2ecd010712fb4c1470a58dcbfdc5c4cf335b506ce875b6
ntp server no database synchronize
database synchronize rf-plan-data ip mobile domain default
ip igmp
no firewall attack-rate cp 1024
firewall cp
firewall cp
packet-capture-defaults tcp disable udp disable sysmsg disable other disable
ip domain lookup
country US
aaa authentication mac "CMmacAuth"
delimiter colon
aaa authentication mac "default"
aaa authentication dot1x "Tech_802.1x" termination enable
termination eap-type eap-peap termination inner-eap-type eap-mschapv2 server-cert "arubacontroller2009"
aaa authentication dot1x "default"
aaa authentication-server radius "Tech_IAS" host
key f865d7ba8915205eb12773b41b502a7cd3798492ee759176
aaa authentication-server radius "CAMPUSMANAGER" host
key 8dea4674f0e0ce9928fdda605609020d5d0104f9126c83ac
aaa server-group "Tech_Server_Group" auth-server Tech_IAS
set role condition Filter-Id equals "ExecutiveDL" set-value Secure
set role condition Filter-Id equals "StaffDL" set-value Secure
set role condition Filter-Id equals "WirelessAdminDL" set- value SecureAdmin
aaa server-group "CMServerGroup" auth-server CAMPUSMANAGER
aaa server-group "default" auth-server Internal
set role condition role value-of
aaa profile "Tech_Guest_AAA" initial-role "TechGuest"
mac-default-role "TechGuest"
aaa profile "Tech_Guest_CM_AAA" initial-role "Quarantine" authentication-mac "CMmacAuth" mac-default-role "TechGuest_CM" mac-server-group "CMServerGroup"
aaa profile "Tech_Secure_AAA" authentication-dot1x "Tech_802.1x" dot1x-default-role "SecureExecutive" dot1x-server-group "Tech_Server_Group"
aaa profile "default"
aaa authentication captive-portal "default"
aaa authentication wispr "default"
aaa authentication vpn server-group "internal"
aaa authentication mgmt
aaa authentication stateful-ntlm "default"
aaa authentication stateful-dot1x
aaa authentication wired
switch-cert "arubacontroller2009"
aaa password-policy mgmt
ap system-profile "default"
ap system-profile "LocalFirst" lms-ip
ap system-profile "MasterFirst" lms-ip
ap system-profile "RemoteAP" lms-ip
ap regulatory-domain-profile "default" country-code US
valid-11g-channel 1
valid-11g-channel 6
valid-11g-channel 11
valid-11a-channel 36
valid-11a-channel 40
valid-11a-channel 44
valid-11a-channel 48
valid-11a-channel 149
valid-11a-channel 153
valid-11a-channel 157
valid-11a-channel 161
valid-11a-channel 165
valid-11g-40mhz-channel-pair 1+
valid-11g-40mhz-channel-pair 5-
valid-11g-40mhz-channel-pair 7+
valid-11g-40mhz-channel-pair 11-
valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair 36+
valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair 40-
valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair 44+
valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair 48-
valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair 149+
valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair 153-
valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair 157+
valid-11a-40mhz-channel-pair 161-
ap wired-ap-profile "default"
ap enet-link-profile "default"
ap mesh-ht-ssid-profile "default"
ap mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster1" cluster "TechCluster1"
opmode wpa2-psk-aes
wpa-passphrase cc4940f33598e1dded9ef2be7faaa0b3d01c7ba9c1852589
ap mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster2" cluster "TechCluster2"
opmode wpa2-psk-aes
wpa-passphrase ca4f03111febbcd97ca5e2df49bed22147d26f6d0a6f32f3
ap mesh-cluster-profile "default"
ap mesh-radio-profile "TechMeshRadio"
ap mesh-radio-profile "AcctMeshRadio"
ap mesh-radio-profile "default"
ap mesh-radio-profile "HodginsMeshRadio"
ap mesh-radio-profile "GordonMeshRadio"
ids general-profile "default"
ids unauthorized-device-profile "default"
ids profile "default"
rf arm-profile "default"
rf arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh" assignment disable
rf optimization-profile "default"
rf event-thresholds-profile "default"
rf dot11a-radio-profile "TechMeshRadio_MeSh" no radio-enable
channel 165
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
rf dot11a-radio-profile "AcctMeshRadio_MeSh" no radio-enable
channel 40
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
rf dot11a-radio-profile "default"
rf dot11a-radio-profile "default_MeSh" no radio-enable
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
rf dot11a-radio-profile "HodginsMeshRadio_MeSh" no radio-enable
channel 36
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
rf dot11a-radio-profile "mode_am" mode am-mode
rf dot11a-radio-profile "GordonMeshRadio_MeSh" no radio-enable
channel 44
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
rf dot11g-radio-profile "TechMeshRadio_MeSh" no radio-enable
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
rf dot11g-radio-profile "AcctMeshRadio_MeSh" no radio-enable
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
rf dot11g-radio-profile "default" no high-throughput-enable
rf dot11g-radio-profile "default_MeSh" no radio-enable
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
rf dot11g-radio-profile "HodginsMeshRadio_MeSh" no radio-enable
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
rf dot11g-radio-profile "mode_am" mode am-mode
rf dot11g-radio-profile "GordonMeshRadio_MeSh" no radio-enable
tx-power 127
arm-profile "no_arm_enable_MeSh"
wlan dot11k-profile "default"
wlan voip-cac-profile "default"
wlan ht-ssid-profile "default"
wlan edca-parameters-profile station "default"
wlan edca-parameters-profile ap "default"
wlan ssid-profile "Tech_Guest_SSID" essid "TechWZONE"
wlan ssid-profile "Tech_Secure_SSID" essid "TechWZONESecure"
opmode wpa-tkip wpa2-aes mcast-rate-opt
wlan ssid-profile "default"
wlan ssid-profile "TEST-SSID"
essid "TEST"
wlan virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" aaa-profile "Tech_Guest_CM_AAA" ssid-profile "Tech_Guest_SSID"
vlan 221-228 multi-association vlan-mobility
broadcast-filter arp band-steering
wlan virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_VAP" aaa-profile "Tech_Guest_AAA" ssid-profile "Tech_Guest_SSID" vlan 222-228
multi-association vlan-mobility broadcast-filter arp band-steering
wlan virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_VAP_Mixed" aaa-profile "Tech_Guest_AAA"
ssid-profile "Tech_Guest_SSID" vlan 444
multi-association vlan-mobility broadcast-filter arp band-steering
wlan virtual-ap "Tech_Secure_VAP" aaa-profile "Tech_Secure_AAA" ssid-profile "Tech_Secure_SSID" vlan 231-238
multi-association vlan-mobility
broadcast-filter arp band-steering
wlan virtual-ap "default"
wlan traffic-management-profile "bandwidth_use" shaping-policy fair-access
ap-group "Blue"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "Area51"
virtual-ap "Tech_Secure_VAP" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP"
mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster1" priority 1 mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster2" priority 2
ap-group "Area_MeSh"
virtual-ap "Tech_Secure_VAP" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" dot11a-radio-profile "default_MeSh"
mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster1" priority 1 mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster2" priority 2
ap-group "Jones"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "Office-1st"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
ap-group "Kitchen"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "Smith"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "Acct"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "Acct Mesh"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
mesh-radio-profile "AcctMeshRadio"
mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster1" priority 1 mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster2" priority 2
ap-group "Acct Mesh_MeSh" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP"
dot11a-radio-profile "AcctMeshRadio_MeSh" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
mesh-radio-profile "AcctMeshRadio"
mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster1" priority 1 mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster2" priority 2
ap-group "Elkins"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "default" virtual-ap "default"
dot11a-radio-profile "mode_am" dot11g-radio-profile "mode_am" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
ap-group "Butterfly"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "Hodges"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "Hodgins Mesh" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP"
ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
mesh-radio-profile "HodginsMeshRadio"
mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster1" priority 1 mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster2" priority 2
ap-group "Hodgins Mesh_MeSh" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP"
dot11a-radio-profile "HodginsMeshRadio_MeSh" dot11g-radio-profile "mode_am"
ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
mesh-radio-profile "HodginsMeshRadio"
mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster1" priority 1 mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster2" priority 2
ap-group "Francois"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "Accounting"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "NHTI"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "Open > Local-1st" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
ap-group "Open > Master-1st" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
ap-group "Open+Secure>Local-1st" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" virtual-ap "Tech_Secure_VAP"
ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
ap-group "Fish"
virtual-ap "Tech_Secure_VAP" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "RemoteAP"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_VAP" virtual-ap "Tech_Secure_VAP" ap-system-profile "RemoteAP"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use"
ap-group "RemoteAPLocal" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_VAP" virtual-ap "Tech_Secure_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
ap-group "Engineering"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "LocalFirst"
ap-group "QA_Lab"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
ap-group "Gordon Mesh"
virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" mesh-radio-profile "GordonMeshRadio"
mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster1" priority 1 mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster2" priority 2
ap-group "Gordon Mesh_MeSh" virtual-ap "Tech_Guest_CM_VAP"
dot11a-radio-profile "GordonMeshRadio_MeSh" ap-system-profile "MasterFirst"
dot11a-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" dot11g-traffic-mgmt-profile "bandwidth_use" mesh-radio-profile "GordonMeshRadio"
mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster1" priority 1 mesh-cluster-profile "TechMeshCluster2" priority 2
ap-name "Monitor"
dot11a-radio-profile "mode_am" dot11g-radio-profile "mode_am"
logging level debugging network subcat all logging level debugging network subcat dhcp logging level debugging security
logging level debugging security subcat all logging level debugging system subcat all logging level debugging user subcat all logging level debugging wireless subcat all
logging level debugging user-debug 00:19:d2:6d:26:15 snmp-server enable trap
snmp-server host version 1 Fortinet udp-port 162 process monitor log