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Administration Guide

Creating cloud deployment templates

Creating cloud deployment templates

Cloud orchestration uses cloud deployment templates to specify the VPC and FortiGate ASG settings.

You can configure the following types of cloud deployment templates:

  • AWS Autoscale Existing VPC Template.
  • AWS Autoscale New VPC Template.
  • AWS Autoscale TGW New VPC Template.

You can view a tooltip with information about each configurable setting in the GUI.

To create a cloud deployment template:
  1. Go to Fabric View > Cloud Orchestration > Cloud Deployment Templates.
  2. Click Create New and select a cloud deployment template. Settings vary depending on the template selected.
    You can configure the following types of templates:
    • AWS Autoscale Existing VPC Template.
    • AWS Autoscale New VPC Template.
    • AWS Autoscale TGW New VPC Template.
  3. Enter a name for the template.
  4. Configure the settings for your AWS VPC.
  5. Configure the settings for your FortiGate ASG including the PAYG and/or BYOL pool size.
  6. Optionally, provide an Autoscale Notification Subscriber Email to receive autoscale notifications. If provided, an email will be sent to the address to confirm the subscription.
  7. Optionally, open the Advanced Options menu to see additional options including FortiAnalyzer integration options and advanced FortiGate ASG options.
    • When FortiAnalyzer Integration Options are enabled, cloud orchestrations using the template will deploy a FortiAnalyzer-VM on AWS in addition to the FortiGate ASG.
  8. Click OK to save the template.
Upload BYOL licenses to the AWS bucket:

When configuring a cloud deployment template which includes any BYOL VMs, you must manually upload your BYOL license file(s) to AWS in the following location before deploying the cloud orchestration: <S3Bucket>/assets/license-files/fortigate/ where <S3Bucket> is the default bucket created in each region, or the bucket specified in the Cloud Orchestration Template under Advanced Options > Misc > S3 Bucket Name.

Creating cloud deployment templates

Creating cloud deployment templates

Cloud orchestration uses cloud deployment templates to specify the VPC and FortiGate ASG settings.

You can configure the following types of cloud deployment templates:

  • AWS Autoscale Existing VPC Template.
  • AWS Autoscale New VPC Template.
  • AWS Autoscale TGW New VPC Template.

You can view a tooltip with information about each configurable setting in the GUI.

To create a cloud deployment template:
  1. Go to Fabric View > Cloud Orchestration > Cloud Deployment Templates.
  2. Click Create New and select a cloud deployment template. Settings vary depending on the template selected.
    You can configure the following types of templates:
    • AWS Autoscale Existing VPC Template.
    • AWS Autoscale New VPC Template.
    • AWS Autoscale TGW New VPC Template.
  3. Enter a name for the template.
  4. Configure the settings for your AWS VPC.
  5. Configure the settings for your FortiGate ASG including the PAYG and/or BYOL pool size.
  6. Optionally, provide an Autoscale Notification Subscriber Email to receive autoscale notifications. If provided, an email will be sent to the address to confirm the subscription.
  7. Optionally, open the Advanced Options menu to see additional options including FortiAnalyzer integration options and advanced FortiGate ASG options.
    • When FortiAnalyzer Integration Options are enabled, cloud orchestrations using the template will deploy a FortiAnalyzer-VM on AWS in addition to the FortiGate ASG.
  8. Click OK to save the template.
Upload BYOL licenses to the AWS bucket:

When configuring a cloud deployment template which includes any BYOL VMs, you must manually upload your BYOL license file(s) to AWS in the following location before deploying the cloud orchestration: <S3Bucket>/assets/license-files/fortigate/ where <S3Bucket> is the default bucket created in each region, or the bucket specified in the Cloud Orchestration Template under Advanced Options > Misc > S3 Bucket Name.