BGP Neighbors
When central management is enabled for SD-WAN, you can create SD-WAN rules that include Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbors. You must create BGP neighbors for FortiGate devices before you can add them to the SD-WAN templates.
To configure BGP Neighbors for SD-WAN (central management):
- Go to Device Manager > SD-WAN > BGP Neighbors.
- Click Create New.
- The Create New WAN BGP Neighbor pane opens:
- Configure the following:
Enter the name of the WAN BGP neighbor.
Enter a description of the template.
Neighbor IP
Enter an IP for the neighbor.
Select standalone, primary, or secondary.
Per-Device Mapping
Switch per-device mapping to ON and click Create New. Configure the following:
Mapped Device
Enable/disable fail detection features for this interface.
Specify a description.
Specify the IP.
Select standalone, primary, or secondary.
- Click OK.