Use the following commands for DVM related settings.
dvm adom
Use this command to list ADOMs.
diagnose dvm adom list
Variable |
Description |
list |
List ADOMs, state, product, OS version (OSVER), major release (MR), name, mode, and VPN management. |
dvm capability
Use this command to set the DVM capability.
diagnose dvm capability set {all | standard}
diagnose dvm capability show
Variable |
Description |
set {all | standard} |
Set the capability to all or standard: |
show |
Show what the capability is set to. |
dvm chassis
Use this command to list chassis and supported chassis models.
diagnose dvm chassis list
diagnose dvm chassis supported models
Variable |
Description |
list |
List chassis. |
supported-models |
List supported chassis models. |
dvm check-integrity
Use this command to check the DVM database integrity.
diagnose dvm check-integrity
dvm csf
Use this command to print the CSF configuration.
diagnose dvm csf <adom> <category>
Variable |
Description |
<adom> |
The ADOM name. |
<category> |
The category:
dvm debug
Use this command to enable/disable debug channels.
diagnose dvm debug {enable | disable} <channel> <channel> <channel>
Variable |
Description |
{enable | disable} |
Enable or disable debug channels. |
<channel> |
The following options are available: |
dvm device
Use this command to list devices or objects referencing a device.
diagnose dvm device dynobj <device>
diagnose dvm device list <device> <vdom>
diagnose dvm device delete <adom> <device>
diagnose dvm device monitor <device> <api>
diagnose dvm device object-reference <device> <vdom> <category> <object>
Variable |
Description |
dynobj <device> |
List dynamic objects on this device. |
list <device> <vdom> |
List devices. Optionally, enter a device or VDOM name. |
delete <adom> <device> |
Delete devices for a specific ADOM. |
monitor <device> <api> |
JSON API for device monitor. Specify the device name and the monitor API name. |
object-reference <device> <vdom> <category> <object> |
List object reference. Specify the device name, VDOM, category (or all for all categories), and object. |
The following example shows the results of running the monitor command for WiFi clients.
FMG-VM64 # diagnose dvm device monitor FortiGate-VM64 wifi/client
Request :
"id": 1473975442,
"method": "exec",
"params": [
"data": {
"action": "get",
"resource": "/api/v2/monitor/wifi/client",
"target": [
"url": "sys/proxy/json"
Response :
"id": 1473975442,
"result": [
"data": [
"response": {
"action": "select",
"build": 1081,
"http_method": "GET",
"name": "client",
"path": "wifi",
"results": null,
"serial": "FGVMEV0000000000",
"status": "success",
"vdom": "root",
"version": "v5.4.0"
"status": {
"code": 0,
"message": "OK"
"target": "FortiGate-VM64"
"status": {
"code": 0,
"message": "OK"
"url": "sys/proxy/json"
dvm device-tree-update
Use this command to enable/disable device tree automatic updates.
diagnose dvm device-tree-update {enable | disable}
Variable |
Description |
{enable | disable} |
Enable or disable device tree autoupdate. |
dvm extender
Use these commands to list FortiExtender devices and synchronize FortiExtender data via JSON.
diagnose dvm extender list [device]
diagnose dvm extender sync-extender-data <device> [savedb] [syncadom] [task]
diagnose dvm extender get-extender-modem-ip <device> <id>
Variable |
Description |
list [device] |
List FortiExtender devices, or those connected to a specific device. |
sync-extender-data <devname> [savedb] [syncadom] [task] |
Synchronize FortiExtender data by JSON. Optionally: save the data to the database, synchronize the ADOM, and/or create a task. |
get-extender-modem-ip <device> <id> |
Get the FortiExtender modem IPv4 address by JSON. Enter the device name and FortiExtender ID. |
dvm fap
Use this command to list the FortiAP devices connected to a device.
diagnose dvm fap list <devname>
Variable |
Description |
<devname> |
The name of the device. |
dvm fsw
Use this command to list the FortiSwitch devices connected to a device.
diagnose dvm fsw list <devname>
Variable |
Description |
<devname> |
The name of the device. |
dvm group
Use this command to list groups.
diagnose dvm group list
Variable |
Description |
list |
List groups. |
dvm lock
Use this command to print the DVM lock states.
diagnose dvm lock
dvm proc
Use this command to list DVM processes.
diagnose dvm proc list
Variable |
Description |
list |
List processes. |
dvm supported-platforms
Use this command to list supported platforms and firmware versions.
diagnose dvm supported-platforms list <detail>
diagnose dvm supported-platforms mr-list
diagnose dvm supported-platforms fortiswitch
Variable |
Description |
list <detail> |
List supported platforms by device type. Enter detail to show details with syntax support. |
mr-list |
List supported platforms by major release. |
fortiswitch |
List supported platforms in FortiSwitch manager. |
dvm task
Use this command to repair or reset the task database.
diagnose dvm task list <adom> <type>
diagnose dvm task repair
diagnose dvm task reset
Variable |
Description |
list <adom> <type> |
List task database information. |
repair |
Repair the task database while preserving existing data where possible. The FortiManager will reboot after the repairs. |
reset |
Reset the task database to its factory default state. All existing tasks and the task history will be erased. The FortiManager will reboot after the reset. |
dvm transaction-flag
Use this command to edit or display DVM transaction flags.
diagnose dvm transaction-flag {abort | debug | none}
Variable |
Description |
transaction-flag {abort | debug | none} |
Transaction flag options: |
dvm workflow
Use this command to edit or display workflow information.
diagnose dvm workflow log-list <ADOM_name> <workflow_session_ID>
diagnose dvm workflow session-list <ADOM_name>
Variable |
Description |
log list |
List workflow session logs. |
session list |
List workflow sessions. |