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CLI Reference

system snmp threshold

system snmp threshold

Use this command to configure the event types that trigger an SNMP trap.


config system snmp threshold

set {cpu | deferred-queue | logdisk | maildisk | mem | spam | virus} <trigger_int> <threshold_int> <sample_period_int> <sample_frequency_int>





{cpu | deferred-queue | logdisk | maildisk | mem | spam | virus} <trigger_int> <threshold_int> <sample_period_int> <sample_frequency_int>

Specify the trap event, such as cpu or spam, then specify the following threshold values:

trigger_int: You can enter either the percent of the resource in use or the number of times the trigger level must be reached before it is triggered. For example, using the default value, if the mailbox disk is 90% or more full, it will trigger.

threshold_int: Sets the number of triggers that will result in an SNMP trap. For example, if the CPU level exceeds the set trigger percentage once before returning to a lower level, and the threshold is set to more than one an SNMP trap will not be generated until that minimum number of triggers occurs during the sample period.

sample_period_int: Sets the time period in seconds during which the FortiMail unit SNMP agent counts the number of triggers that occurred. This value should not be less than the Sample Frequency value.

sample_frequency_int: Sets the interval in seconds between measurements of the trap condition. You will not receive traps faster than this rate, depending on the selected sample period. This value should be less than the Sample Period value.

cpu: 80 3 600 30

mem: 80 3 600 30

logdisk: 90 1 7200 3600

maildisk: 90 1 7200 3600

virus: 10 600

spam: 60 600

Related topics

system snmp community

system snmp sysinfo

system snmp threshold

system snmp threshold

Use this command to configure the event types that trigger an SNMP trap.


config system snmp threshold

set {cpu | deferred-queue | logdisk | maildisk | mem | spam | virus} <trigger_int> <threshold_int> <sample_period_int> <sample_frequency_int>





{cpu | deferred-queue | logdisk | maildisk | mem | spam | virus} <trigger_int> <threshold_int> <sample_period_int> <sample_frequency_int>

Specify the trap event, such as cpu or spam, then specify the following threshold values:

trigger_int: You can enter either the percent of the resource in use or the number of times the trigger level must be reached before it is triggered. For example, using the default value, if the mailbox disk is 90% or more full, it will trigger.

threshold_int: Sets the number of triggers that will result in an SNMP trap. For example, if the CPU level exceeds the set trigger percentage once before returning to a lower level, and the threshold is set to more than one an SNMP trap will not be generated until that minimum number of triggers occurs during the sample period.

sample_period_int: Sets the time period in seconds during which the FortiMail unit SNMP agent counts the number of triggers that occurred. This value should not be less than the Sample Frequency value.

sample_frequency_int: Sets the interval in seconds between measurements of the trap condition. You will not receive traps faster than this rate, depending on the selected sample period. This value should be less than the Sample Period value.

cpu: 80 3 600 30

mem: 80 3 600 30

logdisk: 90 1 7200 3600

maildisk: 90 1 7200 3600

virus: 10 600

spam: 60 600

Related topics

system snmp community

system snmp sysinfo