Example commands
This section contains various example commands that you may encounter.
Admin login with PKI certificate-based authentication
curl -v -c cookie.txt --cert test.pem --key test.key --cacert CA.cer -X POST -k https://ip_or_host/api/v1/AdminLogin
If login is successful, the cookies will be saved to cookie.txt, which will be used in below commands.
Admin login with password-based authentication
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"admin","password":"*****"}' https://ip_or_host/api/v1/AdminLogin -c cookie.txt
If login is successful, the cookies will be saved to cookie.txt, which will be used in below commands.
If "post_login_banner:true" is present in the json response, issue the second request as below, and use newcookie.txt, instead of cookie.txt, in below commands.
curl -k -v --cookie aaaa.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name": "admin", "password": "*****", "reqAction":7}' https://ip_or_host/api/v1/AdminLogin [^] -c newcookie.txt
To get domain information
If you log in to FortiMail with a PKI certificate, you must use both the cookie and certificate together to run the command sessions. If you log in with user name and password, you only need to use the cookie to run the command sessions. For example:
To get domain information with password-based authentication
curl -k -v --cookie cookie.txt https://ip_or_host/api/v1/Domain
To get domain information with certificate-based authentication
curl -k -v --cookie cookie.txt --cacert CA.cer https://ip_or_host/api/v1/Domain
To create a domain association
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -k -d '{"domain":"example.com"}' -b cookie.txt http://ip_or_host/api/v1/MailSetDomainAssociation/example_domain_association.cn
Access control rule management
Supported values for 'action' attribute of ACL. If not set, the default action is reject:
1: safe-relay
2: relay
3: reject
4: discard
5: safe
Supported values for 'recipient-pattern-type' and 'sender-pattern-type' attributes of ACL:
0: default / wild-card
1: regular expression
2: email group
3: ldap group
Supported values for 'authenticated' attribute of ACL:
0: any
1: authenticated
2: not-authenticated
Supported values for 'sender-ip-type' attribute of ACL:
0: ip mask
1: ip group
Supported values for 'sortingDirection' attribute of applicable JSON requests (i.e. ACL rule):
1: enabled/sorting
2: disabled/no sorting
Supported values for 'reqAction' attribute of all JSON requests:
1: GET
14: MOVE
If reqAction is present in JSON, it takes precedence over HTTP method header (i.e. HTTP GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). |
List access control rules
To list ACL rules in original order:
curl -v -b cookie.txt -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"reqAction":1,"sortingDirection":2}' http://ip_or_host/api/v1/MailSetAccessRule
To list ACL rules in descending order:
curl -v -b cookie.txt -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"reqAction":1,"sortingDirection":1}' http://ip_or_host/api/v1/MailSetAccessRule
Create a new access control rule
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"status":true,"sender_pattern":"*@example.com","sender_ip_mask":"192.168. 1.1/32", "action":2}' -b cookie.txt http://ip_or_host/api/v1/MailSetAccessRule/0 --No mkey is required
Modify an existing access control rule
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"action":3}' -b cookie.txt http://ip_or_host/api/v1/MailSetAccessRule/1 --"1" is the mkey --Set access rule "1" action to “Reject”
Delete an existing access control rule
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -b cookie.txt http://ip_or_host/api/v1/MailSetAccessRule/3 --Delete Access Control Rule "3"
Move existing access control rule
You can move a rule up one place, down one place, before another rule, or after another rule. To move a rule to the top or bottom, you can find the first. or last rule ID (mkey) and move the rule before the first rule or after the last rule.
reqAction: 14 -- required, only one value: 14 means to move
moveAction : up -- required, 4 values: up/down/before/after
mmkey: 3 – required, ID of the ACL rule to be moved
refMkey: 2 – required, reference ID of the ACL rule when moving before/after this ID
To move rule"3" up one place:
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"reqAction":"14","mmkey":3,"moveAction":"up"}' -b cookie.txt http://ip_or_host/api/v1/MailSetAccessRule
To move rule "3" after rule "2":
curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d '{"reqAction":"14","mmkey":3,"moveAction":"after",”refMkey”:2}' -b cookie.txt http://ip_or_host/api/v1/MailSetAccessRule
Safelist/blocklist management
To get the system level safelist:
curl -v -b cookie -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"reqAction":"1","extraParam":"safelist"}' http://IP_Host/api/v1/SenderListV2/system/
To create a new system level safelist entry:
curl -v -b cookie -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"extraParam":"safelist", "listitems":"ip_or_email"}' http://IP_Host/api/v1/SenderListV2/system/
To create a system level safelist entry with a comment:
curl -v -k -b cookie -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"extraParam":"safelist", "listitems":"*@test.com:This is a test comment"}' https://ip_or_hostname/api/v1/SenderListV2/system/
To delete a system level safelist entry:
curl -v -b cookie -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"reqAction": 3, "extraParam":"safelist", "listitems":"ip_or_email"}' http://IP_Host/api/v1/SenderListV2/system/