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REST API for administrative actions

REST API for administrative actions

Apart from resources, FortiMail REST API supports basic administrative actions such as restarting /shutting down a device. Use the following URL to send action request:

  • URL: http(s)://host_ip/api/v1/SysStatusCommand/
  • Method: POST
  • JSON: {“action”: action_value}

Where action_value is one of the following integers:

1: Restart

2: Shut down

3: Reload

REST API for administrative actions

Apart from resources, FortiMail REST API supports basic administrative actions such as restarting /shutting down a device. Use the following URL to send action request:

  • URL: http(s)://host_ip/api/v1/SysStatusCommand/
  • Method: POST
  • JSON: {“action”: action_value}

Where action_value is one of the following integers:

1: Restart

2: Shut down

3: Reload