mailsetting storage central-ibe
Use this command to configure storage of IBE encrypted email.
To reduce the storage resources required on lower-end FortiMail units, you can configure them to store encrypted email on a high-end FortiMail unit that you have configured to act as a centralized storage server.
config mailsetting storage central-ibe
set remote-storage-type {disable | from-client | to-server-over-ssl}
set client-ip <client_ipv4>
set server-host <server_ipv4>
set server-name <name_str>
remote-storage-type {disable | from-client | to-server-over-ssl}
Enter one of the following centralized IBE types:
disable : Centralized IBE storage is disabled.
The FortiMail unit stores its IBE messages locally,
on its own hard disks.
from-client : Select this option to allow the
FortiMail unit to act as a central IBE storage server
and receive IBE email from the client FortiMail
units. Also configure client-ip
<client_ipv4> for each FortiMail client. Note
this feature is only available on the high-end
FortiMail models (FortiMail 1000D and above).
to-server-over-ssl : Select this option to
allow the FortiMail unit to act as a central IBE
storage client and send its IBE messages to the
remote FortiMail server. Also configure
server-name <name_str> and server-host
<server_ipv4> . All FortiMail units can act as
client-ip <client_ipv4>
This option applies only if remote-storage-type is set to from-client .
Enter the IP address of the FortiMail unit that is allowed to store its IBE email on this high-end FortiMail unit.
For FortiMail 1000D, 2000A, 2000B, and VM04 models, you can enter a maximum of 10 IP addresses as clients. For FortiMail 3000C and above models, you can enter a maximum of 20 IP addresses.
server-host <server_ipv4>
This option applies only if remote-storage-type is set to to-server-over-ssl .
Enter the IP address of the FortiMail unit that is acting as the central IBE storage server.
server-name <name_str>
This option applies only if remote-storage-type is set to to-server-over-ssl .
Enter the name of the FortiMail unit that is acting as the central IBE storage server. This name may be the host name or any other name that uniquely identifies the central quarantine server.