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Address Books

Address Books

You can use the Contacts icon on the top right of the page to:

  • access or download the system-wide address book including contact groups
  • access or download the address book including contact groups in your email domain
  • add new contacts in the personal address book individually
  • upload an address book to add multiple contacts as a batch in the personal address book
  • view the details of, change, or delete a contact in the personal address book
  • download an address book with your contacts in the personal address book

Personal address book

Use your personal address book to

  • add new contacts individually
  • upload an address book to add multiple contacts as a batch
  • view the details of, change, or delete a contact
  • download an address book with your contacts
  • add contact groups

Adding new contacts

You can add contacts to your personal address book either when viewing your address book, or when viewing an email in your mailbox.

If you need to add several contacts from an address book that you already have somewhere else, you may be able to save time by uploading that address book instead. See Uploading your address book.

To add an individual new contact while viewing the address book
  1. Click Contacts > Personal > New Contact.
  2. Complete as many of the fields as you want. Only the fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required.
  3. Click Create.
  4. The new contact appears in your personal address book. For information on downloading a backup copy, see Downloading your address book.

To add an individual new contact while viewing an email
  1. Click the name of your Inbox or other mailbox folder, or click Bulk to display your personal quarantine.
  2. Click to select and display an email.
  3. Click the sender’s email address.
  4. Click Add to Contacts to display a pop-up dialog that enables you to add the email address in the From: header to your personal address book, without leaving the email.
  5. Complete as many of the fields as you want. Only the fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required.
  6. Click Create.
  7. The new contact appears in your personal address book. For information on downloading a backup copy, see Downloading your address book.

Uploading your address book

Especially when beginning to use FortiMail webmail, you may need to add many contacts at once.

Instead of adding contacts individually, if you have an existing address book located in other software such as in your email or address book software, you may be able to export your address book from that software and upload it to FortiMail webmail in order to save time.

To upload a batch of contacts
  1. In your email or address book software, export your selected contacts or address book as a comma-separated value (CSV) file. Methods vary. For details, see your software’s documentation.
  2. Log in to FortiMail webmail.
  3. Click Contacts > Personal.
  4. Click Import to upload a copy of the address book in comma-separated value (.csv) or vCard (.vcf) file format that you exported.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Your web browser uploads the CSV or VCF file. When FortiMail webmail has received your file, it checks your address book for duplicates. It will only add new or different contacts.

    When complete, a message appears which displays the total number of records that were imported (that is, added) to your personal address book, and also displays the number of entries in your uploaded file for comparison. The two numbers should usually match, unless you have uploaded a file that contains duplicates.

  7. Click OK.

Downloading your address book

If you want a backup copy of the address book, or want to use it in software other than FortiMail webmail, you can download it as a comma-separated value (CSV) or vCard (VCF) file.

These file formats can be used by many popular applications, including email clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird and spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel and Calc, but can also be viewed and edited in any plain text editor.

To download your personal address book
  1. Click Contacts > Personal.
  2. Click Export to download a copy of the address book in comma-separated value (.csv) or vCard (.vcf) file format.
  3. Your web browser downloads a file named after your login in FortiMail webmail, whose file extension is “.csv” or “vcf”. This is your personal address book file in comma-separated value (CSV) or vCard (VCF) format.

Adding contact groups

You can group your contacts so that you can send email to a group of recipients all at once.

To add a contact group
  1. Click Contacts.
  2. Go to Personal and click the icon that goes with your cursor.
  3. Click New Contact Group.
  4. Name the group and click Create.

Global address book

In addition to your personal contact list, FortiMail webmail may have a system-wide address book, which can be used by anyone that has access to FortiMail webmail.

This address book is created by your network administrator, and could contain any contacts that are needed by most people in the organization, such as a list of employees.

The Global link allows you to access or download the system-wide address book including contact groups.

You cannot modify or delete the contacts in the address book. However, if you want a backup copy of the address book, or want to use it in software other than FortiMail webmail, you can download it as a comma-separated value (CSV) or vCard (VCF) file.These file formats can be used by many popular applications, including email clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird and spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel and Calc, but can also be viewed and edited in any plain text editor.

To view the global address book, click Contacts > Global. Clicking Global displays the contact groups. Double-clicking a contact displays its information, such as name and address.

To download the system-wide address book including contact groups
  1. Click Contacts > Global.
  2. Click Export to download a copy of the address book in comma-separated value (.csv) or vCard (.vcf) file format.

Domain address book

In addition to your personal contact list or the global address book, FortiMail webmail may have a domain-based address book, which can be used by anyone that is in that domain and has access to FortiMail webmail.

This address book is created by your network administrator, and could contain any contacts that are needed by most people in that domain, such as a list of employees.

The Domain link allows you to access or download the address book including contact groups in your email domain.

You cannot modify or delete the contacts in the address book. However, if you want a backup copy of the address book, or want to use it in software other than FortiMail webmail, you can download it as a comma-separated value (CSV) or vCard (VCF) file.These file formats can be used by many popular applications, including email clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird and spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel and Calc, but can also be viewed and edited in any plain text editor.

To view the domain address book, click Contacts > Global. Expanding Domain displays the contact groups. Double-clicking a contact displays its information, such as name and address.

To download the domain address book including contact groups
  1. Click Contacts > Domain.
  2. Click Export to download a copy of the address book in comma-separated value (.csv) or vCard (.vcf) file format.

Address Books

You can use the Contacts icon on the top right of the page to:

  • access or download the system-wide address book including contact groups
  • access or download the address book including contact groups in your email domain
  • add new contacts in the personal address book individually
  • upload an address book to add multiple contacts as a batch in the personal address book
  • view the details of, change, or delete a contact in the personal address book
  • download an address book with your contacts in the personal address book

Personal address book

Use your personal address book to

  • add new contacts individually
  • upload an address book to add multiple contacts as a batch
  • view the details of, change, or delete a contact
  • download an address book with your contacts
  • add contact groups

Adding new contacts

You can add contacts to your personal address book either when viewing your address book, or when viewing an email in your mailbox.

If you need to add several contacts from an address book that you already have somewhere else, you may be able to save time by uploading that address book instead. See Uploading your address book.

To add an individual new contact while viewing the address book
  1. Click Contacts > Personal > New Contact.
  2. Complete as many of the fields as you want. Only the fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required.
  3. Click Create.
  4. The new contact appears in your personal address book. For information on downloading a backup copy, see Downloading your address book.

To add an individual new contact while viewing an email
  1. Click the name of your Inbox or other mailbox folder, or click Bulk to display your personal quarantine.
  2. Click to select and display an email.
  3. Click the sender’s email address.
  4. Click Add to Contacts to display a pop-up dialog that enables you to add the email address in the From: header to your personal address book, without leaving the email.
  5. Complete as many of the fields as you want. Only the fields marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required.
  6. Click Create.
  7. The new contact appears in your personal address book. For information on downloading a backup copy, see Downloading your address book.

Uploading your address book

Especially when beginning to use FortiMail webmail, you may need to add many contacts at once.

Instead of adding contacts individually, if you have an existing address book located in other software such as in your email or address book software, you may be able to export your address book from that software and upload it to FortiMail webmail in order to save time.

To upload a batch of contacts
  1. In your email or address book software, export your selected contacts or address book as a comma-separated value (CSV) file. Methods vary. For details, see your software’s documentation.
  2. Log in to FortiMail webmail.
  3. Click Contacts > Personal.
  4. Click Import to upload a copy of the address book in comma-separated value (.csv) or vCard (.vcf) file format that you exported.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Your web browser uploads the CSV or VCF file. When FortiMail webmail has received your file, it checks your address book for duplicates. It will only add new or different contacts.

    When complete, a message appears which displays the total number of records that were imported (that is, added) to your personal address book, and also displays the number of entries in your uploaded file for comparison. The two numbers should usually match, unless you have uploaded a file that contains duplicates.

  7. Click OK.

Downloading your address book

If you want a backup copy of the address book, or want to use it in software other than FortiMail webmail, you can download it as a comma-separated value (CSV) or vCard (VCF) file.

These file formats can be used by many popular applications, including email clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird and spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel and Calc, but can also be viewed and edited in any plain text editor.

To download your personal address book
  1. Click Contacts > Personal.
  2. Click Export to download a copy of the address book in comma-separated value (.csv) or vCard (.vcf) file format.
  3. Your web browser downloads a file named after your login in FortiMail webmail, whose file extension is “.csv” or “vcf”. This is your personal address book file in comma-separated value (CSV) or vCard (VCF) format.

Adding contact groups

You can group your contacts so that you can send email to a group of recipients all at once.

To add a contact group
  1. Click Contacts.
  2. Go to Personal and click the icon that goes with your cursor.
  3. Click New Contact Group.
  4. Name the group and click Create.

Global address book

In addition to your personal contact list, FortiMail webmail may have a system-wide address book, which can be used by anyone that has access to FortiMail webmail.

This address book is created by your network administrator, and could contain any contacts that are needed by most people in the organization, such as a list of employees.

The Global link allows you to access or download the system-wide address book including contact groups.

You cannot modify or delete the contacts in the address book. However, if you want a backup copy of the address book, or want to use it in software other than FortiMail webmail, you can download it as a comma-separated value (CSV) or vCard (VCF) file.These file formats can be used by many popular applications, including email clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird and spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel and Calc, but can also be viewed and edited in any plain text editor.

To view the global address book, click Contacts > Global. Clicking Global displays the contact groups. Double-clicking a contact displays its information, such as name and address.

To download the system-wide address book including contact groups
  1. Click Contacts > Global.
  2. Click Export to download a copy of the address book in comma-separated value (.csv) or vCard (.vcf) file format.

Domain address book

In addition to your personal contact list or the global address book, FortiMail webmail may have a domain-based address book, which can be used by anyone that is in that domain and has access to FortiMail webmail.

This address book is created by your network administrator, and could contain any contacts that are needed by most people in that domain, such as a list of employees.

The Domain link allows you to access or download the address book including contact groups in your email domain.

You cannot modify or delete the contacts in the address book. However, if you want a backup copy of the address book, or want to use it in software other than FortiMail webmail, you can download it as a comma-separated value (CSV) or vCard (VCF) file.These file formats can be used by many popular applications, including email clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird and spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel and Calc, but can also be viewed and edited in any plain text editor.

To view the domain address book, click Contacts > Global. Expanding Domain displays the contact groups. Double-clicking a contact displays its information, such as name and address.

To download the domain address book including contact groups
  1. Click Contacts > Domain.
  2. Click Export to download a copy of the address book in comma-separated value (.csv) or vCard (.vcf) file format.