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What's new

What's new

FortiIsolator version 2.4.4 includes the following new features and changes:

  • FortiIsolator 2.4.4 adds password enforcement with at least 8 characters covering all of the following categories:

    • Uppercase letters (A through Z)

    • Lowercase letters (a through z)

    • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)

    • Non-alphanumeric characters (special characters): '-!"#$%&()*,./:;?@[]^_`{|}~+<=>

    Users will see the following changes during the first login:

    • FortiIsolator 2.4.4 new users will be prompted to set up a password that meets the password requirements during their first login after installation.

    • Upgrade users who have been using default passwords from earlier 2.4 versions will be prompted to create a new password that meets the password requirements during the first login after the upgrade. No password change required for upgrade users not using any default passwords from earlier 2.4 versions.

  • The Policies and profiles > Profile page includes the following changes:

    • New Allowlist File Type Download/Upload options to specify the file types to allow for downloading or uploading.
    • The Allow Copy and Paste option is now split into the following two options:

      Allow Copy out from FortiIsolator

      Specifies whether to allow client users to copy content from the FortiIsolator to the clipboard using the keyboard or right-click menu.

      To enable copying content from the FortiIsolator using the right-click menu, the Allow Right-click Action option must be enabled.

      Allow Paste to FortiIsolator

      Specifies whether to allow client users to paste content from the clipboard to the FortiIsolator using the keyboard or right-click menu.

      To enable pasting content to the FortiIsolator using the right-click menu, the Allow Right-click Action option must be enabled.

      Same change for the CLI: under the set isolator-profile command, the permit-of-copy option is now split into permit-of-copy and permit-of-paste.

  • Use the new set trusted-ip command to configure a list of trusted IPs that can access the FortiIsolator management IP. You can set up a maximum of five trusted IPs. Use the new show trusted-ip command to display the list of trusted IPs that you have set up.

What's new

FortiIsolator version 2.4.4 includes the following new features and changes:

  • FortiIsolator 2.4.4 adds password enforcement with at least 8 characters covering all of the following categories:

    • Uppercase letters (A through Z)

    • Lowercase letters (a through z)

    • Base 10 digits (0 through 9)

    • Non-alphanumeric characters (special characters): '-!"#$%&()*,./:;?@[]^_`{|}~+<=>

    Users will see the following changes during the first login:

    • FortiIsolator 2.4.4 new users will be prompted to set up a password that meets the password requirements during their first login after installation.

    • Upgrade users who have been using default passwords from earlier 2.4 versions will be prompted to create a new password that meets the password requirements during the first login after the upgrade. No password change required for upgrade users not using any default passwords from earlier 2.4 versions.

  • The Policies and profiles > Profile page includes the following changes:

    • New Allowlist File Type Download/Upload options to specify the file types to allow for downloading or uploading.
    • The Allow Copy and Paste option is now split into the following two options:

      Allow Copy out from FortiIsolator

      Specifies whether to allow client users to copy content from the FortiIsolator to the clipboard using the keyboard or right-click menu.

      To enable copying content from the FortiIsolator using the right-click menu, the Allow Right-click Action option must be enabled.

      Allow Paste to FortiIsolator

      Specifies whether to allow client users to paste content from the clipboard to the FortiIsolator using the keyboard or right-click menu.

      To enable pasting content to the FortiIsolator using the right-click menu, the Allow Right-click Action option must be enabled.

      Same change for the CLI: under the set isolator-profile command, the permit-of-copy option is now split into permit-of-copy and permit-of-paste.

  • Use the new set trusted-ip command to configure a list of trusted IPs that can access the FortiIsolator management IP. You can set up a maximum of five trusted IPs. Use the new show trusted-ip command to display the list of trusted IPs that you have set up.