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Administration Guide

Using IP Forwarding mode with Internet Explorer

Using IP Forwarding mode with Internet Explorer

Use this procedure to configure IP Forwarding mode with Internet Explorer.


  1. To download the FortiIsolator certificate (ca.crt) and import it into your Internet Explorer browser, follow these steps:

    1. In the Internet Explorer browser address bar, type http://<internal_IP_address>/ca.crt (for example,

      • where <internal_IP_address> value is the IP address of the FortiIsolator internal interface. For example , the IP address of the internal interface that you configured in step 3 of Installing FortiIsolator 1000F.
    2. In the security warning at the bottom of the browser, click Save to download the certificate.

    3. Click Open to import the ca.crt certificate into Internet Explorer.

    4. Click Allow to install certificate.

    5. Click Install Certificate

    6. Select Local Machine, and click Next.

    7. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities, and click OK.

    8. Completing the Certificate Import Wizard

  2. In the Internet Explorer browser address bar, type https://<internal_IP_address>/isolator/ (for example,

    • where <internal_IP_address> value is the IP address of the FortiIsolator internal interface

Using IP Forwarding mode with Internet Explorer

Use this procedure to configure IP Forwarding mode with Internet Explorer.


  1. To download the FortiIsolator certificate (ca.crt) and import it into your Internet Explorer browser, follow these steps:

    1. In the Internet Explorer browser address bar, type http://<internal_IP_address>/ca.crt (for example,

      • where <internal_IP_address> value is the IP address of the FortiIsolator internal interface. For example , the IP address of the internal interface that you configured in step 3 of Installing FortiIsolator 1000F.
    2. In the security warning at the bottom of the browser, click Save to download the certificate.

    3. Click Open to import the ca.crt certificate into Internet Explorer.

    4. Click Allow to install certificate.

    5. Click Install Certificate

    6. Select Local Machine, and click Next.

    7. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities, and click OK.

    8. Completing the Certificate Import Wizard

  2. In the Internet Explorer browser address bar, type https://<internal_IP_address>/isolator/ (for example,

    • where <internal_IP_address> value is the IP address of the FortiIsolator internal interface