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User Guide

Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure

Perform the following steps to deploy FortiGuest on Microsoft Azure.

  1. Obtain the FortiGuest_VM64_AZURE-v1.3.0-[build0xxx] file from Fortinet and extract it to obtain the FortiGuest_VM64_AZURE-v1.3.0-[build0xxx].vhd file.
  2. Create a Resource Group and a Storage Account via the Azure CLI. See Mange Azure Resource Group.
  3. Create a Container registry. See Create a container registry.
  4. Upload the VHD file to Azure.
  5. Obtain the SAS string from the Azure portal. Navigate to Storage Accounts > Shared access signature. Configure the parameters in the page and click Generate SAS and connection string.

    Paste the SAS code from the generated string and upload the VHD file.
    ./azcopy cp "./FortiGuest_VM64_AZURE-v1.3.0-devmain0005.vhd" "" --blob-type=PageBlob.
    For more information on the azcopy command, see azcopy copy.
  6. After the upload is successfully completed, you can view the file in Storage Accounts > Container.

  7. Create a managed image from the uploaded VHD file. Navigate to Images > Create an image in the Azure portal and configure the following settings.
  • OS type – Linux

  • VM generation – Gen 1

  • Storage blob – Browse to the uploaded VHD file.
    Note: You are not required to add the data disk as it is created along with the VM.

  • Create the VM from the managed image that you just generated.
    • Image - Select the managed image generated in the previous step.

    • Select inbound ports - Configure network inbound rules to allow SSH access.

  • Click Next: Disks to configure disk data. The recommended disk size is a minimum of 500 GB.

  • Connect the VM via SSH or the serial console.
    • To connect via SSH, obtain the public IP address of the VM – ssh admin@ <public_ip_address>.

    • To connect via the serial console, select the running VM and click Serial Console. Click on the prompt in the right to configure.

  • Click Save.
  • Microsoft Azure

    Microsoft Azure

    Perform the following steps to deploy FortiGuest on Microsoft Azure.

    1. Obtain the FortiGuest_VM64_AZURE-v1.3.0-[build0xxx] file from Fortinet and extract it to obtain the FortiGuest_VM64_AZURE-v1.3.0-[build0xxx].vhd file.
    2. Create a Resource Group and a Storage Account via the Azure CLI. See Mange Azure Resource Group.
    3. Create a Container registry. See Create a container registry.
    4. Upload the VHD file to Azure.
    5. Obtain the SAS string from the Azure portal. Navigate to Storage Accounts > Shared access signature. Configure the parameters in the page and click Generate SAS and connection string.

      Paste the SAS code from the generated string and upload the VHD file.
      ./azcopy cp "./FortiGuest_VM64_AZURE-v1.3.0-devmain0005.vhd" "" --blob-type=PageBlob.
      For more information on the azcopy command, see azcopy copy.
    6. After the upload is successfully completed, you can view the file in Storage Accounts > Container.

    7. Create a managed image from the uploaded VHD file. Navigate to Images > Create an image in the Azure portal and configure the following settings.
    • OS type – Linux

    • VM generation – Gen 1

    • Storage blob – Browse to the uploaded VHD file.
      Note: You are not required to add the data disk as it is created along with the VM.

  • Create the VM from the managed image that you just generated.
    • Image - Select the managed image generated in the previous step.

    • Select inbound ports - Configure network inbound rules to allow SSH access.

  • Click Next: Disks to configure disk data. The recommended disk size is a minimum of 500 GB.

  • Connect the VM via SSH or the serial console.
    • To connect via SSH, obtain the public IP address of the VM – ssh admin@ <public_ip_address>.

    • To connect via the serial console, select the running VM and click Serial Console. Click on the prompt in the right to configure.

  • Click Save.