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CLI Reference

report chart

Report chart widget configuration.

  config report chart
      Description: Report chart widget configuration.
      edit <name>
          set policy {integer}
          set type [graph|table]
          set period [last24h|last7d]
          config drill-down-charts
              Description: Drill down charts.
              edit <id>
                  set chart-name {string}
                  set status [enable|disable]
          set comments {string}
          set dataset {string}
          set category [misc|traffic|...]
          set favorite [no|yes]
          set graph-type [none|bar|...]
          set style [auto|manual]
          set dimension [2D|3D]
          config x-series
              Description: X-series of chart.
              set databind {string}
              set caption {string}
              set caption-font-size {integer}
              set font-size {integer}
              set label-angle [45-degree|vertical|...]
              set is-category [yes|no]
              set scale-unit [minute|hour|...]
              set scale-step {integer}
              set scale-direction [decrease|increase]
              set scale-format [YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM|YYYY-MM-DD HH|...]
              set unit {string}
          config y-series
              Description: Y-series of chart.
              set databind {string}
              set caption {string}
              set caption-font-size {integer}
              set font-size {integer}
              set label-angle [45-degree|vertical|...]
              set group {string}
              set unit {string}
              set extra-y [enable|disable]
              set extra-databind {string}
              set y-legend {string}
              set extra-y-legend {string}
          config category-series
              Description: Category series of pie chart.
              set databind {string}
              set font-size {integer}
          config value-series
              Description: Value series of pie chart.
              set databind {string}
          set title {string}
          set title-font-size {integer}
          set background {string}
          set color-palette {string}
          set legend [enable|disable]
          set legend-font-size {integer}
          config column
              Description: Table column definition.
              edit <id>
                  set header-value {string}
                  set detail-value {string}
                  set footer-value {string}
                  set detail-unit {string}
                  set footer-unit {string}
                  config mapping
                      Description: Show detail in certain display value for certain condition.
                      edit <id>
                          set op [none|greater|...]
                          set value-type [integer|string]
                          set value1 {string}
                          set value2 {string}
                          set displayname {string}

config report chart

Parameter Name Description Type Size
policy Used by monitor policy. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4294967295
type Chart type.
graph: Graph.
table: Table.
option -
period Time period.
last24h: Last 24 hours.
last7d: Last 7 days.
option -
comments Comment. string Maximum length: 127
dataset Bind dataset to chart. string Maximum length: 71
category Category.
misc: Miscellaneous.
traffic: Traffic.
event: Event.
virus: Virus.
webfilter: Webfilter.
attack: Attack.
spam: Spam.
dlp: Data leak prevention.
app-ctrl: Application control.
vulnerability: Vulnerability.
option -
favorite Favorite.
no: Not a favorite chart.
yes: Favorite chart.
option -
graph-type Graph type.
none: None.
bar: Bar Chart.
pie: Pie Chart.
line: Line Chart.
flow: flow Chart.
option -
style Style.
auto: Auto.
manual: Manual.
option -
dimension Dimension.
2D: 2D graphic.
3D: 3D graphic.
option -
title Chart title. string Maximum length: 63
title-font-size Font size of chart title. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4294967295
background Chart background. string Maximum length: 11
color-palette Color palette (system will pick color automatically by default). string Maximum length: 11
legend Enable/Disable Legend area.
enable: Enable legend area.
disable: Disable legend area.
option -
legend-font-size Font size of legend area. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4294967295

config drill-down-charts

Parameter Name Description Type Size
chart-name Drill down chart name. string Maximum length: 71
status Enable/disable this drill down chart.
enable: Enable this drill down chart.
disable: Disable this drill down chart.
option -

config x-series

Parameter Name Description Type Size
databind X-series value expression. string Maximum length: 127
caption X-series caption. string Maximum length: 35
caption-font-size X-series caption font size. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20
font-size X-series label font size. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20
label-angle X-series label angle.
45-degree: 45-degree.
vertical: Vertical.
horizontal: Horizontal.
option -
is-category X-series represent category or not.
yes: X-series is category.
no: X-series is not category.
option -
scale-unit Scale unit.
minute: Minute.
hour: Hour.
day: Day.
month: Month.
year: Year.
option -
scale-step Scale step. integer Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535
scale-direction Scale increase or decrease.
decrease: Decrease.
increase: Increase.
option -
scale-format Date/time format.
option -
unit X-series unit. string Maximum length: 35

config y-series

Parameter Name Description Type Size
databind Y-series value expression. string Maximum length: 127
caption Y-series caption. string Maximum length: 35
caption-font-size Y-series caption font size. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20
font-size Y-series label font size. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20
label-angle Y-series label angle.
45-degree: 45-degree.
vertical: Vertical.
horizontal: Horizontal.
option -
group Y-series group option. string Maximum length: 127
unit Y-series unit. string Maximum length: 35
extra-y Allow another Y-series value
enable: Enable second Y-series.
disable: Disable second Y-series.
option -
extra-databind Extra Y-series value. string Maximum length: 127
y-legend First Y-series legend type/name. string Maximum length: 35
extra-y-legend Extra Y-series legend type/name. string Maximum length: 35

config category-series

Parameter Name Description Type Size
databind Category series value expression. string Maximum length: 127
font-size Font size of category-series title. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20

config value-series

Parameter Name Description Type Size
databind Value series value expression. string Maximum length: 127

config column

Parameter Name Description Type Size
header-value Display name of table header. string Maximum length: 127
detail-value Detail value of column. string Maximum length: 127
footer-value Footer value of column. string Maximum length: 127
detail-unit Detail unit of column. string Maximum length: 35
footer-unit Footer unit of column. string Maximum length: 35

config mapping

Parameter Name Description Type Size
op Comparision operater.
none: None.
greater: Greater than.
greater-equal: Greater than or equal to.
less: Less than.
less-equal: Less than or equal to.
equal: Equal to.
between: Between value 1 and value 2.
option -
value-type Value type.
integer: Integer.
string: String.
option -
value1 Value 1. string Maximum length: 127
value2 Value 2. string Maximum length: 127
displayname Display name. string Maximum length: 127

report chart

Report chart widget configuration.

  config report chart
      Description: Report chart widget configuration.
      edit <name>
          set policy {integer}
          set type [graph|table]
          set period [last24h|last7d]
          config drill-down-charts
              Description: Drill down charts.
              edit <id>
                  set chart-name {string}
                  set status [enable|disable]
          set comments {string}
          set dataset {string}
          set category [misc|traffic|...]
          set favorite [no|yes]
          set graph-type [none|bar|...]
          set style [auto|manual]
          set dimension [2D|3D]
          config x-series
              Description: X-series of chart.
              set databind {string}
              set caption {string}
              set caption-font-size {integer}
              set font-size {integer}
              set label-angle [45-degree|vertical|...]
              set is-category [yes|no]
              set scale-unit [minute|hour|...]
              set scale-step {integer}
              set scale-direction [decrease|increase]
              set scale-format [YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM|YYYY-MM-DD HH|...]
              set unit {string}
          config y-series
              Description: Y-series of chart.
              set databind {string}
              set caption {string}
              set caption-font-size {integer}
              set font-size {integer}
              set label-angle [45-degree|vertical|...]
              set group {string}
              set unit {string}
              set extra-y [enable|disable]
              set extra-databind {string}
              set y-legend {string}
              set extra-y-legend {string}
          config category-series
              Description: Category series of pie chart.
              set databind {string}
              set font-size {integer}
          config value-series
              Description: Value series of pie chart.
              set databind {string}
          set title {string}
          set title-font-size {integer}
          set background {string}
          set color-palette {string}
          set legend [enable|disable]
          set legend-font-size {integer}
          config column
              Description: Table column definition.
              edit <id>
                  set header-value {string}
                  set detail-value {string}
                  set footer-value {string}
                  set detail-unit {string}
                  set footer-unit {string}
                  config mapping
                      Description: Show detail in certain display value for certain condition.
                      edit <id>
                          set op [none|greater|...]
                          set value-type [integer|string]
                          set value1 {string}
                          set value2 {string}
                          set displayname {string}

config report chart

Parameter Name Description Type Size
policy Used by monitor policy. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4294967295
type Chart type.
graph: Graph.
table: Table.
option -
period Time period.
last24h: Last 24 hours.
last7d: Last 7 days.
option -
comments Comment. string Maximum length: 127
dataset Bind dataset to chart. string Maximum length: 71
category Category.
misc: Miscellaneous.
traffic: Traffic.
event: Event.
virus: Virus.
webfilter: Webfilter.
attack: Attack.
spam: Spam.
dlp: Data leak prevention.
app-ctrl: Application control.
vulnerability: Vulnerability.
option -
favorite Favorite.
no: Not a favorite chart.
yes: Favorite chart.
option -
graph-type Graph type.
none: None.
bar: Bar Chart.
pie: Pie Chart.
line: Line Chart.
flow: flow Chart.
option -
style Style.
auto: Auto.
manual: Manual.
option -
dimension Dimension.
2D: 2D graphic.
3D: 3D graphic.
option -
title Chart title. string Maximum length: 63
title-font-size Font size of chart title. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4294967295
background Chart background. string Maximum length: 11
color-palette Color palette (system will pick color automatically by default). string Maximum length: 11
legend Enable/Disable Legend area.
enable: Enable legend area.
disable: Disable legend area.
option -
legend-font-size Font size of legend area. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 4294967295

config drill-down-charts

Parameter Name Description Type Size
chart-name Drill down chart name. string Maximum length: 71
status Enable/disable this drill down chart.
enable: Enable this drill down chart.
disable: Disable this drill down chart.
option -

config x-series

Parameter Name Description Type Size
databind X-series value expression. string Maximum length: 127
caption X-series caption. string Maximum length: 35
caption-font-size X-series caption font size. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20
font-size X-series label font size. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20
label-angle X-series label angle.
45-degree: 45-degree.
vertical: Vertical.
horizontal: Horizontal.
option -
is-category X-series represent category or not.
yes: X-series is category.
no: X-series is not category.
option -
scale-unit Scale unit.
minute: Minute.
hour: Hour.
day: Day.
month: Month.
year: Year.
option -
scale-step Scale step. integer Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535
scale-direction Scale increase or decrease.
decrease: Decrease.
increase: Increase.
option -
scale-format Date/time format.
option -
unit X-series unit. string Maximum length: 35

config y-series

Parameter Name Description Type Size
databind Y-series value expression. string Maximum length: 127
caption Y-series caption. string Maximum length: 35
caption-font-size Y-series caption font size. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20
font-size Y-series label font size. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20
label-angle Y-series label angle.
45-degree: 45-degree.
vertical: Vertical.
horizontal: Horizontal.
option -
group Y-series group option. string Maximum length: 127
unit Y-series unit. string Maximum length: 35
extra-y Allow another Y-series value
enable: Enable second Y-series.
disable: Disable second Y-series.
option -
extra-databind Extra Y-series value. string Maximum length: 127
y-legend First Y-series legend type/name. string Maximum length: 35
extra-y-legend Extra Y-series legend type/name. string Maximum length: 35

config category-series

Parameter Name Description Type Size
databind Category series value expression. string Maximum length: 127
font-size Font size of category-series title. integer Minimum value: 5 Maximum value: 20

config value-series

Parameter Name Description Type Size
databind Value series value expression. string Maximum length: 127

config column

Parameter Name Description Type Size
header-value Display name of table header. string Maximum length: 127
detail-value Detail value of column. string Maximum length: 127
footer-value Footer value of column. string Maximum length: 127
detail-unit Detail unit of column. string Maximum length: 35
footer-unit Footer unit of column. string Maximum length: 35

config mapping

Parameter Name Description Type Size
op Comparision operater.
none: None.
greater: Greater than.
greater-equal: Greater than or equal to.
less: Less than.
less-equal: Less than or equal to.
equal: Equal to.
between: Between value 1 and value 2.
option -
value-type Value type.
integer: Integer.
string: String.
option -
value1 Value 1. string Maximum length: 127
value2 Value 2. string Maximum length: 127
displayname Display name. string Maximum length: 127