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CLI Reference

firewall vip64

Configure IPv6 to IPv4 virtual IPs.

  config firewall vip64
      Description: Configure IPv6 to IPv4 virtual IPs.
      edit <name>
          set id {integer}
          set uuid {uuid}
          set comment {var-string}
          set type [static-nat|server-load-balance]
          set src-filter <range1>, <range2>, ...
          set extip {user}
          set mappedip {user}
          set arp-reply [disable|enable]
          set portforward [disable|enable]
          set protocol [tcp|udp]
          set extport {user}
          set mappedport {user}
          set color {integer}
          set ldb-method [static|round-robin|...]
          set server-type [http|tcp|...]
          config realservers
              Description: Real servers.
              edit <id>
                  set ip {ipv4-address-any}
                  set port {integer}
                  set status [active|standby|...]
                  set weight {integer}
                  set holddown-interval {integer}
                  set healthcheck [disable|enable|...]
                  set max-connections {integer}
                  set monitor {string}
                  set client-ip {user}
          set monitor <name1>, <name2>, ...

config firewall vip64

Parameter Name Description Type Size
id Custom defined id. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65535
uuid Universally Unique Identifier (UUID; automatically assigned but can be manually reset). uuid Not Specified
comment Comment. var-string Maximum length: 255
type VIP type: static NAT or server load balance.
static-nat: Static NAT.
server-load-balance: Server load balance.
option -
src-filter <range> Source IP6 filter (x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x/x).
Src-filter range.
string Maximum length: 79
extip Start-external-IP [-end-external-IP]. user Not Specified
mappedip Start-mapped-IP [-end-mapped-IP]. user Not Specified
arp-reply Enable ARP reply.
disable: Disable arp reply.
enable: Enable arp reply.
option -
portforward Enable port forwarding.
disable: Disable port forwarding.
enable: Enable port forwarding.
option -
protocol Mapped port protocol.
tcp: TCP.
udp: UDP.
option -
extport External service port. user Not Specified
mappedport Mapped service port. user Not Specified
color Color of icon on the GUI. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 32
ldb-method Load balance method.
static: Distribute sessions based on source IP.
round-robin: Distribute sessions based round robin order.
weighted: Distribute sessions based on weight.
least-session: Distribute sessions to the server with the lowest session count.
least-rtt: Distribute sessions to the server with the lowest Round-Trip-Time.
first-alive: Distribute sessions to the first server that is alive.
option -
server-type Server type.
http: HTTP
tcp: TCP
udp: UDP
ip: IP
option -
monitor <name> Health monitors.
Health monitor name.
string Maximum length: 79

config realservers

Parameter Name Description Type Size
ip Mapped server IP. ipv4-address-any Not Specified
port Mapped server port. integer Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535
status Server administrative status.
active: Server status active.
standby: Server status standby.
disable: Server status disable.
option -
weight weight integer Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 255
holddown-interval Hold down interval. integer Minimum value: 30 Maximum value: 65535
healthcheck Per server health check.
disable: Disable per server health check.
enable: Enable per server health check.
vip: Use health check defined in VIP.
option -
max-connections Maximum number of connections allowed to server. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 2147483647
monitor Health monitors. string Maximum length: 79
client-ip Restrict server to a client IP in this range. user Not Specified

firewall vip64

Configure IPv6 to IPv4 virtual IPs.

  config firewall vip64
      Description: Configure IPv6 to IPv4 virtual IPs.
      edit <name>
          set id {integer}
          set uuid {uuid}
          set comment {var-string}
          set type [static-nat|server-load-balance]
          set src-filter <range1>, <range2>, ...
          set extip {user}
          set mappedip {user}
          set arp-reply [disable|enable]
          set portforward [disable|enable]
          set protocol [tcp|udp]
          set extport {user}
          set mappedport {user}
          set color {integer}
          set ldb-method [static|round-robin|...]
          set server-type [http|tcp|...]
          config realservers
              Description: Real servers.
              edit <id>
                  set ip {ipv4-address-any}
                  set port {integer}
                  set status [active|standby|...]
                  set weight {integer}
                  set holddown-interval {integer}
                  set healthcheck [disable|enable|...]
                  set max-connections {integer}
                  set monitor {string}
                  set client-ip {user}
          set monitor <name1>, <name2>, ...

config firewall vip64

Parameter Name Description Type Size
id Custom defined id. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 65535
uuid Universally Unique Identifier (UUID; automatically assigned but can be manually reset). uuid Not Specified
comment Comment. var-string Maximum length: 255
type VIP type: static NAT or server load balance.
static-nat: Static NAT.
server-load-balance: Server load balance.
option -
src-filter <range> Source IP6 filter (x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x/x).
Src-filter range.
string Maximum length: 79
extip Start-external-IP [-end-external-IP]. user Not Specified
mappedip Start-mapped-IP [-end-mapped-IP]. user Not Specified
arp-reply Enable ARP reply.
disable: Disable arp reply.
enable: Enable arp reply.
option -
portforward Enable port forwarding.
disable: Disable port forwarding.
enable: Enable port forwarding.
option -
protocol Mapped port protocol.
tcp: TCP.
udp: UDP.
option -
extport External service port. user Not Specified
mappedport Mapped service port. user Not Specified
color Color of icon on the GUI. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 32
ldb-method Load balance method.
static: Distribute sessions based on source IP.
round-robin: Distribute sessions based round robin order.
weighted: Distribute sessions based on weight.
least-session: Distribute sessions to the server with the lowest session count.
least-rtt: Distribute sessions to the server with the lowest Round-Trip-Time.
first-alive: Distribute sessions to the first server that is alive.
option -
server-type Server type.
http: HTTP
tcp: TCP
udp: UDP
ip: IP
option -
monitor <name> Health monitors.
Health monitor name.
string Maximum length: 79

config realservers

Parameter Name Description Type Size
ip Mapped server IP. ipv4-address-any Not Specified
port Mapped server port. integer Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 65535
status Server administrative status.
active: Server status active.
standby: Server status standby.
disable: Server status disable.
option -
weight weight integer Minimum value: 1 Maximum value: 255
holddown-interval Hold down interval. integer Minimum value: 30 Maximum value: 65535
healthcheck Per server health check.
disable: Disable per server health check.
enable: Enable per server health check.
vip: Use health check defined in VIP.
option -
max-connections Maximum number of connections allowed to server. integer Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 2147483647
monitor Health monitors. string Maximum length: 79
client-ip Restrict server to a client IP in this range. user Not Specified