Multiple concurrent SDN connectors
You can configure multiple instances configured for every SDN connector. The specific connector instance must be specified when creating a dynamic firewall address.
This topic provides examples of how to create two Microsoft Azure SDN connectors and use them in new dynamic firewall addresses.
Multiple concurrent SDN/Cloud connectors are not supported yet for Cisco ACI or Nuage. |
To create and use two new SDN connectors with the CLI:
- Create two new SDN connectors:
config system sdn-connector edit "azure1" set type azure set tenant-id "942b80cd-bbbb-42a1-8888-4b21dece61ba" set subscription-id "2f96c44c-cccc-4621-bbbb-65ba45185e0c" set client-id "14dbd5cc-3333-4ea4-8888-68738141feb1" set client-secret xxxxx set update-interval 30 next edit "azure2" set type azure set tenant-id "942b80cd-bbbb-42a1-8888-4b21dece61ba" set client-id "3baa0acc-ffff-4444-b292-0777a2c36be6" set client-secret xxxxx set update-interval 30 next end
- Create new dynamic firewall addresses that use the new connectors:
config firewall address edit "azure-address-location1" set type dynamic set color 2 set sdn azure1 set filter "location=WestUs" next edit "azure-address-location2" set type dynamic set color 2 set sdn azure2 set filter "location=NorthEurope" next end
To create and use two new SDN connectors with the GUI:
- Create two new SDN connectors:
- Go to Security Fabric > Fabric Connectors, and click Create New in the toolbar.
- Click on Microsoft Azure.
- Fill in the required information, then click OK.
- Repeat the above steps for the second connector.
Two Microsoft Azure connectors will now be created.
- Create new dynamic firewall addresses that use the new connectors:
- Go to Policy and Objects > Addresses and click Create New > Address in the toolbar.
- Enter a name for the address, and select Fabric Connector Address for the Type.
- Select one of the previously created SDN connectors from the SDN Connector drop down list.
- Configure the rest of the required information, then click OK to create the address.
- Repeat the above steps to create the second address, selecting the other Microsoft Azure SDN connector.