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AliCloud Administration Guide

Subscribing to the FortiGate-VM in the marketplace

Subscribing to the FortiGate-VM in the marketplace

To subscribe to the FortiGate-VM in the marketplace:
  1. Go to the AliCloud Marketplace and search for Fortinet.
  2. You now create the FortiGate-VM instance. If you have your own FortiGate-VM license, select the BYOL image. Otherwise, select the on-demand image.
    1. Click Choose Your Plan.
    2. This example selects PAYG, China East 1 (Hangzhou), and Zone F for the pricing plan, region, and zone, respectively. Zone F is the location of the VPC and VSwitches. Click ECS Advance Purchase page to customize the data disk and VPC information.

    3. Click the ECS type with 4 vCPU to launch the FortiGate instance. The 4 vCPU ECS can support a maximum of 3 NIC, while the 2 vCPU ECS can support 2 NIC. If the FortiGate reserved management interface is required, select the 4 vCPU ECS type.

    4. Add a data disk for logs. Using SSD is recommended for better performance.

    5. In the Network section, select TP_FortiVPC and Forti_internet_SW. Assign a public IP address to the image. This NIC is port1 on the FortiGate-VM, the default ENI.

    6. Leave the HTTPS, ICMP, and SSH ports and protocols open to allow connection. Add another ENI on FortiGate_HA_SW. This ENI is port2 on the FortiGate.

    7. In the Host field, enter the FortiGate hostname.

    8. Click ECS Service Terms.

  3. Click Console to return to the ECS instance list.
  4. You can see that the VM has been created. Mark down the public IP address and the instance ID for later use. The instance ID is the FortiGate default password.

  5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create another FortiGate instance, named FGT-Slave.

  6. You can create two ENI and attach them to the FortiGate instances. This step is optional.
    1. Stop the two FortiGate instances.

    2. Go to Networks & Security > Network Interfaces and create two ENI.

    3. Attach the two new ENI to the two FortiGate instances.

    4. Restart the two FortiGate instances.

  7. You can now access the FortiGate-VM in a web browser using the username "admin". The password is the instance ID.
  8. Change the password after the initial login.
  9. Set the IP address on three interfaces on the FortiGate.

Subscribing to the FortiGate-VM in the marketplace

To subscribe to the FortiGate-VM in the marketplace:
  1. Go to the AliCloud Marketplace and search for Fortinet.
  2. You now create the FortiGate-VM instance. If you have your own FortiGate-VM license, select the BYOL image. Otherwise, select the on-demand image.
    1. Click Choose Your Plan.
    2. This example selects PAYG, China East 1 (Hangzhou), and Zone F for the pricing plan, region, and zone, respectively. Zone F is the location of the VPC and VSwitches. Click ECS Advance Purchase page to customize the data disk and VPC information.

    3. Click the ECS type with 4 vCPU to launch the FortiGate instance. The 4 vCPU ECS can support a maximum of 3 NIC, while the 2 vCPU ECS can support 2 NIC. If the FortiGate reserved management interface is required, select the 4 vCPU ECS type.

    4. Add a data disk for logs. Using SSD is recommended for better performance.

    5. In the Network section, select TP_FortiVPC and Forti_internet_SW. Assign a public IP address to the image. This NIC is port1 on the FortiGate-VM, the default ENI.

    6. Leave the HTTPS, ICMP, and SSH ports and protocols open to allow connection. Add another ENI on FortiGate_HA_SW. This ENI is port2 on the FortiGate.

    7. In the Host field, enter the FortiGate hostname.

    8. Click ECS Service Terms.

  3. Click Console to return to the ECS instance list.
  4. You can see that the VM has been created. Mark down the public IP address and the instance ID for later use. The instance ID is the FortiGate default password.

  5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to create another FortiGate instance, named FGT-Slave.

  6. You can create two ENI and attach them to the FortiGate instances. This step is optional.
    1. Stop the two FortiGate instances.

    2. Go to Networks & Security > Network Interfaces and create two ENI.

    3. Attach the two new ENI to the two FortiGate instances.

    4. Restart the two FortiGate instances.

  7. You can now access the FortiGate-VM in a web browser using the username "admin". The password is the instance ID.
  8. Change the password after the initial login.
  9. Set the IP address on three interfaces on the FortiGate.