Hypervisor and tools
[root@rhel-tiger-14-6 ~]# virsh version --daemon Compiled against library: libvirt 6.0.0 Using library: libvirt 6.0.0 Using API: QEMU 6.0.0 Running hypervisor: QEMU 4.2.0 Running against daemon: 6.0.0
Check that the CPUs support virtualization:
[root@rhel-tiger-14-6 ~]# grep -io vmx /proc/cpuinfo | uniq vmx [root@rhel-tiger-14-6 ~]# lscpu | grep Virtual Virtualization: VT-x
For Intel processors, |
Install and enable the virtualization modules and tools:
[root@rhel-tiger-14-6 ~]# yum -y module install virt <output omitted for brevity>
[root@rhel-tiger-14-6 ~]# yum -y install virt-install virt-viewer cockpit cockpitmachines <output omitted for brevity>
[root@rhel-tiger-14-6 ~]# systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants/cockpit.socket → /usr/lib/ systemd/system/cockpit.socket.
Install additional tools that can be useful when operating such a system:
[root@rhel-tiger-14-6 ~]# yum -y install sysstat tcpdump numactl hwloc <output omitted for brevity>