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Connecting to the FortiGate-VM

Connecting to the FortiGate-VM

  1. In a browser, go to <http://FortiGate-VM IP address>. This is the generally preferred method. After the FortiGate-VM becomes licensed, you can go to <https://IP address>.
  2. Select the login access level.
  3. After logging in, you can change the default hostname and registration with FortiCare support. Click Later. You should only change the password in FortiManager to avoid synchronization issues.
  4. The FortiGate-VM dashboard displays. If the license file that you provided in Deploying the FortiGate-VM on NSX-T was invalid, go to System > FortiGuard > FortiGate VM License to uploada valid license.

Connecting to the FortiGate-VM

  1. In a browser, go to <http://FortiGate-VM IP address>. This is the generally preferred method. After the FortiGate-VM becomes licensed, you can go to <https://IP address>.
  2. Select the login access level.
  3. After logging in, you can change the default hostname and registration with FortiCare support. Click Later. You should only change the password in FortiManager to avoid synchronization issues.
  4. The FortiGate-VM dashboard displays. If the license file that you provided in Deploying the FortiGate-VM on NSX-T was invalid, go to System > FortiGuard > FortiGate VM License to uploada valid license.