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Changes in CLI

Changes in CLI

The following CLI changes are included with FortiGate-6000 and FortiGate-7000 FortiOS 7.0.5 Build 0057. For inquires about a particular bug, please contact Customer Service & Support.

Bug ID


810837 When creating a new interface on the FortiGate-6000 or 7000, by default the device-identification option is now set to disable.

When setting up FortiGate-6000 and 7000 FGSP cluster sync instances, the default value of the peervd option is now mgmt-vdom. This change has been made because FortiGate-6000 and 7000 FGSP only supports using interfaces in the mgmt-vdom as cluster sync interfaces unless you are using data interfaces for FGSP session synchronization.

config system cluster-sync

edit 1

set peervd <vdom-name>

set peerip <ip-address>

set syncvd <vdom-name>


Changes in CLI

The following CLI changes are included with FortiGate-6000 and FortiGate-7000 FortiOS 7.0.5 Build 0057. For inquires about a particular bug, please contact Customer Service & Support.

Bug ID


810837 When creating a new interface on the FortiGate-6000 or 7000, by default the device-identification option is now set to disable.

When setting up FortiGate-6000 and 7000 FGSP cluster sync instances, the default value of the peervd option is now mgmt-vdom. This change has been made because FortiGate-6000 and 7000 FGSP only supports using interfaces in the mgmt-vdom as cluster sync interfaces unless you are using data interfaces for FGSP session synchronization.

config system cluster-sync

edit 1

set peervd <vdom-name>

set peerip <ip-address>

set syncvd <vdom-name>
