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Threshold Settings

Threshold Settings

This section of Service Protection Policy gives lot of techniques to smartly use Thresholds using FortiDDoS traffic learning mechanism. Here are few areas to look upon:

  • Traffic Statistics Generation: This allows user to get traffic data about all L3, L4, L7 parameters for duration Last 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month and 1 year. This features gives an overview to user that what kind of traffic, system is seeing for a specific duration. This data serves as an input for System Recommendation feature.
  • System Recommendation: This feature allows user to apply thresholds based upon Traffic statistics data, which in turn let user have mitigation levels based upon traffic volume. This feature can help set almost 264,000 thresholds per SPP per direction
  • Emergency Setup: This feature allows user to set thresholds in panic situation, when attack happens in initial learning period.
  • Factory Defaults: This feature allows user to remove configured thresholds either all or by Layer 3/4/7

Threshold Settings

This section of Service Protection Policy gives lot of techniques to smartly use Thresholds using FortiDDoS traffic learning mechanism. Here are few areas to look upon:

  • Traffic Statistics Generation: This allows user to get traffic data about all L3, L4, L7 parameters for duration Last 1 hour, 8 hours, 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month and 1 year. This features gives an overview to user that what kind of traffic, system is seeing for a specific duration. This data serves as an input for System Recommendation feature.
  • System Recommendation: This feature allows user to apply thresholds based upon Traffic statistics data, which in turn let user have mitigation levels based upon traffic volume. This feature can help set almost 264,000 thresholds per SPP per direction
  • Emergency Setup: This feature allows user to set thresholds in panic situation, when attack happens in initial learning period.
  • Factory Defaults: This feature allows user to remove configured thresholds either all or by Layer 3/4/7