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Create an Assessment Target on AWS Inspector

Create an Assessment Target on AWS Inspector

  1. Search and click on Inspector from AWS navigation menu.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click on Assessment targets.
  3. Click Create to create an Assessment Target.
  4. In the Name field enter "FortiCWP-Assessment-target".
  5. In All Instances, click to Include all EC2 instances in this AWS account and region.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click on the drop down menu next to the Assessment Target created, and click Preview Target.
  8. Only the servers that support the Inspector agent will show HEALTHY status.
  9. Click OK.

Continue to the next section to create Assessment run using the template.

Create an Assessment Target on AWS Inspector

  1. Search and click on Inspector from AWS navigation menu.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click on Assessment targets.
  3. Click Create to create an Assessment Target.
  4. In the Name field enter "FortiCWP-Assessment-target".
  5. In All Instances, click to Include all EC2 instances in this AWS account and region.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click on the drop down menu next to the Assessment Target created, and click Preview Target.
  8. Only the servers that support the Inspector agent will show HEALTHY status.
  9. Click OK.

Continue to the next section to create Assessment run using the template.