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Download the FortiConverter installer from the Fortinet Technical Support website:

To install the FortiConverter application
  1. Double-click the FortiConverter installer (.py.exe).
  2. Click Next.
  3. Read the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement, then click Next.To install the program in a location other than the default, click Browse and navigate to the directory you want.
  4. Click Install. If you would like to delete all previous conversions and logs before installation starts, check the Clear all history conversions checkbox, otherwise leave it as unchecked.
  5. Click Finish to complete and exit the FortiConverter installer.

To completely remove FortiConverter application and data

Uninstalling FortiConverter application from Windows only removes the application itself, it does not remove the conversion data or database. If you re-install the application later, the data can still be accessed.

To remove all conversion data
  1. Stop the FortiConverter application.
  2. Restart your local PostgreSQL database service.
    1. Open your Services desktop application.
    2. Right-click the service name postgres-django, and select Restart.
  3. Install the latest version of pgAdmin 4, which can be downloaded at
  4. Using pgAdmin 4, create a server record.
    • Go to Object > Create > Server.
  5. Set both the username and password to "postgres".
  6. Open the newly created service record, right-click the database "djangodb", and select Delete/Drop.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If you receive the error message: "there is 1 other session xxx", terminate all other existing external connections, except for the connection from pgAdmin 4.
    1. Make sure FortiConverter has been stopped.
    2. Click the "djangodb" database.
    3. Go to Tools > Query Tool, then enter the following PSQL script.
    4. SELECT





      don't kill my own connection!

      pid <> pg_backend_pid()

      -- don't kill the connections to other databases

      AND datname = 'djangodb';

    5. Click Execute.
  9. Restart the pgAdmin 4 tool, and drop "djangodb" again, if available.
  10. Re-create a database with the name "djangodb" by going to Object > Create > Database .
  11. Click Save.
  12. Delete all existing conversion folders to avoid a name conflict.Conversions are, by default, stored at C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Fortinet\FortiConverter\conversions.
  13. Uninstall the program.
  14. Delete all remaining files and folders in the FortiConverter folder, located at C:\Program Files\Fortinet\FortiConverter.


Download the FortiConverter installer from the Fortinet Technical Support website:

To install the FortiConverter application
  1. Double-click the FortiConverter installer (.py.exe).
  2. Click Next.
  3. Read the license agreement, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement, then click Next.To install the program in a location other than the default, click Browse and navigate to the directory you want.
  4. Click Install. If you would like to delete all previous conversions and logs before installation starts, check the Clear all history conversions checkbox, otherwise leave it as unchecked.
  5. Click Finish to complete and exit the FortiConverter installer.

To completely remove FortiConverter application and data

Uninstalling FortiConverter application from Windows only removes the application itself, it does not remove the conversion data or database. If you re-install the application later, the data can still be accessed.

To remove all conversion data
  1. Stop the FortiConverter application.
  2. Restart your local PostgreSQL database service.
    1. Open your Services desktop application.
    2. Right-click the service name postgres-django, and select Restart.
  3. Install the latest version of pgAdmin 4, which can be downloaded at
  4. Using pgAdmin 4, create a server record.
    • Go to Object > Create > Server.
  5. Set both the username and password to "postgres".
  6. Open the newly created service record, right-click the database "djangodb", and select Delete/Drop.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If you receive the error message: "there is 1 other session xxx", terminate all other existing external connections, except for the connection from pgAdmin 4.
    1. Make sure FortiConverter has been stopped.
    2. Click the "djangodb" database.
    3. Go to Tools > Query Tool, then enter the following PSQL script.
    4. SELECT





      don't kill my own connection!

      pid <> pg_backend_pid()

      -- don't kill the connections to other databases

      AND datname = 'djangodb';

    5. Click Execute.
  9. Restart the pgAdmin 4 tool, and drop "djangodb" again, if available.
  10. Re-create a database with the name "djangodb" by going to Object > Create > Database .
  11. Click Save.
  12. Delete all existing conversion folders to avoid a name conflict.Conversions are, by default, stored at C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Fortinet\FortiConverter\conversions.
  13. Uninstall the program.
  14. Delete all remaining files and folders in the FortiConverter folder, located at C:\Program Files\Fortinet\FortiConverter.