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Fortinet white logo



FortiEDR services can be added from the Marketplace > Spending page. Only one provisioning can be generated at a time.

To generate a FortiEDR service:
  1. Go to Marketplace > Spending.

  2. Select FortiEDR.

  3. Select the End Date and end user type.

  4. Select the support services and enter the Support Range/Seats for each selection.

  5. Click Preview My Order.

  6. Click Place My Order. A transaction summary is displayed and the transaction is added to the History page.



FortiEDR services can be added from the Marketplace > Spending page. Only one provisioning can be generated at a time.

To generate a FortiEDR service:
  1. Go to Marketplace > Spending.

  2. Select FortiEDR.

  3. Select the End Date and end user type.

  4. Select the support services and enter the Support Range/Seats for each selection.

  5. Click Preview My Order.

  6. Click Place My Order. A transaction summary is displayed and the transaction is added to the History page.