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Transaction details

Transaction details

Transaction details can be viewed by selecting a transaction number in the Marketplace > History page. Transaction details include the total number of points used and the breakdown of points per product included in the transaction. Select a product serial number to view the SKU, contract and license information, and the status.

FortiFlex transaction history

FortiPoints can be transferred to FortiFlex points to be used in the FortiFlex portal. See FortiFlex.

Once the points transfer has been completed, the transaction details will become available in Marketplace > History. The transaction details include the total number of FortiPoints spent, the number of FortiFlex points acquired, license information, and the anniversary date.


See the FortiFlex Administration Guide for more information on using points in the FortiFlex portal.

Transaction details

Transaction details can be viewed by selecting a transaction number in the Marketplace > History page. Transaction details include the total number of points used and the breakdown of points per product included in the transaction. Select a product serial number to view the SKU, contract and license information, and the status.

FortiFlex transaction history

FortiPoints can be transferred to FortiFlex points to be used in the FortiFlex portal. See FortiFlex.

Once the points transfer has been completed, the transaction details will become available in Marketplace > History. The transaction details include the total number of FortiPoints spent, the number of FortiFlex points acquired, license information, and the anniversary date.


See the FortiFlex Administration Guide for more information on using points in the FortiFlex portal.