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Register FortiCASB with ServiceNow

Register FortiCASB with ServiceNow

  1. Log into ServiceNow management console with your admin account.
  2. On the left navigation menu, scroll down and select System OAuth, and click on Application Registry.
  3. Click on New and select Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients.
  4. Enter an unique Name for the OAuth client application.
  5. Enter a Client Secret.
  6. In Redirect URL field, enter the URL based on your FortiCASB region:
  7. Global Region
    European Union Region
  8. Keep a record of Client ID and Client Secret for use in adding the ServiceNow account to FortiCASB.
  9. Leave Refresh Token Lifespan and Access Token Lifespan fields as default.
  10. Click Submit and go back to FortiCASB to add the ServiceNow account to FortiCASB.

Register FortiCASB with ServiceNow

  1. Log into ServiceNow management console with your admin account.
  2. On the left navigation menu, scroll down and select System OAuth, and click on Application Registry.
  3. Click on New and select Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients.
  4. Enter an unique Name for the OAuth client application.
  5. Enter a Client Secret.
  6. In Redirect URL field, enter the URL based on your FortiCASB region:
  7. Global Region
    European Union Region
  8. Keep a record of Client ID and Client Secret for use in adding the ServiceNow account to FortiCASB.
  9. Leave Refresh Token Lifespan and Access Token Lifespan fields as default.
  10. Click Submit and go back to FortiCASB to add the ServiceNow account to FortiCASB.