The authentication flow should initiate as soon as the wired computer starts up (while connected to the domain).
, FortiAuthenticator shows receipt of an Incoming Authentication Request (tcpdump host -nnvvXs
): - Continuing with
, Access-Challenge is issued from FortiAuthenticator to the FortiWiFi: - Access-Accept message with RADIUS attributes are returned to the FortiWiFi:
- Post-authentication DHCP transaction is picked up by FortiAuthenticator (
continued): - On the FortiAuthenticator, go to Logging > Log Access > Logs to verify the device authentication.
- On the FortiWifi, go to WiFi & Switch Controller > Monitor > Client Monitor and note that the Group is the RADIUS attribute sent from FortiAuthenticator. Any Firewall policy using that Group will now be enabled for the user.
01:09:34.674298 IP (tos Ox0, ttl 64, id 40954, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 212) > [udp sum ok] RADIUS, length: 184
Access-Request (1), id: 0x76, Authenticator: 4b859401ddb6c0fb95261e99fc8ef66a
User-Name Attribute (1), length: 23, Value: host/
0x0000: 686f 7374 2f6c 656e 6f2e 666f 7274 6961
0x0010: 642e 6e65 74
NAS-IP-Address Attribute (4), length: 6, Value:
0x0000: 0000 0000
NAS-Port Attribute (5), length: 6, Value: 0
0x0000: 0000 0000
Called-Station-Id Attribute (30), length: 28, Value: 88-DC-96-27-72-68:fortinet
0x0000: 3838 2d44 432d 3936 2d32 372d 3732 2d36
0x0010: 423a 666f 7274 696e 6574
Calling-Station-Id Attribute (31), length: 19, Value: 6C-88-14-C6-3D-58
0x0000: 3643 2d38 382d 3134 2d43 362d 3344 2d35
0x0010: 38
Framed-MTU Attribute (12), length: 6, Value: 1400
0x0000: 0000 0578
NAS-Port-Type Attribute (61), length: 6, Value: Wireless - IEEE 802.11
0x0000: 0000 0013
Connect-Info Attribute (77), length: 24, Value: CONNECT 11Mbps 802.11b
0x0000: 434f 4e4e 4543 5420 3131 4d62 7073 2038
0x0010: 3032 2e31 3162
01:09:34.679881 IP (tos Ox0, ttl 64, id 58896, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 108) > [bad udp cksum 0xl8a3 -> 0xbe6al) RADIUS, length: 80
Access-Challenge (11), id: 0x76, Authenticator: a4c016a41e6a0f46c17da49ff813bd6e
EAP-Message Attribute (79), length: 24, Value: ..
0x0000: 0101 0016 0410 f23e 13dd 795e 18fa SddS
0x0010: 3e83 cb34 a99c
Message-Authenticator Attribute (80), length: 18, Value:
0x0000: eac9 2509 cbec 6895 804a deac 5de7 d6f8
State Attribute (24), length: 18, value: *...* .......
0x0000: 2af7 lbfd 2af6 lfb9 8db9 f1f8 20ad 9cd4
The next 14 messages are Challenge->Request EAP transactions between the FortiAuthenticator and the FortiWiFi.
01:09:36.517763 IP (tos Ox0, ttl 64, id 58903, offset 0, flags (none), proto UDP (17), length 225) > (bad udp cksum 0x1918 0x1f60!) RADIUS, length: 197
Access-Accept (2), id: Ox7d, Authenticator: 989626b68773ac50c060d8306287984a
Vendor-Specific Attribute (26), length: 58, Value: Vendor: Microsoft (311)
Vendor Attribute: 17, Length: 50, Value: ?...e....NA=E.5.9..y........Q ^R=i..!j .........
0x0000: 0000 0137 1134 80e3 aefl 65e0 1383 c34e
0x0010: 413d 4Sbd 350d 39be ac79 04b8 90fa 1551
0x0020: a4b7 10d3 09b6 f902 5e52 3d69 b3b4 216a
0x0030: b48f 0ef2 0c08 9cd0
Vendor-Specific Attribute (26), length: 58, Value: Vendor: Microsoft (311)
Vendor Attribute: 16, Length: 50, Value: z
0x0000: 0000 0137 1034 8883 7a9b bllb 9488 f181
0x0010: d179 29ba 7538 lleb 8311 3c22 1b62 9176
0x0020: d0be f763 4617 670c d8ca 8659 7a14 dl2c
0x0030: 8064 5955 942b ccla
EAP-Message Attribute (79), length: 6, Value: ..
0x0000: 0307 0004
Message-Authenticator Attribute (80), length: 18, Value: ....>k....? ...(
0x0000: 9aec 02c0 3e6b af8e defb 8020 e50b 0728
User-Name Attribute (1), length: 23, Value: host/
0x0000: 686f 7374 2f6c 656e 6f2e 666f 7274 6961
0x0010: 642e 6e65 74 Vendor-Specific Attribute (26), length: 14, Value: Vendor: Fortinet (12356)
Vendor Attribute: 1, Length: 6, Value: VLAN10
0x0000: 0000 3044 0108 564c 414e 3130
01:09:39.765661 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 15537, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 300) > [udp sum ok] BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length 272, hops 2, xid Ox5a6b3f9e, Flags [none] (0x0000)
Client-Ethernet-Address 6c:88:14:c6:3d:58
Vendor-rfc1048 Extensions
Magic Cookie 0x63825363
DHCP-Message Option 53, length 1: ACK
Server-ID Option 54, length 4:
Default-Gateway Option 3, length 4:
Domain-Name-Server Option 6, length 8:,
Time-Zone Option 2, length 4: 3600
The Debug Log (at https://<fac-ip>/debug/radius
) should also confirm successful authentication.