Eddystone BLE beacon profile integration
Eddystone is Google's BLE beacon profile that can be used to identify groups of devices and individual devices.
Use the following syntax to configure a BLE profile that integrates Eddystone. Once you configure the BLE profile, you must then assign it to a FortiAP profile.
To configure BLE profiles for Eddystone - CLI:
config wireless-controller ble-profile
edit <name>
set comment <comment>
set advertising {ibeacon | eddystone-uid | eddystone-url}
set ibeacon-uuid <uuid>
set major-id <0 - 65535> - (default = 1000)
set minor-id <0 - 65535> - (default = 1000)
set eddystone-namespace <10-byte namespace>
set eddystone-instance <device id>
set eddystone-url <url>
set txpower <0 - 12> - (default = 0)
set beacon-interval <40 - 3500> - (default = 100)
set ble-scanning {enable | disable} - (default = disable)
Note that txpower
determines the transmit power level on a scale of 0-12:
0: -21 dBm |
1: -18 dBm |
2: -15 dBm |
3: -12 dBm |
4: -9 dBm |
5: -6 dBm |
6: -3 dBm |
7: 0 dBm |
8: 1 dBm |
9: 2 dBm |
10: 3 dBm |
11: 4 dBm |
12: 5 dBm |