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Administration Guide

Configuring the AI module

Configuring the AI module

You must enable the AI module in the CLI console for face recognition to work properly. You can use the CLI console to configure database and disk quotas, memory usage, and to backup user information.

To enable the AI module in the CLI:

config system global

# set disable-module

The disable-module command enables all of the AI modules.

fortirecorder	FortiRecorder module
ai		AI module
To disable an AI module in the CLI:

config system global

# set disable-module <module>


# set disable-module ai

To set the database and disk quota in the CLI:
  1. Set the disk quota for the AI module.

    config system global

    set ai-disk-quota value <disk limit in GB>

    If the configuration is successful, the remaining available hard disk space will be deducted accordingly.

  2. Set the database table item count limit,

    execute face-recognition setting db_item_count_max <limit>

CPU usage:

The AI module has three daemons:

aid Pre-processes videos with deep learning algorithms which consume large amounts of CPU resources.
aiclusterd Responsible for user interfaces and requires limited CPU and memory resources.
aisched Performs routine tasks, such as cleaning the database and disk used by the AI module approximately once a day.
To backup an AI user's information in the CLI:

execute backup ai-config <ip:port> <filename> <username><password>

To restore an AI user's information in the CLI:

execute restore ai-config <ip:port> <filename> <username><password>

To insert a specific camera's videos into the AI database:

execute face-recognition process <camera_name>

To configure AI-specific settings in the CLI:

Show all AI setting parameters:

execute face-recognition setting

Show a specific key value:

execute face-recognition setting <key>

Modify a specific key value:

execute face-recognition setting <key> <key_value>

Configuring the AI module

Configuring the AI module

You must enable the AI module in the CLI console for face recognition to work properly. You can use the CLI console to configure database and disk quotas, memory usage, and to backup user information.

To enable the AI module in the CLI:

config system global

# set disable-module

The disable-module command enables all of the AI modules.

fortirecorder	FortiRecorder module
ai		AI module
To disable an AI module in the CLI:

config system global

# set disable-module <module>


# set disable-module ai

To set the database and disk quota in the CLI:
  1. Set the disk quota for the AI module.

    config system global

    set ai-disk-quota value <disk limit in GB>

    If the configuration is successful, the remaining available hard disk space will be deducted accordingly.

  2. Set the database table item count limit,

    execute face-recognition setting db_item_count_max <limit>

CPU usage:

The AI module has three daemons:

aid Pre-processes videos with deep learning algorithms which consume large amounts of CPU resources.
aiclusterd Responsible for user interfaces and requires limited CPU and memory resources.
aisched Performs routine tasks, such as cleaning the database and disk used by the AI module approximately once a day.
To backup an AI user's information in the CLI:

execute backup ai-config <ip:port> <filename> <username><password>

To restore an AI user's information in the CLI:

execute restore ai-config <ip:port> <filename> <username><password>

To insert a specific camera's videos into the AI database:

execute face-recognition process <camera_name>

To configure AI-specific settings in the CLI:

Show all AI setting parameters:

execute face-recognition setting

Show a specific key value:

execute face-recognition setting <key>

Modify a specific key value:

execute face-recognition setting <key> <key_value>