Dataset Reference List
The following tables list the datasets included with FortiAnalyzer. The tables contain the name, SQL query syntax, and log category for each dataset.
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Traffic-Bandwidth-Summary-Day-Of-Month |
Traffic bandwidth timeline |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in from ###(select timestamp, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_bndwdth_sess*/select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, service, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by timestamp, devid, vd, csf, user_src, service /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)base### base_query group by timestamp order by bandwidth desc)### t group by hodex having sum(traffic_out+traffic_in)>0 order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Session-Summary-Day-Of-Month |
Number of session timeline |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select timestamp, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_bndwdth_sess*/select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, service, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by timestamp, devid, vd, csf, user_src, service /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)base### base_query group by timestamp order by sessions desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Users-By-Bandwidth |
Bandwidth application top users by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by user_src having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-App-By-Bandwidth |
Top applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-User-Source-By-Sessions |
Top user source by session count |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by user_src order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-App-By-Sessions |
Top applications by session count |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Destination-Addresses-By-Sessions |
Top destinations by session count |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna( root_domain(hostname) ), ipstr(dstip) ) as domain, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by domain order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Destination-Addresses-By-Bandwidth |
Top destinations by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna( root_domain(hostname) ), ipstr(dstip) ) as domain, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and coalesce( nullifna( root_domain(hostname) ), ipstr(`dstip`) ) is not null group by domain having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
DHCP-Summary-By-Port |
Event top dhcp summary |
event |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_3; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select concat(interface, '.', devid) as intf, mac from $log where $last3day_period $filter and logid_to_int(logid) = 26001 and dhcp_msg = 'Ack' group by interface, devid, mac)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select concat(interface, '.', devid) as intf, mac from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid) = 26001 and dhcp_msg = 'Ack' group by interface, devid, mac)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_3 as select distinct on (1) intf, cast(used*100.0/total as decimal(18,2)) as percent_of_allocated_ip from ###(select distinct on (1) concat(interface, '.', devid) as intf, used, total, itime from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=26003 and total>0 /*SkipSTART*/order by intf, itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t order by intf, itime desc; select t1.intf as interface, percent_of_allocated_ip, new_cli_count from rpt_tmptbl_3 t1 inner join (select intf, count(mac) as new_cli_count from rpt_tmptbl_2 where not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where rpt_tmptbl_2.mac=rpt_tmptbl_1.mac) group by intf) t2 on t1.intf=t2.intf order by interface, percent_of_allocated_ip desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Wifi-Client-By-Bandwidth |
Traffic top WiFi client by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, srcssid, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, coalesce( nullifna(`srcname`), `srcmac` ) as hostname_mac, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and ( srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null ) group by user_src, srcssid, devtype_new, hostname_mac having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Traffic-History-By-Active-User |
Traffic history by active user |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, count( distinct(user_src) ) as total_user from ###(select timestamp, user_src, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_bndwdth_sess*/select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, service, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by timestamp, devid, vd, csf, user_src, service /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)base### base_query group by timestamp, user_src order by sessions desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Allowed-Websites-By-Requests |
UTM top allowed web sites by request |
traffic |
select hostname, catdesc, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and utmevent in ( & #039;webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') and hostname is not null and (utmaction not in ('block', 'blocked') or action!='deny') group by hostname, catdesc order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-50-Websites-By-Bandwidth |
Webfilter top allowed web sites by bandwidth usage |
webfilter |
select domain, string_agg( distinct catdesc, & #039;, ') as agg_catdesc, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(hostname), ipstr(`dstip`)) as domain, catdesc, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and utmaction!='blocked' and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by domain, catdesc having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 /*SkipSTART*/order by bandwidth desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by domain, catdesc order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Blocked-Websites |
UTM top blocked web sites by request |
traffic |
select hostname, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and utmevent in ( & #039;webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') and hostname is not null and (utmaction in ('block', 'blocked') or action='deny') group by hostname order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Web-Users-By-Request |
UTM top web users by request |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, srcname, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and utmevent in ( & #039;webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') group by user_src, devtype_new, srcname order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Allowed-WebSites-By-Bandwidth |
UTM top allowed websites by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select appid, hostname, catdesc, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and utmevent in ( & #039;webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') and hostname is not null group by appid, hostname, catdesc having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Blocked-Web-Users |
UTM top blocked web users |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, srcname, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and utmevent in ( & #039;webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') and (utmaction in ('block', 'blocked') or action='deny') group by user_src, devtype_new, srcname order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-20-Web-Users-By-Bandwidth |
Webfilter top web users by bandwidth usage |
webfilter |
select user_src, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by user_src having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 /*SkipSTART*/order by bandwidth desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by user_src order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Web-Users-By-Bandwidth |
UTM top web users by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, srcname, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and utmevent in ( & #039;webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') group by user_src, devtype_new, srcname having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Video-Streaming-Websites-By-Bandwidth |
UTM top video streaming websites by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select appid, hostname, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and catdesc in ( & #039;Streaming Media and Download') group by appid, hostname having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Email-Senders-By-Count |
Default top email senders by count |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and service in ( & #039;smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') group by user_src order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Email-Receivers-By-Count |
Default email top receivers by count |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and service in ( & #039;pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') group by user_src order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Email-Senders-By-Bandwidth |
Default email top senders by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and service in ( & #039;smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') group by user_src having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Email-Receivers-By-Bandwidth |
Default email top receivers by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and service in ( & #039;pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') group by user_src having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Malware-By-Name |
UTM top virus |
virus |
select virus, max(virusid_s) as virusid, ( case when virus like & #039;Riskware%' then 'Spyware' when virus like 'Adware%' then 'Adware' else 'Virus' end) as malware_type, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select virus, virusid_to_str(virusid, eventtype) as virusid_s, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by virus, virusid_s /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by virus, malware_type order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Virus-By-Name |
UTM top virus |
virus |
select virus, max(virusid_s) as virusid, ( case when virus like & #039;Riskware%' then 'Spyware' when virus like 'Adware%' then 'Adware' else 'Virus' end) as malware_type, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select virus, virusid_to_str(virusid, eventtype) as virusid_s, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by virus, virusid_s /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by virus, malware_type order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Virus-Victim |
UTM top virus user |
virus |
select user_src, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by user_src /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by user_src order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Attack-Source |
UTM top attack source |
attack |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by user_src order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Attack-Victim |
UTM top attack dest |
attack |
select dstip, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and dstip is not null group by dstip order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Static-IPSEC-Tunnels-By-Bandwidth |
Top static IPsec tunnels by bandwidth usage |
event |
select vpn_name, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ( select devid, vd, remip, tunnelid, vpn_name, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in) end ) as traffic_in, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as traffic_out, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as bandwidth from ###(select devid, vd, remip, vpn_trim(vpntunnel) as vpn_name, tunnelid, tunnelip, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and tunneltype like 'ipsec%' and nullifna(vpntunnel) is not null and action in ('tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down') and tunnelid is not null group by devid, vd, remip, vpn_name, tunnelid, tunnelip)### t where (tunnelip is null or tunnelip='') group by devid, vd, remip, vpn_name, tunnelid) tt group by vpn_name having sum(traffic_in+traffic_out)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-SSL-VPN-Tunnel-Users-By-Bandwidth |
Top SSL VPN tunnel users by bandwidth usage |
event |
select user_src, remip as remote_ip, from_dtime( min(s_time) ) as start_time, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ( select devid, vd, remip, user_src, tunnelid, min(s_time) as s_time, max(e_time) as e_time, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as bandwidth, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in) end ) as traffic_in, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as traffic_out from ###(select devid, vd, remip, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) as user_src, tunnelid, tunneltype, max(coalesce(duration,0)) as max_duration, min(coalesce(duration,0)) as min_duration, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and tunneltype like 'ssl%' and action in ('tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down', 'tunnel-up') and coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) is not null and tunnelid is not null group by devid, vd, user_src, remip, tunnelid, tunneltype)### t where tunneltype='ssl-tunnel' group by devid, vd, user_src, remip, tunnelid) tt where bandwidth>0 group by user_src, remote_ip order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Dial-Up-IPSEC-Tunnels-By-Bandwidth |
Top dial up IPsec tunnels by bandwidth usage |
event |
select vpn_name, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ( select devid, vd, tunnelid, remip, vpn_name, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in) end ) as traffic_in, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as traffic_out, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as bandwidth from ###(select devid, vd, remip, vpn_trim(vpntunnel) as vpn_name, tunnelid, tunnelip, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and tunneltype like 'ipsec%' and nullifna(vpntunnel) is not null and action in ('tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down') and tunnelid is not null group by devid, vd, remip, vpn_name, tunnelid, tunnelip)### t where not (tunnelip is null or tunnelip='') group by devid, vd, remip, vpn_name, tunnelid) tt group by vpn_name having sum(traffic_out+traffic_in)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Dial-Up-IPSEC-Users-By-Bandwidth |
Top dial up IPsec users by bandwidth usage |
event |
select coalesce( xauthuser_agg, user_agg, ipstr(`remip`) ) as user_src, remip, from_dtime( min(s_time) ) as start_time, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ( select devid, vd, string_agg( distinct xauthuser_agg, & #039; ') as xauthuser_agg, string_agg(distinct user_agg, ' ') as user_agg, remip, tunnelid, min(s_time) as s_time, max(e_time) as e_time, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as bandwidth, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in) end) as traffic_in, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as traffic_out from ###(select devid, vd, remip, nullifna(`xauthuser`) as xauthuser_agg, nullifna(`user`) as user_agg, tunnelid, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time, max(coalesce(duration,0)) as max_duration, min(coalesce(duration,0)) as min_duration, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and tunneltype like 'ipsec%' and not (tunnelip is null or tunnelip='') and action in ('tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down', 'tunnel-up') and tunnelid is not null and tunnelid!=0 group by devid, vd, remip, xauthuser_agg, user_agg, tunnelid order by tunnelid)### t group by devid, vd, remip, tunnelid) tt where bandwidth>0 group by user_src, remip order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Dial-Up-IPSEC-Users-By-Duration |
Top dial up IPsec users by duration |
event |
select coalesce( xauthuser_agg, user_agg, ipstr(`remip`) ) as user_src, from_dtime( min(s_time) ) as start_time, sum(duration) as duration, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ( select devid, vd, remip, string_agg( distinct xauthuser_agg, & #039; ') as xauthuser_agg, string_agg(distinct user_agg, ' ') as user_agg, tunnelid, min(s_time) as s_time, max(e_time) as e_time, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_duration) else max(max_duration)-min(min_duration) end) as duration, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as bandwidth, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in) end) as traffic_in, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as traffic_out from ###(select devid, vd, remip, nullifna(`xauthuser`) as xauthuser_agg, nullifna(`user`) as user_agg, tunnelid, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time, max(coalesce(duration,0)) as max_duration, min(coalesce(duration,0)) as min_duration, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and tunneltype like 'ipsec%' and not (tunnelip is null or tunnelip='') and action in ('tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down', 'tunnel-up') and tunnelid is not null and tunnelid!=0 group by devid, vd, remip, xauthuser_agg, user_agg, tunnelid order by tunnelid)### t group by devid, vd, remip, tunnelid) tt where bandwidth>0 group by user_src order by duration desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-SSL-VPN-Web-Mode-Users-By-Bandwidth |
Top SSL VPN web mode users by bandwidth usage |
event |
select user_src, remip as remote_ip, from_dtime( min(s_time) ) as start_time, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ( select devid, vd, user_src, remip, tunnelid, min(s_time) as s_time, max(e_time) as e_time, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as bandwidth, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in) end ) as traffic_in, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as traffic_out from ###(select devid, vd, remip, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) as user_src, tunnelid, tunneltype, max(coalesce(duration,0)) as max_duration, min(coalesce(duration,0)) as min_duration, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and tunneltype like 'ssl%' and action in ('tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down', 'tunnel-up') and coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) is not null and tunnelid is not null group by devid, vd, user_src, remip, tunnelid, tunneltype)### t group by devid, vd, user_src, remip, tunnelid) tt where bandwidth>0 group by user_src, remote_ip order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-SSL-VPN-Web-Mode-Users-By-Duration |
Top SSL VPN web mode users by duration |
event |
select user_src, remip as remote_ip, from_dtime( min(s_time) ) as start_time, ( max(e_time)- min(s_time) ) as duration from ( select devid, vd, user_src, remip, tunnelid, min(s_time) as s_time, max(e_time) as e_time from ###(select devid, vd, remip, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) as user_src, tunnelid, tunneltype, max(coalesce(duration,0)) as max_duration, min(coalesce(duration,0)) as min_duration, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and tunneltype like 'ssl%' and action in ('tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down', 'tunnel-up') and coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) is not null and tunnelid is not null group by devid, vd, user_src, remip, tunnelid, tunneltype)### t where tunneltype='ssl-web' group by devid, vd, user_src, remip, tunnelid) tt group by user_src, remote_ip order by duration desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-SSL-VPN-Users-By-Duration |
Top SSL VPN users by duration |
event |
select user_src, tunneltype, sum(duration) as duration, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ( select devid, vd, remip, user_src, tunneltype, tunnelid, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_duration) else max(max_duration)- min(min_duration) end ) as duration, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in) end ) as traffic_in, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as traffic_out, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as bandwidth from ###(select devid, vd, remip, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) as user_src, tunnelid, tunneltype, max(coalesce(duration,0)) as max_duration, min(coalesce(duration,0)) as min_duration, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and tunneltype like 'ssl%' and action in ('tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down', 'tunnel-up') and coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) is not null and tunnelid is not null group by devid, vd, user_src, remip, tunnelid, tunneltype)### t group by devid, vd, remip, user_src, tunnelid, tunneltype) tt where bandwidth>0 group by user_src, tunneltype order by duration desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
vpn-Top-Dial-Up-VPN-Users-By-Duration |
Top dial up VPN users by duration |
event |
select coalesce( xauthuser_agg, user_agg, ipstr(`remip`) ) as user_src, t_type as tunneltype, from_dtime( min(s_time) ) as start_time, sum(duration) as duration, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ( select devid, vd, remip, string_agg( distinct xauthuser_agg, & #039; ') as xauthuser_agg, string_agg(distinct user_agg, ' ') as user_agg, t_type, tunnelid, min(s_time) as s_time, max(e_time) as e_time, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_duration) else max(max_duration)-min(min_duration) end) as duration, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as bandwidth, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in) end) as traffic_in, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as traffic_out from ###(select devid, vd, remip, nullifna(`xauthuser`) as xauthuser_agg, nullifna(`user`) as user_agg, (case when tunneltype like 'ipsec%' then 'ipsec' else tunneltype end) as t_type, tunnelid, tunnelip, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time, max(coalesce(duration,0)) as max_duration, min(coalesce(duration,0)) as min_duration, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in, sum((case when action='tunnel-up' then 1 else 0 end)) as tunnelup from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and (tunneltype like 'ipsec%' or tunneltype like 'ssl%') and action in ('tunnel-up', 'tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down') and tunnelid is not null and tunnelid!=0 group by xauthuser_agg, user_agg, devid, vd, remip, t_type, tunnelid, tunnelip)### t where (t_type like 'ssl%' or (t_type like 'ipsec%' and not (tunnelip is null or tunnelip=''))) group by devid, vd, remip, t_type, tunnelid) tt where bandwidth>0 group by user_src, tunneltype order by duration desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
vpn-User-Login-history |
VPN user login history |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(tunnelup) as total_num from ( select timestamp, devid, vd, remip, tunnelid, max(tunnelup) as tunnelup, max(traffic_in) as traffic_in, max(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, vd, remip, tunnelid, max((case when action='tunnel-up' then 1 else 0 end)) as tunnelup, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and (tunneltype like 'ipsec%' or tunneltype like 'ssl%') and action in ('tunnel-up', 'tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down') and tunnelid is not null group by timestamp, devid, vd, remip, tunnelid /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by timestamp, devid, vd, remip, tunnelid having max(tunnelup) > 0 and max(traffic_in)+max(traffic_out)>0) t group by hodex order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
vpn-Failed-Login-Atempts |
VPN failed logins |
event |
select f_user, tunneltype, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`xauthuser`), `user`) as f_user, tunneltype, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and (tunneltype='ipsec' or left(tunneltype, 3)='ssl') and action in ('ssl-login-fail', 'ipsec-login-fail') and coalesce(nullifna(`xauthuser`), nullifna(`user`)) is not null group by f_user, tunneltype)### t group by f_user, tunneltype order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
vpn-Authenticated-Logins |
VPN authenticated logins |
event |
select coalesce( xauthuser_agg, user_agg, ipstr(`remip`) ) as f_user, t_type as tunneltype, from_dtime( min(s_time) ) as start_time, sum(total_num) as total_num, sum(duration) as duration from ( select string_agg( distinct xauthuser_agg, & #039; ') as xauthuser_agg, string_agg(distinct user_agg, ' ') as user_agg, t_type, devid, vd, remip, tunnelid, min(s_time) as s_time, max(e_time) as e_time, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_duration) else max(max_duration)-min(min_duration) end) as duration, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as bandwidth, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in) end) as traffic_in, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as traffic_out, sum(tunnelup) as total_num from ###(select devid, vd, remip, nullifna(`xauthuser`) as xauthuser_agg, nullifna(`user`) as user_agg, (case when tunneltype like 'ipsec%' then 'ipsec' else tunneltype end) as t_type, tunnelid, tunnelip, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time, max(coalesce(duration,0)) as max_duration, min(coalesce(duration,0)) as min_duration, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in, sum((case when action='tunnel-up' then 1 else 0 end)) as tunnelup from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and (tunneltype like 'ipsec%' or tunneltype like 'ssl%') and action in ('tunnel-up', 'tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down') and tunnelid is not null and tunnelid!=0 group by xauthuser_agg, user_agg, devid, vd, remip, t_type, tunnelid, tunnelip)### t group by t_type, devid, vd, remip, tunnelid having max(tunnelup) > 0) tt where bandwidth>0 group by f_user, tunneltype order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
vpn-Traffic-Usage-Trend-VPN-Summary |
VPN traffic usage trend |
event |
select hodex, sum(ssl_traffic_bandwidth) as ssl_bandwidth, sum(ipsec_traffic_bandwidth) as ipsec_bandwidth from ( select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, vd, remip, tunnelid, ( case when t_type like & #039;ssl%' then (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) else 0 end) as ssl_traffic_bandwidth, (case when t_type like 'ipsec%' then (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) else 0 end) as ipsec_traffic_bandwidth, min(s_time) as s_time, max(e_time) as e_time from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, vd, remip, tunnelid, (case when tunneltype like 'ipsec%' then 'ipsec' else tunneltype end) as t_type, (case when action='tunnel-up' then 1 else 0 end) as tunnelup, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and (tunneltype like 'ipsec%' or tunneltype like 'ssl%') and action in ('tunnel-up','tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down') and tunnelid is not null and tunnelid!=0 group by timestamp, devid, vd, remip, t_type, tunnelid, action /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hodex, devid, t_type, vd, remip, tunnelid) tt group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-S2S-IPSEC-Tunnels-By-Bandwidth-and-Availability |
Top S2S IPsec tunnels by bandwidth usage and avail |
event |
select vpntunnel, tunneltype, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(uptime) as uptime from ( select vpntunnel, tunneltype, tunnelid, devid, vd, sum(sent_end - sent_beg) as traffic_out, sum(rcvd_end - rcvd_beg) as traffic_in, sum( sent_end - sent_beg + rcvd_end - rcvd_beg ) as bandwidth, sum(duration_end - duration_beg) as uptime from ###(select tunnelid, tunneltype, vpntunnel, devid, vd, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sent_beg, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sent_end, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as rcvd_beg, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as rcvd_end, min(coalesce(duration, 0)) as duration_beg, max(coalesce(duration, 0)) as duration_end from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and action='tunnel-stats' and tunneltype like 'ipsec%' and (tunnelip is null or tunnelip='') and nullifna(`user`) is null and tunnelid is not null and tunnelid!=0 group by tunnelid, tunneltype, vpntunnel, devid, vd /*SkipSTART*/order by tunnelid/*SkipEND*/)### t group by vpntunnel, tunneltype, tunnelid, devid, vd order by bandwidth desc) t where bandwidth>0 group by vpntunnel, tunneltype order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Dialup-IPSEC-By-Bandwidth-and-Availability |
Top dialup IPsec users by bandwidth usage and avail |
event |
select user_src, remip, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(uptime) as uptime from ( select user_src, remip, tunnelid, devid, vd, sum(sent_end - sent_beg) as traffic_out, sum(rcvd_end - rcvd_beg) as traffic_in, sum( sent_end - sent_beg + rcvd_end - rcvd_beg ) as bandwidth, sum(duration_end - duration_beg) as uptime from ###(select tunnelid, coalesce(nullifna(`xauthuser`), nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) as user_src, remip, devid, vd, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sent_beg, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sent_end, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as rcvd_beg, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as rcvd_end, min(coalesce(duration, 0)) as duration_beg, max(coalesce(duration, 0)) as duration_end from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and action='tunnel-stats' and tunneltype like 'ipsec%' and not (tunnelip is null or tunnelip='') and tunnelid is not null and tunnelid!=0 group by tunnelid, user_src, remip, devid, vd /*SkipSTART*/order by tunnelid/*SkipEND*/)### t group by user_src, remip, tunnelid, devid, vd order by bandwidth desc) t where bandwidth>0 group by user_src, remip order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-SSL-Tunnel-Mode-By-Bandwidth-and-Availability |
Top SSL tunnel users by bandwidth usage and avail |
event |
select user_src, remote_ip, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(uptime) as uptime from ( select user_src, remip as remote_ip, tunnelid, devid, vd, sum(sent_end - sent_beg) as traffic_out, sum(rcvd_end - rcvd_beg) as traffic_in, sum( sent_end - sent_beg + rcvd_end - rcvd_beg ) as bandwidth, sum(duration_end - duration_beg) as uptime from ###(select tunnelid, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) as user_src, remip, devid, vd, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sent_beg, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sent_end, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as rcvd_beg, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as rcvd_end, min(coalesce(duration, 0)) as duration_beg, max(coalesce(duration, 0)) as duration_end from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and action='tunnel-stats' and tunneltype in ('ssl-tunnel', 'ssl') and coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) is not null and tunnelid is not null group by tunnelid, user_src, remip, devid, vd /*SkipSTART*/order by tunnelid/*SkipEND*/)### t group by user_src, remote_ip, tunnelid, devid, vd order by bandwidth desc) t where bandwidth>0 group by user_src, remote_ip order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-SSL-Web-Mode-By-Bandwidth-and-Availability |
Top SSL web users by bandwidth usage and avail |
event |
select user_src, remote_ip, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(uptime) as uptime from ( select user_src, remip as remote_ip, tunnelid, devid, vd, sum(sent_end - sent_beg) as traffic_out, sum(rcvd_end - rcvd_beg) as traffic_in, sum( sent_end - sent_beg + rcvd_end - rcvd_beg ) as bandwidth, sum(duration_end - duration_beg) as uptime from ###(select tunnelid, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) as user_src, remip, devid, vd, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sent_beg, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sent_end, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as rcvd_beg, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as rcvd_end, min(coalesce(duration, 0)) as duration_beg, max(coalesce(duration, 0)) as duration_end from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and action='tunnel-stats' and tunneltype='ssl-web' and coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`remip`)) is not null and tunnelid is not null group by tunnelid, user_src, remip, devid, vd /*SkipSTART*/order by tunnelid/*SkipEND*/)### t group by user_src, remote_ip, tunnelid, devid, vd having sum(sent_end-sent_beg+rcvd_end-rcvd_beg)>0 order by bandwidth desc) t where bandwidth>0 group by user_src, remote_ip order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Admin-Login-Summary |
Event admin login summary |
event |
select f_user, ui, sum(login) as total_num, sum(login_duration) as total_duration, sum(config_change) as total_change from ( select `user` as f_user, ui, ( case when logid_to_int(logid)= 32001 then 1 else 0 end ) as login, ( case when logid_to_int(logid)= 32003 then duration else 0 end ) as login_duration, ( case when logid_to_int(logid)= 32003 and state is not null then 1 else 0 end ) as config_change from $log where $filter and nullifna(`user`) is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (32001, 32003) ) t group by f_user, ui having sum(login)+ sum(config_change)> 0 order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Admin-Login-Summary-By-Date |
Event admin login summary by date |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as dom, sum(total_num) as total_num, sum(total_change) as total_change from ###(select timestamp, sum(login) as total_num, sum(config_change) as total_change from (select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, (case when logid_to_int(logid)=32001 then 1 else 0 end) as login, (case when logid_to_int(logid)=32003 and state is not null then 1 else 0 end) as config_change from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid) in (32001, 32003)) t group by timestamp having sum(login)+sum(config_change)>0 /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by dom order by dom
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Admin-Failed-Login-Summary |
Event admin failed login summary |
event |
select `user` as f_user, ui, count(status) as total_failed from $log where $filter and nullifna(`user`) is not null and logid_to_int(logid) = 32002 group by ui, f_user order by total_failed desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
System-Summary-By-Severity |
Event system summary by severity |
event |
select severity_tmp as severity, sum(count) as total_num from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(logdesc), msg) as msg_desc, (case when level in ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') then 'Critical' when level='error' then 'High' when level='warning' then 'Medium' when level='notice' then 'Low' else 'Info' end) as severity_tmp, count(*) as count from $log where $filter and subtype='system' group by msg_desc, severity_tmp /*SkipSTART*/order by count desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by severity order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
System-Summary-By-Date |
Event system summary by date |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as dom, sum(critical) as critical, sum(high) as high, sum(medium) as medium from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, sum(case when level in ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') then 1 else 0 end) as critical, sum(case when level = 'error' then 1 else 0 end) as high, sum(case when level = 'warning' then 1 else 0 end) as medium from $log where $filter and subtype='system' group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by dom order by dom
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Important-System-Summary-By-Date |
Event system summary by date |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as dom, sum(critical) as critical, sum(high) as high, sum(medium) as medium from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, sum(case when level in ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') then 1 else 0 end) as critical, sum(case when level = 'error' then 1 else 0 end) as high, sum(case when level = 'warning' then 1 else 0 end) as medium from $log where $filter and subtype='system' group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by dom order by dom
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
System-Critical-Severity-Events |
Event system critical severity events |
event |
select msg_desc as msg, severity_tmp as severity, sum(count) as counts from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(logdesc), msg) as msg_desc, (case when level in ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') then 'Critical' when level='error' then 'High' when level='warning' then 'Medium' when level='notice' then 'Low' else 'Info' end) as severity_tmp, count(*) as count from $log where $filter and subtype='system' group by msg_desc, severity_tmp /*SkipSTART*/order by count desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where severity_tmp='Critical' group by msg, severity_tmp order by counts desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
System-High-Severity-Events |
Event system high severity events |
event |
select msg_desc as msg, severity_tmp as severity, sum(count) as counts from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(logdesc), msg) as msg_desc, (case when level in ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') then 'Critical' when level='error' then 'High' when level='warning' then 'Medium' when level='notice' then 'Low' else 'Info' end) as severity_tmp, count(*) as count from $log where $filter and subtype='system' group by msg_desc, severity_tmp /*SkipSTART*/order by count desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where severity_tmp='High' group by msg, severity_tmp order by counts desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
System-Medium-Severity-Events |
Event system medium severity events |
event |
select msg_desc as msg, severity_tmp as severity, sum(count) as counts from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(logdesc), msg) as msg_desc, (case when level in ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') then 'Critical' when level='error' then 'High' when level='warning' then 'Medium' when level='notice' then 'Low' else 'Info' end) as severity_tmp, count(*) as count from $log where $filter and subtype='system' group by msg_desc, severity_tmp /*SkipSTART*/order by count desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where severity_tmp='Medium' group by msg, severity_tmp order by counts desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-Traffic-Summary |
UTM drilldown traffic summary |
traffic |
select srcip, srcname from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, srcip, srcname, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by user_src, srcip, srcname order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by srcip, srcname
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-User-Destination |
UTM drilldown top user destination |
traffic |
select appid, app, dstip, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, dstip, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and dstip is not null and nullifna(app) is not null group by user_src, appid, app, dstip having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by appid, app, dstip order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Email-Senders-Summary |
UTM drilldown email senders summary |
traffic |
select sum(requests) as requests, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') group by user_src, sender order by requests desc)### t where $filter-drilldown
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Email-Receivers-Summary |
UTM drilldown email receivers summary |
traffic |
select sum(requests) as requests, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and recipient is not null and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') group by user_src, recipient order by requests desc)### t where $filter-drilldown
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-Email-Recipients-By-Bandwidth |
UTM drilldown top email recipients |
traffic |
select recipient, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and recipient is not null and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') group by user_src, recipient order by requests desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by recipient having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-Email-Senders-By-Bandwidth |
UTM drilldown top email senders |
traffic |
select sender, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') group by user_src, sender order by requests desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and sender is not null group by sender having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-Allowed-Websites-By-Bandwidth |
UTM drilldown top allowed web sites by bandwidth |
traffic |
select appid, hostname, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, hostname, (case when utmaction in ('block', 'blocked') then 1 else 0 end) as blocked, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) and hostname is not null group by user_src, appid, hostname, blocked order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and blocked=0 group by appid, hostname order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-Blocked-Websites-By-Request |
UTM drilldown top blocked web sites by request |
webfilter |
select appid, hostname, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, 0 as appid, hostname, (case when action='blocked' then 1 else 0 end) as blocked, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and hostname is not null group by user_src, appid, hostname, blocked order by requests desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and blocked=1 group by appid, hostname order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-Virus-By-Name |
UTM drilldown top virus |
virus |
select virus, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, virus, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by user_src, virus order by totalnum desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by virus order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-Attacks |
UTM drilldown top attacks by name |
attack |
select attack, sum(attack_count) as attack_count from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, attack, count(*) as attack_count from $log where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by user_src, attack order by attack_count desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by attack order by attack_count desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-Vulnerability |
UTM drilldown top vulnerability by name |
netscan |
select vuln, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, vuln, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and action='vuln-detection' and vuln is not null group by user_src, vuln order by totalnum desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by vuln order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-App-By-Bandwidth |
UTM drilldown top applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select appid, app, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where $filter-drilldown group by appid, app having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-drilldown-Top-App-By-Sessions |
UTM drilldown top applications by session count |
traffic |
select appid, app, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where $filter-drilldown group by appid, app order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top5-Users-By-Bandwidth |
UTM drilldown top users by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as dldn_user, count(*) as session, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by dldn_user having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
bandwidth-app-Top-App-By-Bandwidth-Sessions |
Top applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
bandwidth-app-Category-By-Bandwidth |
Application risk application usage by category |
traffic |
select appcat, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where nullifna(appcat) is not null group by appcat order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
bandwidth-app-Top-Users-By-Bandwidth-Sessions |
Bandwidth application top users by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by user_src having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
bandwidth-app-Traffic-By-Active-User-Number |
Bandwidth application traffic by active user number |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, count( distinct(user_src) ) as total_user from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by timestamp, user_src order by timestamp desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
bandwidth-app-Top-Dest-By-Bandwidth-Sessions |
Bandwidth application top dest by bandwidth usage sessions |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna( root_domain(hostname) ), ipstr(`dstip`) ) as domain, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by domain order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
bandwidth-app-Top-Policies-By-Bandwidth-Sessions |
Top policies by bandwidth and sessions |
traffic |
select coalesce(, cast(policyid as text) ) as polid, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select policyid, poluuid, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) + coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by policyid, poluuid order by bandwidth desc)### t1 left join $ADOMTBL_PLHD_POLINFO pol on t1.poluuid=pol.uuid group by polid order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
bandwidth-app-Traffic-Statistics |
Bandwidth application traffic statistics |
traffic |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1( total_sessions varchar(255), total_bandwidth varchar(255), ave_session varchar(255), ave_bandwidth varchar(255), active_date varchar(255), total_users varchar(255), total_app varchar(255), total_dest varchar(255) ); insert into rpt_tmptbl_1 ( total_sessions, total_bandwidth, ave_session, ave_bandwidth ) select format_numeric_no_decimal( sum(sessions) ) as total_sessions, bandwidth_unit( sum(bandwidth) ) as total_bandwidth, format_numeric_no_decimal( cast( sum(sessions)/ $days_num as decimal(18, 0) ) ) as ave_session, bandwidth_unit( cast( sum(bandwidth)/ $days_num as decimal(18, 0) ) ) as ave_bandwidth from ###(select count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0))### t; update rpt_tmptbl_1 set active_date=t1.dom from (select dom, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select $DAY_OF_MONTH as dom, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by dom order by sessions desc)### t group by dom order by sessions desc limit 1) as t1; update rpt_tmptbl_1 set total_users=t2.totalnum from (select format_numeric_no_decimal(count(distinct(user_src))) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, count(*) as count from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by user_src order by count desc)### t) as t2; update rpt_tmptbl_1 set total_app=t3.totalnum from (select format_numeric_no_decimal(count(distinct(app_grp))) as totalnum from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_grp, count(*) as count from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_grp order by count desc)### t) as t3; update rpt_tmptbl_1 set total_dest=t4.totalnum from (select format_numeric_no_decimal(count(distinct(dstip))) as totalnum from ###(select dstip, count(*) as count from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and dstip is not null group by dstip order by count desc)### t ) as t4; select 'Total Sessions' as summary, total_sessions as stats from rpt_tmptbl_1 union all select 'Total Bytes Transferred' as summary, total_bandwidth as stats from rpt_tmptbl_1 union all select 'Most Active Date By Sessions' as summary, active_date as stats from rpt_tmptbl_1 union all select 'Total Users' as summary, total_users as stats from rpt_tmptbl_1 union all select 'Total Applications' as summary, total_app as stats from rpt_tmptbl_1 union all select 'Total Destinations' as summary, total_dest as stats from rpt_tmptbl_1 union all select 'Average Sessions Per Day' as summary, ave_session as stats from rpt_tmptbl_1 union all select 'Average Bytes Per Day' as summary, ave_bandwidth as stats from rpt_tmptbl_1
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Score-Summary-For-All-Users-Devices |
Reputation score summary for all users devices |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(scores) as scores from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, sum(crscore%65536) as scores, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and crscore is not null group by timestamp having sum(crscore%65536)>0 order by timestamp desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Number-Of-Incidents-For-All-Users-Devices |
Reputation number of incidents for all users devices |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(scores) as scores, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, sum(crscore%65536) as scores, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and crscore is not null group by timestamp having sum(crscore%65536)>0 order by timestamp desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Users-By-Reputation-Scores |
Reputation top users by scores |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, sum(crscore % 65536) as scores from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and crscore is not null group by user_src having sum(crscore % 65536)> 0 order by scores desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Devices-By-Reputation-Scores |
Reputation top devices by scores |
traffic |
select get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, coalesce( nullifna(`srcname`), nullifna(`srcmac`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as dev_src, sum(crscore % 65536) as scores from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and crscore is not null group by devtype_new, dev_src having sum(crscore % 65536)> 0 order by scores desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Users-With-Increased-Scores |
Reputation top users with increased scores |
traffic |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, sum(crscore%65536) as sum_rp_score from $log where $pre_period $filter and (logflag&1>0) and crscore is not null group by f_user having sum(crscore%65536)>0 order by sum_rp_score desc)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, sum(crscore%65536) as sum_rp_score from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and crscore is not null group by f_user having sum(crscore%65536)>0 order by sum_rp_score desc)###; select t1.f_user, sum(t1.sum_rp_score) as t1_sum_score, sum(t2.sum_rp_score) as t2_sum_score, (sum(t2.sum_rp_score)-sum(t1.sum_rp_score)) as delta from rpt_tmptbl_1 as t1 inner join rpt_tmptbl_2 as t2 on t1.f_user=t2.f_user where t2.sum_rp_score > t1.sum_rp_score group by t1.f_user order by delta desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Devices-With-Increased-Scores |
Reputation top devices with increased scores |
traffic |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`srcname`),nullifna(`srcmac`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_device, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, sum(crscore%65536) as sum_rp_score from $log where $pre_period $filter and (logflag&1>0) and crscore is not null group by f_device, devtype_new having sum(crscore%65536)>0 order by sum_rp_score desc)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`srcname`),nullifna(`srcmac`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_device, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, sum(crscore%65536) as sum_rp_score from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and crscore is not null group by f_device, devtype_new having sum(crscore%65536)>0 order by sum_rp_score desc)###; select t1.f_device, t1.devtype_new , sum(t1.sum_rp_score) as t1_sum_score, sum(t2.sum_rp_score) as t2_sum_score, (sum(t2.sum_rp_score)-sum(t1.sum_rp_score)) as delta from rpt_tmptbl_1 as t1 inner join rpt_tmptbl_2 as t2 on t1.f_device=t2.f_device and t1.devtype_new=t2.devtype_new where t2.sum_rp_score > t1.sum_rp_score group by t1.f_device, t1.devtype_new order by delta desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Attacks-By-Severity |
Threat attacks by severity |
attack |
select ( case when severity =& #039;critical' then 'Critical' when severity='high' then 'High' when severity='medium' then 'Medium' when severity='low' then 'Low' when severity='info' then 'Info' end) as severity, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by severity order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Attacks-Detected |
Threat top attacks detected |
attack |
select attack, attackid, cve, severity, sum(attack_count) as attack_count from ###(select attack, attackid, t1.severity, cve, (case when t1.severity = 'critical' then 1 when t1.severity = 'high' then 2 when t1.severity = 'medium' then 3 when t1.severity = 'low' then 4 else 5 end) as severity_level, count(*) as attack_count from $log t1 left join (select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata) t2 on where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by attack, attackid, t1.severity, severity_level, cve /*SkipSTART*/order by severity_level, attack_count desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by attack, attackid, severity, severity_level, cve order by severity_level, attack_count desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Attacks-Blocked |
Threat top attacks blocked |
attack |
select attack, count(*) as attack_count from $log where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null and action not in ( & #039;detected', 'pass_session') group by attack order by attack_count desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Virus-Source |
Threat top virus source |
virus |
select srcip, hostname, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select srcip , ipstr(`dstip`) as hostname, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by srcip, hostname /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by srcip, hostname order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Intrusion-in-Last-7-Days |
Threat intrusion timeline |
attack |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Virus-Time-Line |
Threat virus timeline |
virus |
select $flex_datetime(timestamp) as hodex, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Spyware-Victims |
Threat top spyware victims |
virus |
select user_src, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, virus, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by user_src, virus /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where virus like 'Riskware%' group by user_src order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Spyware-by-Name |
Threat top spyware by name |
virus |
select virus, max(virusid_s) as virusid, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, virus, virusid_to_str(virusid, eventtype) as virusid_s, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by user_src, virus, virusid_s /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where virus like 'Riskware%' group by virus order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Spyware-Source |
Threat top spyware source |
traffic |
select srcip, hostname, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and virus like & #039;Riskware%' group by srcip, hostname order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Spyware-Time-Line |
Threat spyware timeline |
virus |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and virus like 'Riskware%' group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Adware-Victims |
Threat top adware victims |
virus |
select user_src, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, virus, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by user_src, virus /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where virus like 'Adware%' group by user_src order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Adware-by-Name |
Threat top adware by name |
virus |
select virus, max(virusid_s) as virusid, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, virus, virusid_to_str(virusid, eventtype) as virusid_s, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by user_src, virus, virusid_s /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where virus like 'Adware%' group by virus order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Adware-Source |
Threat top adware source |
traffic |
select srcip, hostname, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and virus like & #039;Adware%' group by srcip, hostname order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Adware-Time-Line |
Threat adware timeline |
virus |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and virus like 'Adware%' group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Intrusions-Timeline-By-Severity |
Threat intrusions timeline by severity |
attack |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as timescale, sum(critical) as critical, sum(high) as high, sum(medium) as medium, sum(low) as low, sum(info) as info from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, sum(case when severity = 'critical' then 1 else 0 end) as critical, sum(case when severity = 'high' then 1 else 0 end) as high, sum(case when severity = 'medium' then 1 else 0 end) as medium, sum(case when severity = 'notice' then 1 else 0 end) as low, sum(case when severity = 'info' or severity = 'debug' then 1 else 0 end) as info from $log where $filter group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by timescale order by timescale
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Important-Intrusions-Timeline-By-Severity |
Threat intrusions timeline by severity |
attack |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as timescale, sum(critical) as critical, sum(high) as high, sum(medium) as medium, sum(low) as low, sum(info) as info from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, sum(case when severity = 'critical' then 1 else 0 end) as critical, sum(case when severity = 'high' then 1 else 0 end) as high, sum(case when severity = 'medium' then 1 else 0 end) as medium, sum(case when severity = 'notice' then 1 else 0 end) as low, sum(case when severity = 'info' or severity = 'debug' then 1 else 0 end) as info from $log where $filter group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by timescale order by timescale
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Intrusions-By-Types |
Threat top intrusions by types |
attack |
select vuln_type, count(*) as totalnum from $log t1 left join ( select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata ) t2 on t1.attack = where $filter and vuln_type is not null group by vuln_type order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Critical-Severity-Intrusions |
Threat critical severity intrusions |
attack |
select attack, attackid, cve, vuln_type, count(*) as totalnum from $log t1 left join ( select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata ) t2 on t1.attack = where $filter and t1.severity = & #039;critical' and nullifna(attack) is not null group by attack, attackid, cve, vuln_type order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
High-Severity-Intrusions |
Threat high severity intrusions |
attack |
select attack, attackid, vuln_type, cve, count(*) as totalnum from $log t1 left join ( select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata ) t2 on t1.attack = where $filter and t1.severity =& #039;high' and nullifna(attack) is not null group by attack, attackid, vuln_type, cve order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Medium-Severity-Intrusions |
Threat medium severity intrusions |
attack |
select attack, vuln_type, cve, count(*) as totalnum from $log t1 left join ( select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata ) t2 on t1.attack = where $filter and t1.severity =& #039;medium' and nullifna(attack) is not null group by attack, vuln_type, cve order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Intrusion-Victims |
Threat top intrusion victims |
attack |
select victim, sum(cri_num) as critical, sum(high_num) as high, sum(med_num) as medium, sum(cri_num + high_num + med_num) as totalnum from ###(select dstip as victim, sum((case when severity='critical' then 1 else 0 end)) as cri_num, sum(case when severity='high' then 1 else 0 end) as high_num, sum(case when severity='medium' then 1 else 0 end) as med_num from $log where $filter and severity in ('critical', 'high', 'medium') group by victim)### t group by victim order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Intrusion-Sources |
Threat top intrusion sources |
attack |
select source, sum(cri_num) as critical, sum(high_num) as high, sum(med_num) as medium, sum(cri_num + high_num + med_num) as totalnum from ###(select srcip as source, sum(case when severity='critical' then 1 else 0 end) as cri_num, sum(case when severity='high' then 1 else 0 end) as high_num, sum(case when severity='medium' then 1 else 0 end) as med_num from $log where $filter and severity in ('critical', 'high', 'medium') group by source)### t group by source order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Blocked-Intrusions |
Threat top blocked intrusions |
attack |
select attack, attackid, ( case when t1.severity =& #039;critical' then 'Critical' when t1.severity='high' then 'High' when t1.severity='medium' then 'Medium' when t1.severity='low' then 'Low' when t1.severity='info' then 'Info' end) as severity_name, count(*) as totalnum, vuln_type, (case when t1.severity='critical' then 0 when t1.severity='high' then 1 when t1.severity='medium' then 2 when t1.severity='low' then 3 when t1.severity='info' then 4 else 5 end) as severity_number from $log t1 left join (select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata) t2 on where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null and action not in ('detected', 'pass_session') group by attack, attackid, t1.severity, vuln_type order by severity_number, totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Monitored-Intrusions |
Threat top monitored intrusions |
attack |
select attack, attackid, ( case when t1.severity =& #039;critical' then 'Critical' when t1.severity='high' then 'High' when t1.severity='medium' then 'Medium' when t1.severity='low' then 'Low' when t1.severity='info' then 'Info' end) as severity_name, count(*) as totalnum, vuln_type, (case when t1.severity='critical' then 0 when t1.severity='high' then 1 when t1.severity='medium' then 2 when t1.severity='low' then 3 when t1.severity='info' then 4 else 5 end) as severity_number from $log t1 left join (select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata) t2 on where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null and action in ('detected', 'pass_session') group by attack, attackid, t1.severity, vuln_type order by severity_number, totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Attacks-Over-HTTP-HTTPs |
Threat attacks over HTTP HTTPs |
attack |
select attack, attackid, ( case when severity =& #039;critical' then 'Critical' when severity='high' then 'High' when severity='medium' then 'Medium' when severity='low' then 'Low' when severity='info' then 'Info' end) as severity, count(*) as totalnum, (case when severity='critical' then 0 when severity='high' then 1 when severity='medium' then 2 when severity='low' then 3 when severity='info' then 4 else 5 end) as severity_number from $log where $filter and severity in ('critical', 'high', 'medium') and upper(service) in ('HTTP', 'HTTPS') group by attack, attackid, severity, severity_number order by severity_number, totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-AP-Detection-Summary-by-Status-OffWire |
Default access point detection summary by status off-wire |
event |
select ( case apstatus when 1 then & #039;rogue' when 2 then 'accepted' when 3 then 'suppressed' else 'others' end) as ap_full_status, count(*) as totalnum from (select apstatus, bssid, ssid from ###(select apstatus, bssid, ssid, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and apstatus is not null and apstatus!=0 and bssid is not null and onwire='no' and logid_to_int(logid) in (43527, 43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571, 43582, 43583, 43584, 43585) group by apstatus, bssid, ssid order by subtotal desc)### t group by apstatus, bssid, ssid) t group by ap_full_status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-AP-Detection-Summary-by-Status-OffWire_table |
Default access point detection summary by status off-wire |
event |
select ( case apstatus when 1 then & #039;rogue' when 2 then 'accepted' when 3 then 'suppressed' else 'others' end) as ap_full_status, count(*) as totalnum from (select apstatus, bssid, ssid from ###(select apstatus, bssid, ssid, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and apstatus is not null and apstatus!=0 and bssid is not null and onwire='no' and logid_to_int(logid) in (43527, 43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571, 43582, 43583, 43584, 43585) group by apstatus, bssid, ssid order by subtotal desc)### t group by apstatus, bssid, ssid) t group by ap_full_status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-AP-Detection-Summary-by-Status-OnWire |
Default access point detection summary by status on-wire |
event |
select ( case apstatus when 1 then & #039;rogue' when 2 then 'accepted' when 3 then 'suppressed' else 'others' end) as ap_full_status, count(*) as totalnum from (select apstatus, bssid, ssid from ###(select apstatus, bssid, ssid, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and apstatus is not null and apstatus!=0 and bssid is not null and onwire='yes' and logid_to_int(logid) in (43527, 43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571, 43582, 43583, 43584, 43585) group by apstatus, bssid, ssid order by subtotal desc)### t group by apstatus, bssid, ssid) t group by ap_full_status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-AP-Detection-Summary-by-Status-OnWire_table |
Default access point detection summary by status on-wire |
event |
select ( case apstatus when 1 then & #039;rogue' when 2 then 'accepted' when 3 then 'suppressed' else 'others' end) as ap_full_status, count(*) as totalnum from (select apstatus, bssid, ssid from ###(select apstatus, bssid, ssid, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and apstatus is not null and apstatus!=0 and bssid is not null and onwire='yes' and logid_to_int(logid) in (43527, 43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571, 43582, 43583, 43584, 43585) group by apstatus, bssid, ssid order by subtotal desc)### t group by apstatus, bssid, ssid) t group by ap_full_status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-Managed-AP-Summary |
Default managed access point summary |
event |
select ( case when ( action like & #039;%join%' and logid_to_int(logid) in (43522, 43551)) then 'Authorized' else 'Unauthorized' end) as ap_status, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid) in (43522, 43551) group by ap_status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-Managed-AP-Summary_table |
Default managed access point summary |
event |
select ( case when ( action like & #039;%join%' and logid_to_int(logid) in (43522, 43551)) then 'Authorized' else 'Unauthorized' end) as ap_status, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid) in (43522, 43551) group by ap_status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-Unclassified-AP-Summary |
Default unclassified access point summary |
event |
select ( case onwire when & #039;no' then 'off-wire' when 'yes' then 'on-wire' else 'others' end) as ap_status, count(*) as totalnum from ###(select onwire, ssid, bssid, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and apstatus=0 and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43527, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571, 43582, 43583, 43584, 43585) group by onwire, ssid, bssid order by subtotal desc)### t group by ap_status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-Unclassified-AP-Summary_table |
Default unclassified access point summary |
event |
select ( case onwire when & #039;no' then 'off-wire' when 'yes' then 'on-wire' else 'others' end) as ap_status, count(*) as totalnum from ###(select onwire, ssid, bssid, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and apstatus=0 and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43527, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571, 43582, 43583, 43584, 43585) group by onwire, ssid, bssid order by subtotal desc)### t group by ap_status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-selected-AP-Details-OffWire |
Default selected access point details off-wire |
event |
select ( case apstatus when 0 then & #039;unclassified' when 1 then 'rogue' when 2 then 'accepted' when 3 then 'suppressed' else 'others' end) as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, rssi, channel, radioband, from_dtime(min(dtime)) as first_seen, from_dtime(max(dtime)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, itime, onwire as on_wire from $log where $filter and apstatus is not null and bssid is not null and onwire='no' and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, rssi, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, itime, onwire,apstatus
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-selected-AP-Details-OnWire |
Default selected access point details on-wire |
event |
select ( case apstatus when 0 then & #039;unclassified' when 1 then 'rogue' when 2 then 'accepted' when 3 then 'suppressed' else 'others' end) as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, rssi, channel, radioband, from_dtime(min(dtime)) as first_seen, from_dtime(max(dtime)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, itime, onwire as on_wire from $log where $filter and apstatus is not null and bssid is not null and onwire='yes' and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, rssi, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, itime, onwire,apstatus
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Wireless-Client-Details |
Event wireless client details |
event |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as select ip, lower(mac) as lmac, sn, ssid, channel, radioband, min(dtime) as first, max(dtime) as last from $log - event where $filter and ip is not null and mac is not null and sn is not null and ssid is not null group by ip, lmac, sn, ssid, channel, radioband order by ip; select user_src, ip, lmac, sn, ssid, channel, radioband, from_dtime(first) as first_seen, from_dtime(last) as last_seen, cast( volume as decimal(18, 2) ) as bandwidth from ( select * from rpt_tmptbl_1 inner join ( select user_src, srcip, sum(volume) as volume from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, srcip, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as volume from $log-traffic where $filter-time and (logflag&1>0) and srcip is not null group by user_src, srcip having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by volume desc)### t group by user_src, srcip order by user_src, srcip) t on rpt_tmptbl_1.ip = t.srcip) t order by volume desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Wireless-Accepted-Offwire |
Event wireless accepted off-wire |
event |
select & #039;accepted' as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, from_dtime(max(last_seen)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, snclosest, 'no' as on_wire from ###(select devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, logid, apstatus, max(dtime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, logid, apstatus order by last_seen desc)### t where apstatus=2 and onwire='no' group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Wireless-Accepted-Onwire |
Event wireless accepted on-wire |
event |
select & #039;accepted' as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, from_dtime(max(last_seen)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, snclosest, 'yes' as on_wire from ###(select devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, apstatus, max(dtime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, apstatus order by last_seen desc)### t where apstatus=2 and onwire='yes' group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Wireless-Rogue-Offwire |
Event wireless rogue off-wire |
event |
select & #039;rogue' as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, from_dtime(max(last_seen)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, snclosest, 'no' as on_wire from ###(select devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, logid, apstatus, max(dtime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, logid, apstatus order by last_seen desc)### t where apstatus=1 and onwire='no' group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Wireless-Rogue-Onwire |
Event wireless rogue on-wire |
event |
select & #039;rogue' as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, from_dtime(max(last_seen)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, snclosest, 'yes' as on_wire from ###(select devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, apstatus, max(dtime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, apstatus order by last_seen desc)### t where apstatus=1 and onwire='yes' group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Wireless-Suppressed-Offwire |
Event wireless suppressed off-wire |
event |
select & #039;suppressed' as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, from_dtime(max(last_seen)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, snclosest, 'no' as on_wire from ###(select devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, logid, apstatus, max(dtime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, logid, apstatus order by last_seen desc)### t where apstatus=3 and onwire='no' group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Wireless-Suppressed-Onwire |
Event wireless suppressed on-wire |
event |
select & #039;suppressed' as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, from_dtime(max(last_seen)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, snclosest, 'yes' as on_wire from ###(select devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, apstatus, max(dtime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, apstatus order by last_seen desc)### t where apstatus=3 and onwire='yes' group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Wireless-Unclassified-Offwire |
Event wireless unclassified off-wire |
event |
select & #039;unclassified' as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, from_dtime(max(last_seen)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, snclosest, 'no' as on_wire from ###(select devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, logid, apstatus, max(dtime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, logid, apstatus order by last_seen desc)### t where apstatus=0 and onwire='no' group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Wireless-Unclassified-Onwire |
Event wireless unclassified on-wire |
event |
select & #039;unclassified' as ap_full_status, devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, from_dtime(max(last_seen)) as last_seen, detectionmethod, snclosest, 'yes' as on_wire from ###(select devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, apstatus, max(dtime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and bssid is not null and logid_to_int(logid) in (43521, 43525, 43563, 43564, 43565, 43566, 43569, 43570, 43571) group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest, onwire, apstatus order by last_seen desc)### t where apstatus=0 and onwire='yes' group by devid, vd, ssid, bssid, manuf, channel, radioband, detectionmethod, snclosest order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-Top-IPSEC-Vpn-Dial-Up-User-By-Bandwidth |
Default top IPsec VPN dial up user by bandwidth usage |
event |
select coalesce( xauthuser_agg, user_agg, ipstr(`remip`) ) as user_src, from_dtime( min(s_time) ) as start_time, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ( select devid, vd, string_agg( distinct xauthuser_agg, & #039; ') as xauthuser_agg, string_agg(distinct user_agg, ' ') as user_agg, remip, tunnelid, min(s_time) as s_time, max(e_time) as e_time, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in)+max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as bandwidth, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)-min(min_traffic_in) end) as traffic_in, (case when min(s_time)=max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)-min(min_traffic_out) end) as traffic_out from ###(select devid, vd, remip, nullifna(`xauthuser`) as xauthuser_agg, nullifna(`user`) as user_agg, tunnelid, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time, max(coalesce(duration,0)) as max_duration, min(coalesce(duration,0)) as min_duration, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and tunneltype like 'ipsec%' and not (tunnelip is null or tunnelip='') and action in ('tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down', 'tunnel-up') and tunnelid is not null and tunnelid!=0 group by devid, vd, remip, xauthuser_agg, user_agg, tunnelid order by tunnelid)### t group by devid, vd, remip, tunnelid) tt group by user_src having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
default-Top-Sources-Of-SSL-VPN-Tunnels-By-Bandwidth |
Default top sources of SSL VPN tunnels by bandwidth usage |
event |
select remip as remote_ip, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ( select devid, vd, remip, tunnelid, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in) end ) as traffic_in, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as traffic_out, ( case when min(s_time)= max(e_time) then max(max_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out) else max(max_traffic_in)- min(min_traffic_in)+ max(max_traffic_out)- min(min_traffic_out) end ) as bandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, vd, remip, tunnelid, (case when tunneltype like 'ipsec%' then 'ipsec' else tunneltype end) as t_type, (case when action='tunnel-up' then 1 else 0 end) as tunnelup, max(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_out, max(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as max_traffic_in, min(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_out, min(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as min_traffic_in, min(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as s_time, max(coalesce(dtime, 0)) as e_time from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and (tunneltype like 'ipsec%' or tunneltype like 'ssl%') and action in ('tunnel-up','tunnel-stats', 'tunnel-down') and tunnelid is not null and tunnelid!=0 group by timestamp, devid, vd, remip, t_type, tunnelid, action /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where t_type like 'ssl%' group by devid, vd, remip, tunnelid) tt group by remote_ip having sum(traffic_in+traffic_out)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
webfilter-Web-Activity-Summary-By-Requests |
Webfilter web activity summary by requests |
webfilter |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(allowed_request) as allowed_request, sum(blocked_request) as blocked_request from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, sum(case when action!='blocked' then 1 else 0 end) as allowed_request, sum(case when action='blocked' then 1 else 0 end) as blocked_request from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Browsing-Time-Summary |
Traffic browsing time summary |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, cast( ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan )/ 60.0 as decimal(18, 2) ) as browsetime from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Browsing-Time-Summary-Enhanced |
Traffic browsing time summary enhanced |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, cast( ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan )/ 60.0 as decimal(18, 2) ) as browsetime from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by timestamp /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
webfilter-Top-Web-Users-By-Blocked-Requests |
Webfilter top web users by blocked requests |
webfilter |
select user_src, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null and action='blocked' group by user_src /*SkipSTART*/order by requests desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by user_src order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
webfilter-Top-Web-Users-By-Allowed-Requests |
Webfilter top web users by allowed requests |
webfilter |
select user_src, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null and action!='blocked' group by user_src /*SkipSTART*/order by requests desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by user_src order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Top-Web-Users-By-Browsing-Time |
Traffic top web users by browsing time |
traffic |
select user_src, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select user_src, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and $browse_time is not null group by user_src) t group by user_src /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by user_src order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
webfilter-Top-Blocked-Web-Sites-By-Requests |
Webfilter top blocked web sites by requests |
webfilter |
select domain, catdesc, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select hostname as domain, catdesc, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and hostname is not null and catdesc is not null and action='blocked' group by domain, catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by requests desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by domain, catdesc order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
webfilter-Top-Allowed-Web-Sites-By-Requests |
Webfilter top allowed web sites by requests |
webfilter |
select domain, string_agg( distinct catdesc, & #039;, ') as agg_catdesc, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select hostname as domain, catdesc, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and hostname is not null and catdesc is not null and action!='blocked' group by domain, catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by requests desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by domain order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
webfilter-Top-Video-Streaming-Websites-By-Bandwidth |
Webfilter top video streaming websites by bandwidth usage |
webfilter |
select domain, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(root_domain(hostname)), 'other') as domain, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) and catdesc in ('Streaming Media and Download') group by domain having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 /*SkipSTART*/order by bandwidth desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by domain order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
webfilter-Top-Blocked-Web-Categories |
Webfilter top blocked web categories |
webfilter |
select catdesc, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select catdesc, count(*) as requests from $log-webfilter where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and catdesc is not null and action='blocked' group by catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by requests desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by catdesc order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
webfilter-Top-Allowed-Web-Categories |
Webfilter top allowed web categories |
webfilter |
select catdesc, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select catdesc, count(*) as requests from $log-webfilter where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and catdesc is not null and action!='blocked' group by catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by requests desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by catdesc order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Top-50-Sites-By-Browsing-Time |
Traffic top sites by browsing time |
traffic |
select hostname, string_agg( distinct catdesc, & #039;, ') as agg_catdesc, ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select hostname, catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select hostname, catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and hostname is not null and $browse_time is not null group by hostname, catdesc) t group by hostname, catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hostname order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Top-50-Sites-By-Browsing-Time-Enhanced |
Traffic top sites by browsing time enhanced |
traffic |
select hostname, string_agg( distinct catdesc, & #039;, ') as agg_catdesc, ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select hostname, catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select hostname, catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and hostname is not null and $browse_time is not null group by hostname, catdesc) t group by hostname, catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hostname order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Top-10-Categories-By-Browsing-Time |
Traffic top category by browsing time |
traffic |
select catdesc, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from (select catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and catdesc is not null and $browse_time is not null group by catdesc) t group by catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by catdesc order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Top-10-Categories-By-Browsing-Time-Enhanced |
Traffic top category by browsing time enhanced |
traffic |
select catdesc, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from (select catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and catdesc is not null and $browse_time is not null group by catdesc) t group by catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by catdesc order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Top-Destination-Countries-By-Browsing-Time |
Traffic top destination countries by browsing time |
traffic |
select dstcountry, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by dstcountry) t group by dstcountry /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by dstcountry order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Top-Destination-Countries-By-Browsing-Time-Enhanced |
Traffic top destination countries by browsing time enhanced |
traffic |
select dstcountry, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by dstcountry) t group by dstcountry /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by dstcountry order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
webfilter-Top-Search-Phrases |
Webfilter top search phrases |
webfilter |
select keyword, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and keyword is not null group by keyword order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-10-Users-Browsing-Time |
Estimated browsing time |
traffic |
select user_src, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime from ###(select user_src, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by user_src) t group by user_src order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc)### t group by user_src order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-10-Users-Browsing-Time-Enhanced |
Estimated browsing time enhanced |
traffic |
select user_src, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime from ###(select user_src, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by user_src) t group by user_src order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc)### t group by user_src order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Estimated-Browsing-Time |
Estimated browsing time |
traffic |
select user_src, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime from ###(select user_src, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by user_src) t group by user_src order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc)### t group by user_src order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Estimated-Browsing-Time-Enhanced |
Estimated browsing time enhanced |
traffic |
select user_src, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime from ###(select user_src, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by user_src) t group by user_src order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc)### t group by user_src order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-AP-By-Bandwidth |
Top access point by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce(ap, srcintf) as ap_srcintf, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and ( srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null ) group by ap_srcintf having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-AP-By-Client |
Top access point by client |
traffic |
select ap_srcintf as srcintf, count(distinct srcmac) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(ap, srcintf) as ap_srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, srcmac, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null) and srcmac is not null group by ap_srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, devtype_new, srcmac order by subtotal desc)### t group by srcintf order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-SSID-By-Bandwidth |
Top SSIDs by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select srcssid, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and srcssid is not null group by srcssid having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-SSID-By-Client |
Top SSIDs by client |
traffic |
select srcssid, count(distinct srcmac) as totalnum from ###(select srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, osversion, devtype, srcmac, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null) and srcmac is not null group by srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, osversion, devtype, srcmac order by subtotal desc)### t where srcssid is not null group by srcssid order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-App-By-Bandwidth |
Top WiFi applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select appid, app, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and ( srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by appid, app having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-Client-By-Bandwidth |
Top WiFi client by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select ( coalesce( srcname, srcmac, & #039;unknown') || ' (' || get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) || ', ' || coalesce(osname, '') || (case when srcswversion is null then '' else ' ' || srcswversion end) || ')') as client, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null) group by client having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-OS-By-Bandwidth |
Top WiFi os by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select ( coalesce( osname, & #039;unknown') || ' ' || coalesce(srcswversion, '')) as os, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null) group by os having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-OS-By-WiFi-Client |
Top WiFi os by WiFi client |
traffic |
select ( coalesce( osname, & #039;unknown') || ' ' || coalesce(osversion, '')) as os, count(distinct srcmac) as totalnum from ###(select srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, osversion, devtype, srcmac, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null) and srcmac is not null group by srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, osversion, devtype, srcmac order by subtotal desc)### t group by os order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-Device-By-Bandwidth |
Top WiFi device by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and ( srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null ) and devtype is not null group by devtype_new having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-Device-By-Client |
Top WiFi device by client |
traffic |
select devtype_new, count(distinct srcmac) as totalnum from ###(select srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, srcmac, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null) and srcmac is not null group by srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, devtype, srcmac order by subtotal desc)### t where devtype_new is not null group by devtype_new order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Overall-Traffic |
WiFi overall traffic |
traffic |
select sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and ( srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null )
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Num-Distinct-Client |
WiFi num distinct client |
traffic |
select count(distinct srcmac) as totalnum from ###(select srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, srcmac, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null) and srcmac is not null group by srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, devtype_new, srcmac order by subtotal desc)### t
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top30-Subnets-by-Bandwidth-and-Sessions |
Top subnets by application bandwidth |
traffic |
select ip_subnet(`srcip`) as subnet, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by subnet having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top30-Subnets-by-Application-Bandwidth |
Top applications by bandwidth |
traffic |
select ip_subnet(`srcip`) as subnet, app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by subnet, app_group having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top30-Subnets-by-Application-Sessions |
Top applications by sessions |
traffic |
select ip_subnet(`srcip`) as subnet, app_group_name(app) as app_group, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by subnet, app_group order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top30-Subnets-by-Website-Bandwidth |
Top websites and web category by bandwidth |
traffic |
select subnet, website, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select ip_subnet(`srcip`) as subnet, hostname as website, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and hostname is not null and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by subnet, website order by bandwidth desc)### t group by subnet, website order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top30-Subnets-by-Website-Hits |
Top websites and web category by sessions |
webfilter |
select subnet, website, sum(hits) as hits from ###(select ip_subnet(`srcip`) as subnet, hostname as website, count(*) as hits from $log where $filter and hostname is not null and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) group by subnet, website order by hits desc)### t group by subnet, website order by hits desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top30-Subnets-with-Top10-User-by-Bandwidth |
Top users by bandwidth |
traffic |
select ip_subnet(`srcip`) as subnet, coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and srcip is not null group by subnet, user_src having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top30-Subnets-with-Top10-User-by-Sessions |
Top users by sessions |
traffic |
select ip_subnet(`srcip`) as subnet, coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by subnet, user_src order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
app-Top-20-Category-and-Applications-by-Bandwidth |
Top category and applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select appcat, app, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by appcat, app having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
app-Top-20-Category-and-Applications-by-Session |
Top category and applications by session |
traffic |
select appcat, app, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by appcat, app order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
app-Top-500-Allowed-Applications-by-Bandwidth |
Top allowed applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select from_itime(itime) as timestamp, coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, appcat, app, coalesce( root_domain(hostname), ipstr(dstip) ) as destination, sum( coalesce(`sentbyte`, 0)+ coalesce(`rcvdbyte`, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and action in ( & #039;accept', 'close', 'timeout') group by timestamp, user_src, appcat, app, destination order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
app-Top-500-Blocked-Applications-by-Session |
Top blocked applications by session |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, appcat, app, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and action in ( & #039;deny', 'blocked', 'reset', 'dropped') group by user_src, appcat, app order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
web-Detailed-Website-Browsing-Log |
Web detailed website browsing log |
traffic |
select from_dtime(dtime) as timestamp, catdesc, hostname as website, status, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select dtime, catdesc, hostname, cast(utmaction as text) as status, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and hostname is not null and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by dtime, catdesc, hostname, utmaction order by dtime desc)### t group by dtime, catdesc, website, status order by dtime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
web-Hourly-Category-and-Website-Hits-Action |
Web hourly category and website hits action |
webfilter |
select hod, website, sum(hits) as hits from ###(select $hour_of_day as hod, (hostname || ' (' || coalesce(`catdesc`, 'Unknown') || ')') as website , count(*) as hits from $log where $filter and hostname is not null and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) group by hod, website order by hod, hits desc)### t group by hod, website order by hod, hits desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
web-Top-20-Category-and-Websites-by-Bandwidth |
Web top category and websites by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select website, catdesc, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select hostname as website, catdesc, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and hostname is not null and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by website, catdesc order by bandwidth desc)### t group by website, catdesc order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
web-Top-20-Category-and-Websites-by-Session |
Web top category and websites by session |
webfilter |
select website, catdesc, sum(sessions) as hits from ###(select hostname as website, catdesc, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and hostname is not null and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) group by hostname, catdesc order by sessions desc)### t group by website, catdesc order by hits desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
web-Top-500-Website-Sessions-by-Bandwidth |
Web top website sessions by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select from_dtime(dtime) as timestamp, user_src, website, catdesc, cast( sum(dura)/ 60 as decimal(18, 2) ) as dura, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select dtime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname as website, catdesc, sum(coalesce(duration, 0)) as dura, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and hostname is not null and (logflag&1>0) and action in ('accept','close','timeout') group by dtime, user_src, website, catdesc having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t group by dtime, user_src, website, catdesc order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
web-Top-500-User-Visted-Websites-by-Bandwidth |
Web top user visted websites by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select website, catdesc, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select hostname as website, catdesc, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and hostname is not null and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by hostname, catdesc having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t group by website, catdesc order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
web-Top-500-User-Visted-Websites-by-Session |
Web top user visted websites by session |
webfilter |
select website, catdesc, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select hostname as website, catdesc, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and hostname is not null and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) group by hostname, catdesc order by sessions desc)### t group by website, catdesc order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Installed-Feature-Summary |
Installed Feature Summary |
fct-event |
select clientfeature, count(distinct fctuid) as totalnum from ###(select uid as fctuid, regexp_replace(os, '\\(build.*', '') as os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial, max(case when msg like 'Compliance rules%applied' then 1 else 0 end) as compliance_flag from $log where $filter group by uid, os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial)### t where clientfeature is not null group by clientfeature order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Device-by-Operating-System |
Device by OS |
fct-event |
select os_short as os, count(distinct fctuid) as totalnum from ###(select uid as fctuid, regexp_replace(os, '\\(build.*', '') as os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial, max(case when msg like 'Compliance rules%applied' then 1 else 0 end) as compliance_flag from $log where $filter group by uid, os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial)### t where os_short is not null group by os order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Installed-FortiClient-Version |
FortiClient Version |
fct-event |
select fctver as fctver_short, count(distinct fctuid) as totalnum from ###(select uid as fctuid, regexp_replace(os, '\\(build.*', '') as os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial, max(case when msg like 'Compliance rules%applied' then 1 else 0 end) as compliance_flag from $log where $filter group by uid, os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial)### t where fctver is not null group by fctver order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Endpoint-Profile-Deployment |
Endpoint Profile Deployment |
fct-event |
select profile, count(distinct fctuid) as totalnum from ###(select uid as fctuid, coalesce(nullifna(usingpolicy), 'No Profile') as profile from $log where $filter group by uid, profile)### t group by profile order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Client-Summary |
Client Summary |
fct-event |
select hostname, deviceip, os_short as os, profile, fctver, from_itime( max(itime) ) as last_seen from ###(select hostname, deviceip, regexp_replace(os, '\\(build.*', '') as os_short, nullifna(usingpolicy) as profile, fctver, max(itime) as itime from $log where $filter and os is not null group by hostname, deviceip, os_short, profile, fctver order by itime desc)### t group by hostname, deviceip, os, profile, fctver order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Total-Threats-Found |
Total Threats Found |
fct-traffic |
select utmevent_s as utmevent, count(distinct threat) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(lower(utmevent)), 'unknown') as utmevent_s, threat from $log where $filter and threat is not null and utmaction='blocked' group by utmevent_s, threat)### t group by utmevent order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Top10-AV-Threats-Detected |
Top AV Threats Detected |
fct-traffic |
select threat, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ( ###(select threat, count(*) as totalnum from $log-fct-traffic where $filter and threat is not null and lower(utmevent)='antivirus' group by threat order by totalnum desc)### union all ###(select virus as threat, count(*) as totalnum from $log-fct-event where $filter and virus is not null group by threat order by totalnum desc)###) t group by threat order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Top10-Infected-Devices-with-Botnet |
Top Infected Devices with Botnet |
fct-traffic |
select hostname, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and hostname is not null and lower(utmevent) in ( & #039;webfilter', 'appfirewall') and lower(threat) like '%botnet%' group by hostname order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Top10-Infected-Devices-with-Virus-Malware |
Top Infected Devices with Virus Malware |
fct-traffic |
select hostname, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ( ###(select hostname, count(*) as totalnum from $log-fct-traffic where $filter and hostname is not null and lower(utmevent) in ('antivirus', 'antimalware') group by hostname order by totalnum desc)### union all ###(select hostname, count(*) as totalnum from $log-fct-event where $filter and hostname is not null and virus is not null group by hostname order by totalnum desc)###) t group by hostname order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-All-Antivirus-Antimalware-Detections |
All Antivirus and Antimalware Detections |
fct-traffic |
select threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction, from_dtime( max(dtime) ) as last_seen from ( ###(select threat, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, utmaction, max(dtime) as dtime from $log-fct-traffic where $filter and lower(utmevent) in ('antivirus', 'antimalware') group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction order by threat)### union all ###(select virus as threat, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, action as utmaction, max(dtime) as dtime from $log-fct-event where $filter and (logflag is null or logflag&8=0) and virus is not null group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction order by threat)###) t group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction order by threat
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Web-Filter-Violations |
Web Filter Violations |
fct-traffic |
select hostuser, hostname, string_agg( distinct remotename, & #039;,') as remotename, utmaction, sum(total) as totalnum, from_dtime(max(dtime)) as last_seen from ###(select remotename, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, utmaction, count(*) as total, max(dtime) as dtime from $log where $filter and lower(utmevent)='webfilter' and utmaction='blocked' group by remotename, hostname, hostuser, utmaction order by total desc)### t group by hostuser, hostname, utmaction order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Application-Firewall |
Application Firewall |
fct-traffic |
select threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction, from_dtime( max(dtime) ) as last_seen from ###(select threat, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, utmaction, max(dtime) as dtime from $log where $filter and lower(utmevent)='appfirewall' and utmaction='blocked' group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction order by dtime desc)### t1 left join app_mdata t2 on group by threat, risk, hostname, hostuser, utmaction order by risk desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Errors-and-Alerts |
Errors and Alerts |
fct-event |
select msg, hostname, hostuser, from_dtime( max(dtime) ) as last_seen from ###(select msg, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, max(dtime) as dtime from $log where $filter and level in ('error', 'alert') group by msg, hostname, hostuser order by dtime desc)### t group by msg, hostname, hostuser order by last_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Threats-by-Top-Devices |
Threats by Top Devices |
fct-traffic |
select hostname, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and hostname is not null and utmevent is not null and utmaction =& #039;blocked' group by hostname order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Device-Vulnerabilities |
Vulnerabilities Detected by User/Device |
fct-netscan |
select vulnseverity, ( CASE vulnseverity WHEN & #039;Critical' THEN 5 WHEN 'High' THEN 4 WHEN 'Medium' THEN 3 WHEN 'Info' THEN 2 WHEN 'Low' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as severity_number, count(distinct vulnname) as vuln_num from ###(select vulnseverity, devid, vulnname from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnseverity) is not null and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by vulnseverity, vulnname, devid)### t group by vulnseverity order by severity_number desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Category-Type-Vulnerabilities |
Vulnerabilities Detected by Category Type |
fct-netscan |
select vulncat, count(distinct vulnname) as totalnum from ###(select vulncat, vulnname from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulncat) is not null and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by vulncat, vulnname)### t group by vulncat order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Vulnerabilities-by-OS |
Forticlient Vulnerabilities by OS |
fct-netscan |
select os, count(distinct vulnname) as totalnum from ###(select os, vulnname from $log where $filter and nullifna(os) is not null and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by os, vulnname)### t group by os order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Vulnerabilities-by-Risk-Level |
Number Vulnerability by Device and Risk Level |
fct-netscan |
select vulnseverity, ( case when vulnseverity =& #039;Critical' then 5 when vulnseverity='High' then 4 when vulnseverity='Medium' then 3 when vulnseverity='Low' then 2 when vulnseverity='Info' then 1 else 0 end) as severity_number, count(distinct vulnname) as vuln_num, count(distinct devid) as dev_num from ###(select vulnseverity, devid, vulnname from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnseverity) is not null and nullifna(vulnname) is not null and nullifna(devid) is not null group by vulnseverity, vulnname, devid)### t group by vulnseverity order by dev_num desc, severity_number desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Device-by-Risk-Level |
Number Vulnerability by Device and Risk Level |
fct-netscan |
select vulnseverity, ( case when vulnseverity =& #039;Critical' then 5 when vulnseverity='High' then 4 when vulnseverity='Medium' then 3 when vulnseverity='Low' then 2 when vulnseverity='Info' then 1 else 0 end) as severity_number, count(distinct vulnname) as vuln_num, count(distinct devid) as dev_num from ###(select vulnseverity, devid, vulnname from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnseverity) is not null and nullifna(vulnname) is not null and nullifna(devid) is not null group by vulnseverity, vulnname, devid)### t group by vulnseverity order by dev_num desc, severity_number desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Vulnerability-Trend |
Vulnerability Trend |
fct-netscan |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, count(distinct vulnname) as total_num from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, vulnname from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by timestamp, vulnname order by timestamp desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Details-by-Risk-Level-Device |
Vulnerability Details for Each Risk Level by Device |
fct-netscan |
select hostname, os, vulnseverity, count(distinct vulnname) as vuln_num, count(distinct products) as products, count(distinct cve_id) as cve_count from ###(select hostname, os, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulnid from $log where $filter and vulnname is not null and vulnseverity is not null and hostname is not null group by hostname, os, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulnid)### t1 left join fct_mdata t2 on t1.vulnid=t2.vid::int group by hostname, os, vulnseverity order by vuln_num desc, hostname
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Details-by-Device-User |
Vulnerability Details by Device User |
fct-netscan |
select hostname, ( & #039;<div>' || vulnname || '</div>') as vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, string_agg(distinct products, ',') as products, string_agg(distinct cve_id, ',') as cve_list, ('<a href=' || String_agg(DISTINCT vendor_link, ',') || '>Remediation Info</a>') as vendor_link from ###(select hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, vulnid from $log where $filter and vulnname is not null and hostname is not null group by hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, vulnid)### t1 inner join fct_mdata t2 on t1.vulnid=t2.vid::int group by hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat order by hostname
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Remediation-by-Device |
Remediate The Vulnerability Found on Device |
fct-netscan |
select hostname, ( & #039;<div>' || vulnname || '</div>') as vulnname, vulnseverity, string_agg(distinct vendor_link, ',') as vendor_link from ###(select hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulnid from $log where $filter and vulnname is not null and hostname is not null group by hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulnid)### t1 inner join fct_mdata t2 on t1.vulnid=t2.vid::int group by hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity order by vulnseverity, hostname
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Remediation-by-Vulnerability |
Remediation by Vulnerability |
fct-netscan |
select ( & #039;<b>' || vulnname || '</b><br/><br/>' || 'Description<br/><div style=word-break:normal>' || description || '</div><br/><br/>' || 'Affected Products<br/>' || products || '<br/><br/>' || 'Impact<br/>' || impact || '<br/><br/>' || 'Recommended Actions<br/>' || vendor_link || '<br/><br/><br/>') as remediation from ###(select devid, vulnname, vulnseverity, (case vulnseverity when 'low' then 1 when 'info' then 2 when 'medium' then 3 when 'high' then 4 when 'critical' then 5 else 0 end) as severity_level, vulnid from $log where $filter and vulnname is not null group by devid, vulnname, vulnseverity, severity_level, vulnid order by severity_level)### t1 inner join fct_mdata t2 on t1.vulnid=t2.vid::int group by remediation order by remediation
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Top-30-Targeted-High-Risk-Vulnerabilities |
Top 30 Targeted High Risk Vulnerabilities |
fct-netscan |
select t3.cve_id, score, string_agg( distinct products, & #039;,') as products, ('<a href=' || String_agg(vendor_link, ',') || '>Mitigation Infomation</a>') as vendor_link from ###(select vulnid from $log where $filter group by vulnid)### t1 inner join fct_mdata t2 on t2.vid=t1.vulnid::text inner join fct_cve_score t3 on strpos(t2.cve_id, t3.cve_id) > 0 group by t3.cve_id, score order by score desc, t3.cve_id
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Endpoints-by-FortiGate |
Endpoints by FortiGate |
fct-event |
select fgtserial, count(distinct fctuid) as totalnum from ###(select uid as fctuid, regexp_replace(os, '\\(build.*', '') as os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial, max(case when msg like 'Compliance rules%applied' then 1 else 0 end) as compliance_flag from $log where $filter group by uid, os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial)### t where fgtserial is not null group by fgtserial order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Top-Malware-Detections |
Top Infected Devices with Malware |
fct-traffic |
select hostname, fctuid, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ( ###(select threat, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, utmaction, max(dtime) as dtime, uid as fctuid, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and lower(utmevent) in ('antivirus', 'antimalware') group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction, uid order by threat)### union all ###(select virus as threat, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, action as utmaction, max(dtime) as dtime, uid as fctuid, count(*) as totalnum from $log-fct-event where $filter and (logflag is null or logflag&8=0) and virus is not null group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction, uid order by threat)###) t group by hostname, fctuid order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Top10-Malware-Detections |
Top 10 Infected Devices with Malware |
fct-traffic |
select threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction, fctuid, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ( ###(select threat, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, utmaction, max(dtime) as dtime, uid as fctuid, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and lower(utmevent) in ('antivirus', 'antimalware') group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction, uid order by threat)### union all ###(select virus as threat, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, action as utmaction, max(dtime) as dtime, uid as fctuid, count(*) as totalnum from $log-fct-event where $filter and (logflag is null or logflag&8=0) and virus is not null group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction, uid order by threat)###) t where utmaction != 'pass' group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction, fctuid order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Devices-with-Botnet |
Infected Devices with Botnet |
fct-traffic |
select threat, hostname, coalesce( nullifna(`user`), & #039;Unknown') as hostuser, utmaction, uid as fctuid, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and hostname is not null and lower(utmevent) in ('webfilter', 'appfirewall') and lower(threat) like '%botnet%' group by threat, hostname, hostuser, utmaction, fctuid order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-vuln-Vulnerability-by-Hostname |
Vulnerability Details for Each Risk Level by Device |
fct-netscan |
select hostname, os, vulnseverity, count(distinct vulnname) as vuln_num, count(distinct products) as products, count(distinct cve_id) as cve_count from ###(select hostname, os, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulnid from $log where $filter and vulnname is not null and vulnseverity is not null and hostname is not null group by hostname, os, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulnid)### t1 left join fct_mdata t2 on t1.vulnid=t2.vid::int group by hostname, os, vulnseverity order by vuln_num desc, hostname
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Users-With-Web-Violations |
Web Filter Violations |
fct-traffic |
select hostuser, hostname, string_agg( distinct remotename, & #039;,') as remotename, utmaction, sum(total) as totalnum, from_dtime(max(dtime)) as last_seen from ###(select remotename, hostname, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), 'Unknown') as hostuser, utmaction, count(*) as total, max(dtime) as dtime from $log where $filter and lower(utmevent)='webfilter' and utmaction='blocked' group by remotename, hostname, hostuser, utmaction order by total desc)### t group by hostuser, hostname, utmaction order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Compliance-by-FortiGate |
FortiClinet Compliance by FortiGate Enforcing |
fct-event |
select fgtserial, count(distinct fctuid) as totalnum from ( select fgtserial, fctuid, max(compliance_flag) as compliance_flag from ###(select uid as fctuid, regexp_replace(os, '\\(build.*', '') as os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial, max(case when msg like 'Compliance rules%applied' then 1 else 0 end) as compliance_flag from $log where $filter group by uid, os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial)### tt group by fgtserial, fctuid) t where compliance_flag = 1 group by fgtserial order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Compliance-Status |
Number of FortiClinets by Compliance Status |
fct-event |
select ( case compliance_flag when 1 then & #039;Compliant' else 'Non-Compliant' end) as compliance, count(distinct fctuid) as totalnum from (select fctuid, max(compliance_flag) as compliance_flag from ###(select uid as fctuid, regexp_replace(os, '\\(build.*', '') as os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial, max(case when msg like 'Compliance rules%applied' then 1 else 0 end) as compliance_flag from $log where $filter group by uid, os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial)### tt group by fctuid) t group by compliance order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Non-Compliant-Endpoints |
Non-compliant Endpoints |
fct-event |
select t1.fgtserial, t3.srcintf, t2.epname as hostname, t2.mac, & #039;Non-Compliant' as status from (select fgtserial, fctuid, max(compliance_flag) as compliance_flag from ###(select uid as fctuid, regexp_replace(os, '\\(build.*', '') as os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial, max(case when msg like 'Compliance rules%applied' then 1 else 0 end) as compliance_flag from $log where $filter group by uid, os_short, fctver, clientfeature, fgtserial)### tt group by fgtserial, fctuid) t1 left join $ADOM_ENDPOINT t2 on t1.fctuid = t2.fctuid left join $ADOM_EPEU_DEVMAP t3 on t2.epid = t3.epid where compliance_flag = 0 group by t1.fctuid, t1.fgtserial, t3.srcintf, t2.epname, t2.mac
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Traffic-Web-Hits |
Web Traffic Trend |
fct-traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and lower(utmevent)='webfilter' group by timestamp order by timestamp desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Traffic-Top-Allowed-Web-Cat |
Top Visited Web Categories |
fct-traffic |
select category, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select fct_webcat(threat) as category, remotename as website, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and direction='outbound' and threat is not null and utmaction='passthrough' and lower(utmevent)='webfilter' group by category, website order by requests desc)### t group by category order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Traffic-Top-Allowed-Website |
Top Visited Websites |
fct-traffic |
select website, string_agg( distinct category, & #039;, ') as agg_category, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select fct_webcat(threat) as category, remotename as website, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and direction='outbound' and threat is not null and utmaction='passthrough' and lower(utmevent)='webfilter' group by category, website order by requests desc)### t where website is not null group by website order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Traffic-Top-Category-By-Website-Session |
Top Web Categories by Website Session |
fct-traffic |
select fct_webcat(threat) as category, remotename as website, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and nullifna(threat) is not null and lower(utmevent)=& #039;webfilter' group by category, website order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fct-Traffic-Top-Web-Users-By-Website |
Top Web Users by Website |
fct-traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, remotename as website, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and direction =& #039;outbound' and remotename is not null and utmaction='passthrough' and lower(utmevent)='webfilter' group by user_src, website order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
os-Detect-OS-Count |
Detected operation system count |
traffic |
select ( coalesce( osname, & #039;Unknown')) as os, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by os order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-App-By-Sessions-Table |
Drilldown top applications by session count |
traffic |
select appid, app, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and nullifna(app) is not null group by appid, app order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-App-By-Sessions-Bar |
Drilldown top applications by session count |
traffic |
select appid, app, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and nullifna(app) is not null group by appid, app order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-App-By-Bandwidth-Table |
Drilldown top applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select appid, app, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and nullifna(app) is not null group by appid, app having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-App-By-Bandwidth-Bar |
Drilldown top applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select appid, app, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and nullifna(app) is not null group by appid, app having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Destination-By-Sessions-Table |
Drilldown top destination by session count |
traffic |
select dstip, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and dstip is not null group by dstip order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Destination-By-Bandwidth-Table |
Drilldown top destination by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select dstip, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and dstip is not null group by dstip having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-User-By-Sessions-Table |
Drilldown top user by session count |
traffic |
select user_src, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and user_src is not null group by user_src order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-User-By-Sessions-Bar |
Drilldown top user by session count |
traffic |
select user_src, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and user_src is not null group by user_src order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-User-By-Bandwidth-Table |
Drilldown top user by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select user_src, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and user_src is not null group by user_src having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-User-By-Bandwidth-Bar |
Drilldown top user by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select user_src, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select appid, app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, user_src, dstip, srcintf, dstintf, policyid order by sessions desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and user_src is not null group by user_src having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Web-User-By-Visit-Table |
Drilldown top web user by visit |
traffic |
select user_src, sum(requests) as visits from ( ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, count(*) as requests from $log-traffic where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname order by requests desc)### union all ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, count(*) as requests from $log-webfilter where $filter-exclude-var and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and user_src is not null group by user_src order by visits desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Web-User-By-Visit-Bar |
Drilldown top web user by visit |
traffic |
select user_src, sum(requests) as visits from ( ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, count(*) as requests from $log-traffic where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname order by requests desc)### union all ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, count(*) as requests from $log-webfilter where $filter-exclude-var and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and user_src is not null group by user_src order by visits desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Website-By-Request-Table |
Drilldown top website by request |
traffic |
select hostname, sum(requests) as visits from ( ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, count(*) as requests from $log-traffic where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname order by requests desc)### union all ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, count(*) as requests from $log-webfilter where $filter-exclude-var and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and hostname is not null group by hostname order by visits desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Website-By-Request-Bar |
Drilldown top website by request |
traffic |
select hostname, sum(requests) as visits from ( ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, count(*) as requests from $log-traffic where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter') and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname order by requests desc)### union all ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, count(*) as requests from $log-webfilter where $filter-exclude-var and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and hostname is not null group by hostname order by visits desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Email-Sender-By-Volume |
Drilldown top email sender by volume |
traffic |
select sender, sum(bandwidth) as volume from ( ###(select sender, recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') and utmevent in ('general-email-log', 'spamfilter') group by sender, recipient order by requests desc)### union all ###(select `from` as sender, `to` as recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-emailfilter where $filter-exclude-var and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') and eventtype is null group by `from`, `to` order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and sender is not null group by sender having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by volume desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Email-Send-Recipient-By-Volume |
Drilldown top email send recipient by volume |
traffic |
select recipient, sum(bandwidth) as volume from ( ###(select sender, recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') and utmevent in ('general-email-log', 'spamfilter') group by sender, recipient order by requests desc)### union all ###(select `from` as sender, `to` as recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-emailfilter where $filter-exclude-var and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') and eventtype is null group by `from`, `to` order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and recipient is not null group by recipient having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by volume desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Email-Sender-By-Count |
Drilldown top email sender by count |
traffic |
select sender, sum(requests) as requests from ( ###(select sender, recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') and utmevent in ('general-email-log', 'spamfilter') group by sender, recipient order by requests desc)### union all ###(select `from` as sender, `to` as recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-emailfilter where $filter-exclude-var and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') and eventtype is null group by `from`, `to` order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and sender is not null group by sender order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Email-Send-Recipient-By-Count |
Drilldown top email send recipient by count |
traffic |
select recipient, sum(requests) as requests from ( ###(select sender, recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') and utmevent in ('general-email-log', 'spamfilter') group by sender, recipient order by requests desc)### union all ###(select `from` as sender, `to` as recipient, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-emailfilter where $filter-exclude-var and service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') and eventtype is null group by `from`, `to` order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and recipient is not null group by recipient order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Email-Recipient-By-Volume |
Drilldown top email receiver by volume |
traffic |
select recipient, sum(bandwidth) as volume from ( ###(select recipient, sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') and utmevent in ('general-email-log', 'spamfilter') group by recipient, sender order by requests desc)### union all ###(select `to` as recipient, `from` as sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-emailfilter where $filter-exclude-var and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') and eventtype is null group by `to`, `from` order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and recipient is not null group by recipient having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by volume desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Email-Receive-Sender-By-Volume |
Drilldown top email receive sender by volume |
traffic |
select sender, sum(bandwidth) as volume from ( ###(select recipient, sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') and utmevent in ('general-email-log', 'spamfilter') group by recipient, sender order by requests desc)### union all ###(select `to` as recipient, `from` as sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-emailfilter where $filter-exclude-var and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') and eventtype is null group by `to`, `from` order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and sender is not null group by sender having sum(bandwidth)>0 order by volume desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Email-Recipient-By-Count |
Drilldown top email receiver by count |
traffic |
select recipient, sum(requests) as requests from ( ###(select recipient, sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') and utmevent in ('general-email-log', 'spamfilter') group by recipient, sender order by requests desc)### union all ###(select `to` as recipient, `from` as sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-emailfilter where $filter-exclude-var and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') and eventtype is null group by `to`, `from` order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and recipient is not null group by recipient order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Email-Receive-Sender-By-Count |
Drilldown top email receive sender by count |
traffic |
select sender, sum(requests) as requests from ( ###(select recipient, sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter-exclude-var and (logflag&1>0) and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') and utmevent in ('general-email-log', 'spamfilter') group by recipient, sender order by requests desc)### union all ###(select `to` as recipient, `from` as sender, count(*) as requests, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-emailfilter where $filter-exclude-var and service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp') and eventtype is null group by `to`, `from` order by requests desc)###) t where $filter-drilldown and sender is not null group by sender order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Attack-Destination |
Drilldown top attack dest |
attack |
select dstip, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select srcip, dstip, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter-exclude-var group by srcip, dstip order by totalnum desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and dstip is not null group by dstip order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Attack-Source |
Drilldown top attack source |
attack |
select srcip, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select srcip, dstip, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter-exclude-var group by srcip, dstip order by totalnum desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and srcip is not null group by srcip order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Attack-List |
Drilldown top attack list |
attack |
select from_itime(itime) as timestamp, attack, srcip, dstip from ###(select itime, attack, srcip, dstip from $log where $filter-exclude-var order by itime desc)### t where $filter-drilldown order by timestamp desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Top-Virus |
UTM top virus |
virus |
select virus, max(virusid_s) as virusid, ( case when virus like & #039;Riskware%' then 'Spyware' when virus like 'Adware%' then 'Adware' else 'Virus' end) as malware_type, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select virus, virusid_to_str(virusid, eventtype) as virusid_s, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by virus, virusid_s /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by virus, malware_type order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
drilldown-Virus-Detail |
Drilldown virus detail |
virus |
select from_itime(itime) as timestamp, virus, user_src, dstip, hostname, recipient from ###(select itime, virus, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, dstip, cast(' ' as char) as hostname, cast(' ' as char) as recipient from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null order by itime desc)### t where $filter-drilldown order by timestamp desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Top-Blocked-Web-Sites-By-Requests |
User drilldown top blocked web sites by requests |
webfilter |
select hostname, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, action, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname, action order by requests desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and action='blocked' group by hostname order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Top-Allowed-Web-Sites-By-Requests |
User drilldown top allowed web sites by requests |
webfilter |
select hostname, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, hostname, action, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and hostname is not null group by user_src, hostname, action order by requests desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and action!='blocked' group by hostname order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Top-Blocked-Web-Categories |
User drilldown top blocked web categories |
webfilter |
select catdesc, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, catdesc, action, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and catdesc is not null group by user_src, catdesc, action order by requests desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and action='blocked' group by catdesc order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Top-Allowed-Web-Categories |
User drilldown top allowed web categories |
webfilter |
select catdesc, sum(requests) as requests from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, catdesc, action, count(*) as requests from $log where $filter and catdesc is not null group by user_src, catdesc, action order by requests desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and action!='blocked' group by catdesc order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Top-Attacks |
User drilldown top attacks by name |
attack |
select attack, sum(attack_count) as attack_count from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, attack, (case when severity in ('critical', 'high') then 1 else 0 end) as high_severity, count(*) as attack_count from $log where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by user_src, attack, high_severity order by attack_count desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by attack order by attack_count desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Top-Attacks-High-Severity |
User drilldown top attacks high severity |
attack |
select attack, sum(attack_count) as attack_count from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, attack, (case when severity in ('critical', 'high') then 1 else 0 end) as high_severity, count(*) as attack_count from $log where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by user_src, attack, high_severity order by attack_count desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and high_severity=1 group by attack order by attack_count desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Top-Virus-By-Name |
User drilldown top virus |
virus |
select virus, max(virusid_s) as virusid, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, virus, virusid_to_str(virusid, eventtype) as virusid_s, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by user_src, virus, virusid_s order by totalnum desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by virus order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Top-Virus-Receivers-Over-Email |
User drilldown top virus receivers over email |
virus |
select receiver, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `to` as receiver, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and subtype='infected' and (service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') or service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp')) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by user_src, receiver order by totalnum desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by receiver order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Count-Spam-Activity-by-Hour-of-Day |
User drilldown count spam activity by hour of day |
emailfilter |
select $hour_of_day(timestamp) as hourstamp, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `from` as mf_sender, `to` as mf_receiver, action, eventtype, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by timestamp, user_src, mf_sender, mf_receiver, action, eventtype /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and mf_receiver is not null and action in ('detected', 'blocked') group by hourstamp order by hourstamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
user-drilldown-Top-Spam-Sources |
User drilldown top spam sources |
emailfilter |
select mf_sender, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `from` as mf_sender, `to` as mf_receiver, action, eventtype, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by timestamp, user_src, mf_sender, mf_receiver, action, eventtype /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and mf_sender is not null and action in ('detected', 'blocked') group by mf_sender order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Usage-CPU |
Event usage CPU |
event |
select hourstamp, cast( sum(cpu_usage)/ sum(num) as decimal(6, 2) ) as cpu_avg_usage from ###(select $hour_of_day as hourstamp, sum(cpu) as cpu_usage, count(*) as num from $log where $filter and subtype='system' and action='perf-stats' group by hourstamp)### t group by hourstamp order by hourstamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Usage-Memory |
Event usage memory |
event |
select hourstamp, cast( sum(mem_usage)/ sum(num) as decimal(6, 2) ) as mem_avg_usage from ###(select $hour_of_day as hourstamp, sum(mem) as mem_usage, count(*) as num from $log where $filter and subtype='system' and action='perf-stats' group by hourstamp)### t group by hourstamp order by hourstamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Usage-Sessions |
Event usage sessions |
event |
select hourstamp, cast( sum(sess_usage)/ sum(num) as decimal(10, 2) ) as sess_avg_usage from ###(select $hour_of_day as hourstamp, sum(totalsession) as sess_usage, count(*) as num from $log where $filter and subtype='system' and action='perf-stats' group by hourstamp)### t group by hourstamp order by hourstamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-Usage-CPU-Sessions |
Event usage CPU sessions |
event |
select hourstamp, cast( sum(sess_usage)/ sum(num) as decimal(10, 2) ) as sess_avg_usage, cast( sum(cpu_usage)/ sum(num) as decimal(6, 2) ) as cpu_avg_usage from ###(select $hour_of_day as hourstamp, sum(cpu) as cpu_usage, sum(totalsession) as sess_usage, count(*) as num from $log where $filter and subtype='system' and action='perf-stats' group by hourstamp)### t group by hourstamp order by hourstamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Users-By-Bandwidth |
Top users by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, srcip, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and srcip is not null group by user_src, srcip having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-User-Source-By-Sessions |
Application risk top user source by session count |
traffic |
select srcip, coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and srcip is not null group by srcip, user_src order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Users-By-Reputation-Scores-Bar |
Application risk reputation top users by scores |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, sum(crscore % 65536) as scores from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and crscore is not null group by user_src having sum(crscore % 65536)> 0 order by scores desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Devices-By-Reputation-Scores |
Application risk reputation top devices by scores |
traffic |
select get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, coalesce( nullifna(`srcname`), nullifna(`srcmac`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as dev_src, sum(crscore % 65536) as scores from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and crscore is not null group by devtype_new, dev_src having sum(crscore % 65536)> 0 order by scores desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Application-Usage-By-Category-With-Pie |
Application risk application usage by category |
traffic |
select appcat, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where nullifna(appcat) is not null group by appcat order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-App-Usage-by-Category |
Application risk application usage by category |
traffic |
select appcat, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where nullifna(appcat) is not null group by appcat order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-20-Categories-By-Bandwidth |
Webfilter categories by bandwidth usage |
webfilter |
select catdesc, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select catdesc, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) and catdesc is not null group by catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by bandwidth desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by catdesc order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Key-Applications-Crossing-The-Network |
Application risk application activity |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, appcat, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, count(*) as num_session from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group, appcat order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Applications-Running-Over-HTTP |
Application risk applications running over HTTP |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, service, count(*) as sessions, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null and service in ( & #039;80/tcp', '443/tcp', 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'http', 'https') group by app_group, service having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Web-Sites-Visited-By-Network-Users-Pie-Cha |
Application risk web browsing summary category |
traffic |
select catdesc, sum(num_sess) as num_sess, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select catdesc, count(*) as num_sess, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) and catdesc is not null group by catdesc order by num_sess desc)### t group by catdesc order by num_sess desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Web-Sites-Visited-By-Network-Users |
Application risk web browsing summary category |
traffic |
select catdesc, sum(num_sess) as num_sess, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select catdesc, count(*) as num_sess, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) and catdesc is not null group by catdesc order by num_sess desc)### t group by catdesc order by num_sess desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Web-Browsing-Hostname-Category |
Application risk web browsing activity hostname category |
webfilter |
select domain, catdesc, sum(visits) as visits from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(hostname), ipstr(`dstip`)) as domain, catdesc, count(*) as visits from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and catdesc is not null group by domain, catdesc order by visits desc)### t group by domain, catdesc order by visits desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Destination-Countries-By-Browsing-Time |
Traffic top destination countries by browsing time |
traffic |
select dstcountry, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by dstcountry) t group by dstcountry /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by dstcountry order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Destination-Countries-By-Browsing-Time-Enhanced |
Traffic top destination countries by browsing time enhanced |
traffic |
select dstcountry, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by dstcountry) t group by dstcountry /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by dstcountry order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Traffic-Top-Hostnames-By-Browsing-Time |
Traffic top domains by browsing time |
traffic |
select hostname, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select hostname, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select hostname, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and hostname is not null and $browse_time is not null group by hostname) t group by hostname /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hostname order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Traffic-Top-Hostnames-By-Browsing-Time-Enhanced |
Traffic top domains by browsing time enhanced |
traffic |
select hostname, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select hostname, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select hostname, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and hostname is not null and $browse_time is not null group by hostname) t group by hostname /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hostname order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Threat-Vectors-Crossing-The-Network |
Application risk top threat vectors |
attack |
select severity, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by severity order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Critical-Threat-Vectors-Crossing-The-Network |
Application risk top critical threat vectors |
attack |
select attack, severity, ref, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and severity =& #039;critical' and nullifna(attack) is not null group by attack, severity, ref order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-High-Threat-Vectors-Crossing-The-Network |
Application risk top high threat vectors |
attack |
select attack, severity, ref, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and severity =& #039;high' and nullifna(attack) is not null group by attack, severity, ref order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Medium-Threat-Vectors-Crossing-The-Network |
Application risk top medium threat vectors |
attack |
select attack, severity, ref, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and severity =& #039;medium' and nullifna(attack) is not null group by attack, severity, ref order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Low-Threat-Vectors-Crossing-The-Network |
Application risk top low threat vectors |
attack |
select attack, severity, ref, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and severity =& #039;low' and nullifna(attack) is not null group by attack, severity, ref order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Info-Threat-Vectors-Crossing-The-Network |
Application risk top info threat vectors |
attack |
select attack, severity, ref, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and severity =& #039;info' and nullifna(attack) is not null group by attack, severity, ref order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Virus-By-Name |
UTM top virus |
virus |
select virus, max(virusid_s) as virusid, ( case when virus like & #039;Riskware%' then 'Spyware' when virus like 'Adware%' then 'Adware' else 'Virus' end) as malware_type, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select virus, virusid_to_str(virusid, eventtype) as virusid_s, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by virus, virusid_s /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by virus, malware_type order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Top-Virus-Victim |
UTM top virus user |
virus |
select user_src, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by user_src /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by user_src order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Data-Loss-Prevention-Type-Events |
Application risk DLP UTM event |
dlp |
select subtype : :text as utmsubtype, count(*) as number from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and subtype is not null group by subtype order by number desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Vulnerability-Discovered |
Application risk vulnerability discovered |
netscan |
select vuln, vulnref as ref, vulncat, severity, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and vuln is not null group by vuln, vulnref, vulncat, severity order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Malware-Discovered |
Application risk virus discovered |
virus |
select dom, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $DAY_OF_MONTH as dom, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) group by dom order by totalnum desc)### t group by dom order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Breakdown-Of-Risk-Applications |
Application risk breakdown of risk applications |
traffic |
select unnest( string_to_array( behavior, & #039;,')) as d_behavior, count(*) as number from $log t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by d_behavior order by number desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-Number-Of-Applications-By-Risk-Behavior |
Application risk number of applications by risk behavior |
traffic |
select risk as d_risk, unnest( string_to_array( behavior, & #039;,')) as f_behavior, count(*) as number from $log t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by risk, f_behavior order by risk desc, number desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
App-Risk-High-Risk-Application |
Application risk high risk application |
traffic |
select risk as d_risk, behavior as d_behavior,,, t2.app_cat,, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on t1.appid = where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and behavior is not null group by order by risk desc, sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Severe-High-Risk-Application |
Severe and high risk applications |
traffic |
select appcat, count(distinct app) as total_num from ###(select app, appcat, apprisk, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t group by app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)### t where nullifna(appcat) is not null and apprisk in ('critical', 'high') group by appcat order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Threats-Prevention |
Threat Prevention |
app-ctrl |
select threat_name, count(distinct threats) as total_num from ( ###(select cast('Malware & Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as threat_name, app as threats from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by app)### union all ###(select cast('Malware & Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as threat_name, virus as threats from $log-virus where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by virus)### union all ###(select cast('Malicious & Phishing Sites' as char(32)) as threat_name, hostname as threats from $log-webfilter where $filter and cat in (26, 61) group by hostname)### union all ###(select cast('Critical & High Intrusion Attacks' as char(32)) as threat_name, attack as threats from $log-attack where $filter and severity in ('critical', 'high') group by attack)###) t group by threat_name order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Application-Vulnerability |
Application vulnerabilities discovered |
attack |
select attack, attackid, vuln_type, cve, severity_number, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as sources, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select attack, attackid, vuln_type, t2.cve, (case when t1.severity='critical' then 5 when t1.severity='high' then 4 when t1.severity='medium' then 3 when t1.severity='low' then 2 when t1.severity='info' then 1 else 0 end) as severity_number, dstip, srcip, count(*) as totalnum from $log t1 left join (select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata) t2 on where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null and t1.severity is not null group by attack, attackid, vuln_type, t2.cve, t1.severity, dstip, srcip )### t group by attack, attackid, vuln_type, severity_number, cve order by severity_number desc, totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Breakdown-Of-High-Risk-Application |
Severe and high risk applications |
traffic |
select appcat, count(distinct app) as total_num from ###(select app, appcat, apprisk, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t group by app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)### t where nullifna(appcat) is not null and apprisk in ('critical', 'high') group by appcat order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Top-20-High-Risk-Application |
Application risk high risk application |
traffic |
select risk as d_risk, count(distinct user_src) as users, id, name, app_cat, technology, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select lower(app) as lowapp, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by lowapp, user_src order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on t1.lowapp=lower( where risk>='4' group by id, name, app_cat, technology, risk order by d_risk desc, sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-High-Risk-Application-Behavioral |
Application Behavioral Characteristics |
traffic |
select behavior, round( sum(total_num)* 100 / sum( sum(total_num) ) over (), 2 ) as percentage from ( ###(select (case when lower(appcat)='botnet' then 'malicious' when lower(appcat)='remote.access' then 'tunneling' when lower(appcat) in ('storage.backup', 'video/audio') then 'bandwidth-consuming' when lower(appcat)='p2p' then 'peer-to-peer' when lower(appcat)='proxy' then 'proxy' end) as behavior, sum(sessions) as total_num from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### where lower(appcat) in ('botnet', 'remote.access', 'storage.backup', 'video/audio', 'p2p', 'proxy') and apprisk in ('critical', 'high') group by appcat order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select 'malicious' as behavior, count(*) as total_num from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) and severity in ('critical', 'high') group by behavior)###) t group by behavior order by percentage desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Key-Application-Crossing-The-Network |
Key Application Crossing The Network |
traffic |
select risk as d_risk, count(distinct user_src) as users, id, name, app_cat, technology, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select app, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by app, user_src order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on group by id, app, app_cat, technology, risk order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Risk-Application-Usage-By-Category-With-Pie |
Application risk application usage by category |
traffic |
select appcat, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where nullifna(appcat) is not null group by appcat order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Category-Breakdown-By-Bandwidth |
Category breakdown of all applications, sorted by bandwidth |
traffic |
select appcat, count(distinct app) as app_num, count(distinct user_src) as user_num, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(sessions) as num_session from ###(select app, appcat, user_src, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where nullifna(appcat) is not null group by app, appcat, user_src order by bandwidth desc)### t group by appcat order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Top-Web-Applications-by-Bandwidth |
Top 25 Web Categories by Bandwidtih |
traffic |
select d_risk, id, name, technology, count(distinct f_user) as user_num, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(num_session) as num_session from ###(select risk as d_risk,,,, coalesce(nullifna(t1.`user`), nullifna(t1.`unauthuser`), ipstr(t1.`srcip`)) as f_user, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as num_session from $log t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null and service in ('80/tcp', '443/tcp', 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'http', 'https') group by risk,,,, f_user)### t group by d_risk, id, name, technology order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Top-Web-Categories-Visited |
Top 25 Web Categories Visited |
traffic |
select catdesc, count(distinct f_user) as user_num, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select catdesc, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and catdesc is not null and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by f_user, catdesc order by sessions desc)### t group by catdesc order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Common-Virus-Botnet-Spyware |
Common virus disvocered, the botnet communictions and the spyware/adware |
traffic |
select virus_s as virus, ( case when lower(appcat)=& #039;botnet' then 'Botnet C&C' else (case when virus_s like 'Riskware%' then 'Spyware' when virus_s like 'Adware%' then 'Adware' else 'Virus' end) end) as malware_type, appid, app, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as source, sum(total_num) as total_num from (###(select app as virus_s, appcat, appid, app, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by virus_s, appcat, appid, dstip, srcip, app order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select unnest(string_to_array(virus, ',')) as virus_s, appcat, appid, app, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and virus is not null group by virus_s, appcat, appid, dstip, srcip, app order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select attack as virus_s, 'botnet' as appcat, 0 as appid, attack as app, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by virus_s, appcat, appid, dstip, srcip, app order by total_num desc)###) t group by virus, appid, app, malware_type order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Zero-Day-Detected-On-Network |
Zero-day malware detected on the network |
traffic |
select virus_s, appid, app, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as source, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select unnest(string_to_array(virus, ',')) as virus_s, appid, app, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and virus like '%PossibleThreat.SB%' group by virus_s, dstip, srcip, appid, app )### t where virus_s like '%PossibleThreat.SB%' group by virus_s, appid, app order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Files-Analyzed-By-FortiCloud-Sandbox |
Files analyzed by FortiCloud Sandbox |
virus |
select $DAY_OF_MONTH as dom, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and nullifna(filename) is not null and logid_to_int(logid)= 9233 group by dom order by dom
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-Malicious-Files-Detected-By-FortiCloud-Sandbox |
Files detected by FortiCloud Sandbox |
virus |
select filename, analyticscksum, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as source from ###(select filename, analyticscksum, dstip, srcip from $log where $filter and filename is not null and logid_to_int(logid)=9233 and analyticscksum is not null group by filename, analyticscksum, srcip, dstip)### t group by filename, analyticscksum order by victims desc, source desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Apprisk-Ctrl-File-Transferred-By-Application |
File transferred by applications on the network |
app-ctrl |
select appid, app, filename, cloudaction, max(filesize) as filesize from $log where $filter and filesize is not null and clouduser is not null and filename is not null group by cloudaction, appid, app, filename order by filesize desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
appctrl-Top-Blocked-SCCP-Callers |
Appctrl top blocked SCCP callers |
app-ctrl |
select srcname as caller, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and lower(appcat)=& #039;voip' and app='sccp' and action='block' and srcname is not null group by caller order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
appctrl-Top-Blocked-SIP-Callers |
Appctrl top blocked SIP callers |
app-ctrl |
select srcname as caller, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and srcname is not null and lower(appcat)=& #039;voip' and app='sip' and action='block' group by caller order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top20-High-Risk-Application-In-Use |
High risk application in use |
traffic |
select d_risk, count(distinct f_user) as users, name, app_cat, technology, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select risk as d_risk, coalesce(nullifna(t1.`user`), nullifna(t1.`unauthuser`), ipstr(t1.`srcip`)) as f_user,, t2.app_cat,, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on where $filter and risk>='4' and (logflag&1>0) group by f_user,, t2.app_cat,, risk)### t group by d_risk, name, app_cat, technology order by d_risk desc, sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-High-Risk-Application-By-Category |
High risk application by category |
traffic |
select app_cat, count(distinct app) as total_num from ###(select app_cat, app from $log t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on where $filter and risk>='4' and (logflag&1>0) group by app_cat, app)### t group by app_cat order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top10-Application-Categories-By-Bandwidth |
Application risk application usage by category |
traffic |
select appcat, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where nullifna(appcat) is not null group by appcat order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Security-Category-Breakdown-By-Bandwidth |
Category breakdown of all applications, sorted by bandwidth |
traffic |
select appcat, count(distinct app) as app_num, count(distinct user_src) as user_num, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(sessions) as num_session from ###(select app, appcat, user_src, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where nullifna(appcat) is not null group by app, appcat, user_src order by bandwidth desc)### t group by appcat order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top25-Web-Applications-By-Bandwidth |
Top Web Applications by Bandwidtih |
traffic |
select d_risk, name, app_cat, technology, count(distinct f_user) as users, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(num_session) as sessions from ###(select risk as d_risk, t2.app_cat,,, coalesce(nullifna(t1.`user`), nullifna(t1.`unauthuser`), ipstr(t1.`srcip`)) as f_user, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as num_session from $log t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null and service in ('80/tcp', '443/tcp', 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'http', 'https') group by risk, t2.app_cat,,, f_user)### t group by d_risk, name, app_cat, technology order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Security-Top25-Web-Categories-Visited |
Top 25 Web Categories Visited |
traffic |
select catdesc, count(distinct f_user) as user_num, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select catdesc, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and catdesc is not null and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by f_user, catdesc order by sessions desc)### t group by catdesc order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top25-Malware-Virus-Botnet-Spyware |
Malware: viruses, Bots, Spyware/Adware |
traffic |
select virus_s as virus, ( case when lower(appcat)=& #039;botnet' then 'Botnet C&C' else (case when virus_s like 'Riskware%' then 'Spyware' when virus_s like 'Adware%' then 'Adware' else 'Virus' end) end) as malware_type, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as source, sum(total_num) as total_num from (###(select app as virus_s, appcat, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by virus_s, appcat, dstip, srcip order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select unnest(string_to_array(virus, ',')) as virus_s, appcat, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and virus is not null group by virus_s, appcat, dstip, srcip order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select attack as virus_s, 'null' as appcat, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by virus_s, appcat, dstip, srcip order by total_num desc)###) t group by virus, malware_type order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top10-Malware-Virus-Spyware |
Malware: viruses, Spyware/Adware |
virus |
select virus, max(virusid_s) as virusid, malware_type, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as source, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select virus, virusid_to_str(virusid, eventtype) as virusid_s, srcip, dstip, (case when virus like 'Riskware%' then 'Spyware' when virus like 'Adware%' then 'Adware' else 'Virus' end) as malware_type, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by virus, virusid_s, srcip, dstip order by total_num desc)### t group by virus, malware_type order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top10-Malware-Botnet |
Malware: Botnet |
appctrl |
select app, appid, malware_type, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as source, sum(total_num) as total_num from ( ###(select app, appid, cast('Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as malware_type, srcip, dstip, count(*) as total_num from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and lower(appcat)='botnet' and nullifna(app) is not null group by app, appid, malware_type, srcip, dstip order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select attack as app, 0 as appid, cast('Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as malware_type, srcip, dstip, count(*) as total_num from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by app, appid, malware_type, srcip, dstip order by total_num desc)###) t group by app, appid, malware_type order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top10-Victims-of-Malware |
Victims of Malware |
virus |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, virus as malware, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and virus is not null group by user_src, malware order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top10-Victims-of-Phishing-Site |
Victims of Phishing Site |
webfilter |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, ( lower(service) || & #039;://' || hostname || url) as phishing_site, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and lower(service) in ('http', 'https') and hostname is not null and cat in (26, 61) group by user_src, phishing_site order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top25-Malicious-Phishing-Sites |
Malicious Phishing Site |
webfilter |
select phishing_site, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as source, sum(total) as total_num from ###(select (lower(service) || '://' || hostname || url) as phishing_site, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total from $log where $filter and lower(service) in ('http', 'https') and hostname is not null and cat in (26, 61) group by phishing_site, dstip, srcip order by total desc)### t group by phishing_site order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Application-Vulnerability |
Application vulnerabilities discovered |
attack |
select attack, attackid, vuln_type, cve, severity_number, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as sources, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select attack, attackid, vuln_type, t2.cve, (case when t1.severity='critical' then 5 when t1.severity='high' then 4 when t1.severity='medium' then 3 when t1.severity='low' then 2 when t1.severity='info' then 1 else 0 end) as severity_number, dstip, srcip, count(*) as totalnum from $log t1 left join (select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata) t2 on where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null and t1.severity is not null group by attack, attackid, vuln_type, t2.cve, t1.severity, dstip, srcip )### t group by attack, attackid, vuln_type, severity_number, cve order by severity_number desc, totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Files-Analyzed-By-FortiCloud-Sandbox |
Files analyzed by FortiCloud Sandbox |
virus |
select $day_of_week as dow, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and nullifna(filename) is not null and logid_to_int(logid)= 9233 group by dow order by dow
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Security-Zero-Day-Detected-On-Network |
Zero-day malware detected on the network |
traffic |
select virus_s, app, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as source, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select unnest(string_to_array(virus, ',')) as virus_s, app, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and virus like '%PossibleThreat.SB%' group by virus_s, dstip, srcip, app)### t group by virus_s, app order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Data-Loss-Incidents-By-Severity |
Data loss incidents summary by severity |
dlp |
select initcap(severity : :text) as s_severity, count(*) as total_num from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and severity is not null group by s_severity order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Data-Loss-Files-By-Service |
Data Lass Files By Service |
dlp |
select filename, ( case direction when & #039;incoming' then 'Download' when 'outgoing' then 'Upload' end) as action, max(filesize) as filesize, service from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and filesize is not null group by filename, direction, service order by filesize desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Endpoint-Security-Events-Summary |
Endpoint Security Events summary |
fct-traffic |
select ( case utmevent when & #039;antivirus' then 'Malware incidents' when 'webfilter' then 'Malicious/phishing websites' when 'appfirewall' then 'Risk applications' when 'dlp' then 'Data loss incidents' when 'netscan' then 'Vulnerability detected' else 'Others' end) as events, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and utmevent is not null group by events order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top-Endpoing-Running-High-Risk-Application |
Endpoints Running High Risk Application |
fct-traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`), & #039;Unknown') as f_user, coalesce(nullifna(hostname), 'Unknown') as host_name, threat as app, t2.app_cat as appcat, risk as d_risk from $log t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on where $filter and utmevent='appfirewall' and risk>='4' group by f_user, host_name, t1.threat, t2.app_cat, t2.risk order by risk desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top-Endpoints-Infected-With-Malware |
Endpoints Infected With Malware |
fct-event |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`deviceip`), & #039;Unknown') as f_user, coalesce(nullifna(hostname), 'Unknown') as host_name, virus, file from $log where $filter and clientfeature='av' and virus is not null group by f_user, host_name, virus, file
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top-Endpoints-With-Web-Violateions |
Endpoints With Web Violations |
fct-traffic |
select f_user, host_name, remotename, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, coalesce(nullifna(hostname), 'Unknown') as host_name, remotename, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and utmevent='webfilter' and remotename is not null and utmaction='blocked' group by f_user, host_name, remotename order by total_num desc)### t group by f_user, host_name, remotename order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Top-Endpoints-With-Data-Loss-Incidents |
Endpoints With Data Loss Incidents |
fct-event |
select f_user, host_name, msg, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`deviceip`), 'Unknown') as f_user, coalesce(nullifna(hostname), 'Unknown') as host_name, msg, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and clientfeature='dlp' group by f_user, host_name, msg order by total_num desc)### t group by f_user, host_name, msg order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
content-Count-Total-SCCP-Call-Registrations-by-Hour-of-Day |
Content count total SCCP call registrations by hour of day |
content |
select $hour_of_day as hourstamp, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and proto =& #039;sccp' and kind='register' group by hourstamp order by hourstamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
content-Count-Total-SCCP-Calls-Duration-by-Hour-of-Day |
Content count total SCCP calls duration by hour of day |
content |
select $hour_of_day as hourstamp, sum(duration) as sccp_usage from $log where $filter and proto =& #039;sccp' and kind='call-info' and status='end' group by hourstamp order by hourstamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
content-Count-Total-SCCP-Calls-per-Status |
Content count total SCCP calls per status |
content |
select status, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and proto =& #039;sccp' and kind='call-info' group by status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
content-Count-Total-SIP-Call-Registrations-by-Hour-of-Day |
Content count total SIP call registrations by hour of day |
content |
select $hour_of_day as hourstamp, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and proto =& #039;sip' and kind='register' group by hourstamp order by hourstamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
content-Count-Total-SIP-Calls-per-Status |
Content count total SIP calls per status |
content |
select status, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and proto =& #039;sip' and kind='call' group by status order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
content-Dist-Total-SIP-Calls-by-Duration |
Content dist total SIP calls by duration |
content |
select ( case when duration<60 then & #039;LESS_ONE_MIN' when duration < 600 then 'LESS_TEN_MIN' when duration < 3600 then 'LESS_ONE_HOUR' when duration >= 3600 then 'MORE_ONE_HOUR' else 'unknown' end) as f_duration, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and proto='sip' and kind='call' and status='end' group by f_duration order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Botnet-Activity-By-Sources |
Botnet activity by sources |
traffic |
select app, user_src, sum(events) as events from ( ( select app, user_src, sum(totalnum) as events from ###(select app, appcat, apprisk, srcip, dstip, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, count(*) as totalnum from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and appcat='Botnet' and nullifna(app) is not null group by app, appcat, apprisk, srcip, dstip, user_src order by totalnum desc)### t group by app, user_src order by events desc) union all (select attack as app, user_src, sum(totalnum) as events from ###(select attack, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, $flex_timestamp as timestamp, hostname, severity, crlevel, eventtype, service, dstip, srcip, count(*) as totalnum from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by attack, user_src, timestamp, hostname, severity, crlevel, eventtype, service, dstip, srcip order by timestamp desc)### t group by app, user_src order by events desc)) t group by app, user_src order by events desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Botnet-Infected-Hosts |
Botnet infected hosts |
traffic |
select user_src, devtype_new, host_mac, sum(events) as events from ( ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, coalesce(srcname, srcmac) as host_mac, count(*) as events from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and appcat='Botnet' group by user_src, devtype_new, host_mac order by events desc)### union all ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, 'Unknown' as devtype_new, hostname as host_mac, count(*) as events from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by user_src, devtype_new, host_mac order by events desc)###) t group by user_src, devtype_new, host_mac order by events desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Detected-Botnet |
Detected botnet |
traffic |
select app, sum(events) as events from ( ( select app, sum(totalnum) as events from ###(select app, appcat, apprisk, srcip, dstip, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, count(*) as totalnum from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and appcat='Botnet' and nullifna(app) is not null group by app, appcat, apprisk, srcip, dstip, user_src order by totalnum desc)### t group by app order by events desc) union all (select attack as app, sum(totalnum) as events from ###(select attack, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, $flex_timestamp as timestamp, hostname, severity, crlevel, eventtype, service, dstip, srcip, count(*) as totalnum from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by attack, user_src, timestamp, hostname, severity, crlevel, eventtype, service, dstip, srcip order by timestamp desc)### t group by app order by events desc)) t group by app order by events desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Botnet-Sources |
Botnet sources |
traffic |
select dstip, domain, sum(events) as events from ( ( select dstip, domain, sum(events) as events from ###(select dstip, root_domain(hostname) as domain, count(*) as events from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and appcat='Botnet' and dstip is not null group by dstip, domain order by events desc)### t group by dstip, domain) union all (select dstip, root_domain(hostname) as domain, sum(totalnum) as events from ###(select attack, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, $flex_timestamp as timestamp, hostname, severity, crlevel, eventtype, service, dstip, srcip, count(*) as totalnum from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by attack, user_src, timestamp, hostname, severity, crlevel, eventtype, service, dstip, srcip order by timestamp desc)### t group by dstip, domain)) t group by dstip, domain order by events desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Botnet-Victims |
Botnet victims |
traffic |
select user_src, sum(events) as events from ( ( select user_src, sum(totalnum) as events from ###(select app, appcat, apprisk, srcip, dstip, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, count(*) as totalnum from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and appcat='Botnet' and nullifna(app) is not null group by app, appcat, apprisk, srcip, dstip, user_src order by totalnum desc)### t group by user_src) union all (select user_src, sum(totalnum) as events from ###(select attack, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, $flex_timestamp as timestamp, hostname, severity, crlevel, eventtype, service, dstip, srcip, count(*) as totalnum from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by attack, user_src, timestamp, hostname, severity, crlevel, eventtype, service, dstip, srcip order by timestamp desc)### t group by user_src)) t group by user_src order by events desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Botnet-Timeline |
Botnet timeline |
traffic |
select $flex_datetime(timestamp) as hodex, sum(events) as events from ( ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, count(*) as events from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and appcat='Botnet' group by timestamp order by timestamp desc)### union all ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, count(*) as events from $log-dns where $filter and (botnetdomain is not null or botnetip is not null) group by timestamp order by timestamp)### union all ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, count(*) as events from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by timestamp order by timestamp)###) t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Application-Session-History |
Application session history |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, sum(counter) as counter from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, count(*) as counter from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by timestamp order by timestamp desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Application-Usage-List |
Detailed application usage |
traffic |
select appid, app, appcat, ( case when ( utmaction in ( & #039;block', 'blocked') or action='deny') then 'Blocked' else 'Allowed' end) as custaction, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth,count(*) as num_session from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null and policyid != 0 group by appid,app, appcat,custaction order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
PCI-DSS-Compliance-Summary |
PCI DSS Compliance Summary |
event |
select status, num_reason as requirements, cast( num_reason * 100.0 /( sum(num_reason) over() ) as decimal(18, 2) ) as percent from ( select ( case when fail_count>0 then & #039;Non-Compliant' else 'Compliant' end) as status, count(distinct reason) as num_reason from (select ftnt_pci_id, (sum(fail_count) over (partition by ftnt_pci_id)) as fail_count, reason from ###(select ftnt_pci_id, (case when result='fail' then 1 else 0 end) as fail_count, reason from $log t1 inner join pci_dss_mdata t2 on t1.reason=t2.ftnt_id where $filter and subtype='compliance-check' group by ftnt_pci_id, result, reason)### t) t group by status) t order by status
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
PCI-DSS-Non-Compliant-Requirements-By-Severity |
PCI DSS Non-Compliant Requirements by Severity |
event |
with query as ( select * from ( select ftnt_pci_id, severity, ( sum(fail_count) over (partition by ftnt_pci_id) ) as fail_count, reason from ###(select ftnt_pci_id, t2.severity, (case when result='fail' then 1 else 0 end) as fail_count, reason from $log t1 inner join pci_dss_mdata t2 on t1.reason=t2.ftnt_id where $filter and subtype='compliance-check' group by ftnt_pci_id, t2.severity, result, reason)### t) t where fail_count>0) select t.severity, count(distinct t.reason) as requirements from (select distinct on (1) reason, severity from query order by reason, (case lower(severity) when 'high' then 4 when 'critical' then 3 when 'medium' then 2 when 'low' then 1 else 0 end) desc) t group by t.severity order by requirements desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
PCI-DSS-Compliant-Requirements-By-Severity |
PCI DSS Compliant Requirements by Severity |
event |
with query as ( select * from ( select ftnt_pci_id, severity, ( sum(fail_count) over (partition by ftnt_pci_id) ) as fail_count, reason from ###(select ftnt_pci_id, t2.severity, (case when result='fail' then 1 else 0 end) as fail_count, reason from $log t1 inner join pci_dss_mdata t2 on t1.reason=t2.ftnt_id where $filter and subtype='compliance-check' group by ftnt_pci_id, t2.severity, result, reason)### t) t where fail_count=0) select t.severity, count(distinct t.reason) as requirements from (select distinct on (1) reason, severity from query order by reason, (case lower(severity) when 'high' then 4 when 'critical' then 3 when 'medium' then 2 when 'low' then 1 else 0 end) desc) t group by t.severity order by requirements desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
PCI-DSS-Fortinet-Security-Best-Practice-Summary |
PCI DSS Fortinet Security Best Practice Summary |
event |
select status, num_reason as practices, cast( num_reason * 100.0 /( sum(num_reason) over() ) as decimal(18, 2) ) as percent from ( select ( case when result =& #039;fail' then 'Failed' else 'Passed' end) as status, count(distinct reason) as num_reason from ###(select result, reason from $log where $filter and subtype='compliance-check' and result in ('fail','pass') group by result, reason)### t group by status) t order by status desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
PCI-DSS-Failed-Fortinet-Security-Best-Practices-By-Severity |
PCI DSS Failed Fortinet Security Best Practices by Severity |
event |
select status, num_reason as practices, cast( num_reason * 100.0 /( sum(num_reason) over() ) as decimal(18, 2) ) as percent from ( select initcap(status) as status, count(distinct reason) as num_reason from ###(select status, reason from $log where $filter and subtype='compliance-check' and result='fail' group by status, reason)### t group by status) t order by status
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
PCI-DSS-Passed-Fortinet-Security-Best-Practices-By-Severity |
PCI DSS Passed Fortinet Security Best Practices by Severity |
event |
select status, num_reason as practices, cast( num_reason * 100.0 /( sum(num_reason) over() ) as decimal(18, 2) ) as percent from ( select initcap(status) as status, count(distinct reason) as num_reason from ###(select status, reason from $log where $filter and subtype='compliance-check' and result='pass' group by status, reason)### t group by status) t order by status
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
PCI-DSS-Requirements-Compliance-Details |
PCI DSS Requirements Compliance Details |
event |
select ftnt_pci_id, left( string_agg( distinct ftnt_id, & #039;,'), 120) as practice, (case when sum(fail_count)>0 then 'Non-Compliant' else 'Compliant' end) as compliance, pci_requirement from ###(select ftnt_pci_id, ftnt_id, (case when result='fail' then 1 else 0 end) as fail_count, pci_requirement from $log t1 inner join pci_dss_mdata t2 on t1.reason=t2.ftnt_id where $filter and subtype='compliance-check' group by ftnt_pci_id, ftnt_id, result, pci_requirement)### t group by ftnt_pci_id, pci_requirement order by ftnt_pci_id
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
PCI-DSS-Fortinet-Security-Best-Practice-Details |
PCI DSS Fortinet Security Best Practice Details |
event |
select reason as ftnt_id, msg, initcap(status) as status, module from $log where $filter and subtype =& #039;compliance-check' group by reason, status, module, msg order by ftnt_id
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
DLP-Email-Activity-Details |
Email DLP Violations Summary |
dlp |
select from_itime(itime) as timestamp, sender, receiver, regexp_replace( filename, & #039;.*/', '') as filename, filesize, profile, action, direction from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and (service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') or service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp')) order by timestamp desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Email-DLP-Chart |
Email DLP Activity Summary |
dlp |
select profile, count(*) as total_num from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and (service in ('smtp', 'SMTP', '25/tcp', '587/tcp', 'smtps', 'SMTPS', '465/tcp') or service in ('pop3', 'POP3', '110/tcp', 'imap', 'IMAP', '143/tcp', 'imaps', 'IMAPS', '993/tcp', 'pop3s', 'POP3S', '995/tcp')) group by profile order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
DLP-Web-Activity-Details |
Web DLP Violations Summary |
dlp |
select from_itime(itime) as timestamp, srcip, dstip, hostname, profile, filename, filesize, action, direction from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and lower(service) in ('http', 'https') order by timestamp desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Web-DLP-Chart |
Web DLP Activity Summary |
dlp |
select profile, count(*) as total_num from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and lower(service) in ('http', 'https') group by profile order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
DLP-FTP-Activity-Details |
Web DLP Violations Summary |
dlp |
select from_itime(itime) as timestamp, srcip, dstip, filename, profile, filesize, action, direction from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and lower(service) in ('ftp', 'ftps') order by timestamp desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
FTP-DLP-Chart |
FTP DLP Activity Summary |
dlp |
select profile, count(*) as total_num from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and lower(service) in ('ftp', 'ftps') group by profile order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
top-users-by-browsetime |
Top Users by website browsetime |
traffic |
select user_src, domain, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime from ###(select user_src, domain, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, coalesce(nullifna(hostname), ipstr(`dstip`)) as domain, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime from $log where $filter and $browse_time is not null group by user_src, domain) t group by user_src, domain order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc)### t group by user_src, domain order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-usage-by-hour-authenticated |
Wifi Usage by Hour - Authenticated |
event |
select hod, count(distinct stamac) as totalnum from ###(select $HOUR_OF_DAY as hod, stamac from $log where $filter and subtype='wireless' and action='client-authentication' group by hod, stamac)### t group by hod order by hod
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-usage-authenticated-timeline |
Wifi Usage Timeline - Authenticated |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, count(distinct stamac) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, stamac from $log where $filter and subtype='wireless' and action='client-authentication' group by timestamp, stamac order by timestamp desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
app-top-user-by-bandwidth |
Top 10 Applications Bandwidth by User Drilldown |
traffic |
select app, coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, sum( coalesce(`sentbyte`, 0)+ coalesce(`rcvdbyte`, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app, user_src order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
app-top-user-by-session |
Top 10 Application Sessions by User Drilldown |
traffic |
select app, coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app, user_src order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
traffic-Interface-Bandwidth-Usage |
Interface Bandwidth Usage |
traffic |
with qry as ( select dom as dom_s, devid as devid_s, vd as vd_s, srcintf, dstintf, total_sent, total_rcvd from ###(select $DAY_OF_MONTH as dom, devid, vd, srcintf, dstintf, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as total_sent, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as total_rcvd, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as total from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(srcintf) is not null and nullifna(dstintf) is not null group by dom, devid, vd, srcintf, dstintf having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by total desc)### t) select dom, unnest(array['download', 'upload']) as type, unnest(array[sum(download), sum(upload)]) as bandwidth from (select coalesce(t1.dom_s, t2.dom_s) as dom, coalesce(t1.devid_s, t2.devid_s) as devid, coalesce(t1.vd_s, t2.vd_s) as vd, coalesce(t1.srcintf, t2.dstintf) as intf, sum(coalesce(t1.total_sent, 0)+coalesce(t2.total_rcvd, 0)) as download, sum(coalesce(t2.total_sent, 0)+coalesce(t1.total_rcvd, 0)) as upload from qry t1 full join qry t2 on t1.dom_s=t2.dom_s and t1.srcintf=t2.dstintf group by dom, devid, vd, intf) t where $filter-drilldown group by dom order by dom
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-SB-Files-Needing-Inspection-vs-Others |
Files Needing Inspection vs Others |
virus |
select ( case when suffix in ( & #039;bat','cmd','exe','jar','msi','vbs','7z','zip','gzip','lzw','tar','rar','cab','doc','docx','xls','xlsx','ppt','pptx','pdf','swf','lnk','js') then 'Higher Risk File Types' else 'Excluded Files' end) as files, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select file_name_ext(filename) as suffix, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and dtype='fortisandbox' and nullifna(filename) is not null group by suffix order by total_num desc)### t group by files order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-SB-Breakdown-of-File-Types |
Breakdown of File Types |
virus |
select ( case when suffix in ( & #039;exe','msi','upx','vbs','bat','cmd','dll','ps1','jar') then 'Executable Files' when suffix in ('pdf') then 'Adobe PDF' when suffix in ('swf') then 'Adobe Flash' when suffix in ('doc','docx','rtf','dotx','docm','dotm','dot') then 'Microsoft Word' when suffix in ('xls','xlsx','xltx','xlsm','xlsb','xlam','xlt') then 'Microsoft Excel' when suffix in ('ppsx','ppt','pptx','potx','sldx','pptm','ppsm','potm','ppam','sldm','pps','pot') then 'Microsoft PowerPoint' when suffix in ('msg') then 'Microsoft Outlook' when suffix in ('htm','js','url','lnk') then 'Web Files' when suffix in ('cab','tgz','z','7z','tar','lzh','kgb','rar','zip','gz','xz','bz2') then 'Archive Files' when suffix in ('apk') then 'Android Files' else 'Others' end) as filetype, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select file_name_ext(filename) as suffix, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and dtype='fortisandbox' and nullifna(filename) is not null group by suffix order by total_num desc)### t group by filetype order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-SB-Top-Sandbox-Malicious-Exes |
virus |
select ( case fsaverdict when & #039;malicious' then 5 when 'high risk' then 4 when 'medium risk' then 3 when 'low risk' then 2 else 1 end) as risk, filename, service, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and dtype='fortisandbox' and file_name_ext(filename)='exe' and fsaverdict not in ('clean','submission failed') group by filename, risk, service order by risk desc, total_num desc, filename
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-SB-Sources-of-Sandbox-Discovered-Malware |
Sources of Sandbox Discovered Malware |
virus |
select srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and dtype =& #039;fortisandbox' and nullifna(filename) is not null and fsaverdict not in ('clean','submission failed') group by srcip order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-apprisk-ctrl-High-Risk-Application |
Application risk high risk application |
traffic |
select risk as d_risk, count(distinct user_src) as users, id, name, app_cat, technology, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select lower(app) as lowapp, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by lowapp, user_src order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on t1.lowapp=lower( where risk>='4' group by id, name, app_cat, technology, risk order by d_risk desc, sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-apprisk-ctrl-Application-Vulnerability |
Application vulnerabilities discovered |
attack |
select attack, attackid, vuln_type, cve, severity_number, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as sources, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select attack, attackid, vuln_type, t2.cve, (case when t1.severity='critical' then 5 when t1.severity='high' then 4 when t1.severity='medium' then 3 when t1.severity='low' then 2 when t1.severity='info' then 1 else 0 end) as severity_number, dstip, srcip, count(*) as totalnum from $log t1 left join (select name, cve, vuln_type from ips_mdata) t2 on where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null and t1.severity is not null group by attack, attackid, vuln_type, t2.cve, t1.severity, dstip, srcip )### t group by attack, attackid, vuln_type, severity_number, cve order by severity_number desc, totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-apprisk-ctrl-Common-Virus-Botnet-Spyware |
Common Virus Botnet Spyware |
app-ctrl |
select malware as virus, ( case when lower(appcat)=& #039;botnet' then 'Botnet C&C' else (case when malware like 'Riskware%' then 'Spyware' when malware like 'Adware%' then 'Adware' else 'Virus' end) end) as malware_type, appid, app, count(distinct dstip) as victims, count(distinct srcip) as source, sum(total_num) as total_num from (###(select app as malware, appcat, appid, app, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by malware, appcat, appid, app, dstip, srcip, app order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select virus as malware, 'null' as appcat, 0 as appid, service as app, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-virus where $filter and virus is not null group by malware, appcat, app, appid, dstip, srcip order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select attack as malware, 'null' as appcat, 0 as appid, service as app, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) group by malware, appcat, app, appid, dstip, srcip order by total_num desc)###) t group by malware, malware_type, app, appid order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-App-Risk-Reputation-Top-Devices-By-Scores |
Reputation Top Devices By-Scores |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`srcname`), ipstr(`srcip`), nullifna(`srcmac`) ) as dev_src, sum(crscore % 65536) as scores from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and crscore is not null group by dev_src having sum(crscore % 65536)> 0 order by scores desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-HTTP-SSL-Traffic-Ratio |
HTTP SSL Traffic Ratio |
traffic |
select ( case when service in ( & #039;80/tcp', 'HTTP', 'http') then 'HTTP' else 'HTTPS' end) as service, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null and service in ('80/tcp', '443/tcp', 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'http', 'https') group by service having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-Top-Source-Countries |
Top Source Countries |
traffic |
select srccountry, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(srccountry) is not null and srccountry <> & #039;Reserved' group by srccountry having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc, srccountry
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-SaaS-Apps |
CTAP SaaS Apps |
traffic |
select app_group, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where behavior like '%Cloud%' group by app_group order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-IaaS-Apps |
CTAP IaaS Apps |
traffic |
select app_group, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Cloud.IT' group by app_group order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-RAS-Apps |
traffic |
select name as app_group, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Remote.Access' group by name order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-Proxy-Apps |
CTAP Proxy Apps |
traffic |
select name as app_group, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Proxy' group by name order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-Top-SocialMedia-App-By-Bandwidth |
Top SocialMedia Applications by Bandwidth Usage |
traffic |
select app_group, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Social.Media' group by app_group order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-Top-Streaming-App-By-Bandwidth |
Top Streaming applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select app_group, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Video/Audio' group by app_group order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-Top-Game-App-By-Bandwidth |
Top Game applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select app_group, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Game' group by app_group order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-Top-P2P-App-By-Bandwidth |
Top P2P applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select app_group, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='P2P' group by app_group order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-apprisk-ctrl-Top-Web-Categories-Visited |
Top 25 Web Categories Visited |
traffic |
select catdesc, count(distinct f_user) as user_num, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select catdesc, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and catdesc is not null and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by f_user, catdesc order by sessions desc)### t group by catdesc order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-App-Risk-Applications-Running-Over-HTTP |
Application risk applications running over HTTP |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, service, count(*) as sessions, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null and service in ( & #039;80/tcp', '443/tcp', 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', 'http', 'https') group by app_group, service having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-App-Risk-Web-Browsing-Activity-Hostname-Category |
Application risk web browsing activity hostname category |
webfilter |
select domain, catdesc, sum(visits) as visits from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(hostname), ipstr(`dstip`)) as domain, catdesc, count(*) as visits from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and catdesc is not null group by domain, catdesc order by visits desc)### t group by domain, catdesc order by visits desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-Top-Sites-By-Browsing-Time |
Traffic top sites by browsing time |
traffic |
select hostname, string_agg( distinct catdesc, & #039;, ') as agg_catdesc, ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from ###(select hostname, catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select hostname, catdesc, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and hostname is not null and $browse_time is not null group by hostname, catdesc) t group by hostname, catdesc /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by hostname order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-Average-Bandwidth-Hour |
Average Bandwidth Hour |
traffic |
select hourstamp, sum(bandwidth)/ count(distinct daystamp) as bandwidth from ###(select to_char(from_dtime(dtime), 'HH24:00') as hourstamp, to_char(from_dtime(dtime), 'DD Mon') as daystamp, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by hourstamp, daystamp having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by hourstamp)### t group by hourstamp order by hourstamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
ctap-Top-Bandwidth-Hosts |
Top Bandwidth Hosts |
traffic |
select hostname, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log - traffic where $filter and hostname is not null and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by hostname having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )>0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Application-Discovered |
All Applications Discovered on the Network |
traffic |
select ( case is_saas when 1 then & #039;SaaS Apps' else 'Other Apps' end) as app_type, count(distinct app_s) as total_num from ###(select app_s, (case when saas_s>=10 then 1 else 0 end) as is_saas from (select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t group by app_s, is_saas)### t group by is_saas order by is_saas
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-SaaS-Application-by-Category |
Number of SaaS Applications by Category |
traffic |
select ( case saas_cat when 0 then & #039;Sanctioned' else 'Unsanctioned' end) as saas_cat_str, count(distinct app_s) as num_saas_app from ###(select app_s, saas_s%10 as saas_cat, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, count(*) as total_app from (select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_s, saas_cat order by bandwidth desc)### t where saas_cat in (0, 1) group by saas_cat order by saas_cat
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-SaaS-Application-by-Bandwidth |
Number of SaaS Applications by Bandwidth |
traffic |
select ( case saas_cat when 0 then & #039;Sanctioned' else 'Tolerated' end) as saas_cat_str, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select app_s, saas_s%10 as saas_cat, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, count(*) as total_app from (select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_s, saas_cat order by bandwidth desc)### t where saas_cat in (0, 2) group by saas_cat order by saas_cat
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-SaaS-Application-by-Session |
Number of SaaS Applications by Session |
traffic |
select ( case saas_cat when 0 then & #039;Sanctioned' else 'Tolerated' end) as saas_cat_str, sum(total_app) as total_app from ###(select app_s, saas_s%10 as saas_cat, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, count(*) as total_app from (select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_s, saas_cat order by bandwidth desc)### t where saas_cat in (0, 2) group by saas_cat order by saas_cat
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-SaaS-App-Users-vs-Others |
Number of Users of SaaS Apps vs Others |
traffic |
select ( case is_saas when 0 then & #039;Other Apps' else 'SaaS Apps' end) as app_type, count(distinct saasuser) as total_user from ###(select saasuser, saas_s/10 as is_saas from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t group by saasuser, is_saas)### t group by app_type
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-SaaS-App-Users |
Number of Users of SaaS Apps |
traffic |
select ( case saas_cat when 0 then & #039;Sanctioned' when 1 then 'Unsanctioned' else 'Others' end) as app_type, count(distinct saasuser) as total_user from ###(select saasuser, saas_s%10 as saas_cat from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by saasuser, saas_cat)### t group by saas_cat order by saas_cat
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Top-SaaS-User-by-Bandwidth-Session |
Top SaaS Users by Bandwidth and Session |
traffic |
select saasuser, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(session_block) as session_block, ( sum(sessions)- sum(session_block) ) as session_pass, count(distinct app_s) as total_app from ###(select saasuser, app_s, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, sum(rcvdbyte) as traffic_in, sum(sentbyte) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions, sum(is_blocked) as session_block from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser, unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte, (CASE WHEN (logflag&2>0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as is_blocked from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by saasuser, app_s order by bandwidth desc)### t group by saasuser order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Top-Category-by-SaaS-Application-Usage |
Top Categories by SaaS Application Usage |
traffic |
select app_cat, ( case saas_cat when 0 then & #039;Sanctioned' else 'Unsactioned' end) as saas_cat_str, count(distinct app_s) as total_app from ###(select app_s, saas_s%10 as saas_cat from (select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_s, saas_cat)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on where saas_cat in (0, 1) group by app_cat, saas_cat order by total_app desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Top-SaaS-Category-by-Number-of-User |
Top SaaS Categories by Number of Users |
traffic |
select app_cat, ( case saas_cat when 0 then & #039;Sanctioned' else 'Unsactioned' end) as saas_cat_str, count(distinct saasuser) as total_user from ###(select app_s, saas_s%10 as saas_cat, saasuser from (select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_s, saas_cat, saasuser)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on where saas_cat in (0, 1) group by app_cat, saas_cat order by total_user desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Top-User-by-Number-of-SaaS-Application |
Top Users by Number of SaaS Applications |
traffic |
select saasuser, ( case saas_cat when 0 then & #039;Sanctioned' else 'Unsactioned' end) as saas_cat_str, count(distinct app_s) as total_app from ###(select app_s, saas_s%10 as saas_cat, saasuser from (select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_s, saas_cat, saasuser)### t where saas_cat in (0, 1) group by saasuser, saas_cat order by total_app desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Top-SaaS-Application-by-Bandwidth-Session |
Top SaaS Applications by Sessions and Bandwidth |
traffic |
select as app_id, app_s, app_cat, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(session_block) as session_block, ( sum(sessions)- sum(session_block) ) as session_pass from ###(select app_s, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, sum(rcvdbyte) as traffic_in, sum(sentbyte) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions, sum(is_blocked) as session_block from (select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte, (CASE WHEN (logflag&2>0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as is_blocked from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_s)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on group by app_id, app_s, app_cat order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Top-Tolerated-SaaS-Application-by-Bandwidth |
Top Tolerated SaaS Applications by Bandwidth |
traffic |
select app_s, sum(sentbyte + rcvdbyte) as bandwidth from ( select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte from $log where $filter and apps is not null ) t where saas_s = 12 group by app_s order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-drilldown-Top-Tolerated-SaaS-Application |
Top Tolerated SaaS Applications |
traffic |
select app_s, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(session_block) as session_block, ( sum(sessions)- sum(session_block) ) as session_pass from ###(select saasuser, app_s, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, sum(rcvdbyte) as traffic_in, sum(sentbyte) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions, sum(is_blocked) as session_block from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser, unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte, (CASE WHEN (logflag&2>0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as is_blocked from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s=12 group by saasuser, app_s order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by app_s order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Top-User-by-Tolerated-SaaS-Application-Drilldown |
Top Users by Tolerated SaaS Applications |
traffic |
select saasuser, count(distinct app_s) as total_app from ###(select saasuser, app_s, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, sum(rcvdbyte) as traffic_in, sum(sentbyte) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions, sum(is_blocked) as session_block from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser, unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte, (CASE WHEN (logflag&2>0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as is_blocked from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s=12 group by saasuser, app_s order by bandwidth desc)### t group by saasuser order by total_app desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-drilldown-Top-File-Sharing-SaaS-Application-Detail |
Top File Sharing SaaS Applications Detail |
traffic |
select saasuser, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(session_block) as session_block, ( sum(sessions)- sum(session_block) ) as session_pass from ###(select app_group_name(app_s) as app_group, saasuser, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, sum(rcvdbyte) as traffic_in, sum(sentbyte) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions, sum(is_blocked) as session_block from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser, unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte, (CASE WHEN (logflag&2>0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as is_blocked from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_group, saasuser order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by saasuser order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Top-File-Sharing-SaaS-Application |
Top File Sharing Applications |
traffic |
select as appid, ( case t2.risk when & #039;5' then 'Critical' when '4' then 'High' when '3' then 'Medium' when '2' then 'Info' else 'Low' end) as risk, app_group, bandwidth, traffic_in, traffic_out, sessions, session_block, session_pass, total_user from (select app_group, count(distinct saasuser) as total_user, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(session_block) as session_block, (sum(sessions)-sum(session_block)) as session_pass from ###(select app_group_name(app_s) as app_group, saasuser, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, sum(rcvdbyte) as traffic_in, sum(sentbyte) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions, sum(is_blocked) as session_block from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser, unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte, (CASE WHEN (logflag&2>0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as is_blocked from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_group, saasuser order by bandwidth desc)### t group by app_group) t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where t2.app_cat='Storage.Backup' order by total_user desc, bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
saas-Top-File-Sharing-SaaS-Application-Drilldown |
Top File Sharing Applications |
traffic |
select as appid, ( case t2.risk when & #039;5' then 'Critical' when '4' then 'High' when '3' then 'Medium' when '2' then 'Info' else 'Low' end) as risk, app_group, bandwidth, traffic_in, traffic_out, sessions, session_block, session_pass, total_user from (select app_group, count(distinct saasuser) as total_user, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(session_block) as session_block, (sum(sessions)-sum(session_block)) as session_pass from ###(select app_group_name(app_s) as app_group, saasuser, sum(sentbyte+rcvdbyte) as bandwidth, sum(rcvdbyte) as traffic_in, sum(sentbyte) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions, sum(is_blocked) as session_block from (select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser, unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(sentbyte, 0) as sentbyte, coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) as rcvdbyte, (CASE WHEN (logflag&2>0) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as is_blocked from $log where $filter and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_group, saasuser order by bandwidth desc)### t group by app_group) t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where t2.app_cat='Storage.Backup' order by total_user desc, bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Device-By-Location |
Device by Location |
traffic |
select & #039;All'::text as country, count(distinct devid) as device_count from ###(select devid from $log where $filter group by devid)### t
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Network-Endpoint-Devices |
Endpoint Devices on Network |
select category, total_num from ( select & #039;Seen Devices' as category, 1 as idx, count(distinct epname) as total_num from (select epname, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd, max(lastseen) as itime from $ADOM_ENDPOINT t inner join $ADOM_EPEU_DEVMAP map_dev on t.epid=map_dev.epid where epname is not null group by epname, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd) t where $filter and $filter-drilldown union all select 'New Devices' as category, 2 as idx, count(distinct epname) as total_num from (select epname, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd, min(firstseen) as itime from $ADOM_ENDPOINT t inner join $ADOM_EPEU_DEVMAP map_dev on t.epid=map_dev.epid where epname is not null group by epname, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd) t where $filter and $filter-drilldown union all select 'Unseen Devices' as category, 3 as idx, count(distinct t1.epname) as total_num from $ADOM_ENDPOINT t1 where not exists (select 1 from (select epname, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd, max(lastseen) as itime from $ADOM_ENDPOINT t inner join $ADOM_EPEU_DEVMAP map_dev on t.epid=map_dev.epid where epname is not null group by epname, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd) t2 where $filter and $filter-drilldown and t1.epname=t2.epname)) t order by idx
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-New-Endpoint-Devices |
New Endpoint Devices |
drop table if exists devmap_tmp; create temporary table devmap_tmp as ( select epid, max(euid) as max_euid from $ADOM_EPEU_DEVMAP where euid >= 1024 group by epid ); select timestamp, epname as hostname, max(osname) as osname, max(devtype) as devtype, max(srcip) as srcip, string_agg( distinct epname, & #039;,') as user_agg from (select from_itime(itime) as timestamp, osname, epname, epdevtype as devtype, epip as srcip, epid from (select max(osname) as osname, max(epname) as epname, max(epdevtype) as epdevtype, max(epip) as epip, t.epid, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd, min(firstseen) as itime from $ADOM_ENDPOINT t inner join $ADOM_EPEU_DEVMAP map_dev on t.epid=map_dev.epid where epname is not null group by epname, t.epid, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd) t where $filter and $filter-drilldown) t1 inner join devmap_tmp on devmap_tmp.epid=t1.epid inner join $ADOM_ENDUSER as teu on devmap_tmp.max_euid=teu.euid group by timestamp, hostname order by timestamp desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-New-Endpoint-Devices-Trend |
New Endpoint Devices Trend |
select $flex_timescale(itime) as hodex, count(distinct epname) as total_num from ( select epname, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd, min(firstseen) as itime from $ADOM_ENDPOINT t inner join $ADOM_EPEU_DEVMAP map_dev on t.epid = map_dev.epid where epname is not null group by epname, map_dev.devid, map_dev.vd ) t where $filter and $filter - drilldown group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Endpoint-Operating-Systems |
Top Endpoint Operating Systems |
fct-traffic |
select os1 as os, count(distinct hostname) as total_num from ###(select split_part(os, ',', 1) as os1, hostname from $log where $filter and nullifna(os) is not null group by os1, hostname)### t group by os order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Endpoint-Applications-Windows |
Top Endpoint Applications Windows |
fct-traffic |
select srcname1 as srcname, count(distinct hostname) as total_num from ###(select split_part(srcname, '.', 1) as srcname1, hostname from $log where $filter and nullifna(srcname) is not null and lower(os) like '%windows%' group by srcname, hostname)### t group by srcname order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Endpoint-Applications-Mac |
Top Endpoint Applications Mac |
fct-traffic |
select srcname1 as srcname, count(distinct hostname) as total_num from ###(select split_part(srcname, '.', 1) as srcname1, hostname from $log where $filter and nullifna(srcname) is not null and lower(os) like '%mac os%' group by srcname, hostname)### t group by srcname order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-SaaS-Application-by-Number-of-Users |
Top SaaS Applications by Number of Users |
traffic |
select app_group, count(distinct saasuser) as total_user from ###(select app_group_name(app_s) as app_group, saasuser from (select unnest(apps) as app_s, unnest(saasinfo) as saas_s, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`clouduser`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), srcname, ipstr(`srcip`)) as saasuser from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and apps is not null) t where saas_s>=10 group by app_group, saasuser)### t group by app_group order by total_user desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Summary-Of-Changes |
Summary of Changes |
event |
select regexp_replace( msg, & #039;[^ ]*$','') as msg_trim, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=44547 group by msg_trim order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Change-Details |
Change Details |
event |
select $calendar_time as timestamp, `user`, ui, msg from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)= 44547 order by timestamp desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Vulnerabilities-By-Severity |
Vulnerabilities by Security |
fct-netscan |
select vulnseverity, count(distinct vulnname) as vuln_num from ###(select vulnseverity, vulnname from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null and nullifna(vulnseverity) is not null group by vulnseverity, vulnname)### t group by vulnseverity order by vuln_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Vulnerabilities-Trend |
Vulnerabilities Trend |
fct-netscan |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as timescale, sum(critical) as critical, sum(high) as high, sum(medium) as medium, sum(low) as low from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, sum(case when lower(vulnseverity) = 'critical' then 1 else 0 end) as critical, sum(case when lower(vulnseverity) = 'high' then 1 else 0 end) as high, sum(case when lower(vulnseverity) = 'medium' then 1 else 0 end) as medium, sum(case when lower(vulnseverity) = 'notice' then 1 else 0 end) as Low from $log where $filter group by timestamp order by timestamp desc)### t group by timescale order by timescale
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Critical-Vulnerabilities |
Top Critical Vulnerabilities |
fct-netscan |
select vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, count(distinct hostname) as total_num from ###(select hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null and vulnseverity='Critical' group by hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat order by total_num desc)### t group by vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Vulnerabilities-Last-Period |
Top Vulnerabilities Last Period |
fct-netscan |
select vulnname, vulnseverity, sev_num, vulncat, count(distinct hostname) as total_num from ###(select hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity, (CASE vulnseverity WHEN 'Critical' THEN 5 WHEN 'High' THEN 4 WHEN 'Medium' THEN 3 WHEN 'Info' THEN 2 WHEN 'Low' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as sev_num, vulncat, count(*) as total_num from $log where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by hostname, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat order by sev_num desc, total_num desc)### t group by vulnname, vulnseverity, sev_num, vulncat order by sev_num desc, total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-New-Vulnerabilities |
Top New Vulnerabilities |
fct-netscan |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname from $log where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname)###; select vulnname, (case when vulnseverity='Critical' then 5 when vulnseverity='High' then 4 when vulnseverity='Medium' then 3 when vulnseverity='Low' then 2 when vulnseverity='Info' then 1 else 0 end) as sev, vulnseverity, vulncat, count(distinct hostname) as host_num, cve_id from rpt_tmptbl_2 t1 left join fct_mdata t2 on t1.vulnid=t2.vid::int where not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where t1.vulnid=rpt_tmptbl_1.vulnid) group by vulnname, sev, vulnseverity, vulncat, cve_id order by sev desc, host_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-User-With-Critical-Vulnerabilities |
Top Users with Critical Vulnerabilities |
fct-netscan |
select hostname, `user` as user_src, vulnname, vulncat, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and nullifna(`user`) is not null and vulnseverity =& #039;Critical' group by hostname, user_src, vulnname, vulncat order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Ingress-Data-Flow-By-Zone |
Ingress Data Flow By Zone |
traffic |
select app, tag, sum(rcvdbyte) as rcvdbyte from ###(select app, dstintf, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as rcvdbyte from $log where $filter group by app, dstintf having sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) > 0 order by rcvdbyte desc)### tt1 inner join intftags tt2 on tt1.dstintf=tt2.intfname group by app, tag order by rcvdbyte desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Egress-Data-Flow-By-Zone |
Egress Data Flow By Zone |
traffic |
select app, tag, sum(sentbyte) as sentbyte from ###(select app, srcintf, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sentbyte from $log where $filter group by app, srcintf having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) > 0 order by sentbyte desc)### tt1 inner join intftags tt2 on tt1.srcintf=tt2.intfname group by app, tag order by sentbyte desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Device-Attack-Targets |
Top Device Attack Targets |
fct-netscan |
select hostname, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and nullifna(hostname) is not null and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by hostname order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Attack-Targets |
Top Attack Targets |
fct-netscan |
select hostname, srcip, os, vuln_num, ( CASE sevid WHEN 5 THEN & #039;Critical' WHEN 4 THEN 'High' WHEN 3 THEN 'Medium' WHEN '2' THEN 'Info' ELSE 'Low' END) as vulnseverity, sevid as severity_num, left(cve_agg, 512) as cve_agg from (select hostname, max(srcip) as srcip, string_agg(distinct os1, '/') as os, count(distinct vulnname) as vuln_num, max((CASE vulnseverity WHEN 'Critical' THEN 5 WHEN 'High' THEN 4 WHEN 'Medium' THEN 3 WHEN 'Info' THEN 2 WHEN 'Low' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) as sevid, string_agg(distinct cve_id, ',') as cve_agg from ###(select hostname, max(deviceip) as srcip, split_part(os, ',', 1) as os1, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulnid from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null and nullifna(vulnseverity) is not null group by hostname, os1, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulnid)### t1 left join fct_mdata t2 on t1.vulnid=t2.vid::int group by hostname) t order by severity_num desc, vuln_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Threats-By-Severity |
Threats by Severity |
attack |
select initcap(sev) as severity, sum(total_num) as total_num from ( ###(select crlevel::text as sev, count(*) as total_num from $log-virus where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null and crlevel is not null group by sev order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select severity::text as sev, count(*) as total_num from $log-attack where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null and severity is not null group by sev order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select apprisk::text as sev, count(*) as total_num from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and lower(appcat)='botnet' and apprisk is not null group by sev order by total_num desc)###) t group by severity order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Threats-Type-By-Severity |
Threats Type by Severity |
virus |
select threat_type, sum(critical) as critical, sum(high) as high, sum(medium) as medium, sum(low) as low from ( ###(select (case when eventtype='botnet' then 'Botnets' else 'Malware' end) as threat_type, sum(case when crlevel = 'critical' then 1 else 0 end) as critical, sum(case when crlevel = 'high' then 1 else 0 end) as high, sum(case when crlevel = 'medium' then 1 else 0 end) as medium, sum(case when crlevel = 'low' then 1 else 0 end) as low from $log-virus where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by threat_type)### union all ###(select 'Intrusions' as threat_type, sum(case when severity = 'critical' then 1 else 0 end) as critical, sum(case when severity = 'high' then 1 else 0 end) as high, sum(case when severity = 'medium' then 1 else 0 end) as medium, sum(case when severity = 'low' then 1 else 0 end) as low from $log-attack where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by threat_type)### union all ###(select 'Botnets' as threat_type, sum(case when apprisk = 'critical' then 1 else 0 end) as critical, sum(case when apprisk = 'high' then 1 else 0 end) as high, sum(case when apprisk = 'medium' then 1 else 0 end) as medium, sum(case when apprisk = 'low' then 1 else 0 end) as low from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by threat_type)###) t group by threat_type
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Threats-By-Day |
Threats by Day |
virus |
select daystamp, sum(total_num) as total_num from ( ###(select $day_of_week as daystamp, count(*) as total_num from $log-virus where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by daystamp)### union all ###(select $day_of_week as daystamp, count(*) as total_num from $log-attack where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by daystamp)### union all ###(select $day_of_week as daystamp, count(*) as total_num from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by daystamp)###) t group by daystamp order by daystamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Threats-By-Day-Radar |
Threats by Day |
virus |
select daystamp, sum(total_num) as total_num from ( ###(select $day_of_week as daystamp, count(*) as total_num from $log-virus where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by daystamp)### union all ###(select $day_of_week as daystamp, count(*) as total_num from $log-attack where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by daystamp)### union all ###(select $day_of_week as daystamp, count(*) as total_num from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by daystamp)###) t group by daystamp order by daystamp
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Count-Of-Malware-Events |
Count of Malware Events |
virus |
select virus, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by virus order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Malware-By-Count |
Top Malware by Count |
app-ctrl |
select virus, malware_type, risk_level, count(distinct dstip) as victim, count(distinct srcip) as source, sum(total_num) as total_num from ( ###(select app as virus, 'Botnet C&C' as malware_type, apprisk::text as risk_level, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and lower(appcat)='botnet' and apprisk is not null group by app, malware_type, apprisk, dstip, srcip order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select virus, (case when eventtype='botnet' then 'Botnet C&C' else 'Virus' end) as malware_type, crlevel::text as risk_level, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-virus where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null and crlevel is not null group by virus, malware_type, crlevel, dstip, srcip order by total_num desc)### union all ###(select attack as virus, (case when eventtype='botnet' then 'Botnet C&C' else 'Virus' end) as malware_type, crlevel::text as risk_level, dstip, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log-attack where $filter and (logflag&16>0) and crlevel is not null group by virus, malware_type, crlevel, dstip, srcip order by total_num desc)###) t group by virus, malware_type, risk_level order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Failed-Login-Attempts |
Top Failed Login Attempts |
event |
select `user` as f_user, ui, dstip, count(status) as total_failed from $log where $filter and nullifna(`user`) is not null and logid_to_int(logid) = 32002 group by ui, f_user, dstip order by total_failed desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Failed-Authentication-Attempts |
VPN failed logins |
event |
select f_user, tunneltype, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`xauthuser`), `user`) as f_user, tunneltype, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and subtype='vpn' and (tunneltype='ipsec' or left(tunneltype, 3)='ssl') and action in ('ssl-login-fail', 'ipsec-login-fail') and coalesce(nullifna(`xauthuser`), nullifna(`user`)) is not null group by f_user, tunneltype)### t group by f_user, tunneltype order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Top-Denied-Connections |
Top Denied Connections |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, service || & #039;(' || ipstr(srcip) || ')' as interface, dstip, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and action = 'deny' group by user_src, interface, dstip order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Failed-Compliance-Checked-By-Device |
Failed Compliance Checked by Device |
event |
select devid, & #039;Failed' as results, count(distinct reason) as total_num from ###(select devid, reason from $log where $filter and subtype='compliance-check' and result='fail' group by devid, reason)### t group by devid, results order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Ioc-Blacklist-Summary |
IOC Blacklist Summary |
app-ctrl |
drop table if exists tmp_ep_eu_map; create temporary table tmp_ep_eu_map as ( select epid, euid from $ADOM_EPEU_DEVMAP where euid >= 1024 ); select coalesce( nullifna(epname), nullifna( ipstr(`srcip`) ), & #039;Unknown') as epname, user_agg, sevid, (CASE sevid WHEN 5 THEN 'Critical' WHEN 4 THEN 'High' WHEN 3 THEN 'Medium' WHEN '2' THEN 'Info' ELSE 'Low' END) as severity, threats, bl_count as total_bl from (select th1.epid, srcip, sevid, bl_count, threats from (select epid, srcip, max(verdict)+1 as sevid, sum(bl_count) as bl_count from ((select epid, srcip, day_st as itime, bl_count, verdict, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_IOC_VERDICT where bl_count>0) union all (select epid, srcip, day_st as itime, bl_count, verdict, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_INTERIM_IOC_VERDICT where bl_count>0)) tvdt inner join devtable td on td.dvid = tvdt.dvid_s where $filter and $filter-drilldown and $dev_filter group by epid, srcip) th1 inner join (select epid, string_agg(name, ',') as threats from ((select epid, thid from ((select epid, thid, itime, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from (select epid, unnest(threatid) as thid, day_st as itime, dvid from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_IOC_VERDICT where bl_count>0) ta1) union all (select epid, thid, itime, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from (select epid, unnest(threatid) as thid, day_st as itime, dvid from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_INTERIM_IOC_VERDICT where bl_count>0) ta2)) t inner join devtable td on td.dvid = t.dvid_s where $filter and $filter-drilldown and $dev_filter group by epid, thid) thr inner join td_threat_name_mdata tm on t group by epid) th2 on th1.epid=th2.epid) t1 left join (select epid, string_agg(distinct euname, ',') as user_agg from tmp_ep_eu_map tpu inner join $ADOM_ENDUSER as teu on tpu.euid=teu.euid group by epid) t2 on t2.epid=t1.epid inner join $ADOM_ENDPOINT as tep on tep.epid=t1.epid order by total_bl desc, sevid desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Ioc-Potential-Breach-By-Day |
IOC Potential Breach by Day |
app-ctrl |
select number, day_st as itime from ( select count(epid) as number, to_char( from_itime(itime), & #039;Day') as day_st from (select epid, day_st as itime, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_INTERIM_IOC_VERDICT where cs_count>0 union all (select epid, day_st as itime, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_IOC_VERDICT where cs_count>0)) t inner join devtable td on td.dvid = t.dvid_s where $filter and $filter-drilldown group by day_st) tt order by itime
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Ioc-Potential-Breach-By-Day-Bar |
IOC Potential Breach by Day |
app-ctrl |
select number, day_st as itime from ( select count(epid) as number, to_char( from_itime(itime), & #039;Day') as day_st from (select epid, day_st as itime, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_INTERIM_IOC_VERDICT where cs_count>0 union all (select epid, day_st as itime, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_IOC_VERDICT where cs_count>0)) t inner join devtable td on td.dvid = t.dvid_s where $filter and $filter-drilldown group by day_st) tt order by itime
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Ioc-Suspicion-Summary |
IOC Suspicion Summary |
app-ctrl |
select coalesce( nullifna(epname), nullifna( ipstr(`srcip`) ), & #039;Unknown') as epname, cs_count as total_cs, cs_score as max_cs, verdict as max_verdict, threats from (select th1.epid, srcip, itime, cs_count, verdict, cs_score, threats from (select epid, srcip, min(itime) as itime, sum(cs_count) as cs_count, max(verdict) as verdict, max(cs_score) as cs_score from ((select epid, srcip, day_st as itime, cs_count, verdict, cs_score, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_IOC_VERDICT where bl_count=0 and cs_count>0) union all (select epid, srcip, day_st as itime, cs_count, verdict, cs_score, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_INTERIM_IOC_VERDICT where bl_count=0 and cs_count>0)) tvdt inner join devtable td on td.dvid = tvdt.dvid_s where $filter and $filter-drilldown group by epid, srcip) th1 inner join (select epid, string_agg(name, ',') as threats from ((select epid, thid from ((select epid, thid, itime, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from (select epid, unnest(threatid) as thid, day_st as itime, dvid from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_IOC_VERDICT where bl_count=0 and cs_count>0) ta1) union all (select epid, thid, itime, unnest(dvid) as dvid_s from (select epid, unnest(threatid) as thid, day_st as itime, dvid from $ADOMTBL_PLHD_INTERIM_IOC_VERDICT where bl_count=0 and cs_count>0) ta2)) tt1 inner join devtable td on td.dvid = tt1.dvid_s where $filter and $filter-drilldown group by epid, thid) thr inner join td_threat_name_mdata tm on tt2 group by epid) th2 on th1.epid=th2.epid) t inner join $ADOM_ENDPOINT as tep on tep.epid=t.epid order by max_verdict desc, max_cs desc, total_cs desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Botnet-IP |
Top Source IP Affected by Botnet |
virus |
select f_user, srcip, string_agg( distinct `virus`, & #039;,') as virus_agg, count(distinct ipstr(`dstip`)) as dstip_cnt, max(action) as action, sum(total_num) as total_num, min(from_itime(first_seen)) as first_seen, max(from_itime(last_seen)) as last_seen from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`)) as f_user, srcip, virus, dstip, max(action) as action, count(*) as total_num, min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and logid in ('0202009248', '0202009249') and virus is not null group by srcip, f_user, virus, dstip order by total_num desc)### t group by srcip, f_user order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Botnet-Domain |
New Botnet Domains |
dns |
select botnet, count(distinct `qname`) as qname_cnt, count( distinct ipstr(`dstip`) ) as dnssvr_cnt, sum(total_num) as total_num, min( from_itime(first_seen) ) as first_seen, max( from_itime(last_seen) ) as last_seen from ###(select coalesce(`botnetdomain`, ipstr(`botnetip`)) as botnet, qname, dstip, count(*) as total_num, min(nanosec_to_sec(eventtime)) as first_seen, max(nanosec_to_sec(eventtime)) as last_seen from $log where $filter and logid in ('1501054601', '1501054600') group by botnet, qname, dstip order by total_num desc)### t group by botnet order by first_seen desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-High-Risk-URL-Category |
Category of High Risk URLs |
webfilter |
select catdesc, string_agg( distinct hostname, & #039;,') as hostname_agg, max(action) as action, sum(total_num) as total_num, min(from_itime(first_seen)) as first_seen, max(from_itime(last_seen)) as last_seen from ###(select catdesc, hostname, max(action) as action, count(*) as total_num, min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and cat in (26, 61, 86, 88, 90, 91, 93) group by catdesc, hostname order by total_num desc)### t group by catdesc order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
aware-Malicious-Files |
Type of Malicious Files from AV and Sandbox |
virus |
select virus, left(url_agg, 1000) as url_agg, left(filename_agg, 1000) as filename_agg, quarskip, action, from_sandbox, total_num, first_seen, last_seen from ( select virus, string_agg( distinct url, & #039;<br/>') as url_agg, string_agg(distinct filename, '<br/>') as filename_agg, max(quarskip) as quarskip, max(action) as action, max(from_sandbox) as from_sandbox, sum(total_num) as total_num, min(from_itime(first_seen)) as first_seen, max(from_itime(last_seen)) as last_seen from ###(select virus, url, filename, max(quarskip) as quarskip, max(action) as action, (case when logid in ('0211009234', '0211009235') then 1 else 0 end) as from_sandbox, count(*) as total_num, min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and virus is not null and logid in ('0211009234', '0201009235', '0211008192', '0211008193', '0211008194', '0211008195') group by virus, url, filename, from_sandbox order by total_num desc)### t group by virus) t order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-New-Users |
New users |
fct-traffic |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, min(dtime) as start_time from $log where $pre_period $filter group by f_user order by start_time desc)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, min(dtime) as start_time from $log where $filter group by f_user order by start_time desc)###; select f_user, from_dtime(min(start_time)) as start_time from rpt_tmptbl_2 where f_user is not null and not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where rpt_tmptbl_2.f_user=rpt_tmptbl_1.f_user) group by f_user order by start_time desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-New-Devices |
New devices |
fct-traffic |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select hostname, os, srcip, fctver from $log where $pre_period $filter and hostname is not null group by hostname, os, srcip, fctver order by hostname)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select hostname, os, srcip, fctver from $log where $filter and hostname is not null group by hostname, os, srcip, fctver order by hostname)###; select hostname, max(fctos_to_devtype(os)) as devtype, string_agg(distinct os, '/') as os_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(srcip), '/') as srcip_agg, string_agg(distinct fctver, '/') as fctver_agg from rpt_tmptbl_2 where not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where rpt_tmptbl_2.hostname=rpt_tmptbl_1.hostname) group by hostname order by hostname
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-New-Software-Installed |
New software installed |
fct-traffic |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select srcproduct, hostname from $log where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(srcproduct) is not null group by srcproduct, hostname order by srcproduct)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select srcproduct, hostname from $log where $filter and nullifna(srcproduct) is not null group by srcproduct, hostname order by srcproduct)###; select srcproduct, string_agg(distinct hostname, ',') as host_agg from rpt_tmptbl_2 where not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where rpt_tmptbl_2.srcproduct=rpt_tmptbl_1.srcproduct) group by srcproduct order by srcproduct
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-New-Security-Threats |
New security threats |
virus |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as select * from ( ###(select app as threat_name, 1 as cat_id, srcip from $log-app-ctrl where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(app) is not null and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by threat_name, cat_id, srcip)### union all ###(select virus as threat_name, 2 as cat_id, srcip from $log-virus where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by threat_name, cat_id, srcip)### union all ###(select attack as threat_name, 3 as cat_id, srcip from $log-attack where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by threat_name, cat_id, srcip)###) t; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as select * from (###(select $DAY_OF_MONTH as daystamp, app as threat_name, 1 as cat_id, srcip from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and nullifna(app) is not null and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by daystamp, threat_name, cat_id, srcip order by daystamp)### union all ###(select $DAY_OF_MONTH as daystamp, virus as threat_name, 2 as cat_id, srcip from $log-virus where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by daystamp, threat_name, cat_id, srcip order by daystamp)### union all ###(select $DAY_OF_MONTH as daystamp, attack as threat_name, 3 as cat_id, srcip from $log-attack where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by daystamp, threat_name, cat_id, srcip order by daystamp)###) t; select threat_name, (case cat_id when 1 then 'Botnet' when 2 then 'Malware' when 3 then 'Attack' end) as threat_cat, count(distinct srcip) as host_num, string_agg(distinct cve, ',') as cve_agg from rpt_tmptbl_2 left join ips_mdata t2 on where not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where rpt_tmptbl_2.threat_name=rpt_tmptbl_1.threat_name) group by threat_name, threat_cat order by host_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-dns-Botnet-Domain-IP |
New Queried Botnet C&C Domains and IPs |
dns |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as domain, cast('Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as malware_type, (case when action='block' then 'Blocked' when action='redirect' then 'Redirected' else 'Passed' end) as action, srcip, (CASE WHEN level IN ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') THEN 5 WHEN level='error' THEN 4 WHEN level='warning' THEN 3 WHEN level='notice' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) as sevid, coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as sources_s, count(*) as total_num from $log where $pre_period $filter and (botnetdomain is not null or botnetip is not null) group by domain, action, srcip, sevid order by sevid desc)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as domain, cast('Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as malware_type, (case when action='block' then 'Blocked' when action='redirect' then 'Redirected' else 'Passed' end) as action, srcip, (CASE WHEN level IN ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') THEN 5 WHEN level='error' THEN 4 WHEN level='warning' THEN 3 WHEN level='notice' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) as sevid, coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as sources_s, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and (botnetdomain is not null or botnetip is not null) group by domain, action, srcip, sevid order by sevid desc)###; select domain, srcip, sevid, (CASE sevid WHEN 5 THEN 'Critical' WHEN 4 THEN 'High' WHEN 3 THEN 'Medium' WHEN '2' THEN 'Info' ELSE 'Low' END) as severity from rpt_tmptbl_2 where (domain is not null and not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where rpt_tmptbl_2.domain=rpt_tmptbl_1.domain)) or (srcip is not null and not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where rpt_tmptbl_2.srcip=rpt_tmptbl_1.srcip)) group by domain, srcip, sevid order by sevid desc, domain
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-New-Security-Threats-Timeline |
New security threats timeline |
virus |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as select * from ( ###(select app as threat_name, 1 as cat_id, srcip from $log-app-ctrl where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(app) is not null and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by threat_name, cat_id, srcip)### union all ###(select virus as threat_name, 2 as cat_id, srcip from $log-virus where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by threat_name, cat_id, srcip)### union all ###(select attack as threat_name, 3 as cat_id, srcip from $log-attack where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by threat_name, cat_id, srcip)###) t; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as select * from (###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, app as threat_name, 1 as cat_id, srcip from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and nullifna(app) is not null and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by timestamp, threat_name, cat_id, srcip order by timestamp)### union all ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, virus as threat_name, 2 as cat_id, srcip from $log-virus where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by timestamp, threat_name, cat_id, srcip order by timestamp)### union all ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, attack as threat_name, 3 as cat_id, srcip from $log-attack where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by timestamp, threat_name, cat_id, srcip order by timestamp)###) t; select $flex_datetime(timestamp) as timescale, count(distinct srcip) as host_num, (case cat_id when 1 then 'Botnet' when 2 then 'Malware' when 3 then 'Attack' end) as threat_cat from rpt_tmptbl_2 where not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where rpt_tmptbl_2.threat_name=rpt_tmptbl_1.threat_name) group by timescale, cat_id order by timescale, cat_id
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-New-Vulnerability |
New vulnerabilities |
fct-netscan |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname from $log where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname)###; select vulnname, (case when vulnseverity='Critical' then 5 when vulnseverity='High' then 4 when vulnseverity='Medium' then 3 when vulnseverity='Low' then 2 when vulnseverity='Info' then 1 else 0 end) as sev, vulnseverity, vulncat, count(distinct hostname) as host_num, cve_id from rpt_tmptbl_2 t1 left join fct_mdata t2 on t1.vulnid=t2.vid::int where not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where t1.vulnid=rpt_tmptbl_1.vulnid) group by vulnname, sev, vulnseverity, vulncat, cve_id order by sev desc, host_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-New-Vulnerability-Graph |
New vulnerabilities (Graph) |
fct-netscan |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname from $log where $pre_period $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname from $log where $filter and nullifna(vulnname) is not null group by vulnid, vulnname, vulnseverity, vulncat, hostname)###; select vulnseverity, count (distinct vulnid) as vuln_num from rpt_tmptbl_2 where not exists (select 1 from rpt_tmptbl_1 where rpt_tmptbl_2.vulnid=rpt_tmptbl_1.vulnid) group by vulnseverity order by (case when vulnseverity='Critical' then 5 when vulnseverity='High' then 4 when vulnseverity='Medium' then 3 when vulnseverity='Low' then 2 when vulnseverity='Info' then 1 else 0 end) desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-System-Alerts |
System Alerts |
local-event |
select from_itime(itime) as timestamp, msg from $log where $filter and msg is not null and level =& #039;critical' order by timestamp desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-Configuration-Changes |
Configuration Changes |
event |
select `user` as f_user, devid, from_dtime(dtime) as time_s, ui, msg from $log where $filter and cfgtid>0 order by time_s desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-FortiGate-Upgrades |
FortiGate Upgrades |
event |
select devid, from_dtime(dtime) as time_s, info[1] as intf, info[2] as prev_ver, info[3] as new_ver from ( select devid, dtime, regexp_matches( msg, & #039;from ([^ ]+) \\(([^ ]+) -> ([^)]+)\\)') as info from $log where $filter and action='restore-image') t order by time_s desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
newthing-User-Upgrades |
User Upgrades |
fct-event |
drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_1; drop table if exists rpt_tmptbl_2; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_1 as ###(select distinct on (1, 2) fgtserial, hostname, deviceip, os, dtime from $log where $pre_period $filter and hostname is not null order by fgtserial, hostname, dtime desc)###; create temporary table rpt_tmptbl_2 as ###(select distinct on (1, 2) fgtserial, hostname, deviceip, os, dtime from $log where $filter and hostname is not null order by fgtserial, hostname, dtime desc)###; select distinct on (1, 2) t2.fgtserial as devid, t2.hostname, t2.deviceip, t1.os as prev_os, t2.os as cur_os, from_dtime(t1.dtime) as time_s from rpt_tmptbl_2 t2 inner join rpt_tmptbl_1 t1 on t2.fgtserial=t1.fgtserial and t2.hostname=t1.hostname and t2.os!=t1.os order by devid, t2.hostname, t1.dtime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
GTP-List-of-APN-Used |
List of APNs Used |
gtp |
select apn, from_dtime( min(first_seen) ) as first_seen, from_dtime( max(last_seen) ) as last_seen from ###(select apn, min(dtime) as first_seen, max(dtime) as last_seen from $log where $filter and nullifna(apn) is not null group by apn order by last_seen desc)### t group by apn order by last_seen desc, first_seen
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
GTP-Top-APN-by-Bytes |
Top APNs by Bytes |
gtp |
select apn, sum( coalesce(`u-bytes`, 0) ) as total_bytes from $log where $filter and nullifna(apn) is not null and status =& #039;traffic-count' group by apn having sum(coalesce(`u-bytes`, 0))>0 order by total_bytes desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
GTP-Top-APN-by-Duration |
Top APNs by Duration |
gtp |
select apn, sum( coalesce(duration, 0) ) as total_dura from $log where $filter and nullifna(apn) is not null and status =& #039;traffic-count' group by apn having sum(coalesce(duration, 0)) >0 order by total_dura desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
GTP-Top-APN-by-Packets |
Top APNs by Number of Packets |
gtp |
select apn, sum( coalesce(`u-pkts`, 0) ) as total_num from $log where $filter and nullifna(apn) is not null and status =& #039;traffic-count' group by apn having sum(coalesce(`u-pkts`, 0))>0 order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top10-dns-Botnet-Domain-IP |
Top Queried Botnet C&C Domains and IPs |
dns |
select domain, malware_type, action, count(distinct srcip) as victims, count(distinct sources_s) as sources, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as domain, cast('Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as malware_type, (case when action='block' then 'Blocked' when action='redirect' then 'Redirected' else 'Passed' end) as action, srcip, (CASE WHEN level IN ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') THEN 5 WHEN level='error' THEN 4 WHEN level='warning' THEN 3 WHEN level='notice' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) as sevid, coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as sources_s, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and (botnetdomain is not null or botnetip is not null) group by domain, action, srcip, sevid order by sevid desc)### t group by domain, malware_type, action order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
dns-Botnet-Usage |
Top Queried Botnet C&C Domains and IPs |
dns |
select domain, malware_type, action, count(distinct srcip) as victims, count(distinct sources_s) as sources, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as domain, cast('Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as malware_type, (case when action='block' then 'Blocked' when action='redirect' then 'Redirected' else 'Passed' end) as action, srcip, (CASE WHEN level IN ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') THEN 5 WHEN level='error' THEN 4 WHEN level='warning' THEN 3 WHEN level='notice' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) as sevid, coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as sources_s, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and (botnetdomain is not null or botnetip is not null) group by domain, action, srcip, sevid order by sevid desc)### t group by domain, malware_type, action order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Dns-Detected-Botnet |
Top Queried Botnet C&C Domains and IPs |
dns |
select domain, malware_type, action, count(distinct srcip) as victims, count(distinct sources_s) as sources, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as domain, cast('Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as malware_type, (case when action='block' then 'Blocked' when action='redirect' then 'Redirected' else 'Passed' end) as action, srcip, (CASE WHEN level IN ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') THEN 5 WHEN level='error' THEN 4 WHEN level='warning' THEN 3 WHEN level='notice' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) as sevid, coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as sources_s, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and (botnetdomain is not null or botnetip is not null) group by domain, action, srcip, sevid order by sevid desc)### t group by domain, malware_type, action order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
dns-Botnet-Domain-IP |
Queried Botnet C&C Domains and IPs |
dns |
select domain, srcip, sevid, ( CASE sevid WHEN 5 THEN & #039;Critical' WHEN 4 THEN 'High' WHEN 3 THEN 'Medium' WHEN '2' THEN 'Info' ELSE 'Low' END) as severity from ###(select coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as domain, cast('Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as malware_type, (case when action='block' then 'Blocked' when action='redirect' then 'Redirected' else 'Passed' end) as action, srcip, (CASE WHEN level IN ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') THEN 5 WHEN level='error' THEN 4 WHEN level='warning' THEN 3 WHEN level='notice' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) as sevid, coalesce(botnetdomain, ipstr(botnetip)) as sources_s, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and (botnetdomain is not null or botnetip is not null) group by domain, action, srcip, sevid order by sevid desc)### t group by domain, srcip, sevid order by sevid desc, domain
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
dns-High-Risk-Source |
High Risk Sources |
dns |
select srcip, sum(total_num) as total_num, sum( case when sevid = 5 then total_num else 0 end ) as num_cri, sum( case when sevid = 4 then total_num else 0 end ) as num_hig, sum( case when sevid = 3 then total_num else 0 end ) as num_med from ###(select srcip, (CASE WHEN level IN ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') THEN 5 WHEN level='error' THEN 4 WHEN level='warning' THEN 3 WHEN level='notice' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) as sevid, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and srcip is not null group by srcip, sevid order by total_num desc)### t where sevid>=3 group by srcip having sum(total_num)>0 order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
dns-DNS-Request-Over-Time |
DNS Request Over Time |
dns |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as timescale, sum( case when sevid = 5 then total_num else 0 end ) as num_cri, sum( case when sevid = 4 then total_num else 0 end ) as num_hig, sum( case when sevid = 3 then total_num else 0 end ) as num_med, sum( case when sevid = 2 then total_num else 0 end ) as num_inf, sum( case when sevid = 1 then total_num else 0 end ) as num_low from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, (CASE WHEN level IN ('critical', 'alert', 'emergency') THEN 5 WHEN level='error' THEN 4 WHEN level='warning' THEN 3 WHEN level='notice' THEN 2 ELSE 1 END) as sevid, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter group by timestamp, sevid order by total_num desc)### t group by timescale order by timescale
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
dns-Top-Queried-Domain |
Top Queried Domain |
dns |
select qname, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and qname is not null group by qname order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
dns-Top-Domain-Lookup-Failure-Bar |
Top Domain Lookup Failures |
dns |
select qname, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and qname is not null and ( action =& #039;block' or logid_to_int(logid)=54001) group by qname, srcip order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
dns-Top-Domain-Lookup-Failure-Table |
Top Domain Lookup Failures |
dns |
select qname, srcip, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and qname is not null and ( action =& #039;block' or logid_to_int(logid)=54001) group by qname, srcip order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
dns-Query-Timeout |
Query Timeout |
dns |
select srcip, qname, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and srcip is not null and logid_to_int(logid)= 54001 group by qname, srcip order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
dns-Blocked-Query |
Blocked Queries |
dns |
select srcip, msg, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and srcip is not null and action =& #039;block' group by srcip, msg order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-cpu-usage-drilldown |
Fortigate resource detail timeline |
event |
select hodex, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak) as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select hodex, devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, sum(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, sum(cps)/ sum(count) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid, slot) t group by hodex, devid, role) t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-mem-usage-drilldown |
Fortigate resource detail timeline |
event |
select hodex, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak) as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select hodex, devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, sum(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, sum(cps)/ sum(count) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid, slot) t group by hodex, devid, role) t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-disk-usage-drilldown |
Fortigate resource detail timeline |
event |
select hodex, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak) as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select hodex, devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, sum(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, sum(cps)/ sum(count) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid, slot) t group by hodex, devid, role) t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-sessions-drilldown |
Fortigate resource detail timeline |
event |
select hodex, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak) as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select hodex, devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, sum(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, sum(cps)/ sum(count) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid, slot) t group by hodex, devid, role) t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-lograte-drilldown |
Fortigate resource detail timeline |
event |
select hodex, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak) as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select hodex, devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, sum(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, sum(cps)/ sum(count) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid, slot) t group by hodex, devid, role) t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-connections-drilldown |
Fortigate resource detail timeline |
event |
select hodex, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak) as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select hodex, devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, sum(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, sum(cps)/ sum(count) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid, slot) t group by hodex, devid, role) t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-bandwidth-drilldown |
Fortigate resource detail timeline |
event |
select hodex, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak) as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select hodex, devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, cast( sum(cps_ave) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave, sum(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ( select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak, sum(cps)/ sum(count) as cps_ave, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid, slot) t group by hodex, devid, role) t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-usage-summary-average |
Fortigate resource summary view |
event |
select devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak from ( select devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t group by devid, slot) t group by devid, role order by devid, role
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-usage-summary-peak |
Fortigate resource summary view |
event |
select devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak from ( select devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t group by devid, slot) t group by devid, role order by devid, role
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
perf-stat-usage-details-drilldown-master |
Fortigate resource summary view |
event |
select devid, get_fgt_role(devid, slot) as role, cast( sum(cpu_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(mem_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(disk_ave)/ count(*) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(log_rate) as decimal(10, 2) ) as log_rate, cast( sum(sessions) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, cast( sum(sent_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(transmit_kbps) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, cast( sum(lograte_peak) as decimal(10, 2) ) as lograte_peak, sum(session_peak) as session_peak, sum(transmit_kbps_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak from ( select devid, slot, sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as cpu_ave, sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as mem_ave, sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as disk_ave, sum( total_trate + total_erate + total_orate )/ 100.00 / sum(count) as log_rate, sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as sessions, sum(sent)/ sum(count) as sent_kbps, sum(recv)/ sum(count) as recv_kbps, sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as transmit_kbps, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak, max(lograte_peak)/ 100.00 as lograte_peak, max(session_peak) as session_peak, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, slot, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid, slot)### t group by devid, slot) t group by devid, role order by devid, role
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
incident-Incident-Count-by-Status |
Incident status distribution |
select status, count(*) as cnt from $incident group by status order by status
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
incident-Incident-Count-by-Status-Donut |
Incident status distribution |
select status, count(*) as cnt from $incident group by status order by status
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
incident-Open-Incident-Count-Timeline |
Incident count by status over time |
select $flex_timescale(agg_time) as hodex, max(num_sta_draft) as num_sta_draft, max(num_sta_analysis) as num_sta_analysis, max(num_sta_response) as num_sta_response, max(num_sta_closed) as num_sta_closed, max(num_sta_cancelled) as num_sta_cancelled from $incident_history where $cust_time_filter(agg_time) group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
incident-Closed-Incident-Count-Timeline |
Incident count by status over time |
select $flex_timescale(agg_time) as hodex, max(num_sta_draft) as num_sta_draft, max(num_sta_analysis) as num_sta_analysis, max(num_sta_response) as num_sta_response, max(num_sta_closed) as num_sta_closed, max(num_sta_cancelled) as num_sta_cancelled from $incident_history where $cust_time_filter(agg_time) group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-10-Apps-by-Bandwidth |
Top applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-10-User-by-Bandwidth |
Top users by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, srcip, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and srcip is not null group by user_src, srcip having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-10-Applications-by-Number-of-Users |
Top Applications by number of users |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, count(distinct user_src) as number from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, app, appcat from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by user_src, app, appcat)### t group by app_group order by number desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-10-User-by-Session |
Top user by session count |
traffic |
select coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as user_src, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by user_src order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-10-Apps-by-Session |
Top applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Applications-by-Risk-Level |
Applications by Risk Level |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, min(id) as id, appcat, max(risk) as d_risk, ( case when max(risk)=& #039;5' then 'Critical' when max(risk)='4' then 'High' when max(risk)='3' then 'Medium' when max(risk)='2' then 'Low' else 'Info' end) as risk_level, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(sent) as sent, sum(received) as received, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select appid, app, appcat, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as sent, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as received, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by appid, app, appcat order by bandwidth desc)### t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower( group by app_group, appcat order by d_risk desc, bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
soc-Event-vs-Incident-Today-Trend |
Events vs Incidents Today Trend |
select item, num_cur, num_pre, num_diff from ( select & #039;Events' as item, num_cur, num_pre, (num_cur-num_pre) as num_diff from (select (select count(*) from $event where $cust_time_filter(alerttime,TODAY)) as num_cur, (select count(*) from $event where $cust_time_filter(alerttime,YESTERDAY)) as num_pre) t union all select 'Incidents' as item, num_cur, num_pre, (num_cur-num_pre) as num_diff from (select (select count(*) from $incident where $cust_time_filter(createtime,TODAY)) as num_cur, (select count(*) from $incident where $cust_time_filter(createtime,YESTERDAY)) as num_pre) t) t order by item
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
soc-Event-vs-Incident-History-Trend |
Events vs Incidents History Trend |
select item, num_cur, num_pre, num_diff from ( select & #039;Events' as item, num_cur, num_pre, (num_cur-num_pre) as num_diff from (select (select count(*) from $event where $cust_time_filter(alerttime)) as num_cur, (select count(*) from $event where $cust_time_filter(alerttime,LAST_N_PERIOD,1)) as num_pre) t union all select 'Incidents' as item, num_cur, num_pre, (num_cur-num_pre) as num_diff from (select (select count(*) from $incident where $cust_time_filter(createtime)) as num_cur, (select count(*) from $incident where $cust_time_filter(createtime,LAST_N_PERIOD,1)) as num_pre) t) t order by item
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
soc-Event-vs-Incident-Trend |
Events vs Incidents Trend |
select t1.item, t1.num_cur as num_today, t1.num_pre as num_yesterday, t1.num_diff as num_diff1, t2.num_cur as num_this_period, t2.num_pre as num_last_period, t2.num_diff as num_diff2 from ( select & #039;Events' as item, num_cur, num_pre, (num_cur-num_pre) as num_diff from (select (select count(*) from $event where $cust_time_filter(alerttime,TODAY)) as num_cur, (select count(*) from $event where $cust_time_filter(alerttime,YESTERDAY)) as num_pre) t union all select 'Incidents' as item, num_cur, num_pre, (num_cur-num_pre) as num_diff from (select (select count(*) from $incident where $cust_time_filter(createtime,TODAY)) as num_cur, (select count(*) from $incident where $cust_time_filter(createtime,YESTERDAY)) as num_pre) t) t1 full join (select 'Events' as item, num_cur, num_pre, (num_cur-num_pre) as num_diff from (select (select count(*) from $event where $cust_time_filter(alerttime)) as num_cur, (select count(*) from $event where $cust_time_filter(alerttime,LAST_N_PERIOD,1)) as num_pre) t union all select 'Incidents' as item, num_cur, num_pre, (num_cur-num_pre) as num_diff from (select (select count(*) from $incident where $cust_time_filter(createtime)) as num_cur, (select count(*) from $incident where $cust_time_filter(createtime,LAST_N_PERIOD,1)) as num_pre) t) t2 on t1.item=t2.item order by t1.item
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
soc-Total-Event-by-Severity |
Total Events by Severity |
select ( CASE severity WHEN 0 THEN & #039;Critical' WHEN 1 THEN 'High' WHEN 2 THEN 'Medium' WHEN 3 THEN 'Low' ELSE NULL END) as sev, count(*) as num_events from $event group by severity order by severity
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
soc-Total-Event-by-Severity-History |
Total Events by Severity History |
select dom, ( CASE severity WHEN 0 THEN & #039;Critical' WHEN 1 THEN 'High' WHEN 2 THEN 'Medium' WHEN 3 THEN 'Low' ELSE NULL END) as sev, sum(num_events) as num_events from (select dom, unnest(agg_sev) as severity, unnest(agg_num) as num_events from (select $DAY_OF_MONTH(agg_time) as dom, array[0, 1, 2, 3] as agg_sev, array[max(num_sev_critical), max(num_sev_high), max(num_sev_medium), max(num_sev_low)] as agg_num from $event_history where $cust_time_filter(agg_time) group by dom order by dom) t) t group by dom, severity order by dom, severity
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
soc-Total-Event-by-Severity-Category |
Total Events Count by Severity and Category |
select ( CASE severity WHEN 0 THEN & #039;Critical' WHEN 1 THEN 'High' WHEN 2 THEN 'Medium' WHEN 3 THEN 'Low' ELSE NULL END) as sev, triggername, count(*) as num_events from $event group by severity, triggername order by severity, triggername
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
soc-Total-Incident-by-Severity |
Total Incidents by Severity |
select severity, count(*) as num_inc from $incident group by severity order by severity
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
soc-Total-Event-vs-Incident-History |
Total Events vs Incidents History |
select coalesce(t1.hodex, t2.hodex) as hodex, coalesce(num_event_total, 0) as num_event_total, coalesce(num_inc_total, 0) as num_inc_total, coalesce(num_event_high, 0) as num_event_high from ( select $flex_timescale(agg_time) as hodex, max(num_total) as num_event_total, max(num_sev_critical + num_sev_high) as num_event_high from $event_history where $cust_time_filter(agg_time) group by hodex order by hodex ) t1 full join ( select $flex_timescale(agg_time) as hodex, max( num_sev_high + num_sev_medium + num_sev_low ) as num_inc_total from $incident_history where $cust_time_filter(agg_time) group by hodex order by hodex ) t2 on t1.hodex = t2.hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
soc-Incident-List |
List of Incidents |
select incid_to_str(incid) as incnum, from_itime(createtime) as timestamp, category, severity, status, endpoint from $incident where $cust_time_filter(createtime) order by createtime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fex-RSRQ-timeline |
FortiExtender RSRQ timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, cast( sum(rsrq_sum)/ sum(count) as decimal(18, 2) ) || & #039;dB' as rsrq from ###(select $flex_timestamp(dtime) as timestamp, sum(to_number(rsrq, '999999.99')) as rsrq_sum, sum(to_number(sinr, '999999.99')) as sinr_sum, count(*) as count from $log where $filter and logid='0111046409' group by timestamp order by timestamp desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fex-SINR-timeline |
FortiExtender SINR timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, cast( sum(sinr_sum)/ sum(count) as decimal(18, 0) ) || & #039;dB' as sinr from ###(select $flex_timestamp(dtime) as timestamp, sum(to_number(rsrq, '999999.99')) as rsrq_sum, sum(to_number(sinr, '999999.99')) as sinr_sum, count(*) as count from $log where $filter and logid='0111046409' group by timestamp order by timestamp desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-device-monitoring-inventory |
FortiGate Device Monitoring Inventory |
event |
select devname, ( & #039; ' || devid) as id_devid, ip, platform, os, '1' as total_num from $func-fgt-inventory as t1 where exists (select 1 from devtable t2 where $dev_filter and t2.devid=t1.devid) order by devname
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-inventory-hardware |
FortiGate Monitoring Inventory Hardware |
event |
select platform, count(*) as total_num from $func - fgt - inventory as t1 where exists ( select 1 from devtable t2 where $dev_filter and t2.devid = t1.devid ) group by platform order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-inventory-software |
FortiGate Monitoring Inventory Software |
event |
select & #039;FortiOS' as sf_name, (platform || ' ' || os) as firmware, count(*) as total_num from $func-fgt-inventory as t1 where exists (select 1 from devtable t2 where $dev_filter and t2.devid=t1.devid) group by platform, os order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
cup-utilization-timeline-for-each-device |
FortiGate cpu utilization timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, cast( sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(sent)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
status-timeline-by-device-cpu-utilization |
FortiGate cpu summary view |
event |
select devid, cast( sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by cpu_peak desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-cpu-utilization-dev |
FortiGate cpu summary view |
event |
select devid, cast( sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, max(cpu_peak) as cpu_peak from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by cpu_peak desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
memory-utilization-timeline-for-each-device |
FortiGate cpu utilization timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, cast( sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(sent)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
status-timeline-by-device-mem-utilization |
FortiGate memory summary view |
event |
select devid, cast( sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by mem_peak desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-mem-utilization-dev |
FortiGate memory summary view |
event |
select devid, cast( sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, max(mem_peak) as mem_peak from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by mem_peak desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
disk-utilization-timeline-for-each-device |
FortiGate cpu utilization timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, cast( sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(sent)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
status-timeline-by-device-disk-utilization |
FortiGate disk summary view |
event |
select devid, cast( sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by disk_peak desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-disk-utilization-dev |
FortiGate disk summary view |
event |
select devid, cast( sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, max(disk_peak) as disk_peak from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by disk_peak desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-total-session-summary |
FortiGate Total Sessions |
event |
select devid, max(session_peak) as max_session, cast( sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak, cast( sum(cps)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by max_session desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-session-rate-summary |
FortiGate Session Rate |
event |
select devid, max(cps_peak) as max_rate from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by max_rate desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-session-summary-dev |
FortiGate Total Sessions |
event |
select devid, max(session_peak) as max_session, cast( sum(totalsession)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sessions, max(cps_peak) as cps_peak, cast( sum(cps)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as cps_ave from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by max_session desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-down-timeline-for-each-device |
FortiGate Interface Down Timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, status, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=20099 and status='DOWN' group by timestamp, devid, status)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-down-timeline-by-device |
FortiGate Interface Down by Device |
event |
select devid, status, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, status, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=20099 and status='DOWN' group by timestamp, devid, status)### t group by devid, status order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-down-dev-donut |
FortiGate Interface Down by Device |
event |
select devid, status, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, status, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=20099 and status='DOWN' group by timestamp, devid, status)### t group by devid, status order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-down-dev-tbl |
FortiGate Interface Down by Device |
event |
select devid, status, sum(total_num) as total_num from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, status, count(*) as total_num from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=20099 and status='DOWN' group by timestamp, devid, status)### t group by devid, status order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
intf-sent-timeline-for-each-device |
FortiGate cpu utilization timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, cast( sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(sent)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
status-timeline-by-device-intf-sent |
FortiGate interface summary view |
event |
select devid, cast( sum(sent)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by transmit_kbps_peak desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
intf-recv-timeline-for-each-device |
FortiGate cpu utilization timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, cast( sum(total_cpu)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as cpu_ave, cast( sum(total_mem)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as mem_ave, cast( sum(total_disk)/ sum(count) as decimal(6, 0) ) as disk_ave, cast( sum(sent)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by timestamp, devid)### t where $filter-drilldown group by hodex, devid order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
status-timeline-by-device-intf-recv |
FortiGate interface summary view |
event |
select devid, cast( sum(sent)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by transmit_kbps_peak desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
event-intf-summary-dev |
FortiGate interface summary view |
event |
select devid, cast( sum(sent)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as sent_kbps, cast( sum(recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as recv_kbps, cast( sum(sent + recv)/ sum(count) as decimal(10, 0) ) as transmit_kbps, max(transmit_peak) as transmit_kbps_peak from ###(select min(itime) as first_seen, max(itime) as last_seen, devid, count(*) as count, sum(coalesce(mem, 0)) as total_mem, max(coalesce(mem, 0)) mem_peak, sum(coalesce(disk, 0)) as total_disk, max(coalesce(disk, 0)) as disk_peak, sum(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as total_cpu, max(coalesce(cpu, 0)) as cpu_peak, sum(coalesce(trate, 0)) as total_trate, sum(coalesce(erate, 0)) as total_erate, sum(coalesce(orate, 0)) as total_orate, max(coalesce(trate, 0)+coalesce(erate, 0)+coalesce(orate, 0)) as lograte_peak, sum(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as totalsession, max(coalesce(totalsession, 0)) as session_peak, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)) as sent, sum(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as recv, max(cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 1), '0') as integer)+cast(coalesce(split_part(bandwidth, '/', 2), '0') as integer)) as transmit_peak, sum(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps, max(coalesce(setuprate, 0)) as cps_peak from $log where $filter and action='perf-stats' group by devid)### t group by devid order by transmit_kbps_peak desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-stats-timeline-util-in-each |
FortiGate Interface Statistics Timeline |
event |
select hodex, dev_intf, kbps_out_avg, kbps_in_avg, util_out_avg, util_in_avg from ( select $flex_timescale(tmstamp) as hodex, ( devname || & #039;:' || intfname) as dev_intf, cast(sum(bps_out)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_out_avg, cast(sum(bps_in)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_in_avg, cast(sum(util_out)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_out_avg, cast(sum(util_in)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_in_avg from (select $flex_timestamp(timestamp) as tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname, sum(interval) as interval, sum(sentbps*interval) as bps_out, sum(rcvdbps*interval) as bps_in, sum(sentutil*interval) as util_out, sum(rcvdutil*interval) as util_in from ###(select distinct dvid from $log-event where $filter and action='perf-stats')### tbl_log inner join intfstats tbl_intf on tbl_log.dvid = tbl_intf.dvid where $cust_time_filter(timestamp) group by tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by hodex, dev_intf) t where $filter-drilldown order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-stats-timeline-util-in |
FortiGate Interface Received Utilization |
event |
select ( devname || & #039;:' || intfname) as dev_intf, cast(sum(bps_out)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_out_avg, cast(sum(bps_in)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_in_avg, cast(sum(util_out)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_out_avg, cast(sum(util_in)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_in_avg from (select $flex_timestamp(timestamp) as tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname, sum(interval) as interval, sum(sentbps*interval) as bps_out, sum(rcvdbps*interval) as bps_in, sum(sentutil*interval) as util_out, sum(rcvdutil*interval) as util_in from ###(select distinct dvid from $log-event where $filter and action='perf-stats')### tbl_log inner join intfstats tbl_intf on tbl_log.dvid = tbl_intf.dvid where $cust_time_filter(timestamp) group by tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by dev_intf order by util_in_avg desc, kbps_in_avg desc, kbps_out_avg desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-stats-timeline-util-out-each |
FortiGate Interface Statistics Timeline |
event |
select hodex, dev_intf, kbps_out_avg, kbps_in_avg, util_out_avg, util_in_avg from ( select $flex_timescale(tmstamp) as hodex, ( devname || & #039;:' || intfname) as dev_intf, cast(sum(bps_out)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_out_avg, cast(sum(bps_in)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_in_avg, cast(sum(util_out)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_out_avg, cast(sum(util_in)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_in_avg from (select $flex_timestamp(timestamp) as tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname, sum(interval) as interval, sum(sentbps*interval) as bps_out, sum(rcvdbps*interval) as bps_in, sum(sentutil*interval) as util_out, sum(rcvdutil*interval) as util_in from ###(select distinct dvid from $log-event where $filter and action='perf-stats')### tbl_log inner join intfstats tbl_intf on tbl_log.dvid = tbl_intf.dvid where $cust_time_filter(timestamp) group by tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by hodex, dev_intf) t where $filter-drilldown order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-stats-timeline-util-out |
FortiGate Interface Sent Utilization |
event |
select ( devname || & #039;:' || intfname) as dev_intf, cast(sum(bps_out)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_out_avg, cast(sum(bps_in)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_in_avg, cast(sum(util_out)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_out_avg, cast(sum(util_in)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_in_avg from (select $flex_timestamp(timestamp) as tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname, sum(interval) as interval, sum(sentbps*interval) as bps_out, sum(rcvdbps*interval) as bps_in, sum(sentutil*interval) as util_out, sum(rcvdutil*interval) as util_in from ###(select distinct dvid from $log-event where $filter and action='perf-stats')### tbl_log inner join intfstats tbl_intf on tbl_log.dvid = tbl_intf.dvid where $cust_time_filter(timestamp) group by tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by dev_intf order by util_out_avg desc, kbps_out_avg desc, kbps_in_avg desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-stats-timeline-bit-rate-in-each |
FortiGate Interface Statistics Timeline |
event |
select hodex, dev_intf, kbps_out_avg, kbps_in_avg, util_out_avg, util_in_avg from ( select $flex_timescale(tmstamp) as hodex, ( devname || & #039;:' || intfname) as dev_intf, cast(sum(bps_out)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_out_avg, cast(sum(bps_in)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_in_avg, cast(sum(util_out)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_out_avg, cast(sum(util_in)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_in_avg from (select $flex_timestamp(timestamp) as tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname, sum(interval) as interval, sum(sentbps*interval) as bps_out, sum(rcvdbps*interval) as bps_in, sum(sentutil*interval) as util_out, sum(rcvdutil*interval) as util_in from ###(select distinct dvid from $log-event where $filter and action='perf-stats')### tbl_log inner join intfstats tbl_intf on tbl_log.dvid = tbl_intf.dvid where $cust_time_filter(timestamp) group by tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by hodex, dev_intf) t where $filter-drilldown order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-stats-timeline-bit-rate-in |
FortiGate Interface Received Bit Rate |
event |
select ( devname || & #039;:' || intfname) as dev_intf, cast(sum(bps_out)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_out_avg, cast(sum(bps_in)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_in_avg, cast(sum(util_out)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_out_avg, cast(sum(util_in)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_in_avg from (select $flex_timestamp(timestamp) as tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname, sum(interval) as interval, sum(sentbps*interval) as bps_out, sum(rcvdbps*interval) as bps_in, sum(sentutil*interval) as util_out, sum(rcvdutil*interval) as util_in from ###(select distinct dvid from $log-event where $filter and action='perf-stats')### tbl_log inner join intfstats tbl_intf on tbl_log.dvid = tbl_intf.dvid where $cust_time_filter(timestamp) group by tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by dev_intf order by kbps_in_avg desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-stats-timeline-bit-rate-out-each |
FortiGate Interface Statistics Timeline |
event |
select hodex, dev_intf, kbps_out_avg, kbps_in_avg, util_out_avg, util_in_avg from ( select $flex_timescale(tmstamp) as hodex, ( devname || & #039;:' || intfname) as dev_intf, cast(sum(bps_out)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_out_avg, cast(sum(bps_in)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_in_avg, cast(sum(util_out)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_out_avg, cast(sum(util_in)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_in_avg from (select $flex_timestamp(timestamp) as tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname, sum(interval) as interval, sum(sentbps*interval) as bps_out, sum(rcvdbps*interval) as bps_in, sum(sentutil*interval) as util_out, sum(rcvdutil*interval) as util_in from ###(select distinct dvid from $log-event where $filter and action='perf-stats')### tbl_log inner join intfstats tbl_intf on tbl_log.dvid = tbl_intf.dvid where $cust_time_filter(timestamp) group by tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by hodex, dev_intf) t where $filter-drilldown order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-stats-timeline-bit-rate-out |
FortiGate Interface Sent Bit Rate |
event |
select ( devname || & #039;:' || intfname) as dev_intf, cast(sum(bps_out)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_out_avg, cast(sum(bps_in)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_in_avg, cast(sum(util_out)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_out_avg, cast(sum(util_in)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_in_avg from (select $flex_timestamp(timestamp) as tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname, sum(interval) as interval, sum(sentbps*interval) as bps_out, sum(rcvdbps*interval) as bps_in, sum(sentutil*interval) as util_out, sum(rcvdutil*interval) as util_in from ###(select distinct dvid from $log-event where $filter and action='perf-stats')### tbl_log inner join intfstats tbl_intf on tbl_log.dvid = tbl_intf.dvid where $cust_time_filter(timestamp) group by tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by dev_intf order by kbps_out_avg desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-intf-stats-summary-view |
FortiGate Interface Received Utilization |
event |
select ( devname || & #039;:' || intfname) as dev_intf, cast(sum(bps_out)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_out_avg, cast(sum(bps_in)/sum(interval)/1000 as decimal(10, 0)) as kbps_in_avg, cast(sum(util_out)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_out_avg, cast(sum(util_in)/sum(interval)/100 as decimal(10, 2)) as util_in_avg from (select $flex_timestamp(timestamp) as tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname, sum(interval) as interval, sum(sentbps*interval) as bps_out, sum(rcvdbps*interval) as bps_in, sum(sentutil*interval) as util_out, sum(rcvdutil*interval) as util_in from ###(select distinct dvid from $log-event where $filter and action='perf-stats')### tbl_log inner join intfstats tbl_intf on tbl_log.dvid = tbl_intf.dvid where $cust_time_filter(timestamp) group by tmstamp, tbl_intf.dvid, intfname) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by dev_intf order by util_in_avg desc, kbps_in_avg desc, kbps_out_avg desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-ha-failure-timeline |
FortiGate HA Failure Timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, count(*) as total_num from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, dtime, devid, coalesce(nullifna(logdesc), msg) as msg_desc from $log where $filter and subtype='ha' and logid_to_int(logid) in (35011, 35012, 35013, 37892, 37893, 37897, 37898, 37901, 37902, 37907, 37908) order by dtime desc)### t group by hodex order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-ha-failure-summary |
FortiGate HA Failure Summary |
event |
select from_dtime(dtime) as time_s, devid, msg_desc from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, dtime, devid, coalesce(nullifna(logdesc), msg) as msg_desc from $log where $filter and subtype='ha' and logid_to_int(logid) in (35011, 35012, 35013, 37892, 37893, 37897, 37898, 37901, 37902, 37907, 37908) order by dtime desc)### t order by time_s desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-env-faults-power |
FortiGate Power Supply Faults |
event |
select from_dtime(dtime) as time_s, devid, coalesce( nullifna(logdesc), msg ) as msg_desc from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid) in (22105, 22107) order by time_s desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-env-faults-fan |
FortiGate Fan Faults |
event |
select from_dtime(dtime) as time_s, devid, coalesce( nullifna(logdesc), msg ) as msg_desc from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)= 22108 order by time_s desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
fgt-env-faults-temperature |
FortiGate Temperatre Too High |
event |
select from_dtime(dtime) as time_s, devid, coalesce( nullifna(logdesc), msg ) as msg_desc from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)= 22109 order by time_s desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Behaviour-Banned-Application |
Bullying Chat Search and Message Logging |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct app, & #039; ') as app_agg, string_agg(distinct from_itime(itime)::text, ' ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(`srcip`), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, app, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, `srcip` from $log where $filter and (lower(app) in ('facebook_post', 'facebook_chat', 'twitter_post', 'youtube_video.access', 'gmail_chat', 'gmail_send.message', 'linkedin_post', 'vimeo_video.access', 'google.search_search.phrase', 'bing.search_search.phrase')) and ($bully_keywords) order by itime desc)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Behaviour-Banned-User |
Bullying Chat Search and Message Logging |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct app, & #039; ') as app_agg, string_agg(distinct from_itime(itime)::text, ' ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(`srcip`), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, app, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, `srcip` from $log where $filter and (lower(app) in ('facebook_post', 'facebook_chat', 'twitter_post', 'youtube_video.access', 'gmail_chat', 'gmail_send.message', 'linkedin_post', 'vimeo_video.access', 'google.search_search.phrase', 'bing.search_search.phrase')) and ($bully_keywords) order by itime desc)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Behaviour-Banned-User-Drilldown |
Bullying Chat Search and Message Logging |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct app, & #039; ') as app_agg, string_agg(distinct from_itime(itime)::text, ' ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(`srcip`), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, app, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, `srcip` from $log where $filter and (lower(app) in ('facebook_post', 'facebook_chat', 'twitter_post', 'youtube_video.access', 'gmail_chat', 'gmail_send.message', 'linkedin_post', 'vimeo_video.access', 'google.search_search.phrase', 'bing.search_search.phrase')) and ($bully_keywords) order by itime desc)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
behaviour-banned |
Bullying Chat Search and Message Logging |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct app, & #039; ') as app_agg, string_agg(distinct from_itime(itime)::text, ' ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(`srcip`), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, app, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, `srcip` from $log where $filter and (lower(app) in ('facebook_post', 'facebook_chat', 'twitter_post', 'youtube_video.access', 'gmail_chat', 'gmail_send.message', 'linkedin_post', 'vimeo_video.access', 'google.search_search.phrase', 'bing.search_search.phrase')) and ($bully_keywords) order by itime desc)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Self-Harm-Behaviour-Banned-User-Pie |
Self-Harm Chat Search and Message Logging |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct app, & #039; ') as app_agg, string_agg(distinct from_itime(itime)::text, ' ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(`srcip`), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, app, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, `srcip` from $log where $filter and (lower(app) in ('facebook_post', 'facebook_chat', 'twitter_post', 'youtube_video.access', 'gmail_chat', 'gmail_send.message', 'linkedin_post', 'vimeo_video.access', 'google.search_search.phrase', 'bing.search_search.phrase')) and ($banned_keywords) order by itime desc)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Self-Harm-Behaviour-Banned-Application-Pie |
Self-Harm Chat Search and Message Logging |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct app, & #039; ') as app_agg, string_agg(distinct from_itime(itime)::text, ' ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(`srcip`), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, app, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, `srcip` from $log where $filter and (lower(app) in ('facebook_post', 'facebook_chat', 'twitter_post', 'youtube_video.access', 'gmail_chat', 'gmail_send.message', 'linkedin_post', 'vimeo_video.access', 'google.search_search.phrase', 'bing.search_search.phrase')) and ($banned_keywords) order by itime desc)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Self-Harm-Behaviour-Banned-User-Bar |
Self-Harm Chat Search and Message Logging |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct app, & #039; ') as app_agg, string_agg(distinct from_itime(itime)::text, ' ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(`srcip`), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, app, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, `srcip` from $log where $filter and (lower(app) in ('facebook_post', 'facebook_chat', 'twitter_post', 'youtube_video.access', 'gmail_chat', 'gmail_send.message', 'linkedin_post', 'vimeo_video.access', 'google.search_search.phrase', 'bing.search_search.phrase')) and ($banned_keywords) order by itime desc)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Self-Harm-Behaviour-Banned-User-Drilldown |
Self-Harm Chat Search and Message Logging |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct app, & #039; ') as app_agg, string_agg(distinct from_itime(itime)::text, ' ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(`srcip`), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, app, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, `srcip` from $log where $filter and (lower(app) in ('facebook_post', 'facebook_chat', 'twitter_post', 'youtube_video.access', 'gmail_chat', 'gmail_send.message', 'linkedin_post', 'vimeo_video.access', 'google.search_search.phrase', 'bing.search_search.phrase')) and ($banned_keywords) order by itime desc)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Self-Harm-behaviour-banned |
Self-Harm Chat Search and Message Logging |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct app, & #039; ') as app_agg, string_agg(distinct from_itime(itime)::text, ' ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(`srcip`), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, app, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, `srcip` from $log where $filter and (lower(app) in ('facebook_post', 'facebook_chat', 'twitter_post', 'youtube_video.access', 'gmail_chat', 'gmail_send.message', 'linkedin_post', 'vimeo_video.access', 'google.search_search.phrase', 'bing.search_search.phrase')) and ($banned_keywords) order by itime desc)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Browsing-Time-per-Social-Media |
Browsing Time vs. Domain |
traffic |
select domain, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime from ###(select domain, f_user, srcip, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from (select app_group_name(app) as app_group, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, srcip, coalesce(nullifna(root_domain(hostname)), ipstr(dstip), NULL) as domain, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by app_group, f_user, hostname, domain, srcip, dstip) t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Social.Media' group by domain, f_user, srcip order by browsetime, bandwidth desc)### t where browsetime is not null group by domain order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Social-Networking-Bar-Graph |
Social Networking Browsing Time |
traffic |
select f_user, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select domain, f_user, srcip, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from (select app_group_name(app) as app_group, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, srcip, coalesce(nullifna(root_domain(hostname)), ipstr(dstip), NULL) as domain, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by app_group, f_user, hostname, domain, srcip, dstip) t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Social.Media' group by domain, f_user, srcip order by browsetime, bandwidth desc)### t where bandwidth>0 group by f_user order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Social-Networking-Durations-Sources-Drilldown |
Top Social Networking Durations from Sources Drilldown |
traffic |
select f_user, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime from ###(select domain, f_user, srcip, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from (select app_group_name(app) as app_group, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, srcip, coalesce(nullifna(root_domain(hostname)), ipstr(dstip), NULL) as domain, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by app_group, f_user, hostname, domain, srcip, dstip) t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Social.Media' group by domain, f_user, srcip order by browsetime, bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and browsetime is not null group by f_user order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Social-Networking-Durations-Domains-Drilldown |
Browsing Time vs. Domain |
traffic |
select domain, ebtr_value( ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, $timespan ) as browsetime from ###(select domain, f_user, srcip, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from (select app_group_name(app) as app_group, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as f_user, srcip, coalesce(nullifna(root_domain(hostname)), ipstr(dstip), NULL) as domain, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by app_group, f_user, hostname, domain, srcip, dstip) t1 inner join app_mdata t2 on lower(t1.app_group)=lower( where app_cat='Social.Media' group by domain, f_user, srcip order by browsetime, bandwidth desc)### t where browsetime is not null group by domain order by browsetime desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Facebook-Posts |
Facebook Posts |
app-ctrl |
select from_itime(itime) as i_time, coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as f_user, srcip, filename from $log where $filter and lower(app)= lower( & #039;Facebook_Post') and filename is not null order by i_time desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Facebook-Chats |
Facebook Chats |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct from_itime(itime): :text, & #039; ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(srcip), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, srcip from $log where $filter and lower(app)=lower('Facebook_Chat') and filename is not null)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Twitter-Posts |
Twitter Posts |
app-ctrl |
select from_itime(itime) as i_time, coalesce( nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`) ) as f_user, srcip, filename from $log where $filter and lower(app)= lower( & #039;Twitter_Post') and filename is not null order by i_time desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
LinkedIn-Posts-and-Comments |
LinkedIn Posts and Comments |
app-ctrl |
select filename, string_agg( distinct from_itime(itime): :text, & #039; ') as itime_agg, string_agg(distinct user_src, ' ') as user_agg, string_agg(distinct `group`, ' ') as group_agg, string_agg(distinct ipstr(srcip), ' ') as srcip_agg, count(*) as requests from ###(select filename, itime, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `group`, srcip from $log where $filter and lower(app)=lower('LinkedIn_Post') and filename is not null)### t group by filename order by requests desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Bandwidth-Summary-by-VWLservice |
Total Bandwidth by SD-WAN Service |
traffic |
select coalesce(vwlname, vwlservice) as rulename, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and ( vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null ) and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by rulename having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Bandwidth-Summary-by-VWLservice-Pie |
Total Bandwidth by SD-WAN Service |
traffic |
select coalesce(vwlname, vwlservice) as rulename, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and ( vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null ) and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by rulename having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Bandwidth-Detail-by-VWLservice |
Total Bandwidth by SD-WAN Service |
traffic |
select coalesce(vwlname, vwlservice) as rulename, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and ( vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null ) and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by rulename having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Bandwidth-Detail-by-VWLservice-Drilldown |
Total Bandwidth by SD-WAN Service |
traffic |
select coalesce(vwlname, vwlservice) as rulename, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and ( vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null ) and ( logflag&1>0 ) group by rulename having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-VWLservice-by-Firewall-Interface |
SD-WAN Service by Firewall and Interface |
traffic |
select devid, srcintf, string_agg( distinct dstintf, & #039;, ') as dstintf, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select devid, srcintf, dstintf, coalesce(vwlname,vwlservice) as rulename, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and (vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null) and (logflag&1>0) group by devid, srcintf, dstintf, rulename)### t where $filter-drilldown group by devid, srcintf order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Health-Check-Changes-Timeline |
SD-WAN Health Check Changes Timeline |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as timescale, sum(num_hcheck) as num_hcheck from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, substring(msg from 'SD-WAN Health Check\\((.*?)\\) ') as hcheck, devid, count(*) as num_hcheck from $log where $filter and logdesc='Virtual WAN Link status' group by timestamp, hcheck, devid order by num_hcheck desc, timestamp desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and hcheck is not null group by timescale order by timescale
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-drilldown-Service-Utilization-Bandwidth |
SD-WAN Service Utilization by Bandwidth |
traffic |
select ( devname || & #039;:' || dstintf) as dev_intf, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from(select dvid, string_agg(distinct dstintf, ', ') as dstintf, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, dvid, dstintf, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null) and app is not null and (logflag&1>0) group by app_group, dvid, dstintf having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by dvid) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by devname, dstintf order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-drilldown-Service-Utilization-by-Sessions |
SD-WAN Service Utilization by Session |
traffic |
select ( devname || & #039;:' || dstintf) as dev_intf, sum(sessions) as sessions from(select dvid, string_agg(distinct dstintf, ', ') as dstintf, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, dvid, dstintf, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null) and app is not null and (logflag&1>0) group by app_group, dvid, dstintf having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by dvid) t1 left join devtable t2 on t1.dvid = t2.dvid group by devname, dstintf order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-drilldown-Bandwidth-Trend |
SD-WAN Bandwidth Trend |
traffic |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as timescale, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, $flex_timestamp as timestamp, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and (vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null) and app is not null and (logflag&1>0) group by app_group, timestamp having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by timescale order by timescale
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Top-Application-VWLservice-Summary-by-Bandwidth |
SD-WAN Top Applications by Bandwidth |
traffic |
select app_group, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, dstintf, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null) and app is not null and (logflag&1>0) group by app_group, dstintf having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by app_group order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Top-Application-over-VWLservice-by-Bandwidth |
SD-WAN Top Applications by Bandwidth |
traffic |
select app_group, sum(sessions) as sessions, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select app_group_name(app) as app_group, dstintf, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (vwlname is not null or vwlservice is not null) and app is not null and (logflag&1>0) group by app_group, dstintf having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t where $filter-drilldown group by app_group order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-fw-Device-Interface-Stat_Bibandwidth-drilldown |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Statistic |
event |
select devid, sum(bibandwidth)/ sum(count) as bibandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and bibandwidth is not null group by devid order by bibandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-fw-Device-Interface-Quality_Bibandwidth-drilldown |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Statistic |
event |
select devid, sum(bibandwidth)/ sum(count) as bibandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and bibandwidth is not null group by devid order by bibandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Bibandwidth-Line |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Bibandwidth Line |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, t1.interface, sum(bibandwidth)/ sum(count) as bibandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t1 inner join (select interface, count(*) as num_intf from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and interface is not null group by interface order by num_intf desc limit 10)t2 on t1.interface=t2.interface group by hodex, t1.interface order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Bibandwidth-Pie |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Statistic |
event |
select devid, interface, sum(bibandwidth)/ sum(count) as bibandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and bibandwidth is not null group by devid, interface order by bibandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Inbandwidth-Line |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Inbandwidth Line |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, t1.interface, sum(inbandwidth)/ sum(count) as inbandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t1 inner join (select interface, count(*) as num_intf from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and interface is not null group by interface order by num_intf desc limit 10)t2 on t1.interface=t2.interface group by hodex, t1.interface order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Inbandwidth-Pie |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Downstream Statistic |
event |
select devid, interface, sum(inbandwidth)/ sum(count) as inbandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and bibandwidth is not null group by devid, interface order by inbandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Outbandwidth-Line |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Outbandwidth Line |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, t1.interface, sum(outbandwidth)/ sum(count) as outbandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t1 inner join (select interface, count(*) as num_intf from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and interface is not null group by interface order by num_intf desc limit 10)t2 on t1.interface=t2.interface group by hodex, t1.interface order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Outbandwidth-Pie |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Upstream Statistic |
event |
select devid, interface, sum(outbandwidth)/ sum(count) as outbandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and bibandwidth is not null group by devid, interface order by outbandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Latency-Line |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Latency Line |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, t1.interface, min(latency) as latency from ( select timestamp, devid, interface, sum(latency)/ sum(count) as latency from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by timestamp, devid, interface) t1 inner join (select interface, count(*) as num_intf from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and interface is not null group by interface order by num_intf desc limit 10)t2 on t1.interface=t2.interface group by hodex, t1.interface order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Jitter-Line |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Jitter Line |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, t1.interface, min(jitter) as jitter from ( select timestamp, devid, interface, sum(jitter)/ sum(count) as jitter from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by timestamp, devid, interface) t1 inner join (select interface, count(*) as num_intf from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and interface is not null group by interface order by num_intf desc limit 10)t2 on t1.interface=t2.interface group by hodex, t1.interface order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Packetloss-Line |
SD-WAN Device-Interface Packetloss Line |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, t1.interface, min(packetloss) as packetloss from ( select timestamp, devid, interface, sum(packetloss)/ sum(count) as packetloss from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by timestamp, devid, interface) t1 inner join (select interface, count(*) as num_intf from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and interface is not null group by interface order by num_intf desc limit 10)t2 on t1.interface=t2.interface group by hodex, t1.interface order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-fw-Device-Stat_by_Bibandwidth |
SD-WAN Device Statistic by Bibandwidth |
event |
select devid, sum(bibandwidth)/ sum(count) as bibandwidth from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and bibandwidth is not null group by devid order by bibandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Latency-Line |
SD-WAN Device Latency Line |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, min(latency) as latency from ( select timestamp, devid, interface, sum(latency)/ sum(count) as latency from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by timestamp, devid, interface) t1 where $filter-drilldown and latency is not null group by hodex, devid order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Jitter-Line |
SD-WAN Device Jitter Line |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, min(jitter) as jitter from ( select timestamp, devid, interface, sum(jitter)/ sum(count) as jitter from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by timestamp, devid, interface) t1 where $filter-drilldown and jitter is not null group by hodex, devid order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Packetloss-Line |
SD-WAN Device Packet Loss Line |
event |
select $flex_timescale(timestamp) as hodex, devid, min(packetloss) as packetloss from ( select timestamp, devid, interface, sum(packetloss)/ sum(count) as packetloss from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by timestamp, devid, interface) t1 where $filter-drilldown and packetloss is not null group by hodex, devid order by hodex
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
sdwan-Device-Interface-Summary-by-Bibandwidth |
SD-WAN Device Interface Summary by Bibandwidth |
event |
select devid, interface, sum(bibandwidth)/ sum(count) as bibandwidth, min(latency) as latency_min, cast( avg(latency_avg) as decimal(18, 2) ) as latency_avg, max(latency_max) as latency_max, min(jitter) as jitter_min, cast( avg(jitter_avg) as decimal(18, 2) ) as jitter_avg, max(jitter_max) as jitter_max, min(packetloss) as packetloss_min, cast( avg(packetloss_avg) as decimal(18, 2) ) as packetloss_avg, max(packetloss_max) as packetloss_max from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, interface, min(latency) as latency, max(latency) as latency_max, avg(latency) as latency_avg, min(jitter) as jitter, max(jitter) as jitter_max, avg(jitter) as jitter_avg, min(packetloss) as packetloss, max(packetloss) as packetloss_max, avg(packetloss) as packetloss_avg, sum(inbandwidth) as inbandwidth, sum(outbandwidth) as outbandwidth, sum(bibandwidth) as bibandwidth, count(*) as count from (select itime, devid, interface, cast((substring(msg,'Latency: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float) as decimal(18,2)) as latency, cast(substring(msg,'jitter: (\\d+\\.?\\d*), ')::float as decimal(18,2)) as jitter, cast(substring(msg,'packet loss: (\\d+\\.?\\d*)%, ') as decimal(18,2)) as packetloss, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'inbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as inbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'outbandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as outbandwidth, (format2bytes(substring(msg,'bibandwidth: (\\d+\\.?\\d*[k,K,M,m,g,G,t,T,p,P,e,E])bps'))) as bibandwidth from $log where $filter and logid_to_int(logid)=22925 and msg is not null) t group by timestamp, devid, interface /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and interface is not null group by devid, interface order by bibandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Web-Sites-by-Bandwidth |
Top web sites by bandwidth usage |
webfilter |
select domain, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(hostname), ipstr(`dstip`)) as domain, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth from $log-traffic where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (countweb>0 or ((logver is null or logver<502000000) and (hostname is not null or utmevent in ('webfilter', 'banned-word', 'web-content', 'command-block', 'script-filter')))) group by domain having sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 order by bandwidth desc)### t group by domain order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-App-Category-by-Session |
Application risk application usage by category |
traffic |
select appcat, sum(sessions) as total_num from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_top_app*/select devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and nullifna(app) is not null group by devid, vd, csf, user_src, appid, app, appcat, apprisk order by sessions desc)base### t where $filter-drilldown and appcat is not null group by appcat order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Region-Name-by-Traffic |
Traffic top destination countries by browsing time |
traffic |
select dstcountry, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###(select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime) as browsetime, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth, sum(traffic_in) as traffic_in, sum(traffic_out) as traffic_out from (select dstcountry, ebtr_agg_flat($browse_time) as browsetime, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and $browse_time is not null group by dstcountry) t group by dstcountry /*SkipSTART*/order by ebtr_value(ebtr_agg_flat(browsetime), null, null) desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown group by dstcountry order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-App-By-Bandwidth-Chart |
Top applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select app_group_name(app) as app_group, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth, sum( coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as traffic_in, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0) ) as traffic_out, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and nullifna(app) is not null group by app_group having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Protocols-By-Traffic |
Top applications by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select service, sum(bandwidth) as bandwidth from ###base(/*tag:rpt_base_t_bndwdth_sess*/select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, devid, vd, csf, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), nullifna(`unauthuser`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, service, count(*) as sessions, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as bandwidth, sum(coalesce(sentbyte, 0)) as traffic_out, sum(coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0)) as traffic_in from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) group by timestamp, devid, vd, csf, user_src, service /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)base### base_query where $filter-drilldown group by service order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Web-Sites-by-Sessions |
Top web sites by session count |
webfilter |
select domain, sum(sessions) as sessions from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(hostname), ipstr(`dstip`)) as domain, count(*) as sessions from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) group by domain order by sessions desc)### t group by domain order by sessions desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Attacks-by-Count |
Threat attacks by severity |
attack |
select attack, sum(attack_count) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, attack, (case when severity in ('critical', 'high') then 1 else 0 end) as high_severity, count(*) as attack_count from $log where $filter and nullifna(attack) is not null group by user_src, attack, high_severity order by attack_count desc)### t where $filter-drilldown and attack is not null group by attack order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-Spams-by-Count |
User drilldown top spam sources |
emailfilter |
select user_src, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `from` as mf_sender, `to` as mf_receiver, action, eventtype, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by timestamp, user_src, mf_sender, mf_receiver, action, eventtype /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and mf_sender is not null group by user_src order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
utm-Top-Virus-Count |
UTM top virus |
virus |
select virus, max(virusid_s) as virusid, ( case when virus like & #039;Riskware%' then 'Spyware' when virus like 'Adware%' then 'Adware' else 'Virus' end) as malware_type, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select virus, virusid_to_str(virusid, eventtype) as virusid_s, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter and (eventtype is null or logver>=502000000) and nullifna(virus) is not null group by virus, virusid_s /*SkipSTART*/order by totalnum desc/*SkipEND*/)### t group by virus, malware_type order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
security-Antivirus-Inspections |
Antivirus Inspections |
virus |
select action, sum(totalnum) as totalnum from ###(select $flex_timestamp as timestamp, coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) as user_src, `from` as mf_sender, `to` as mf_receiver, action, eventtype, count(*) as totalnum from $log where $filter group by timestamp, user_src, mf_sender, mf_receiver, action, eventtype /*SkipSTART*/order by timestamp desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and action is not null group by action order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
Top-DLP-by-Count |
Email DLP Activity Summary |
dlp |
select profile, count(*) as total_num from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and profile is not null group by profile order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-AP-By-Client |
Top access point by client |
traffic |
select ap_srcintf as srcintf, count(distinct srcmac) as totalnum from ###(select coalesce(ap, srcintf) as ap_srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, get_devtype(srcswversion, osname, devtype) as devtype_new, srcmac, count(*) as subtotal from $log where $filter and (logflag&1>0) and (srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null) and srcmac is not null group by ap_srcintf, srcssid, osname, srcswversion, devtype_new, srcmac order by subtotal desc)### t group by srcintf order by totalnum desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-AP-By-Bandwidth |
Top access point by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select coalesce(ap, srcintf) as ap_srcintf, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and ( srcssid is not null or dstssid is not null ) group by ap_srcintf having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
wifi-Top-SSID-By-Bandwidth |
Top SSIDs by bandwidth usage |
traffic |
select srcssid, sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) ) as bandwidth from $log where $filter and ( logflag&1>0 ) and srcssid is not null group by srcssid having sum( coalesce(sentbyte, 0)+ coalesce(rcvdbyte, 0) )> 0 order by bandwidth desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
360-degree-security-Application-Visiblity-and-Control-Summary |
Application Visibolity and Control Summary |
app-ctrl |
select appcat, count(distinct app) as total_num from ###(select appcat, app from $log where $filter and app is not null and appcat is not null group by appcat, app)### t group by appcat order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
360-degree-security-Threats-Detection-and-Prevention-Summary |
Threat Prevention |
app-ctrl |
select threat_name, count(distinct threats) as total_num from ( ###(select cast('Malware & Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as threat_name, app as threats from $log-app-ctrl where $filter and lower(appcat)='botnet' group by app)### union all ###(select cast('Malware & Botnet C&C' as char(32)) as threat_name, virus as threats from $log-virus where $filter and nullifna(virus) is not null group by virus)### union all ###(select cast('Malicious & Phishing Sites' as char(32)) as threat_name, hostname as threats from $log-webfilter where $filter and cat in (26, 61) group by hostname)### union all ###(select cast('Critical & High Intrusion Attacks' as char(32)) as threat_name, attack as threats from $log-attack where $filter and severity in ('critical', 'high') group by attack)###) t group by threat_name order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
360-degree-security-Data-Exfiltration-Detection-and-Prevention-Summary |
Data Exfiltration Summary |
dlp |
select data_loss, count(*) as total_num from ###(select itime, hostname,`from` as sender, `to` as receiver, profile, action, service, subtype, srcip, dstip, severity, filename, direction, filesize, (case when severity='critical' then 'Critical Data Exfiltration' else (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'User Associated Data Loss' else NULL end) end) as data_loss from $log where $filter /*SkipSTART*/order by itime desc/*SkipEND*/)### t where $filter-drilldown and data_loss is not null group by data_loss order by total_num desc
Dataset Name |
Description |
Log Category |
360-degree-security-Endpoint-Protection-Summary |
Endpoint Protection |
fct-traffic |
select blocked_event, count(*) as total_num from ( select ( case utmevent when & #039;antivirus' then 'Malware Deteced and Blocked' when 'appfirewall' then 'Risk Application Blocked' when 'webfilter' then (case when coalesce(nullifna(`user`), ipstr(`srcip`)) is not null then 'Web Sites Violation Blocked' else 'Non User Initiated Web Visits' end) else NULL end) as blocked_event from $log where $filter and utmaction in ('blocked', 'quarantined')) t where blocked_event is not null group by blocked_event order by total_num desc