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Connecting to the FortiAnalyzer-VM

Connecting to the FortiAnalyzer-VM

To connect to the FortiAnalyzer, you need your login credentials and the FortiAnalyzer-VM's public IPv4 address. In a web browser, use the public DNS IPv4 address as the URL: https://<public IPv4 address>. You will log in with the default username admin and the instance OCID as the password to configure your FortiAnalyzer-VM.

  1. Find the public IP address as shown below and copy the OCID.

  2. In a browser, navigate to https://<public_IP_address>. The browser will display a certificate error message, as the default FortiAnalyzer certificate is self-signed and not recognized by browsers. Proceed past the error.
  3. Enter the username admin and paste the OCID into the password field. Log in.

  4. Go to System Settings.

  5. On the Dashboard, click the Upload License button in the License Information widget.
  6. Upload the license file to activate the FortiAnalyzer. The system automatically restarts. After registering a license, Fortinet servers may take 30-45 minutes to fully recognize the new license. When you upload the license (.lic) file to activate the FortiAnalyzer, if you get an error that the license is invalid, wait 30 minutes and try again. You should now be able to see the FortiAnalyzer GUI console.

Connecting to the FortiAnalyzer-VM

To connect to the FortiAnalyzer, you need your login credentials and the FortiAnalyzer-VM's public IPv4 address. In a web browser, use the public DNS IPv4 address as the URL: https://<public IPv4 address>. You will log in with the default username admin and the instance OCID as the password to configure your FortiAnalyzer-VM.

  1. Find the public IP address as shown below and copy the OCID.

  2. In a browser, navigate to https://<public_IP_address>. The browser will display a certificate error message, as the default FortiAnalyzer certificate is self-signed and not recognized by browsers. Proceed past the error.
  3. Enter the username admin and paste the OCID into the password field. Log in.

  4. Go to System Settings.

  5. On the Dashboard, click the Upload License button in the License Information widget.
  6. Upload the license file to activate the FortiAnalyzer. The system automatically restarts. After registering a license, Fortinet servers may take 30-45 minutes to fully recognize the new license. When you upload the license (.lic) file to activate the FortiAnalyzer, if you get an error that the license is invalid, wait 30 minutes and try again. You should now be able to see the FortiAnalyzer GUI console.