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Initialize a log export session

Initialize a log export session

fazbd-log-export init

Initialize the log export session with parameters. This command estimates the size and prepares the metadata for the export, and returns a session ID.

Extra options


{-Y | --auto-complete}

Auto-completes the confirmations.

{-f | --config}

The path of the config file which contains the request in json format.


Interactive mode:

fazbd-log-export init

Pass the config inline:

fazbd-log-export init '{

"adom": "root",

"start_date": "2023-08-10",

"end_date": "2023-08-13",

"device_ids": ["FG100FTK20016262"],

"format": "parquet"


Pass the config file path:

fazbd-log-export init -f /path/to/config/init.json

cat /path/to/config/init.json


"adom": "root",

"start_date": "2023-08-10",

"end_date": "2023-08-13",

"device_ids": ["FG100FTK20016262"],

"format": "csv"


Supported parameters:




"adom" The ADOM name. "root"
"log_type" The log type. "traffic", "event", etc.


The device type.

"fgt", "fmg", etc.


The device IDs.



The start date of the log export session.



The end date of the log export session.



The filter string.



The format of the log files. Supports "csv" or "parquet".


Initialize a log export session

fazbd-log-export init

Initialize the log export session with parameters. This command estimates the size and prepares the metadata for the export, and returns a session ID.

Extra options


{-Y | --auto-complete}

Auto-completes the confirmations.

{-f | --config}

The path of the config file which contains the request in json format.


Interactive mode:

fazbd-log-export init

Pass the config inline:

fazbd-log-export init '{

"adom": "root",

"start_date": "2023-08-10",

"end_date": "2023-08-13",

"device_ids": ["FG100FTK20016262"],

"format": "parquet"


Pass the config file path:

fazbd-log-export init -f /path/to/config/init.json

cat /path/to/config/init.json


"adom": "root",

"start_date": "2023-08-10",

"end_date": "2023-08-13",

"device_ids": ["FG100FTK20016262"],

"format": "csv"


Supported parameters:




"adom" The ADOM name. "root"
"log_type" The log type. "traffic", "event", etc.


The device type.

"fgt", "fmg", etc.


The device IDs.



The start date of the log export session.



The end date of the log export session.



The filter string.



The format of the log files. Supports "csv" or "parquet".
