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New Features

Add government end user option for FortiCare registration 7.2.1

Add government end user option for FortiCare registration 7.2.1

When registering using FortiCare, users can select a Non-government or Government end user type for parity with the registration process using the support portal.

To register as a government end user using FortiCare:
  1. Go to Dashboard > Status.
  2. In the Licenses widget, click FortiCare Support and select Register. The FortiCare Registration pane opens.
  3. Enter your FortiCare Email address and Password.
  4. Select your Country/Region and Reseller.
  5. Set the End-user type to Government.

  6. Click OK.

Add government end user option for FortiCare registration 7.2.1

Add government end user option for FortiCare registration 7.2.1

When registering using FortiCare, users can select a Non-government or Government end user type for parity with the registration process using the support portal.

To register as a government end user using FortiCare:
  1. Go to Dashboard > Status.
  2. In the Licenses widget, click FortiCare Support and select Register. The FortiCare Registration pane opens.
  3. Enter your FortiCare Email address and Password.
  4. Select your Country/Region and Reseller.
  5. Set the End-user type to Government.

  6. Click OK.