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The Marketplace > General page displays a high level overview of your Marketplace account, including recently registered FortiPoints and spending.

Select Register Points if you do not have any FortiPoints registered.

Account Overview

The Account Overview section presents information on your:

Total FortiPoints value The total number of registered FortiPoints.
Total FortiPoints balance The current number of available FortiPoints (Total FortiPoints - Used FortiPoints).
Reserved FortiPoints FortiPoints currently being processed by Fortinet Inc.. These points are not yet available to use. If they are approved, they will be allocated to the Total FortiPoints value. If they are not approved, they will be released and the total value will not changed.
Used FortiPoints The number of FortiPoints that have already been used in the Marketplace.

Recent Points Added

The Recent Points Added section displays the five most recently registered FortiPoints licenses, including the license and SKU number, the points value, and the expiration date. Select the icon in the top right corner of the card to see more information or select one of the tabs from the navigation menu.

For more information on registering FortiPoints, see Spending.

Recent Spending

The Recent Spending section displays the five most recent transactions using FortiPoints. Details included with the spending overview transaction number, description of the service, the FortiPoints spent, and expiration date. Select the icon in the top right corner of the card to see more information or select one of the tabs from the navigation menu.

For more information on purchasing services, see Spending.


The Marketplace > General page displays a high level overview of your Marketplace account, including recently registered FortiPoints and spending.

Select Register Points if you do not have any FortiPoints registered.

Account Overview

The Account Overview section presents information on your:

Total FortiPoints value The total number of registered FortiPoints.
Total FortiPoints balance The current number of available FortiPoints (Total FortiPoints - Used FortiPoints).
Reserved FortiPoints FortiPoints currently being processed by Fortinet Inc.. These points are not yet available to use. If they are approved, they will be allocated to the Total FortiPoints value. If they are not approved, they will be released and the total value will not changed.
Used FortiPoints The number of FortiPoints that have already been used in the Marketplace.

Recent Points Added

The Recent Points Added section displays the five most recently registered FortiPoints licenses, including the license and SKU number, the points value, and the expiration date. Select the icon in the top right corner of the card to see more information or select one of the tabs from the navigation menu.

For more information on registering FortiPoints, see Spending.

Recent Spending

The Recent Spending section displays the five most recent transactions using FortiPoints. Details included with the spending overview transaction number, description of the service, the FortiPoints spent, and expiration date. Select the icon in the top right corner of the card to see more information or select one of the tabs from the navigation menu.

For more information on purchasing services, see Spending.