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ALI-On-Demand image

ALI-On-Demand image

Starting from FortiOS 7.0.0, the FG-VM64-ALIONDEMAND image is no longer provided. Both ALI PAYG and ALI BYOL models will share the same FG-VM64-ALI image for upgrading and new deployments. Remember to back up your configuration before upgrading.

For PAYG models with a 6.2.x build, upgrade to the latest 6.4.x build (6.4.5 or later) using the FGT-VM64-ALIONDEMAND image. Then, upgrade to 7.0.x using the FGT-VM64-ALI image.

ALI-On-Demand image

ALI-On-Demand image

Starting from FortiOS 7.0.0, the FG-VM64-ALIONDEMAND image is no longer provided. Both ALI PAYG and ALI BYOL models will share the same FG-VM64-ALI image for upgrading and new deployments. Remember to back up your configuration before upgrading.

For PAYG models with a 6.2.x build, upgrade to the latest 6.4.x build (6.4.5 or later) using the FGT-VM64-ALIONDEMAND image. Then, upgrade to 7.0.x using the FGT-VM64-ALI image.